Looking for "Dwarf Planet my A$$"

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Looking for "Dwarf Planet my A$$"

Postby slickrcbd » Fri Dec 29, 2017 9:52 pm

I'm looking for a oneshot that I'm almost certain was called "Dwarf Planet My Ass" or maybe something more appropriate.
I haven't had luck with Google, which makes me think maybe it was posted to a defunct website instead of Pit of Voles.

It had Setsuna show up at the consortium or whatever when they were going to demote Pluto to the status of Dwarf Planet, launch a Dead Scream at the person advocating it, state that her home was indeed a planet, and say something about not needing to repeat herself or not having any more debate, or something to that effect.
Then leaving.

Pluto retained it's status.

It was short, I only half-remember it as I read it during the whole thing about demoting Pluto to Dwarf status. Sorry if I'm unclear on half-remembered details.
Chibi Sailor Senshi
Posts: 277

Re: Looking for "Dwarf Planet my A$$"

Postby rogue7 » Fri Dec 29, 2017 10:42 pm

that is/was one of John Garrett's, IIRC he removed his works from everywhere
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Re: Looking for "Dwarf Planet my A$$"

Postby PCHeintz72 » Fri Dec 29, 2017 10:46 pm

slickrcbd wrote:I'm looking for a oneshot that I'm almost certain was called "Dwarf Planet My Ass" or maybe something more appropriate.

Heh... I know it well, I also know why you cannot find it. The exact story was 'Dwarf Planet My Ass' by JohnnyG... JohnnyG is not in fan fiction any longer and removed his stories. You would have to find someone whom has it, as that was not one he gave out to be continued.

There was also one called 'Hommage to Pluto' by claihm solais that I liked....

That particular story, along with a bunch of other similar ones, came out just after the demotion of Pluto (8/26/06). Sailor Pluto in none of these one shots took kindly to her demotion by fools... so... she went about doing something about it.

EDIT: Rougue7 beat me to it, made his post while I was typing mine. Oh well...
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Re: Looking for "Dwarf Planet my A$$"

Postby rogue7 » Fri Dec 29, 2017 10:51 pm

Yours was a way more informative answer though PCHeintz72 =D
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Re: Looking for "Dwarf Planet my A$$"

Postby slickrcbd » Fri Dec 29, 2017 11:46 pm

Thank you for the response. I was really disappointed in JohnnyG removing his fanfic back then. Leaving the fandom and fanfiction in general was fine, but not taking the ball with him.

I seem to have somehow lost the copies of JohnnyG's fics I had. I can't find "Aijou and Aitou" or "Ice Princess of Konoha" and I _know_ I had saved copies as late as 2013 as I recall an issue with my HTC One X+ not liking the saved copy of that story when I tried to copy my fanfic collection onto the then new phone (an update to the driver or sync software the next year fixed the issues. I don't recall which, just that a software update for the Windows computer fixed it. It was years ago).
I'm going to have to see if I can dig up an old CD I burned of my fanfic collection back when it would actually fit on a CD-RW instead of needing a DVD-RW. I recall it had pictures from his defunct website.
However, I only know for sure I had those two stories, along with Calamity Queen of Cordite's continuation of "Transcending Time".

Does anybody have a copy of his stories they might want to upload to the Yahoo Group "LostAndFoundStoriesgroupurl" or e-mail to me?
Chibi Sailor Senshi
Posts: 277

Re: Looking for "Dwarf Planet my A$$"

Postby Ellen Kuhfeld » Sat Dec 30, 2017 12:04 pm

Fan-writers removing their fics. Sites going down. Bit-rot and link-rot. The only safe thing to do is to save the fanfics you read on your own computer. And back them up.
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Re: Looking for "Dwarf Planet my A$$"

Postby PCHeintz72 » Sat Dec 30, 2017 2:27 pm

Forgot authors changing names and not letting anyone know.

As for backing up... Been doing that for some 15 years now...

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Re: Looking for "Dwarf Planet my A$$"

Postby slickrcbd » Sat Dec 30, 2017 8:05 pm

My resistance is that 20 years ago I only had a 4GB hard drive. Before 1997 I had a 327 MEGABYTE hard drive.
Storage was expensive back then, so I did not keep everything. I used to download fanfics to read on my TI-89 calculator between classes in community college, then I'd delete them when I was done because hard drive space was at a premium. The calculator only had a couple hundred kilobytes.

I know now, with multi-terabyte drives it isn't so much of an issue, but old habits die hard. I've been using computers for almost 30 years, and sometimes act like I'm still limited to 140K or 800K diskettes with no hard drives.
Chibi Sailor Senshi
Posts: 277

Re: Looking for "Dwarf Planet my A$$"

Postby Ellen Kuhfeld » Sat Dec 30, 2017 9:03 pm

For online fanfiction, I was limited more by connectivity than storage. 300 baud modems, you know. (Worse, I think I may have discovered AMVs before fanfic....) But you know, there was paleo-fanfiction before the internet. They were called fanzines, and they lived on paper. My first published text fanfic was from about 1961-62; it's up on my web site. It was in a mimeozine published by Fred Norwood, called So What? I did others: "The Beast Beneath the Bed" happened when I was in an Eric Frank Russell mood. That was in a dittozine -- I still have the illustration, if not the story. The rules are different when it's paper instead of bits.
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