If you're a writer of fan-fiction, sometimes you have to deal with the dissonance(s) of a series' canon, but it's usually a simple matter of choosing between mediums (anime, manga, video game, et cetera). At other times, you might notice inconsistencies within one of the mediums itself, which might not be so easy to write off (pun intended).
Lately, I've been finding it more difficult to reconcile the Ranma at the beginning of the (manga) series with the one characterized later on. I was wondering if anyone else was feeling like that. Since it's been a recurring issue when I'm writing fan-fiction, I thought it wouldn't hurt to bring it up here. I kind of wish the differences were as bad/extensive as the ones for -- say -- Belldandy, then it wouldn't be so hard to separate one set of traits with the other. ;/