The following have had updates or are new to me that I've read in the last 20 days since I last ran the Lister program, though some of these updates may not be in the main story links provided, but on the forums the authors use for previews.
In Progress Stories wrote:Regular Stories
BL 'Second Chances' by ZimFan21 - [Dld Date=09/13/2015] - [Dld Size=259kb] - [Dld File Cnt=17] - [Dld Status=Complete]HSDXD 'Bloodless' by Tekurai - [Dld Date=10/01/2015] - [Dld Size=98kb] - [Dld File Cnt=4] - [Dld Status=In Progress]
- - [MD Source=FF.NET] - [MD Rating=M] - [MD Word Cnt=48577]
- - [MD Summary= It was morning in Roanapur and the great Revy Two-Hands was hunched over in the bathroom hurling her guts out. It was a ritual she was all too familiar with waking up in the morning only to discover that her body had decided it had had its limit with the liquor. Only this time it wasn't due to drinking. M for language.]
- - [Direct URL]
- - [Author1 URL]
HSDXD-PERSONA 'A Demon Among Devils' by The Crimson Lord - [Dld Date=07/01/2015] - [Dld Size=1515kb] - [Dld File Cnt=21] - [Dld Status=In Progress]
- - [MD Source=FF.NET] - [MD Rating=M] - [MD Word Cnt=18226]
- - [MD Summary= He was a wanderer a killer and a so called monster. Now he's a high school student waiting for Death to take him away. His plan however did not match Sona Sitri's desires.]
- - [Direct URL]
- - [Author1 URL]
HSDXD-PERSONA 'A Flower Amongst Devils' by Wrathie Winsre - [Dld Date=09/29/2015] - [Dld Size=2098kb] - [Dld File Cnt=35] - [Dld Status=In Progress]
- - [MD Source=FF.NET] - [MD Rating=T] - [MD Word Cnt=274532]
- - [MD Summary= Igor had asked him to die for the world. She would ask him to die for her. Problem was he didn't really like dying not for a second time at least.]
- - [Direct URL]
- - [Author1 URL]
HSDK 'Kenichi x Shigure' by crobosky - [Dld Date=08/19/2015] - [Dld Size=84kb] - [Dld File Cnt=11] - [Dld Status=In Progress]
- - [MD Source=FF.NET] - [MD Rating=M] - [MD Word Cnt=387432]
- - [MD Summary= Minako certainly didn't expect to be here in a new world and fending for herself amongst Devils Fallens Angels and Youkai and with only her Personas to guide her! She also never expected to play negotator either what happened to just flat out saving the world again? An AU Crossover Fic]
- - [Direct URL]
- - [Author1 URL]
LH 'Love Hina A different path taken' by Zombie Boy - [Dld Date=10/02/2015] - [Dld Size=134kb] - [Dld File Cnt=6] - [Dld Status=In Progress]
- - [MD Source=FF.NET] - [MD Rating=M] - [MD Word Cnt=15755]
- - [MD Summary= An unbelievably powerful man visits Ryozanpaku and does the unthinkable!]
- - [Direct URL]
- - [Author1 URL]
LH 'One Thousand Cranes' by Quis Custodiet - [Dld Date=09/22/2015] - [Dld Size=278kb] - [Dld File Cnt=9] - [Dld Status=In Progress]
- - [MD Source=FF.NET] - [MD Rating=M] - [MD Word Cnt=23882]
- - [MD Summary= What would happen if Keitaro wasn't such a spineless wimp? Badass Keitaro/Kitsune pairing.]
- - [Direct URL]
- - [Author1 URL]
MULTI 'Favorite Company' by Ryu Gabriev - [Dld Date=09/22/2015] - [Dld Size=127kb] - [Dld File Cnt=3] - [Dld Status=In Progress - Preview]
- - [MD Source=FF.NET] - [MD Rating=T] - [MD Word Cnt=50367]
- - [MD Summary= When Keitaro and Motoko lose their duel with Tsuruko they are forced into a sham marriage that Keitaro wants to end. Unfortunately Keitaro didn't realize that for Motoko there was only one way out.]
