The Good, the Bad & the Ugly; anyone interested?

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The Good, the Bad & the Ugly; anyone interested?

Postby SpaceKnight of Chaos » Fri Jan 22, 2016 9:36 pm

Way back on the old site, there was a series of topics that attempted to list the good, bad, and ugly actions various Ranma characters had canonically performed. The first came into existence in regards Akane of the manga, and was down by the Reverend Acey, but I also partook by offering my own attempts at doing similar lists for all of the anime versions of the fiancees and even for Ryoga and Mousse, I think.

Now, I've gotten older and wiser, so I was interested in digging up and potentially reevaluating the various lists again. I'm going to be doing it for myself anyway, on shiny new Google Sheets so I can do stuff like tally up the results more easily, but I was wondering if anyone would be interested in my posting the resultant sheets here for reference, or just casual perusal?
Water, water, everywhere, and all was cursed and black!
Drowned ones cast bad spell and out come pig, girl, duck, panda!
Swirl, swirl, slithery pond, and join with magic spring!
Swirl, swirl, dirty pond, and rid the cursed sting!
Here my prayer, I beg you please!
Now turn these curses BACK!
SpaceKnight of Chaos
Prism Power Senshi
Posts: 2561

Re: The Good, the Bad & the Ugly; anyone interested?

Postby PCHeintz72 » Fri Jan 22, 2016 10:29 pm

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Re: The Good, the Bad & the Ugly; anyone interested?

Postby SpaceKnight of Chaos » Fri Jan 22, 2016 10:58 pm

Yes. Since folks generally don't go digging around in the ROH stuff and there's various things I intend to reevaluate now that I'm older and wiser - for example, I've given Shampoo a lot harsher rating for her season 1 appearances this time around - I figured it'd be worthwhile to see if others would be interested in seeking the mark 2 variants.

Don't know if you meant to link to my version of the Akane GBU or not, but here's the original Acey-done one. Though I'm still a harsher critiquer than Acey, I've matured since I wrote that one, and so I'll probably be fairer than I was.

Water, water, everywhere, and all was cursed and black!
Drowned ones cast bad spell and out come pig, girl, duck, panda!
Swirl, swirl, slithery pond, and join with magic spring!
Swirl, swirl, dirty pond, and rid the cursed sting!
Here my prayer, I beg you please!
Now turn these curses BACK!
SpaceKnight of Chaos
Prism Power Senshi
Posts: 2561

Re: The Good, the Bad & the Ugly; anyone interested?

Postby gsteemso » Mon Feb 15, 2016 5:05 pm

I vaguely remember those! I found them quite interesting, though as I write based on the manga and they were mostly based on the anime, they were of limited utility to me. By all means, please share your results!
The world’s only gsteemso
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Re: The Good, the Bad & the Ugly; anyone interested?

Postby SpaceKnight of Chaos » Tue Jan 21, 2020 11:50 pm

Sheesh, I'd forgotten all about this... so much stuff to do, so little time. Trying to get back into fanficcing, Let's Reading for D&D 4e, so much... I'll try to get these spreadsheets up, but I can't say when it'll happen. Any preferences for which I focus on doing first? And maybe I should include anime & manga versions side-by-side?
Water, water, everywhere, and all was cursed and black!
Drowned ones cast bad spell and out come pig, girl, duck, panda!
Swirl, swirl, slithery pond, and join with magic spring!
Swirl, swirl, dirty pond, and rid the cursed sting!
Here my prayer, I beg you please!
Now turn these curses BACK!
SpaceKnight of Chaos
Prism Power Senshi
Posts: 2561

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