Magic "Fix"es Ranma Female

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Magic "Fix"es Ranma Female

Postby Spokavriel » Wed Apr 17, 2019 9:32 am

It doesn't have to be a "Cure" per say. The Curse doesn't even have to be locked. I'm just looking for those stories where Ranma gets hit with Magic and it leaves Ranma with a completely feminine outlook.

There was a story where Ranma's sexual awakening was completely in curse form because of Genma causing injuries that prevented it ever happening in male side.

I'm just wondering how many stories were written by authors that decided, nope I'm not going to try that hard, Ranma is going my version of full girly because of Magic.

Great example of Ham Handed Magic gender perspective change, here for comedic effect, was an Archie Comics issue. ... -Issue-636
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Re: Magic "Fix"es Ranma Female

Postby Sunshine Temple » Wed Apr 17, 2019 10:02 am

I could point to my entire CV to a greater or lesser extent (Save for the Eva fic where it happens to Shinji).

I suposse a follow-up question is how much you want a "because magic" instead of the author putting in legwork.

For example Genma's Daughter is ultimatly a "Oh thanks to magic I was born a girl, and desipte me identifying as male for my entire life, and doing so despite having the ability to phyiscaly become a girl, I'll use this revelation to decide to become a vey girly girl."

However, the writer put in a lot of effort getting Ranko into that state.
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Re: Magic "Fix"es Ranma Female

Postby Ellen Kuhfeld » Wed Apr 17, 2019 11:06 am

The part about sports reminds me of the personality-switch curry in Revoltionary Girl Utena.
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Re: Magic "Fix"es Ranma Female

Postby iiradned » Wed Apr 17, 2019 1:39 pm

Spokavriel wrote:There was a story where Ranma's sexual awakening was completely in curse form because of Genma causing injuries that prevented it ever happening in male side.

This sounds to me like newRanma.

Spoilered for the spoiler averse. Keep in mind I have not read this fic in over a decade, this is just my memory dredged up.

SPOILER - Show Spoiler
Ranma's time locked in girl form was only temporary.

The cause for Ranma not getting ANY sexual urges was due to an injury caused by Genma during their decade long training trip. Said injury was brought to light because Ranma was hit in the head as a result of his usual reaction to Akane's cooking.

To fix the new injury as well as correct the old one required cutting open Ranma's skull and doing repairs. In order to safely do the surgery and heal from it Ranma was kept in female form which was eventually unlocked.

While recovering from the surgery a half decade worth of pent up sexual urges hit Ranma all at once. Ranma was encouraged to safely explore (via masturbation and talking with a pscyhothreapist) those urges and fantasies.
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Re: Magic "Fix"es Ranma Female

Postby Spokavriel » Wed Apr 17, 2019 3:06 pm

Leg work is not something to be avoided but I am curious more about the ones who seem to do equal or less effort than the Ranma's Declaration of Womanhood level of work.

Edit: Not sure I made one point clear. I really want the magic use to be well intentioned. The magic user or at least seller should be trying to help Ranma ignorance as to Ranma's nature or other motivations can vary as long as there is no intent to harm her.
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Re: Magic "Fix"es Ranma Female

Postby PCHeintz72 » Wed Apr 17, 2019 5:49 pm

I'm just wondering how many stories were written by authors that decided, nope I'm not going to try that hard, Ranma is going my version of full girly because of Magic.

The problem is that in my personal opinion many cases such stories go down two paths... either it is not believable because of lack of back story to make it such, or it has Ranma acting so far off base and instead as the author wants it just *because* is generally so bad as to not desire to keep reading... Ranma in many such cases to me comes off as a caricature of a woman, not a woman. It does not read correctly to my senses at all unless specifically done as a one shot or parody.

I never really had too much of a problem with stories that lock Ranma as female, or even give Ranma a female outlook for whatever reason (raised by amazons for example)... but I *want* backstory, I desire *detail*, and if it does not cover the gap between what we believe to be canon Ranma and how portrayed for the story... it is not likely one I would be willing to continue reading.

'Lux Aeterna' by Krahae comes to mind... not locked per se, but an imbalance of magic left him mostly being female in form. Forced to live a good portion as female. Stuck on Mahora academy

'A Ghost of Tomorrow' by Proteus also comes to mind, Ranma living mostly as female partially as cover, partially as raising a baby, while living in Meji era. No magic in that one as cause though.

'Full Ranma Panic' by Calamity Cordite, forced to pilot as female due to differences in brain structure between male and female forms, and having a not feminine life per se, but a more balanced one with a relationship with Kaname. No magic in that one as cause though.

'All The World's A Stage' by n1ght3lf, Ranma forced to live in a mostly female troupe of stage actors, making a career for him/her self. No magic in that one as cause though.

Several Sailor moon ones come to mind,

'The Best of Times' by Ozzallos, the one ending had him forced to live Plutos life, and in both endings he received a lot of her memories. Magic is definitely the cause.