- - [Direct URL]
- - [Author1 URL]
NGE 'Futures Freak Me Out' by hidinginplainsight - [Dld Date=10/05/2015] - [Dld Size=70kb] - [Dld File Cnt=5] - [Dld Status=In Progress]
- - [MD Source=FF.NET] - [MD Rating=T] - [MD Word Cnt=23255]
- - [MD Summary= What do you get when you mix Yohko Mano Iroh of the Fire Nation Jadzia Dax and two hopeless anime fans with far too much time on their hands? ...Ask Q he's the one that put us all together...]
- - [Preview URL] viewtopic.php?t=7730
- - [Direct URL]
- - [Author1 URL]
NGE-BL 'A Pilot from Roanapur' by WinterRonin - [Dld Date=09/30/2015] - [Dld Size=551kb] - [Dld File Cnt=27] - [Dld Status=In Progress]
- - [MD Source=FF.NET] - [MD Rating=M] - [MD Word Cnt=13661]
- - [MD Summary= There were words exchanged in a bar and now Shinji and Asuka are outside where they're gonna iron some things out.]
- - [Direct URL]
- - [Author1 URL]
NGE-HSDXD 'A Lucifuge's Lord' by redwarrioroflight - [Dld Date=10/10/2015] - [Dld Size=47kb] - [Dld File Cnt=2] - [Dld Status=In Progress]
- - [MD Source=FF.NET] - [MD Rating=M] - [MD Word Cnt=106589]
- - [MD Summary= Instead of being left with his uncle Shinji gets picked up by his mother's cousin. One Rokuro Okajima or Rock as he's more commonly known as. A young Shinji grows up seeing Rock and Revy as parental figures meaning he isn't going to be the push over that Gendo expects once he arrives.]
- - [Direct URL]
- - [Author1 URL]
NGE-ME 'Alpha and Omega Book 2 The Fallen' by Xed Alpha - [Dld Date=10/05/2015] - [Dld Size=1151kb] - [Dld File Cnt=15] - [Dld Status=In Progress]
- - [MD Source=FF.NET] - [MD Rating=M] - [MD Word Cnt=8421]
- - [MD Summary= The Lucifuge Clan was a noble clan that faithfully served the mighty Lucifer clan... that is until Grayfia went against the family and chose a different master for herself. A master who proved himself to her as honorable and kind. A master who saw her as a person not a tool. A master who didn't physically and emotionally abuse her as her previous one did. [ShinjixGrayfia]]
- - [Direct URL]
- - [Author1 URL]
NGE-MGLN 'Number One' by Gundam Kaiser - [Dld Date=10/03/2015] - [Dld Size=84kb] - [Dld File Cnt=8] - [Dld Status=In Progress]
- - [MD Source=FF.NET] - [MD Rating=M] - [MD Word Cnt=209181]
- - [MD Summary= Having been cast down at the conclusion of his battle with the Leviathans Shinji Ikari finds himself caught between his new world and an old one that looks suspiciously familiar. And while he may be trapped with only one companion a certain someone universes away prepares to go to any lengths to see his return. Rated M to be safe]
- - [Direct URL]
- - [Author1 URL]
RANMA 'Discontinued Ranma Stories' by Racke - [Dld Date=10/09/2015] - [Dld Size=324kb] - [Dld File Cnt=9] - [Dld Status=In Progress]
- - [MD Source=FF.NET] - [MD Rating=T] - [MD Word Cnt=15187]
- - [MD Summary= An examination of Shinji Ikari as raised in the MGLN universe by Fate Testarossa and associates.]
- - [Direct URL]
- - [Author1 URL]
RANMA 'Ranma Baby' by JeremyGU - [Dld Date=10/07/2014] - [Dld Size=247kb] - [Dld File Cnt=9] - [Dld Status=Inactive]
- - [MD Source=FF.NET] - [MD Rating=T] - [MD Word Cnt=57107]
- - [MD Summary= Yup I've been writing and discarding things for this fandom too. Again it's pretty much Exactly What It Says On The Tin.]
