Primary CharacterCharacter Name: Lord Aries Greymon. I've answered to Aeris on several occasions, though I'm fairly sure those were merely mis-pronounciations
Race: Mostly-Human hybrid. Human 58%, Cat 12%, Dragon 10% - 15%, Fairy 10% - 15%. Draconic genes dominant in male form, Fairy in female.
Age: 29 Terran years.
Character Gender (Primary): Male, changes gender during sneezes.
Character Gender (Secondary): Female, changes gender during sneezes.
Eyes: Gunmetal Gray.
Height: 5' 11" when male {For those that don't know the symbols, that's 5 feet 11 inches. about average for an American male.} 5' 6" when Female
Weight:253 lbs. {Pounds} when Male.
194 lbs. when Female
Build: Average in Both Forms
Hair Color & length: ###### with
###### bands, approximately shoulder length.
Distinguishing Features: Multiple, subdivided below for ease of reference.
Scars: Vertical Scar through Right Eye. {Iris, pupil, white, all of it} Causes red discoloration of scarred area. Mild Impairment, as Iris contracts and expands sluggishly, resulting in slightly "off" depth perception.
Partial Fur: Aries' upper arms and Upper legs are fur covered, even when female. Coloration is semi variable based on gender. Male= black female = red.
Partial Scales: Aries' face and lower legs are partially scale covered, with the largest scales on the face. coloration is a marbled dark blue, with streaks of dark orange
Cat-boy: triangular Cat ears above and behind temples (no human ears), an approximately 3 foot long gray furred tail, and retractable claws in fingertips.
Semi-Retractable wings:Abnormal Appendages:Variable Format Right Arm: due to a slight accident in controlling his DIM-Jump powers, Aries wound up with his right arm occupying the entirety of an alternate dimension.
Aries built a temporary replacement, and learned how to recover his "real" arm. The mechanical arm has built in twin repeating blasters, and a plasma cannon. With a force-of-will, Aries can shift his arm from "real" to replacement, and back again.
Abnormal Abilities: Multiple, subdivided below for ease of reference.
Radioactive Fire: All of Aries' Fire Based Spells are tainted with Radiation.
Immune to Radiation: EX: Aries can live on a slab of weapons-grade Uranium and suffer no ill effects, whereas other life wandering nearby dies. Standing in a fire will kill him, but being shot with any manner of laser won't. (Exception: the laser shot causes secondary effects which could kill, like exploding his jetpack)
Inter-Dimensional Jump: performing a backflip in midair causes Aries to jump into another dimension, and often causes partial amnesia. Leaving one of these jumps usually resembles portal travel, and is highly energetic.
Fault-travel: Aries can "fall" through cracks in surfaces, and out of any other crack. the entry and destination actually being connected simply makes the transit easier, thus a better landing.
Known Spells: Fireball, Flame Wave, Nuclear FireStorm, IceWall, Blast Wind, Light, Summon Furniture, Summon/Create - Tiberium, many versions of Summon Creature - Metroid.
Specialization{s}: Generic Fighter, Tinkerer. Wanderer.
Magical Affinities {in order of strong to weak}: Radiation, Fire, Wind, Light
Armor: None at the moment.
Weapons: Longsword. Blaster Rifle. Hand Grenades. Crossbow with Explosive Bolts.
Other Equipment: Multiple, subdivided below for ease of reference.
A battered copy of The Spamville Survival Guide
Several bags of holding
A Jetpack: Sufficient thrust to lift One-Half ton. Duration of approximately 37 minutes
Multiple grenades
A handheld multi-dimensional Scanner/tricorder
A set of Reading glasses with an integrated GPS/Compass in the nosebridge
A VF-1J Valkyrie, with FAST Pack components and additional parts from a VEFR-1
Locations owned: A section of Space in the L5 lagrange point of sufficient volume to house One Death-Star Mark 1 plus a 20 kilometer exclusion zone around said Death-Star. Space-Station currently missing, assumed destroyed.
A Street-Corner Automobile Repair-shop, currently missing, location occupied by a Slip-Space portal
A 12 acre field containing a cliffside Base, and a 6 acre field containing a hillside MissileBase
Brief Background:The shadow Emperor of a Large Trans-Dimensional Empire, based on Jupiter's Moon Io in his home Dimension. Currently in Spamville for an undisclosed reason, though rumors occasionally indicate that he's recovering from a psychotic break.
Secondary Character(s)Character Name: Lilliandra AKA Robo-Girl-Aries
Character Race: Synthoid
Character Gender: Female Humanoid Frame with Female Humanoid Mind-State and Male Humanoid Memory-State
Physical Description of Character: Think something like Klan Klein in Macross Frontier, or
ThunderBlast for overall look in Mechagirl form
Height: Approximately 6' 9"
Weight: 3-eighths of 21.5 tons, divided by 10
Eye Color(s): Hazel
Hair Color(s): Azure
#007FFF with Cyan highlights
#00FFFFDistinct Markings: The following markings can be found running down the outside of both legs, across the upper surface of the left wing, and on the under surface of the right wing:
GHI Flight-13889
CID 1864-HM-RVF25
General Time of Joining the Spamville community: Not Applicable / Character Generated Within Spamville
Any powers character has: Multiple, powers subdivided below.
Innate Abilities:Unassisted Flight: max altitude of 5,683 feet.
Limited RADAR envelope: max range currently unknown, exceeded 1.2 miles.
Infra/Ultra-vision: sees full standard Human color spectrum, along with Infra-Red and Ultra-Violet.
Partial Shape-Shift: Can Shape-shift portions of her body [lower arms, upper legs, head] into (and back from) alternate mechanical forms.
Known Spells: None
Weaponry: None
Armor: Integral 1/16th inch Beryllium/Carbon alloy plating. Multiple unidentified compunds/elements are allso present.
Minion Type: No current Minions associated with Lilliandra
Faction during the Brotherhood/Sisterhood war: Not Applicable. Lilliandra was not present as a living entity for that conflict.
General description of character personality: Clinical, introverted, and brusque.
at her best, Lilliandra is nearly as outgoing as Aries on his worst days.
at her worst she is all but indistingushable from a passive-aggressive Protocol Droid™.
EDIT LeGrande: Okay, I've gone and added Lilliandra to my newly placed Secondary Character list, and have saved that to a file.
Allso, I spent 3 hours working up her character profile and doing research to get it about-half-right. allso learned that Beryllium is toxic to humans. Good thing she's not human, ey?
OTHER GRAND EDIT: I've re-organized Aries a little, and finally written down some other distinguishing features I'd partially forgotten about.