Ellen Kuhfeld wrote:If you want Alexander Harris and the Shadow Council, chapters 1 - 117, PM me your e-mail address. FukuFics doesn't do attachments, and that file is 2.8 MB. Great story, but like many rambling stories, it just - stopped. Let's hope it begins again.
It was really perfect that this thread happened, i've only read it before up to chapter 70-80 or something, had totally forgotten to check for new chapters. Extra funny because the thread came the same day that i commented to mom how COULD she NOT know who Wednesday&Pugsley were(she got that question in a quiz competition).
I also like how the story manages to make sense of a number of failings in the HP canon. As well as making a crossover without making it silly(because the Buffyverse and HP-verse are generally almost horribly incompatible). Not to forget of course the lovely Addams family as it is shown, and also especially Narcissa Malfoy who ends up a real person just for once.
PM sent.