- - [Direct URL]
- - [Author1 URL]
RANMA-AA 'Indelible Ink' by Errol Peregrinus - [Dld Date=10/01/2015] - [Dld Size=258kb] - [Dld File Cnt=14] - [Dld Status=In Progress]
- - [MD Source=FF.NET] - [MD Rating=M] - [MD Word Cnt=46378]
- - [MD Summary= It's been a year since Jusendo. Things between Ranma and Akane went from bad to worse and he decided that things needed to change. Nabiki wanting a decent guy was there to pounce. Ranma x Nabiki]
- - [Direct URL]
- - [Author1 URL]
RANMA-GOT 'Wild Wolf' by Vimesenthusiast - [Dld Date=09/25/2015] - [Dld Size=4448kb] - [Dld File Cnt=15] - [Dld Status=In Progress]
- - [Direct URL] ... elible+Ink
RANMA-HSDK 'History's Strongest Disciple Ranma' by Zeneger - [Dld Date=10/06/2015] - [Dld Size=539kb] - [Dld File Cnt=20] - [Dld Status=In Progress]
- - [MD Source=FF.NET] - [MD Rating=M] - [MD Word Cnt=815054]
- - [MD Summary= Fed up with life in Nerima Ranma runs away only to be followed by Happosai who has a magic scroll he want to try out. It works but... Ranma suddenly finds himself in Westeros replacing the champion chosen by the old gods in a time of great peril for humanity. How will the world change with the Wild Horse raised in the den of wolves? Pairing: Ranma/Daenerys/Arianne/Margaery]
- - [Direct URL]
- - [Author1 URL]
RANMA-ZNT 'Zero Interface' by Golden Arms - [Dld Date=09/24/2015] - [Dld Size=204kb] - [Dld File Cnt=6] - [Dld Status=In Progress - Preview]
- - [MD Source=FF.NET] - [MD Rating=M] - [MD Word Cnt=101978]
- - [MD Summary= A new gang appears near Furinkan and Ranma isn't enough to deal with them. Happosai leads Ranma to a dojo that is owned by a friend of his Fürinji Hayato. Alternate Universe/Crossover and to be safe M rating.]
- - [Direct URL]
- - [Author1 URL]
SM-AA 'Dungeon Keeper Ami' by Multiple - [Dld Date=09/26/2015] - [Dld Size=5088kb] - [Dld File Cnt=197] - [Dld Status=In Progress]
- - [Preview URL]
- - [Direct URL]
- - [Author1 URL]
ST-ME 'Star Effect Deep Space 9' by NYKevin - [Dld Date=09/25/2015] - [Dld Size=295kb] - [Dld File Cnt=34] - [Dld Status=In Progress]
- - [Direct URL] ... Keeper+Ami
ST-ME 'The Ultimate Killing Machine' by KE12 - [Dld Date=09/27/2015] - [Dld Size=146kb] - [Dld File Cnt=10] - [Dld Status=In Progress]
- - [MD Source=FF.NET] - [MD Rating=T] - [MD Word Cnt=49851]
- - [MD Summary= The Defiant enters the wormhole and emerges from a mass relay orbiting the Citadel. Takes place during ME2 and ME3. The Star Trek half looks like season 5 or 6 but isn't specified. Also has Fem!Shep/Garrus but mostly off-screen and not really the focus of the fic. T for language. Updates have become irregular lately.]
- - [Direct URL]
- - [Author1 URL]
TMOHS 'The Inexpressible' by Waffleness - [Dld Date=09/24/2015] - [Dld Size=51kb] - [Dld File Cnt=4] - [Dld Status=In Progress]
- - [MD Source=FF.NET] - [MD Rating=K] - [MD Word Cnt=26404]
- - [MD Summary= What would happen if the ultimate killing machines of the Star Trek universe the Borg met the 'pinnacle of evolution' from the Mass Effect Saga? Inside is my take on what would happen if the two titans of death ever met on the battlefield (Or space in this instance). Meanwhile the Enterprise finds its self lost in unknown space...]
