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Crossover w/Urusei Yatsura where Ranma plays tag

PostPosted: Fri Mar 15, 2024 10:24 pm
by slickrcbd
I'm looking for a short story that crossed two of Rumiko Taskahashi's works, Ranma 1/2 and Urusei Yatsura.
In it Ranma was selected for the game of tag instead of Ataru Moroboshi.
Ranma wins, without using Ataru's tactic.

However, afterwards it is revealed that if he had lost the Oni would have uplifted Earth similar to a client race in the Uplift series in order to be able to supply the tribute they would have wanted. The governments would have been left more or less intact as long as they paid Tribute. I believe the Uplift would have solved poverty and world hunger.

Afterwards a lot of people were resentful of Ranma for winning because now humanity is stuck as a primitive race and vulnerable to an invasion since they are allied with and beholden to nobody. Not to mention it would have solved scarcity as far poverty and hunger was concerned.

I'm not positive about exactly what the benefits would have been, just that people were upset when they found out they would have been Uplifted.

Re: Crossover w/Urusei Yatsura where Ranma plays tag

PostPosted: Wed Mar 20, 2024 2:37 pm
by Té Rowan
I do recall the story, though I'm yet to find a reference to it.