Added Blossom Scale graphic. Also rearranging to put more active characters nearer the top. I'll come back and deal with typos another day.
Color Chart wrote:Spokavriel's Color
Raven's Color
Tint'Elen's Color
Cabbit-Kitsune Hyper Blossom! Color
The EMH is not part of the chart because he is not really my character even if I did bring him into Spamville. He is up for adoption if you can do justice to the role.
Cabbit-Kitsune Hyper Blossom!
Nametags used in IRC. Spokavriel before getting altered KitsuCabbit_Spokchan and KitCabtSpokchan Changed it again to KitsC_Spokchan because other versions were too easy to confuse for different chatters when shortened. Blossom will now work too
Smallest Form, And a grouping showing the difference in sizes between Smallest Form, LGF is the same size as Fae Form but I don't have a picture of that yet and my normal form with just a teeny bit of the tail showing.
Smallest form hight 7 inches standing normal 14 standing on hind legs.
Little Girl form 2'9" appears about 3-4 years old ((Think of RyoOhki's form in the OAV's when she was in the dress. Only with orangish fur instead of brown.))
13 year old hight 4'6" not counting ears.
Fae Form was initially a 1 thread form received as "Terra's Blessing"
In there I've responded to Spok Spork Kit and from Stacy S-Chan.
If you want to get technical my IRL name of Daniel would also work since this is for my OOC persona to do and say things without directly involving my characters or hiding in ((OOC Bubbles)). <This hasn't been the case so much recently.
After spending time in the #fukufics chat over at I ended up cursed by |Kiichan| to be a 14yo KitsuneGirl with Cabbit traits. Picked up a little scar on the neck from Stacy that to anyone who would know would see as fang marks.
I figure if my characters are too busy I might pop through the so called 4th wall and do a little peeking arround with myself as this kinda non-character. <This idea completely failed. I'm the Main character now.
Oh and thanks to Stacy for making it so being a KitsuneCabbitgirl isn't a curse.
((This doesn't really belong to the characters but to me it's my design and in this character continuity I'm claiming that Temporal Affairs sent the characters here in it. The Spaceship Tint'Elen As described on one of my earlier forums.
And a little more info on the ship that even the character of Spok doesn't know.))
Well those are the basics any more and well you'll find out in person someday.
Character Name:None Starfleet has her listed as Davison, Raven
Character Race:Enhanced Raven
Character Gender (Primary):Female
Character Gender (Secondary):Female ((curse details after birth form info.))
Birth Form
Look on the sholder in Spok's image.
Physical Description of Character:22 inch tall(When holding her body completely verticle), 4 foot wingspan, her wings have a slight blueish irradescence but are a black dark enough to almost absorb light, 9 years old but her physical maturity (When placed in human terms) is more like that of a teen, Normal Ravens are fully grown up at 3 years and only live to be about 15. Her voice sounds allot like Ami Mizuno.
General Time of Joining the Spamville community:Thu, May 03, 2007 10:41pm GMT
Nervous habbit.
Her lower beak shifts a little to the side giving an impression of somone nibbling on their lower lip.
Commonly used Drow.
Ilharess (Matron),
waeles (idiot),
ji brane' (so annoying),
Yah Usstan daewl Usstan inbalus folbol ulu drital.(God I wish I had something to drink.),
taudl (sorry)
Curse Form
Physical Description of Character:5 feet 2 inches tall(including ears). She appears to be a 14 year old girl with Blue highlighted Black Hair just as dark as her former feathers. She has Cabbit ears and european features but a dusky (Dark as a caucasion can get without a tan) skin tone.
She ended up getting blasted with a 4th I guess curse on top of 3 Jusenkyo ones that made her human then mixxed in Cabbit and finally made her think she's a Japanese school girl. The 4th change was from a "Mahou Shoujo Maker" gun. Raven is from a dimention where there was no Moon Kingdom so the closest space navy in her continuity is Starfleet and she has a Fuku that carries similarities. Front Back A Sigil has appeared that is the symbol for Mars but with 2 rings arround the circle the inner of the rings has a bright dot on it signifying the Moon Phobos.