- - [Direct URL]
- - [Author1 URL]
TMNI 'A Certain Unknown Level 0' by MrQuestionMark - [Dld Date=10/10/2015] - [Dld Size=4376kb] - [Dld File Cnt=73] - [Dld Status=In Progress]
- - [MD Source=FF.NET] - [MD Rating=T] - [MD Word Cnt=9343]
- - [MD Summary= Nagato attempts to express herself in the only way she knows how. Meanwhile Kyon comes to terms with his alien friend. Set after The Wavering.]
- - [Direct URL]
- - [Author1 URL]
TMFSN 'Chaos Theory' by Moczo - [Dld Date=10/08/2015] - [Dld Size=1011kb] - [Dld File Cnt=28] - [Dld Status=In Progress]
- - [MD Source=FF.NET] - [MD Rating=T] - [MD Word Cnt=820538]
- - [MD Summary= Accelerator and the Railgun. Two level 5's that have been subjected to the same rumour: they have been defeated by a Level 0. But who is this mysterious esper? This is the numerous investigations made by characters in the ToAru universe into this Level 0. People who don't know him will learn the truth and those who do know him will catch a glimpse into his life. Will have action.]
- - [Direct URL]
- - [Author1 URL]
TMFSN 'Fate Servant and Cook' by Serenarey Chiba - [Dld Date=09/26/2015] - [Dld Size=911kb] - [Dld File Cnt=12] - [Dld Status=In Progress]
- - [MD Source=FF.NET] - [MD Rating=T] - [MD Word Cnt=187314]
- - [MD Summary= Sometimes the tiniest of changes can have the greatest impact on the world. One chance encounter goes in a new direction and the course of the Holy Grail War is irrevocably changed...]
- - [Direct URL]
- - [Author1 URL]
TMFSN-HSDXD 'Dragonic Fate Works' by Kratos1989 - [Dld Date=10/11/2015] - [Dld Size=636kb] - [Dld File Cnt=4] - [Dld Status=In Progress]
- - [MD Source=FF.NET] - [MD Rating=M] - [MD Word Cnt=171012]
- - [MD Summary= Shirou is forced back in time to save Arturia from her downfall though he doesn't know how or what to do about it. He's not a fighter but an idealist. Is he supposed to use his ideals to oppose or supplement Arturia's? Saber/Shirou]
- - [Direct URL]
- - [Author1 URL]
TMFSN-HSDXD 'Fake x Fate' by kyugan - [Dld Date=09/27/2015] - [Dld Size=168kb] - [Dld File Cnt=5] - [Dld Status=In Progress]
- - [MD Source=FF.NET] - [MD Rating=T] - [MD Word Cnt=120313]
- - [MD Summary= Honestly I should have expected it. After all my line of work would always be screwing with me when I don't need to. What I did not expect was getting myself into a world where Gods are around Angels and Demons are real and the residents are really weird. I blame Zelretch for this. FSN and DxD Crossover.Rated T for the time being.]
- - [Direct URL]
- - [Author1 URL]
TMFSN-HSDXD 'Holding All The Cards' by Drow79 - [Dld Date=10/06/2015] - [Dld Size=56kb] - [Dld Status=In Progress]
- - [MD Source=FF.NET] - [MD Rating=T] - [MD Word Cnt=30531]
- - [MD Summary= Shirou only had the best intentions that night he chose to cast aside his ideals. Now trapped in a strange world where Gods Angels & Devils run rampant he's about to learn just what kind of road said intentions have built...provided he can finish his second year without accidentally kick-starting another Holy War.]
- - [Direct URL]
- - [Author1 URL]
TMFSN-HSDXD 'Representation of Humanity' by Writer with bad Grammar T-T - [Dld Date=10/04/2015] - [Dld Size=1348kb] - [Dld File Cnt=23] - [Dld Status=In Progress]
- - [MD Source=FF.NET] - [MD Rating=T] - [MD Word Cnt=10397]
- - [MD Summary= Issei was celebrating at a festival when a certain stall called the 'Throne of Heroes' caught his attention. Deciding to check it out he made a decision that changed his life and the lives of those around him forever. Warning OOC Issei/Less perverted Issei. Harem because DxD.]
