Furinkan high absence checklist

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Furinkan high absence checklist

Postby slickrcbd » Sat Sep 03, 2022 10:19 pm

I recall either a oneshot or a joke in a larger fic.
In it the teacher (probably Hinako) has to mark down an absence and we are shown the list. It has all kinds of crazy reasons such as the person changing age and now being sent back to elementary or middle school (please mark down which new school they are now attending), the person going on a vengeance quest, rescue mission, training trip, or having been kidnapped.
I can't seem to spot it in my bookmark file, but it might have been part of a larger story instead of a oneshot.
Can anybody recall what fic it was? I'm almost positive it wasn't (originally) posted to AO3, but it could have been anywhere else.
Chibi Sailor Senshi
Posts: 277

Re: Furinkan high absence checklist

Postby Neko- » Sun Sep 18, 2022 5:52 am

I recalled reading something similar... So had a go... Couldn't find it... and this started itching my brain (figure something similar with you too). Some 30 minutes later I found it:

The math teacher was about to protest, but watching his student dive head first out of a third story window stifled that idea. He opened the attendance book and found Miss Kuonji's name. He tore off an absence form from the pad on the desk and looked at the checkboxes.

Name of student:
Time of absence:
Date of absence:
Reason for absence (Check one):
1) Kidnapped
2) Drugged
3) Fight
4) Act of god(s)
5) Amazon raid
6) Principal's request
7) Training journey
8) Panty raid
9) On quest to find cure for curse
10) Drained by Miss Hinako
11) Food poisoning
12) Went insane
13) Bad hair day
14) Sick
15) Other ____________

Check appropriate special cases
() Offsite incident
() Will return today
() Will return tomorrow
() May never return at all
() Has assumed another form (Please specify) __________
() Has changed in age. See attached transfer forms to alternate school.

Teacher signature __________
Student signature (If the student has hands) __________

He filled in the form, taped it to the student roll and closed the book.

"All right students, back to your desks.

Part of the continuation of Sailor Ranko, specifically the Thrice In A Millennium part. This crops up in part 12
Appointed Spammaster Rank D by Himitsu - June 21st 2006
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Re: Furinkan high absence checklist

Postby slickrcbd » Sun Sep 18, 2022 12:11 pm

Neko- wrote:Part of the continuation of Sailor Ranko, specifically the Thrice In A Millennium part. This crops up in part 12

Thank you, I guess I gave up after only about 10 minutes of searching with Google, I should have tried doing a file search for something like "absence", but I only have a fraction of the fanfic I've read downloaded, and of the Ranma stuff it was mostly stuff NOT found on fanfiction.net as I only found easy ways to download from there (most of which have stopped working in the last year thanks to their new Cloudflare defense. FanficFare, Fanfiction Downloader, and FicHub are extremely unreliable and De-FFnet-izer stopped working 2 years ago and is apparently abandoned) after I largely moved on to other fandoms.
I didn't think it would be something I had saved, but I'm pretty sure I have the entire Sailor Ranko series saved, the first parts downloaded from the RAAC archive (which I'm not sure where to find now that www.thekeep.org is gone).
Chibi Sailor Senshi
Posts: 277

Re: Furinkan high absence checklist

Postby Neko- » Sun Sep 18, 2022 12:25 pm

if you replace www in fanfiction.net and replace it with m, you do get the option to copy-paste from the site again :)

So https://www.fanfiction.net/s/122063/1/Second-Chances changes to https://m.fanfiction.net/s/122063/1/Second-Chances as an example

I have a load of fics downloaded, tho searching through them is a chore. I finally found it on the word 'attendance' after thinking long and hard how that would be called in english (not my native language, so I went with absence, absence list... Untill inspiration struck and I went for 'Attendance').

If I take a look at the whole Fanfic folder I have here there's 7213 TXT files in there at nearly 230 MB, while the HTM files make up 475 MB at 5851 files. So yeah, kind of a chore to trawl through all of those. Notepad++ with RegEx searching helped tho.
Appointed Spammaster Rank D by Himitsu - June 21st 2006
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Re: Furinkan high absence checklist

Postby slickrcbd » Sun Sep 18, 2022 1:07 pm

Neko- wrote:if you replace www in fanfiction.net and replace it with m, you do get the option to copy-paste from the site again :)

So https://www.fanfiction.net/s/122063/1/Second-Chances changes to https://m.fanfiction.net/s/122063/1/Second-Chances as an example

I have a load of fics downloaded, tho searching through them is a chore. I finally found it on the word 'attendance' after thinking long and hard how that would be called in english (not my native language, so I went with absence, absence list... Untill inspiration struck and I went for 'Attendance').

If I take a look at the whole Fanfic folder I have here there's 7213 TXT files in there at nearly 230 MB, while the HTM files make up 475 MB at 5851 files. So yeah, kind of a chore to trawl through all of those. Notepad++ with RegEx searching helped tho.