Phobos Symbol
It's unknown what equipment Raven will aquire but so far she has a bag of holding from Rei that is carrying a few things and her Senshi form has given her a Trek TNG style Tricorder with a light blue casing and the Sigil mentioned earlier on it in metalic bright red on the back.
Character Name:Spokavriel, Spok
Character Race:Caitian <wikipedia link ((This is my first time trying to start out with a non human on a forum.))
Character Gender (Primary):Male
Character Gender (Secondary):Female 8 year old Caitian. Currently also changes size when inconvenient.
Physical Description of Character:Humanoid one head, two arms, two legs and a tail(no it is not prehenstile);
Head shape is a bit off from human having a slightly forword extended catlike nose and jaw not allot but noticable;
Ears are most certainly on top where they should be how anyone can tell where sounds come from with so much head stuck between them. . . .
Canine teeth are slightly larger than say a normal humans but not as not as noticable as Ryoga Hibiki so they tend to be easy to overlooked;
Hair/Fur color could be reffered to as varrying shades of blonde the shorter hair is very bright almost pure yellow while longer hair tends to darken along shades that could be refered to as honey and gold to nearly brown at the darkest;
Blue eyes that have yellows instead of whites and a crescent slit to the Iris;
General Time of Joining the Spamville community: Havn't yet still reviewing Vulcan inteligence reports on the area first. ((Reading what I can of older topics, It's not finished but the characters are now in threads themselves.)) Correction: Sat, May 05, 2007 3:31pm GMT looking for Raven.
Any powers character has:None Just physical abilities. Havn't lived in a cluture with enough belief in Preternatural abilities to explore the posibilities beyond obvious failures in childhood like trying to fly jumping off a bed etc.
Minion Type:None, but I may try to call for backup security from time to time, ((Think of them as TOS redshirts)) if for no other reason than to have enough cannon fodder to escape.
A pet Raven with higher than average inteligence and the ability to communicate may be considered a minnion to some but it's more of a companion.
Faction during the Brotherhood/Sisterhood war: I can't find much information on this perriod of Spamville history It most likely occured before Star Fleet began observations of this planet. Talk of it would seem to indicate the Sisterhood won even if their continued presence is hard to acertain.
General description of character personality: Now here's a tough one because the more I research the more I wonder how I should present myself. I mean it's not like I can say something now and let my changes through research change me so much that this becomes a lie.
I tend to be honest based on my personal knowledge. If there are local laws that conflict with my personal beliefs I ignore them and hope I never get called on it. Outside of an irational hatred of any attempt at bladed Nunchuku ((I've actually lost PC monitors over a friends obsession with the 8-Bit Theater sword chucks. Glass doesn't like blunt object impacts. Although ones with a blade on only one end like wakizashi don't bug me.)) I tend to be easy going.
A bit of backstory.
I'm a Great grandchild of Lt. M'Ress who served on the Starship Enterprise (Quoth Mr Scott "1701 No bloody A, B, C, nor D") and later on the USS Trident. If it wasn't for her time in suspended animation our race may not have been seen in Starfleet beyond the time of the first Enterprise. Mom may know how she got suspended but they never really told me.
Some time after the disappearance of Admiral/Captain Kirk to an energy phenomena, the Kazintis managed to abduct or murder most of the Caitian race. Suprisingly due to fossil evidence the preditory race appears to have been born on our home world of Cait although their time on other worlds predates our ability for stellar travel by more than ten thousand years. Unlike the Vulcan and Romulin question that clearly shows the split in the time of Surak the Caitian/Kazinti split has allot of mysteries with no simple answers.
I grew up on the USS Excalibur NCC-1705-J. Like the Galactically fameous transdimentional Wessley Crusher, I spent almost all my time in Engineering learing all I could about the Technologies that allow our existance in space.
