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Hola, como estas and buenos dias

PostPosted: Fri Dec 23, 2016 1:07 pm
by TattooTheDL
The name is obvious, and a reference to a character in a fic that I've been drafting/brainstorming for years. (haven't had the guts to throw it online anywhere yet)

I have written a few fanfics here and there, though I've had a love affair with the Ranma 1/2 series for awhile now and lots of my potential fic ideas (I.E. daydreams) revolve around that series.

One of the fics I've written is "Reformations" which is a crossover with Ranma 1/2 and Teen Titans.

Brief summary: Blackfire escapes from prison and somehow winds up in China about a month after Ranma and Genma have their little accident at Jusenkyo. And by the time the three of them arrive at the Tendo Dojo, she and Ranma have gotten 'closer' (bow-chicka-bow-wow) and she's acting as a spirit animal* for Ranma regarding social awareness, among other things.

*Spirit animal by way of Barret from Final Fantasy 7 Machinima Abridged.
Barret: <to Cloud> "Think of me as your spirit animal! Offering you guidance and wisdom! Go ahead, ask me what to do."
Cloud: <sarcastic/deadpan> "Spirit animal, what should I do-"
Barret: "Don't fuck up!"

Re: Hola, como estas and buenos dias

PostPosted: Fri Dec 23, 2016 2:02 pm
by Neko-
Well, welcome stranger. Roam the forums and post for some fun/inspiration/just cause.

Be aware that Spamville requires leaving your sanity at the door, lest it be stolen. And I hear sanities go for good prices on the Black Mage Market. :)

Re: Hola, como estas and buenos dias

PostPosted: Sat Dec 24, 2016 12:13 am
by Sunshine Temple
Hi! Welcome to the forum hope you have fun.

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