Divine Child of the Inferno

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Divine Child of the Inferno

Postby Spokavriel » Fri Apr 17, 2009 7:37 am

Divine Child of the Inferno

A Ranma, Sailor Moon, Ah! My Goddess! cross idea.

Safron gets reborn as Ranma-chan's Son. I'm just going to say this is AU because I don't know if I will keep anyone IC enough to satisfy some purists.

The end of the Battle with Saffron appears to go the same way it does in the Canon Manga except Safron doesn't hatch. Saffron's life made him stray from the Divine path and almost turned him into a Demon. It left it's mark on him. Had he killed Ranma he would have been a Second Class Unlimited Demon under Hild. So, to nearly every Demon hunter in Tokyo, his presence until his redemption is seen as just another Demon attack.

In this Fic Saffron was a God of Fire and Rebirth, Third Class, Limited. But as the Kami of an Element his existence lends power to that element. His Rebirth, strange as it may sound, is a threat to Crystal Tokyo because of that. For the Great Freeze to occur Saffron must die in his punishment and education as a mortal. While that makes the Senshi out to be the bad guys, in the initial Time Line they weren't the ones to kill him, and Pluto never did find out the cause for the ice.

What Pluto saw as the two majority groups of the Future were Armageddon Vs Crystal Tokyo. She missed the point of divergence or the fact that Saffron was the unbalancing element that causes Armageddon in those time lines. What she saw is the world may have problems including Armageddon popping up in some time lines around the same time Crystal Tokyo would be founded.

Sadly that has caused Pluto to think the world has the options of dieing in conflict or Crystal Tokyo without even noticing how much healthier the world is in the Non-Crystal Tokyo time lines. Or seeing that most of those conflict time lines were missing the Key Event of Ranma defeating Saffron at Mt Phoenix.

The Destruction of Saffron (True Death not the usual one he can be reborn from) causes all Fire element energies in the world to diminish. Meaning you can still be burnt by putting your hand in a fire but it takes twice as long. The true cause of the Great freeze happens along those lines. The Magma of the world remains just as fluid but with the loss of power in fire it just isn't as hot anymore and can't keep the surface from freezing at night. Electricity isn't as potent and generating it takes 4 fold more resources than it use to so that it ends up with the same results.

Ranma isn't locked after the battle or anything and in this fic Pregnant curse victims can go a little while changing before they lock. In the Failed Wedding Ranma gets bruises on his face that one week later, when she locks, resolve into cartoon 2 tip candle flame shape Goddess markings. About the same time that happens morning sickness kicks in. She is granted Saffron's License of Third Class Limited But because of her life she has 3 domains. Saffron's 2 along with Balance. Be it literally the balance needed in Martial Arts or spiritual balance of Yin and Yang. The greater her personal balance is the stronger her Divine powers can manifest. Like the Terminator plot at first Ranma will be seen as the Threat to Crystal Tokyo because of the child she will bear.

These ideas are always clearer before I fully wake up. I actually watched about a Ranma Episode worth of time from this plot in my minds eye before getting up this morning and I just can't seem to get my mind to slow down enough to type it out.

Beldandy with Holy Bell were sent to the Phoenix to explain to them why Saffron isn't reborn from his egg before their worries of their god being stillborn after his battle drive them to a reckless war against his killer. Strangely enough if that hadn't been averted they would have killed Mortal Saffron, before birth, themselves. It's not an easy explanation but in the end Kima is made to take the role of Leadership for the Phoenix so that the Council who created Saffrons dark path to demonhood no longer have authority and maybe their people can grow while they are without their god.

In the Aftermath of the Failed Wedding. After Kasumi finally manages to pry herself out of her crying and frightened fathers arms, he feared that the battle in the dojo on so many fronts would take the life of his "Little Girl" and clung onto her as if his own life depended on it. She finds Ranma battered and bruised up on the roof. It takes a bit for them to work through what happened in the day but by the end it's made clear that at least Kasumi didn't abandon him to that wreckage. Akane stormed off to her room traumatized thinking that this would happen again if she ever tries to be with Ranma and it's too much for her. Nabiki is unconscious having been caught in the wind from one of the explosives and knocked out. She doesn't even know the extent of the damages her little profit scheme created. Nodoka made Genma bring Nabiki to her room and then dragged him home for a long talk to find out just why so many girls (Some she remembers from wrecking her house before) appear to have claim on her son. Mistresses are one thing Jealous and Dangerous Rivals that could claim Blood Feud for dishonor are another.

This all boils down to my idea that Ranma may not have broken him but she did end Saffron's life and seeing that he's Honorable enough to help prevent a dark destiny for the god of the Phoenix people the responsibility to bring him up right falls to her. Not that Hell is likely to give up on such a promising near success to their own sides power.

I was reading Ah! My Ranma 1/2! before I went to bed and woke up with this idea. Sadly some of the other details for it have already disappeared because of my waking up. Any suggestions for how it could go or some resources Hell might contribute to the mix could be helpful.
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Postby Dumbledork » Fri Apr 17, 2009 11:57 am

Well, I really like this idea. Ranma giving birth to a being important for the future reminds me a bit of Trugeta's 'Chaotic Rebirth' (I hope he'll update that fic one day).
And that's the bottom line 'cause Dumbledork said so.

