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Re: Pronouns and Ranma

PostPosted: Fri Mar 12, 2010 4:56 pm
by Crescent Pulsar R
*Shakes head* Yes, it is one of the ways. I've illustrated that it works for all of them, whether it's you, them, past or present. I can't be any clearer than I already have been, so... Not that it matters, if you're going to ignore the thread. Ah, well.

On another note: it seems like a lot of people determine the pronoun according to which body Ranma's using at the time. I wish I could be that decisive. ;/

Re: Pronouns and Ranma

PostPosted: Sat Mar 13, 2010 5:24 pm
by WG_Writer
It depends on the situation mostly, I usually refer to the current body, but will alter that depending on the situation such as Ranma is female and not in the room and someone like Akane refers to him as he, thus it becomes heavily impacted by how the speaker sees him. Also if Ranma is monologuing internally I have seen and done odd ones where he alternates both depending on body and mood.

Thus I summon the demon of the mighty "meh" to smite your question.

Re: Pronouns and Ranma

PostPosted: Sat Mar 13, 2010 5:34 pm
by Crescent Pulsar R
Eh? What's this about smiting? Sounds like I have another person who doesn't quite understand the question... ;/ (You're not a character, unless you're self-inserted. This must be the result of our failing school system! @_@)

Re: Pronouns and Ranma

PostPosted: Sat May 29, 2010 9:59 pm
by BonusPoints
I go with 'at the time based on body'. In thought and speech, anything goes, but anywhere else I find things are much simpler with current-body based pronouns. Doing otherwise in fan fiction gives me real trouble visualizing scenes, as the pronouns are something I use as a cue for what I'm actually seeing when sex-specific descriptions aren't being near-constantly fed into the text.

In settings where a person's physical sex (and appearance) doesn't change quite so easily, definitely based on gender identity. In the case of Ranma 1/2 it has to be body at the time.

Re: Pronouns and Ranma

PostPosted: Tue Aug 17, 2010 12:19 pm
by Cheb
For me, it's completely dependent on the POV. When I tell a strory (the author's POV) I use pronouns according the current body he's in.
When I write thoughts or speech of a specific character, it depends on how that character sees Ranma (obviously, always male in the cases of Ranma himself and Akane). Many of the Senshi could think of Ranko as a "she" despite knowing the truth.
When I write Ranma's speech, he always uses male speech patterns only reverting to female when he tries to disguise himself as a woman -- just the way it is in the Japanese original. English doesn't support this, though, so this little detail is always lost in translation.