I also became a bit of a history buff studying the Federation as it was back when Starships were in their first generation. (Before replacements with letters appended.) It also didn't hurt to have a living relative from that time.
Because of the intrest in what Great Grandma would call the "Intresting Times" I also looked into all the Golden Technologies of the Era and it's amazing how much space they waste. I've made it my personal goal to reuse as much of their gear as possible redesigned internally to correct for such abuse of available space.
My Raven is another mystery I mean yes She is a Raven and from Earth but a classmate at the Academy I hung out with was obsessed with Neogenics.((I like this term better than the Eugenics of Trek not trying for a Marvel/Spiderman cross in background)) If I had known before hand that He was going to experiment in it I never would have egged him on with all the known history of Kahn Singh. I really should have guessed it from when he went on and on about the life and times of Jullian Bashier. But I'm getting sidetracked.
Davison effectively altered her DNA en-embrio so that she grew up with the ingeligence of a Human but it's done something to her Bio-Chemestry beyond just her increased inteligence and Medical would love to try to examine her and determine the kind of energy she is always exhibiting. I've effectively rescued her and have been protecting her from future examination ever since. I do wish she would stop insisting that she doesn't need or want a name though, it's annoying at times how she says "Being the only one of My kind with inteligence just calling me Raven should be enough. It's not like any others would answer you."
Talking about names given the kind of history I've seen mentioned in the Vulcan reports of the area so far you may get a kick out of how I got mine. My Great Grandmother still has a bit of a crush on her former commanding officer Captain Spock and my Mother always liked going into the Hollodeck to do H-AD&D(Hollo-Advanced Dungeons & Dragons) campaigns. So when I was born they got into a bit of an argument and before they calmed down they had both typed in part of my name But the fighting over the console led to a typo or two because Avariel are the species mom wanted to use for my name and everyone knows Spock isn't missing a c. Dad insisted it be kept because it was unique and to teach them a lesson. I'm just glad grandma wasn't there who knows what would have happened with her expertiece being Xeno-biology.
That's enough about me for now so how about I mention some of my toys. They are custom so I think as long as I don't share the underlying tech I'm not breaking the Prime dirrective.
Tricorder Revised (TOS style appearance)
It has all the standard sensors available in any shuttle craft sensor-aray. There was also space for;
a forcefield generator;
a 40MTQ (Million Terra Quads) Computer core;
a micro Anti-matter reactor (only 90giggawatts);
And a compressed Matter Replicator. It can create objects up to 3 cubic yards but the opening is only the size of the lower bay of the Tricorder.
Best thing about having the replicator is that it includes a pattern buffer so I can even use it to store things in a demolecularlized state. It uses energy but boy does it lighten the load.(max storage capacity about that of 15 camping backpacks or 20 tons whichever comes first)
Next on the Equipment list is my modified Fighting Stave. It's based on traditional fighting staves in that it is 2 metters long half a decimeter in diameter with a hollow core that allowed for small darts and what not to be able to be launched.
It's Carved of Rowan wood that was raised on a high gravity world giving it a measured density of a diamond but not as fragile. Couldn't have even shaped the wood without using laser cutting tools. Weight 250lbs.
I kinda made a modification and reworked the parts that go into a Phaser to fit into that hollow space and it's able to fire a beam up to level 6 disruptive effects. Unfortunately it can't be set for as wide a beam as a typical phaser emmiter settup but the extra energy storage crystals lets me fire beams for a much longer time between recharges.
I'm also proficient at Archery and managed to use the Replicator to make arrow heads that allowed for splitting any shaft from knock to tip. Hard part was practicing to hit the back end of my previous shots.
I have one thing which may be a breach of the PD it's a personal transporter but it wouldn't even work if I didn't have the seccond pattern buffer in the Replicator. The reason for that is you have to have a functioning pattern buffer to transfer to unless the transporter is being left behind.
Think of it this way you have a robot that is designed to take apart and build robots. How can it fully take it's self appart and use it's own parts to rebuild if it only has one of each escential component.