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Name That Alien

PostPosted: Tue Jun 16, 2020 2:29 pm
by toushin
In the One Shot Ranma 10 ½ Ten-Faced Paladin what alien is Seductress supposed to be.

Re: Name That Alien

PostPosted: Wed Jun 17, 2020 8:51 am
by Spica75
toushin wrote:In the One Shot Ranma 10 ½ Ten-Faced Paladin what alien is Seductress supposed to be.

I have no idea what story you're talking about, link please!
There's an author named "Ten-Faced Paladin" on FFN and there's a story called "Dreams of a Ten-Faced Paladin" but i can find nothing that fits your description.

Re: Name That Alien

PostPosted: Wed Jun 17, 2020 1:21 pm
by toushin

Re: Name That Alien

PostPosted: Wed Jun 17, 2020 2:09 pm
by Spica75
Hmm, violet skin, black eyes, batwings and fangs and the ability to "eat" electricity...

That last part definitely reminds me of something but i can't place it right now.

Anyway, i suggest you go through the list here: ... own_Aliens
Since that's apparently where the crossover is from. Since it's mostly very "cartoony" it's kinda hard to determine how well it fits the description.
Worst case, it's completely made up just for fun.

Re: Name That Alien

PostPosted: Tue Jun 23, 2020 9:18 am
by toushin
I enjoyed the story and wished it was continued I might even watch ben 10. is it any good it seems to be very popular I haven’t seen it yet know a lot just because of pop culture.

Are there any Japanese Plumbers as Ryoga is the most likely to take to take on Kevin Levin. Nanafushi from the series Area D was a soldier so if there isn’t a Civil Engineer could be pulled and just have Ryoga meet a random soldier while lost who teaches him matter absorption.

I think the sister could manipulate probability and became a superhero would that go to Akane one of the other fiancée’s, Nabiki, Kasumi

what about Mousse and Kuno, ect

Also does anybody have a better name then Alien Fist Ranma would obviously pull a Xin Yi Liu He Quan nd develop alien martial arts forms to overcome the weakness of the Omnitrix but that is all I can think of.