jasonjkay wrote:I've tried but looking for a Harry Potter fic is a lot harder than Ranma. On Fanfic.net alone, not including crossovers there are 608K HP fics, it's massively popular and this is not a story I have ever read. Sorry.
I can't help with this specific fic search as I haven't read the story in question. I can however say that there are some Yahoo Groups dedicated to HP fic searches. Most have slowed down in recent years, but still somewhat active.
@Jasonjkay, if you are having trouble with your own HP searches, try posting to one of them. When I'm looking for an HP fic, I usually pick one at random unless I
know it contains a lemon scene, in which case I default to Borgin and Burkes.
I generally only ask about Ranma or Sailor Moon fics here.
Flourish and Blots
This one is part of a pair, and is primarily for G & PG-13 searches. If in doubt, use the other one.
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/flourish_and_blots/Borgin and Burkes
This one is part of a pair, and allows the more mature rated stories (R & nc-17). The other group is if you want to avoid smut stories.
Looking for the Harry/Draco novel? Or that Snape/Hermione story that made you cry? Or even that Weasley twins one that was really good? Just can't remember where to find it? Post on this list and ask, someone just might know where it is. Gen, het, and slash are allowed. They're all equal as far as anyone should be concerned.
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/hpstoryfinders/(the next is NOT a duplicate, just almost the same name)
Want to find that story you read, so you can read it again? Looking for a specific type of story? Then this is the list for you! If you can describe it, chances are one or more of the other members can find it if you are ready to offer your help in return by answering requests!
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/HP_Storyfinders/http://groups.yahoo.com/group/HPfind-a-fic/Remember that chaste little kiss that gave you sweet dreams for a week? Or the time Snape confiscated a HP/SS fanfic in class? Or how about that satisfying moment when Lucius finally bottomed? -- if you know it's out there, but you don't know where: HP find-a-fic. For all your fanfiction needs. This is the most efficient Harry Potter fic finder on the net! Help us maintain the excellent service by helping to promote the group!
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/HPfind-a-fic/Harry Potter Recommendations & Links
Hey, are you obsessed with Harry Potter? Do you like fan fiction? Than this is the group for you! Here you can post and discuss anything dealing with Harry Potter. Any fiction or link goes, regardless of type or rating.
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Harry_Pot ... s_N_Links/https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/pointme/infoA search group for Harry Potter (and other) fanfiction.
Please note, this group is restricted as some of the stories may be rated M.
An original group dedicated to making it easier for avid Harry Potter fanfiction readers and writers to give and recieve what's new and old in fantastic hp recommendations. All slash (as we are a slash-oriented [yaoi] group), het and gen is welcomed!
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/hp-recs/There is also a HP Fic search thread on The Fanfiction Forum.
https://thefanfictionforum.net/xenforo/ ... hes.12000/[hr] * * * [/hr]
I receive e-mail alerts from all of them except "HP-RECS" since I don't like yaoi. I know it's hypocritical but I don't mind yuri.
I'd post to the general fic search thread on
Sufficient Velocity, or
Questionable Questing before looking for an HP fic here,
That said, if anybody does know which fic the OP wants, PLEASE post the answer. Don't leave us hanging. Stuff like this back on Usenet is how I got interested in seeking out half the anime I watched 15-20 years ago. Crossover stories and fic searches are still a way for me to find new series that catch my interest to this day.