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Postby Spokavriel » Fri Apr 17, 2009 1:19 pm

One of the things I didn't include is that even though Ranma would be carrying on the License Neither She nor Saffron would be immortal in the fic. It would make it too easy for them to survive.

I'm kinda waiting for more chapters on Chaotic Rebirth too. Unless I'm confused on which fic is which. I mean they have this hidden Lunarian base fully functional and the Senshi just broke in. Heck Ryouga hasn't even gotten to try out that anubis form yet. It was fun how the city decided correctly that Ranma would be the Serenity of the current era being direct descent and all on top of being the mother of the reincarnation.

I think one of the main stumbling points my concept has so far is that it's a passive threat to Crystal Tokyo. Beyond the Demonic taint on Saffron to draw in Demon Hunters and attempts by Hell to keep him from being redeemed which I'm not even certain how to really work out.

I mean think about this. Saffron will be growing up as a Human child and Hell wouldn't be trying to kill him if they want him for their side. What could they do to influence a child?
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Postby pspinler » Fri Apr 17, 2009 2:42 pm

Uh, okay idea I guess, but what does having a pregnant Ranma-chan add? Would this not work equally well as a Ranma-kun + another girl as mother?

I ask because it seems like many Ranma-chan fics don't have a solid cause for Ranma to be locked as female, and that's rather turned me off to the genre.

-- Pat
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Postby Spokavriel » Fri Apr 17, 2009 2:49 pm

Well for starters it's only a lock during pregnancy. The two reasons for Ranma to be the one to get pregnant is because she was in Saffron's flames at the time his essence was reforming for the rebirth and the full time girls available weren't exactly as good choices,
When it comes to;
Personal honor.
Strength of will.
Ability to protect Saffron after rebirth.
Purity of intentions.

Really it comes down to Ranma having the best chance, out of all those within range of Saffron's aura when he died, to get Saffron back onto a less tainted path in life.

Edit: I think I should expand a bit on why it isn't a good thing for any of the other girls in the area to get pregnant. Although it doesn't count out a divine intervention forcing them to raise the egg I'd rather not go that way. For starters Saffron hatching from the egg wouldn't end up living a mortal childhood and that's one of the main things I want to have happen in this.

Saffron can't be born of a Tendo because if he were the assumption would be that Ranma got her pregnant and it would just make the entire Fiancee mess worse.

If Shampoo got pregnant the blame may or not be similarly placed but then there's the Amazon society Laws on top of how Males are treated. There's a good chance that her as a Mother could be worse than his past upbringing. Especially after memories come back when he gets to be either teen or adult.

If he was born of a Phoenix woman he would end up in the care of the same advisers who's teachings lead to his current predicament.

So between the Pros the Cons and other creative license aspects Ranma has a reason to see the responsibility for caring for Saffron especially if she carries him to term and gives birth in addition to being better equipped and slightly fewer consequences for the whole thing.
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Postby pspinler » Fri Apr 17, 2009 9:40 pm

This sounds like an unwilling and forced impregnation, then. I had the impression from your first post that things were more along the line of a simple reincarnation.

Well, if that's your story, go with it, I guess. However, I personally find the idea rather off-putting. Apologies.

-- Pat
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Postby Spokavriel » Fri Apr 17, 2009 11:17 pm

Yeah I know the whole immaculate conception thing is a bit heavy handed. But at least it isn't a Rape situation. Not that its much better on some aspects. It's just that if they are ordered to take care of the egg the Divine intervention in the whole situation comes to light too soon and I'd like to have the confusion over how and the emotional situations from the unknown to work with.

I was thinking that Cologne would be the only one to identify the Goddess markings and have that lead to them discovering the truth behind the situation through Miko or maybe even going as far as running across the Nourns Temple. I know it's a harsh way to go about it but I think the turmoil that would be created by the pregnancy and Nodoka's handling of Genma may help create other ways to handle the Engagements. It's just I haven't written a fic and I'm not really sure I'll be able to write this one.

Without the Immaculate conception path to reincarnation though I don't think I can really have the situation work how I saw it in the dreams.
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Postby Spokavriel » Wed Apr 22, 2009 4:56 pm

I guess I should add a bit more to the info on this.

The story would have at least 3 segments the first being the Pregnancy and infancy of Saffron and the troubles during that.

Then there would be Early School time when Saffron gets to go to normal school and the first real opportunity for hell to have a hand in things comes up.

And the third segment would be when Saffron is finally old enough for Middle School. Being born mortal there's no early assention this time around.

The reason the Goddess Markings look like cartoon flames when Ranma is a Kami of Balance is because of how unbalanced to the Male side Ranma is. What would have been the Female part of the YinYang is bent and deformed to the shape of the male side but not quite matching. It will slowly reform into a true yinyang form as Ranma gets more balanced.
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Postby Spokavriel » Tue Apr 28, 2009 8:01 pm

I was thinking about this a bit more. Instead of it being some devine plan to make Ranma pregnant would it work better if Saffron's spirit went into Ranma-chan to be reborn by mistake and Kami-sama just decides it's a good idea?

Look at it this way Saffron was fighting a Mortal. So what if Saffron assumed the strongest energy in the area would be his egg preparing to rebirth him into the world.

It would still have all the explanations needed same as before but it also leaves a possibility for making this mess something that has to sort it's self out without say hurting the doublet system ;)
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