Ranma goes to a mental institution

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Ranma goes to a mental institution

Postby slickrcbd » Fri Feb 21, 2020 7:21 pm

I'm trying to recall a story where Ranma wound up staying in a mental hospital for some reason, and at first wasn't getting any real treatments, until he learned that phobias could be treated, then they treated him for the ailurophobia from the Neko-ken.
I thought it was "To Tell a Hawk from a Handsaw" by N. Reynolds (highly recommended fic), but that while it has the first half, the Neko-ken is never treated.
I could be conflating "To Tell a Hawk from a Handsaw" with another fic where he does get treatment.

The other thing I recall is that overcoming the ailurophobia somehow gives him control of the neko-ken.
Last edited by slickrcbd on Fri Nov 05, 2021 4:17 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Ranma goes to a mental institution

Postby Ellen Kuhfeld » Fri Feb 21, 2020 9:38 pm

Heck, I wrote that. Only it was the Northwoods with bears, instead of an asylum with psychiatrists. Definitely preferable that way - the bears actually knew what they were doing.

I tried looking through my collection of stories, but almost everything I found that included a mental institution was a lockfic. Sorry.
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Re: Ranma goes to a mental institution

Postby slickrcbd » Sat Feb 22, 2020 5:42 pm

I don't recall any fic with Ranma and bears like that. Which fic are you talking about?
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Re: Ranma goes to a mental institution

Postby jasonjkay » Sat Feb 22, 2020 5:53 pm

That would be Different Colors and it has Ranma being taught how to control the Nekoken by a were bear who is a berserker and so understands what the Nekoken is.
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Re: Ranma goes to a mental institution

Postby rogue7 » Sun Feb 23, 2020 11:59 pm

I do remember one where Ranma had to stay in a facility/Hosp for an extended period though I cannot seem to find it, I'm fairly certain he was being treated for the Neko-ken...
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Re: Ranma goes to a mental institution

Postby Té Rowan » Mon Feb 24, 2020 6:34 am

The only one that's come up in my memory dredging has some Senshi appearing as well, but I'm yet to uncover enough to find a name.
Realitometer: [\........] Hmmph! Thought so...
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Re: Ranma goes to a mental institution

Postby rogue7 » Fri May 15, 2020 6:38 am

The one I was/am thinking of, the Hospital was considered neutral territory, between Nerima, Juuban, Tombuki ? and a fourth that I don't recall, and sometimes had celebrities staying there...
Still can't find a name for it though.. :(
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Re: Ranma goes to a mental institution

Postby Spica75 » Fri May 15, 2020 7:31 pm

rogue7 wrote:The one I was/am thinking of, the Hospital was considered neutral territory, between Nerima, Juuban, Tombuki ? and a fourth that I don't recall, and sometimes had celebrities staying there...
Still can't find a name for it though.. :(

Is that the one where Kodachi and/or(don't remember well enough) Tatewaki ends up there as well?
I think that's the one where Ranma ends up with Kodachi?
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Re: Ranma goes to a mental institution

Postby Ellen Kuhfeld » Sat May 16, 2020 9:00 am

In Nightelf's The Iris Tales, a locked Ranma and Kuno Tatewaki meet in a mental institution. Some parvenu stole 'Nightelf' as an alias on FFnet, so the original is now flying by 'N1ght3lf'. Fortunately, knowing a bit of leet-speak helps decipher that.
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Re: Ranma goes to a mental institution

Postby Spica75 » Sat May 16, 2020 2:11 pm

Ellen Kuhfeld wrote:In Nightelf's The Iris Tales, a locked Ranma and Kuno Tatewaki meet in a mental institution. Some parvenu stole 'Nightelf' as an alias on FFnet, so the original is now flying by 'N1ght3lf'. Fortunately, knowing a bit of leet-speak helps decipher that.

Dont assume it was intentional nametheft unless you know it was, i have over the years found that it is extremely difficult to avoid picking something that noone else have taken.
My most common online name is bad enough that i found out that in a town of less than 20k, there's still another using the exact same name here as me.
And out of the 5 names i use the most online, just one of them i haven't seen anyone else use at all yet.