'Hime' by Sinom Bre, where Ranma is forced by a dead serenity to recieve all the memories she had in life, giving him an instant perspective of being a girl... and years of interaction with the scouts. Magic is definitely the cause.

'Relatively Absent' by Togashi Gaijin, has Ranma saved form death by the actual Gates of Time, but in failing to get the kettle and in accepting the post, Ranma discovers he is locked for some 6 years as female, and has to interact with his newly discovered all female family. Magic is definitely the cause.
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Re: Magic "Fix"es Ranma Female

Postby Ellen Kuhfeld » Wed Apr 17, 2019 5:58 pm

Chaotic Future by Cloud-Dreamer satisfies the criteria fairly well, if you count Divine Intervention as magic.
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Re: Magic "Fix"es Ranma Female

Postby PCHeintz72 » Wed Apr 17, 2019 6:27 pm

Ellen Kuhfeld wrote:Chaotic Future by Cloud-Dreamer satisfies the criteria fairly well, if you count Divine Intervention as magic.

To varying degrees, I would think most of Cloud Dreamers stories would fall into this category.
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Re: Magic "Fix"es Ranma Female

Postby Spokavriel » Wed Apr 17, 2019 7:18 pm

Down side is lack of volition in most fo the situations. Well the Wishing Sword letting Ranma know all of Setsuna's memories almost counts but there was no intention for the wish to help. The attempt to help Ranma is something I thought would happen in a story where Ranma got amnesia and the Sailor Scouts Helped her when she had gone Neko- but well the story didn't continue far enough with them to really show if Ranma grew as a character from it really.
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Re: Magic "Fix"es Ranma Female

Postby PCHeintz72 » Wed Apr 17, 2019 9:40 pm

Spokavriel wrote: Down side is lack of volition in most fo the situations. Well the Wishing Sword letting Ranma know all of Setsuna's memories almost counts but there was no intention for the wish to help. The attempt to help Ranma is something I thought would happen in a story where Ranma got amnesia and the Sailor Scouts Helped her when she had gone Neko- but well the story didn't continue far enough with them to really show if Ranma grew as a character from it really.

That is technically a different issue entirely from the search, in canon at least Ranma as a general rule does not have good interaction with magic. That seems for the most part to have extended into and be true for fan fiction as well.

Thus cases with both truly powerful and truly helpful magic are rare.

Rare indeed in fan fiction is it a case where Ranma gets hit by any magic at all with either the intent of the magic itself, or the intent of the one hitting Ranma with magic, to actually *help* Ranma by doing so... and then it actually succeed in doing so as intended.

I suppose technically Relatively Absent really does fit that criteria. In the Gates infused Ranma with Magic, and fully intended on helping Ranma, if for no other reason than the fact it was attempting to save Ranma with the intent of a long term working relationship...
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Re: Magic "Fix"es Ranma Female

Postby Spokavriel » Wed Apr 17, 2019 10:10 pm

I never said it was a good result for Ranma just the intention of the caster/merchant was beneficial as far as they knew.
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Re: Magic "Fix"es Ranma Female

Postby slickrcbd » Wed Apr 17, 2019 10:13 pm

I think "Aftermath, A story of Blended Cliches" by Trimatter might count. ... chap0.html ... ich%C3%A9s

I know that in addition to Josh Temple's "Ranko's makeover", there was at least one other at the Lost Library of Florestica.
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Re: Magic "Fix"es Ranma Female

Postby Ellen Kuhfeld » Thu Apr 18, 2019 6:36 am

Fist of the Moon by Penguin-sa counts as the magic helping Ranma a lot. Like saving his -> her life. Pity about the side effects, but it all worked out in the end.
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Re: Magic "Fix"es Ranma Female

Postby Té Rowan » Thu Apr 18, 2019 9:41 am

Bus Stop” by Towairaito. Only one chapter in pretty much ten years — grmblGRMBL!
On the way home, Tenchi runs into a beautiful red head at the bus stop. What's this? It's Ranma? Will this encounter do wonders for Tenchi? Or will it go sour? A Tenchi/Ranma fic. Seriously.

IIRC, amazons locked Ranma here several years ago, followed by mother and neo-daughter moving away and settling in Okayama. A bit hit-or-miss as it seems time is changing Ranma’s outlook.
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Re: Magic "Fix"es Ranma Female

Postby Spica75 » Thu Apr 18, 2019 11:05 am

beautiful red head

Not sure if i should be angry or just laugh at it. A red head is a head that is red, not a person with red hair.
I just wish that PLEASE can't people just learn not to split words at least when it changes the meaning!
Instead, it's just getting worse, happening more and more.

Rare indeed in fan fiction is it a case where Ranma gets hit by any magic at all with either the intent of the magic itself, or the intent of the one hitting Ranma with magic, to actually *help* Ranma by doing so... and then it actually succeed in doing so as intended.

Extremely rare for sure.

Almost makes me want to come up with something stupidly weird for a story that uses it... :mrgreen:
Needs a twist, something that makes it still clearly good and "as intended" but still causing Ranma to groan at it. :P
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