I usually use Agent Ransack to search my downloaded fanfic library, although FileSearchEx also works.
I have a lot more than 250mb saved over the years. Some I haven't gotten around to reading. Heck I had 400mb over 10 years ago.
Damn, it's doubled in the last two years. Last time I backed up my fanfic folder it fit on a DVD-RW and ten years ago it fit on a CD-ROM.
According to Windows
7.61 GB (8,180,468,327 bytes)
32,616 Files, 2,440 Folders
All this from using my Kindle a lot more since COVID? I didn't think it was that much, but Calibre/Fanficfare and Fanfiction Downloader tend to make two copies, one in epub or htm respectively and one in AZW3 or MOBI respectively.
Last edited by slickrcbd on Sun Sep 18, 2022 10:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Chibi Sailor Senshi
Posts: 277

Re: Furinkan high absence checklist

Postby Neko- » Sun Sep 18, 2022 1:25 pm

Every now and then I connect two external USB disks, and use RoboCopy to just copy my whole data drive to those two.

Robocopy in mirror mode means it'll skip files that already exist and haven't changed, and removes files that were removed on the source. So for the 8TB of storage it's about 5 minutes to run a full backup. And that includes my fanfic folder. But anyway... we're going off-topic here. Glad to be of help here :)
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Re: Furinkan high absence checklist

Postby slickrcbd » Sun Sep 18, 2022 8:17 pm

Neko- wrote:Every now and then I connect two external USB disks, and use RoboCopy to just copy my whole data drive to those two.

Robocopy in mirror mode means it'll skip files that already exist and haven't changed, and removes files that were removed on the source. So for the 8TB of storage it's about 5 minutes to run a full backup. And that includes my fanfic folder. But anyway... we're going off-topic here. Glad to be of help here :)

Point of order, that's an incremental backup, not a full backup.
Both the CompTIA A+, Security+ and several Microsoft exams (MCDST. MCSA, MCTS, among others) are rather anal about that terminology, with questions specifically about that.
Calling what you just described a "full backup" will get you marked wrong on the tests.

Sorry, studying to update my certs for an upgrade/update exam and saw the study guide reminding me to know the difference between full, incremental, and differential backups.
Chibi Sailor Senshi
Posts: 277

Re: Furinkan high absence checklist

Postby Neko- » Mon Sep 19, 2022 2:19 am

Yeah... if we're going with those definitions then it's an incremental one :) But for all intents and purposes for me it's a full backup :)
Appointed Spammaster Rank D by Himitsu - June 21st 2006
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Re: Furinkan high absence checklist

Postby slickrcbd » Tue Sep 20, 2022 1:04 am

Neko- wrote:Yeah... if we're going with those definitions then it's an incremental one :) But for all intents and purposes for me it's a full backup :)

Like I said, two of the three major testing Authorities (CompTia, MicroSoft, although I don't think Cisco covers backups on the CCNA beyond backing up configurations (VERY important)) are rather anal about the differences in terminology. If you use the wrong term with a certified computer tech you'll get the wrong kind of backup. GIGO.
Chibi Sailor Senshi
Posts: 277

Re: Furinkan high absence checklist

Postby Ellen Kuhfeld » Tue Sep 20, 2022 6:49 pm

Back to the attendance lists, about one more student showing up:

"So why are you transferred to Furinkan, anyway, Tomoe-san?" The teacher asked as he looked over the papers. Her grades were good, there wasn't any sheet to indicate legal troubles, the Martial Artist box wasn't checked, so what did that leave? Ah, Box 245 "Are You Ever Attacked By Supernatural Forces For No Apparent Reason" was checkmarked. That went a long way to explain it.

(From Hotaru 1/2 by Metroanime.)
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Re: Furinkan high absence checklist

Postby slickrcbd » Wed Sep 21, 2022 3:08 am

Ellen Kuhfeld wrote:Back to the attendance lists, about one more student showing up:

"So why are you transferred to Furinkan, anyway, Tomoe-san?" The teacher asked as he looked over the papers. Her grades were good, there wasn't any sheet to indicate legal troubles, the Martial Artist box wasn't checked, so what did that leave? Ah, Box 245 "Are You Ever Attacked By Supernatural Forces For No Apparent Reason" was checkmarked. That went a long way to explain it.

(From Hotaru 1/2 by Metroanime.)

That would actually be an interesting premise for a fic.
Some teenager who is not a fighter or magical girl being targeted by supernatural forces decides to transfer to Furinkan after their old school gets repeatedly attacked trying to get to him/her (probably her, just to add people thinking she's hanging out around Ranma because of romantic interest instead of protection).
Hopefully if whatever forces follow them and attack Furinkan, the Martial Artists residing there (Ranma, Tatewaki, Akane, Hinako, and the Principal) will repulse the attack.
Chibi Sailor Senshi
Posts: 277

Re: Furinkan high absence checklist

Postby Neko- » Wed Sep 21, 2022 6:19 am

Some teenager who is not a fighter or magical girl being targeted by supernatural forces decides to transfer to Furinkan after their old school gets repeatedly attacked trying to get to him/her

That sounds suspiciously like the plot for 'Rosario No Vampire'.

Black Dragon made a twist to that one by dropping Ranma into that universe: Big Human On Campus (scroll down, it's on that page with all chapters linked). Story has been abandoned (apparently) but still an entertaining read.

edit: the story 'Takahashi Soup' (also on the above page) does sound like dropping Ataru (Urusei Yatsura) as a somewhat average character into the Ranma-verse. But it's been a decent while since I read that one, so I might miss the mark there.
Appointed Spammaster Rank D by Himitsu - June 21st 2006
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