Any stories where Akane gets therapy?

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Any stories where Akane gets therapy?

Postby slickrcbd » Thu Aug 31, 2023 8:38 pm

I'm just wondering, are there any stories besides "Couch Trips" by Sarge4 where Akane Tendo gets some kind of therapy?

Heck, the only other fic I can think of with somebody getting treatment was "To Tell a Hawk from a Handsaw" by N. Reynolds
Where Ranma fakes being insane and winds up in a mental institution even though the person who puts him there knows he's faking, but he winds up getting some much needed therapy anyways as he still needed it even if he wasn't committed level crazy.

Yes, I've seen off-screen mentions of a Kuno or three being committed, but that was always about it, they get committed and are out of the story. Although I think I vaguely recall one where Tatewaki tries to rape Ranma in girl form, gets committed, and Ranma does talk to Tatewaki's psychologist or psychiatrist and demonstrates the curse, saying he wants Kuno actually helped and to do that the Dr. needs to know the truth about Ranma. I just can't recall what fic that was.
Chibi Sailor Senshi
Posts: 277

Re: Any stories where Akane gets therapy?

Postby jasonjkay » Fri Sep 01, 2023 10:23 am

I remember reading quite a few where Ranma gets therapy usually due to the Neko ken but not Akane. The only story I can think of is
Desperately Seeking Ranma
Akane tried therapy due to her ever present anger issues but its only when Ranma hidden as a magical girl is able to heal a problem with Akanes brain that the therapy becomes effective.
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Re: Any stories where Akane gets therapy?

Postby PCHeintz72 » Sat Oct 07, 2023 8:08 pm

This is late, but as a FYI, while the aforementioned story would be my top pick for stories with getting Akane mental health (I would LOVE to see PixelWriter1 update) (see mainly chapters 14, 15, 32, 40, 47, 83, 86, 89, 90+ ), there are a couple other that at least mention her getting help, but do not actually cover the help...

RANMA 'Legacy' by Overbore - [Dld Date=01/10/2008] - [Dld Size=68kb] - [Dld File Cnt=4] - [Dld Status=Complete]
RANMA 'My Savior' by lighthawkdemon1 - [Dld Date=06/19/2008] - [Dld Size=60kb] - [Dld Status=Complete]
  • - [MD Source=FF.NET] - [MD Category=Ranma] - [MD Rating=T] - [MD Word Cnt=11560]
  • - [MD Summary= After the wedding fiasco Ranma becomes quiet and withdrawn and eventually leaves after accidentally hurting Akane. Years later the Tendo family are in danger of being evicted and Nabiki is forced to make a decision that will change her life forever.]
  • - [Direct URL]
  • - [Author1 URL]
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Re: Any stories where Akane gets therapy?

Postby slickrcbd » Mon Nov 20, 2023 12:50 am

slickrcbd wrote:Although I think I vaguely recall one where Tatewaki tries to rape Ranma in girl form, gets committed, and Ranma does talk to Tatewaki's psychologist or psychiatrist and demonstrates the curse, saying he wants Kuno actually helped and to do that the Dr. needs to know the truth about Ranma. I just can't recall what fic that was.

Actually, does anybody actually recall which fic had the quoted text happen? I vaguely recall it being part of a larger fic, but I can't recall what it was. IIRC later Kuno does try to apologize for his actions and Ranma says something about "no woman would enjoy being forced like that".
Chibi Sailor Senshi
Posts: 277

Re: Any stories where Akane gets therapy?

Postby Ellen Kuhfeld » Mon Nov 20, 2023 9:30 am

Getting back to Akane - it's a given that Ranma needs therapy, and often gets it - I dug around a bit in my collection, and found several stories: -- "Silent Steel" -- Richard Ryley == jade-Orchid -- Yanagi-wa – PrincessVamp
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Re: Any stories where Akane gets therapy?

Postby Té Rowan » Mon Nov 20, 2023 10:31 am

slickrcbd wrote:Actually, does anybody actually recall which fic had the quoted text happen? I vaguely recall it being part of a larger fic, but I can't recall what it was. IIRC later Kuno does try to apologize for his actions and Ranma says something about "no woman would enjoy being forced like that".

I haven't read it for years, but Thrythlind's "Lost Innocence" comes to mind.
Realitometer: [\........] Hmmph! Thought so...
Té Rowan
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