I'm just wondering, are there any stories besides "Couch Trips" by Sarge4 where Akane Tendo gets some kind of therapy?
Heck, the only other fic I can think of with somebody getting treatment was "To Tell a Hawk from a Handsaw" by N. Reynolds
Where Ranma fakes being insane and winds up in a mental institution even though the person who puts him there knows he's faking, but he winds up getting some much needed therapy anyways as he still needed it even if he wasn't committed level crazy.
Yes, I've seen off-screen mentions of a Kuno or three being committed, but that was always about it, they get committed and are out of the story. Although I think I vaguely recall one where Tatewaki tries to rape Ranma in girl form, gets committed, and Ranma does talk to Tatewaki's psychologist or psychiatrist and demonstrates the curse, saying he wants Kuno actually helped and to do that the Dr. needs to know the truth about Ranma. I just can't recall what fic that was.