- - [Direct URL]
- - [Author1 URL]
ZNT 'Royal Companion' by kuroraikounokami - [Dld Date=09/28/2015] - [Dld Size=533kb] - [Dld File Cnt=8] - [Dld Status=In Progress]
- - [MD Source=FF.NET] - [MD Rating=M] - [MD Word Cnt=255261]
- - [MD Summary= We all know Ise become pervert because he meet one pervert old man in the park. However in this Universe he meet certain old troll instead old pervert. Multiple crossover! OOC Issei! Warn : Bad grammar! Looking for Beta! Prologue - Chapter 11 already edited]
- - [Direct URL]
- - [Author1 URL]
- - [MD Source=FF.NET] - [MD Rating=M] - [MD Word Cnt=100752]
- - [MD Summary= She a princess from a small kingdom with the weight of her country on her shoulders wishes for more freedom. He a man who's life has gotten a bit boring wishes for a change to happen. She calls to the universe to deliver her someone to converse with. He answers the call for a new adventure. Will he be able to give her what she wants?]
- - [Direct URL]
- - [Author1 URL]
Graphic Stories
NGE 'Scar Tissue' by deathbringer374 - [Dld Date=09/28/2015] - [Dld Size=1539kb] - [Dld File Cnt=16] - [Dld Status=In Progress]NGE-QB 'Wandering Pilot' by Mercaba - [Dld Date=10/09/2015] - [Dld Size=2325kb] - [Dld File Cnt=32] - [Dld Status=In Progress]
- - [Notice=Graphic Content]
- - [MD Source=FF.NET] - [MD Rating=M] - [MD Word Cnt=288188]
- - [MD Summary= Summary withheld due to content.]
- - Links withheld due to content.
POKEGIRLS 'A Little Blue' by Kerrik Wolf - [Dld Date=09/27/2015] - [Dld Size=1018kb] - [Dld File Cnt=17] - [Dld Status=In Progress]
- - [Notice=Graphic Content]
- - [MD Source=FF.NET] - [MD Rating=M] - [MD Word Cnt=435125]
- - [MD Summary= Summary withheld due to content.]
- - Links withheld due to content.
- - [Notice=Graphic Content]
- - Links withheld due to content.
Note1: 'Second Chances' was an update I missed the prior time I listed.
Note2: 'A Demon Among Devils' and 'Kenichi x Shigure' are not new, just something I only just came across and read.
The following have gone at least one year since I last downloaded them with no update. As such, their status has switched from 'In Progress' to 'Inactive'.
Inactive Stories wrote:Regular Stories
BL 'Revy Unloaded' by MakaTsukuyomi - [Dld Date=10/10/2014] - [Dld Size=69kb] - [Dld File Cnt=5] - [Dld Status=Inactive]RANMA-AA 'Hanaukyo Maid Team' by Multiple - [Dld Date=09/23/2014] - [Dld Size=227kb] - [Dld File Cnt=42] - [Dld Status=Inactive]
- - [MD Source=FF.NET] - [MD Rating=M] - [MD Word Cnt=13424]
- - [MD Summary= "Shit... Shit Shit Shit... I can't stand kids how am I Gonna bring one into this fucked up excuse for a world! This is Roanapur of all places.. IT will probably get fucking killed before it can walk anyway.. Bastard shoulda pulled out..." Interested yet? Wanna know what happened? Read on. Mature nature and themes! Beware!]
- - [Direct URL]
- - [Author1 URL]
RANMA-SM 'Nabiki and Makoto... A little brain crack' by talonhunter - [Dld Date=10/05/2014] - [Dld Size=3kb] - [Dld Status=Inactive - Preview]
- - [Direct URL] ... +Maid+Team
- - [Preview URL] viewtopic.php?t=8087
Graphic Stories
RANMA-MULTI 'Nodoka 2-1' by TheDevian - [Dld Date=10/06/2014] - [Dld Size=1757kb] - [Dld File Cnt=14] - [Dld Status=Inactive]
- - [Notice=Graphic Content]
- - [MD Source=FF.NET] - [MD Rating=M] - [MD Word Cnt=326097]
- - [MD Summary= Summary withheld due to content.]
- - Links withheld due to content.