And that story isn't the one i was thinking about either, drats, i know i have the name of it somewhere because it was pretty good, but just can't find it... *lol*
Wonder if it's the one OP looked for...
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Re: Ranma goes to a mental institution

Postby slickrcbd » Sat May 16, 2020 4:23 pm

Even in Hotmail's first six months back in '96. Slick was already taken, hence why I got SlickRCBD. The RCBD was a bit of a family thing. I wanted to see if anybody else would recognize me from an old challenge-response code we used when I was growing up during the "stranger danger" scare in the early to mid '80s.
I'd say "RCBD" and if the person was really sent by mom or dad, they would give the correct response. Nobody online has said anything along those lines in 25 years.
Last edited by slickrcbd on Fri Nov 05, 2021 4:19 am, edited 1 time in total.
Chibi Sailor Senshi
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Re: Ranma goes to a mental institution

Postby Ellen Kuhfeld » Sat May 16, 2020 5:40 pm

Spica75 wrote:Dont assume it was intentional nametheft unless you know it was, i have over the years found that it is extremely difficult to avoid picking something that noone else have taken.
My most common online name is bad enough that i found out that in a town of less than 20k, there's still another using the exact same name here as me.
And out of the 5 names i use the most online, just one of them i haven't seen anyone else use at all yet.

You are correct on that name. I save stories on my computer, and the earliest Nightelf story was saved in 2003. I have some of the Elf's stories written back in 1998. But I don't have anything of Leifker's using "Nightelf' and published on FFnet. Mea culpa! My outlook was conditioned by there being very few Kuhfelds to get confused over.

However, the one using 'Nightelf' there published their only story in 2003. It was Dragonball Z, which I wouldn't read, let alone save. There are nine FFnet members whose names start with Nightelf -- one of them (NightElfCrawler) joined way back in 2002.

It could be worse. Once I ran into another member of the same group who not only looked like me, but sounded like me.
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Re: Ranma goes to a mental institution

Postby Spica75 » Mon May 18, 2020 7:30 am

My outlook was conditioned by there being very few Kuhfelds to get confused over.

Yeah, not so easy for me. Years back, i just for fun checked the name statistics for Sweden, and what did i find for my real name? If not including my middle name, my combination first/last name, was the single most common in the nation that year. :mrgreen:

The first online name i picked though, still my most commonly used, i really should have been a bit pickier, i just checked on FFN and there's 21 variations using same spelling as me and another 6 using 2nd most common spelling. Surprisingly, none used the same "all caps" version that i used, and sadly, that alone seems to be the one and only thing that stands out the most among the literally hundreds that use the name.

At least Spica75 is very simple yet with some personalisation, Spica, brightest star in the constellation Virgo and 75 my birthyear.

Even in Hotmail's first six months. Slick was already taken, hence why I got SlickRCBD. The RCBD was a bit of a family thing. I wanted to see if anybody else would recognize me from an old challenge-response code we used when I was growing up during the "stranger danger" scare in the early to mid '80s.
I'd say "RCBD" and if the person was really sent by mom or dad, they would give the correct response. Nobody online has said anything along those lines in 25 years.


Just feeling the potential need for something like that... I mean, i knew the parents/siblings of my friends, everyone my parents knew nearby, the nextdoor neighbors etc, there would never be a need to send anyone out for me that i didn't know.
Not that it was barely ever needed anyway, and the rare few times when it was, well i have elder brothers, they were pretty much the obvious easy choice and if not that, mom would come herself or just call my friend's houses.

Also, i have a feeling that even someone who might have known about it, even if they saw your online name, chances are that unless they know it's you and actually REMEMBER, they probably don't connect it enough to recall.

My brothers interest in DX-ing and radiotelegraphy did cause us to develop and use callsigns though, along with some creativity, like how my friend sat down and using the very simple graphics program on his father's 286(this was mid/late 80s) made a map of the area, printed out one for each of us then simply put numbers on them as a regional code.
Map was totally distorted and utterly imprecise, but since everything was still easily recognisable it worked just fine anyway.

Being able to just barely see each other's house from the top floors was also used with morsecode. :P
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