Ranma in control

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Ranma in control

Postby rogue7 » Tue Aug 21, 2018 1:48 am

I'm asking for suggestions of any long stories like DSR where Ranma has/gains control of the curse/transformation but still uses it.
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Re: Ranma in control

Postby Sunshine Temple » Tue Aug 21, 2018 10:36 am

Off the top of my head. One comes to mind.

Kenko's Paragon.

As part of a deal to become "The Paragon" (a magical girl) Rama gets a control of the curse.

To keep the secret identity Ranma pretends that he got cured from the curse. He also uses his girl form as another civilian identity (a bit of a Clark Kent effect has it so people from Nerima don't recognize Rama in that guise, and they certianly dont recognize her in Magical Girl form)
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Re: Ranma in control

Postby Sunshine Temple » Tue Aug 21, 2018 10:45 am


One of my stories comes close.
"Selling the Fantasy" has Nabiki finding a Musk artifact that acts as a control to such curses.

It's not a full control but it repels water so as long as Ranma isn't fully submerged it would stop the change.

The conflict comes in that it cost Nabiki a lot to buy this thing, and she wants to get a profit off of it, but Rama does not have nearly enough money....

https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12286839/1 ... he-Fantasy

Uh oh.... I just realized you're asking about LONG stories where this happens.

And neither of these are all that long. Sorry about that.
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Re: Ranma in control

Postby jasonjkay » Tue Aug 21, 2018 3:19 pm

Your not going to find many stories approaching the length of DSR, that story is epic.

A shortish and very hentai story that comes to mind is Nodoka's Lessons by mykon1 that I asked for help to find here last year and the sequel Sailor Goddess. Ranma's cousin is a sorcerer who gives Ranma control, however early on ther is a magic stone that strips sexual inhibitions towards family members leading to very incestuous orgy's so be warned.

I think Happi's Redemption also by Mykon1 has Ranma learning control from the amazons. I think Happosai was born a girl and trapped as a guy which caused his perversions and the only cure was girl water which also makes him young.
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Re: Ranma in control

Postby rogue7 » Tue Aug 21, 2018 6:20 pm

I know of only one story near the length of DSR and it's not on topic ;)
I was going to request 50k+ words, but... I didn't want to be that picky

I love Paragon, pity it's unfinished (well the only copy I've found)

I'll have a look at the others, thank you, I hope there are more out there
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Re: Ranma in control

Postby Knight of L-sama » Tue Aug 21, 2018 6:49 pm

There's also Comes the Cold Dragon

I don't know if it was ever properly considered finished, but it managed to get to a good stopping point.
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Re: Ranma in control

Postby jasonjkay » Tue Aug 21, 2018 7:11 pm

The biggest Ranma stories that I can think of that I also enjoyed are off topic as I dont think Ranma gained control of his curse in any of them. Anyway some of the large fics I know are-

Just wont die by Jeffrey "OneShot" Wong. this is a massive series, especially with all the side stories. I have no idea how many words it is but it's big.
Ranma, the Second Time Around by Kayemsi. Just over 1 million words compared to DSR’s 1.4 million so it's nearly there but I enjoyed DSR a lot more.
Couch Trips by Sarge4. It is over half a million words but still big for a fic.
Ranma of Grayskull by Dani Yanega. This has just been updated and is now hitting nearly 0.6 million words, again pretty big for a fic.
Suikoden One Half by MadHat886. Approaching 0.86 million words, another big fic but not one I enjoyed as much.
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Re: Ranma in control

Postby jasonjkay » Tue Aug 21, 2018 7:22 pm

Knight of L-sama wrote:There's also Comes the Cold Dragon

I don't know if it was ever properly considered finished, but it managed to get to a good stopping point.

I kind of liked that story, one of my fave part was when Ranma makes diamonds causing the girls to act odd, gave me a laugh anyway, especially when Ranma has to join in.

"Yeeeek!" Nabiki squealed, then wriggled from head to foot.

"I thought you'd kinda like 'em."

"Yeeek!" Nabiki squealed, then wriggled even more vigorously.
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Re: Ranma in control

Postby PCHeintz72 » Wed Aug 22, 2018 2:21 am

Well... sort of on topic would be Breaking Chains saga by TheGrum... it is big if you count all the related arcs and has Ranma doing unusual things with the curse in some of those arcs, and even to the body, as technically he can destroy and create bodies at will in this series. I love all the titles and accomplishments he did in that series.

Most of the rest I can think of either do not apply, or are far shorter, or have been mentioned.

As for big Ranma stories... there are a number of them, but I'm assuming you do not want merely getting rid or even coming to terms with it of but actual control of it, that eliminates a lot of them.

EDIT: There is a medium sized story to come to mind, a multi-crossover with Ranma, Tenchi, and Sailor Moon... Chaos Factor by Nemo Blank. Among other things, he is able to tweak his curse in various ways to change his shape... like becoming a Ki dragon.
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Re: Ranma in control

Postby Ellen Kuhfeld » Wed Aug 22, 2018 6:33 am

Ranma and Akane: A Love Story fits your criterion. It's unfinished, but the first arc is complete and quite enough to satisfy. I think (my opinion only!) it is one of the best fanfics I've ever read.
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Re: Ranma in control

Postby rogue7 » Mon Sep 03, 2018 5:33 am

Knight of L-sama wrote:There's also Comes the Cold Dragon

I don't know if it was ever properly considered finished, but it managed to get to a good stopping point.

Cold Dragon was a great story, moving onto Selling the Fantasy ;)
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Re: Ranma in control

Postby rogue7 » Mon Sep 03, 2018 7:49 am

Sunshine Temple wrote:Oh! ...

... https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12286839/1 ... he-Fantasy
Uh oh.... I just realized you're asking about LONG stories where this happens.
And neither of these are all that long. Sorry about that.

Was a good story just the same Sunshine, thank you :)
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Re: Ranma in control

Postby Sunshine Temple » Tue Sep 04, 2018 11:55 am

Thanks! That's one i should get back to, especially as the plan is 7 chapters. But the Return revision project and book 6 have been two up my time
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Re: Ranma in control

Postby rogue7 » Thu Mar 28, 2019 11:47 pm

Is there any other long stories anyone can recommend; where Ranma has/gains control of the curse/transformation but still uses it?
Like Ranma does in DSR
(I realised it was my poor punctuation that was the cause of the confusion earlier with my initial request)
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Re: Ranma in control

Postby Spokavriel » Fri Mar 29, 2019 12:44 am

One of my favorite stories where Ranma has control of the curse (But can still change when splashed to hide that control.) is https://www.fanfiction.net/s/3344048/1/ ... icho-Ranma

I'm always waiting for a new chapter of it.
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