A MGLN and El Hazard crossover idea

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A MGLN and El Hazard crossover idea

Postby PCHeintz72 » Mon Jul 05, 2010 4:55 pm

A MGLN and El Hazard crossover idea.

It even makes some sense, if El Hazard was the source of even some of the Lost Logia, and could be leftovers from the Great War... Ifurita in that respect would not be too different from the knights. Might even be interesting if one or both knew of each other.

Heck, they even reference a 'Al Hazard', so it would not be that big a reach.

Maybe the MGLN crew show when Makoto is picking up Ifurita and they had detected the explosions of Magic (Which I should point out lit up the whole school but yet it was completely intact in the end, not too different in concept from the magic domes erected in battle.)

Alternatively, they could pick up from the start when the school froze except for a few and they reach campus before the transport occurs.

This could take place really at any time, but would probably be best to have Nanoha/Fate around or close to same ages as Motoko/Nanami.

I did not have any particular pairings in mind when thinking this one up.

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Re: A MGLN and El Hazard crossover idea

Postby Spokavriel » Mon Jul 05, 2010 5:48 pm

Well you have some good arguments for the cross but what kind of plot are you looking for? How will it effect characters? Aren't those both things requested to include on the heading for the Ideas board?
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Re: A MGLN and El Hazard crossover idea

Postby PCHeintz72 » Mon Jul 05, 2010 6:08 pm

Spokavriel wrote: Well you have some good arguments for the cross but what kind of plot are you looking for? How will it effect characters? Aren't those both things requested to include on the heading for the Ideas board?

I had thought I included enough, but guess not.

How about this...

Let us assume the MGLN crew or even just Chrono picked up the initial burst from the shool campus and went in to investigate, then was transported either with the rest, or when Makoto and Ifurita return after he comes to pick her up. Or he monitors the passage and follows them through to the other side.

The TSAB tends to assume they are the only ones capable of dealing with Lost logia... and will go after them whether they may have the right to do so or not. Whether you agree with that interpretation or not (I in fact do based on their actions in canon material), let us assume that to be the case.

Discovery and reporting of El Hazard to TSAB headquarters will force them to attempt to come in and claim all this stuff for the protection of all... so they will be going after ancient El Hazard stuff, that includes stuff like the old robot on the grounds, the key to the eye of god, the eye of god itself, the activators of the three great priestesses. And of course Ifurita...

Now... lets see what kind of reaction *that* would create.

Edited for clarity
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Re: A MGLN and El Hazard crossover idea

Postby Spokavriel » Mon Jul 05, 2010 6:24 pm

Depending on what TSAB does what of El Hazard's plot could remain intact? Is this all going to just be an ongoing misunderstanding or will someone be taking a sinister role? Would there be any adventures that get the good guys from both sides of the crossover to work together?
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Re: A MGLN and El Hazard crossover idea

Postby PCHeintz72 » Mon Jul 05, 2010 7:28 pm

Spokavriel wrote: Depending on what TSAB does what of El Hazard's plot could remain intact? Is this all going to just be an ongoing misunderstanding or will someone be taking a sinister role? Would there be any adventures that get the good guys from both sides of the crossover to work together?

Well... there are a few possibilities. But I see the TSAB as the sinister role. I can see two primary ways for possible plot direction to go.

1. If the TSAB or Chrono was ported over during the initial transport, he likely is going to fubar the entire El Hazard timeline, but likely would not be able to stop most of the events in motion. The Phantom tribe would still be gunning for the government takeover. The problem is where would he end up upon transport, as the original 4 did not end up together. Thus Chrono likely could not stop much of any of the inital events, but his interactions with the Rostarians will be key. The TSAB would have a key advantage as the Rostarian and alliance military had been reduced to almost a symbolic rather than active force due to no real activity or warfare. The only bright spot is I would have to wonder whether a magically aware Chrono would be able to see through Phantom Tribe illusions and ask about Gallus.

2. If the TSAB or Chrono ends up following Motoko and Ifurita back after he returns to pick her up by detecting their transport or seeing it, all the mainline OAV events have already occured, including those involving the trigger of destruction under Kali. In that case, Crono and TSAB would be facing a awokened and more battle hardened Rostarian military, and the comradarie that formed among all the priestesses and Makoto. Ifurita would be firmly in Matoko's camp, and would be unlikely to want to submit to what they would see as slavery and a taking away of her newfound rights.

If this occured after the Book of Darkness incident, I do not really see the Knights going along with this unless Hayate did. They may be forced to do so though since they may be in the TSAB under enforced enlistment due to their actions in the BoD incident.

I dislike simple misunderstandings being easily rectified after events are set in motion. And in point, this is not truly a misunderstanding as is set up, but a actual issue of policy.

I can easily see side plots erupting as to the girls (Nanoha/Fate/Hayate) wrestling with the morality, as they did not grow up indoctrinated in Mid Childa morals (Hayate and Nanoha earth morals, Fate her biological mothers morals). It could litterally rip the TSAB apart from the inside. Potentially, I can see them siding with the Rostarians against TSAB actions. Remember, Hayate at least has been a victim once with bad morals from Mid Childa society. Graham for all intents and purposes deliberatly plotted to set her up so he could cause her to go insane and then kill her. Only the intervention of Fate and Nanoha saved her. Sure, he supposedly was 'punished', though enforced retirement to a posh isolated home on Earth is not what I consider proper for all that he did. He certainly did not seem to regret his actions.
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Re: A MGLN and El Hazard crossover idea

Postby Spokavriel » Mon Jul 05, 2010 8:09 pm

How about giving him a bit of dimensional scanning equipment and making it so the TSAB equipment detects this dimension that would normally not have been noticed just to give another reason to give him a more fitting punishment after it is found out?
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Re: A MGLN and El Hazard crossover idea

Postby PCHeintz72 » Mon Jul 05, 2010 9:23 pm

Spokavriel wrote: How about giving him a bit of dimensional scanning equipment and making it so the TSAB equipment detects this dimension that would normally not have been noticed just to give another reason to give him a more fitting punishment after it is found out?

I'm not sure what you mean exactly... Give Chrono dimension scanning? The TSAB has it, otherwise they would never be able to go between dimensions like they do. Likewise, the Knights do as well and can travel them. All shown in canon materials already.

Why would anyone in El Hazard care how he got there or found them... they would only care what he would want to do while there.

On the other hand, Makoto would be interested if only so he could get back to Ifurita and the others back home if this is where Chorono is brought along initially. Though it is not exactly like they would be in a relationship to ask.
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Re: A MGLN and El Hazard crossover idea

Postby Spokavriel » Mon Jul 05, 2010 9:51 pm

::Groan:: the posting ate a word. I know I typed Dimension Scanning Interference Equipment. interference disappeared.

Edit: I know that caused more confusion but to try to clear it up I was trying to suggest that Graham has the interference equipment. That way he would be at fault for something at the end of this and you could give him a more fitting punishment.
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