PCHeintz72's Filtered Full List Update-03/23/15

Do not request fics that a simple search engine lookup can find. Follow the rule when naming threads

Re: PCHeintz72's Filtered Full List Update-03/23/15

Postby PCHeintz72 » Wed Nov 09, 2016 1:09 am

Shrugs... I would merely point out I see the same issues myself reading posts in the new updated fic list... while some post fairly complete disclosure as to things like name, author, series, etc, others do not. To figure them out, unless ask, you have to click on them, because the information just plain is not given. That is not just here, look at various update or recommended threads on most forums, because most do not have a requirement for it, or even if they do it is not enforced.

I'll give it some thought, but no promises on any form of changes... I do have an alternate format i can display stuff in that might work well... Quite frankly I do not use it much, because I just plain do not care for it. Using one of the updated entries form my latest post, it looks something like:

Thread Name: [High School DxD][Dragon of Domination] by [Xenal]
Series: High School DxD
Prefix-Crossover: HSDXD
Title-Name: 'Dragon of Domination'
Author Name: Xenal
Dld Date: 10/19/2016
Dld Size: 14kb
Dld Status: In Progress
MD Source: FF.NET
MD Rating: M
MD Word Cnt: 2494
MD Summary: Everyone knows that Devils are selfish creatures by nature So what happens when a reincarnated Devil is willing to do anything to protect his friends? How much carnage and destruction will be cause? Smart/OP Issei
Direct URL: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12197631/1/
Author1 URL: https://www.fanfiction.net/u/4426767/

Ignore the 'Thread Name' part, this alternate format was designed with making my auto generated lists coming as close as possible to meeting the old link posting standards seen on things like FFML, SpaceBattles, and the defunct Anifics site with minimal work on my part. I merely never removed the format. (my program outputs CSV spreadsheet format, 2 BBCode formats, TXT, HTML, OPML, and XML, and two different diagnostic formats I made for error correction purposes).
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Re: PCHeintz72's Filtered Full List Update-03/23/15

Postby Spica75 » Wed Nov 09, 2016 1:18 am

mostly getting ignored these days both here

Definitely not ignored.
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Re: PCHeintz72's Filtered Full List Update-03/23/15

Postby gsteemso » Sat Nov 12, 2016 12:38 am

I personally am very grateful that you go to all the effort to periodically post these lists. I don’t have anything like the time to manually check as many sites as your system does, and I frequently discover new stories — even, rarely, entirely new-to-me fandoms — thanks to their presence in what you collate for our benefit.

Without exaggerating, there are known to be several million fanfics on the web with tens of thousands more appearing every week. Even with the dubious aid of total strangers’ static and often outdated recommended reading lists, it is simply not possible to trawl through any significant fraction of that mess by hand and still have time to eat and sleep, let alone do anything else needful—especially considering how miniscule a fraction of what we each DO encounter is worth bookmarking. Without these lists you post, it would be significantly more laborious for me to find interesting new fics to enjoy.

That said, while I consider the display format you currently use for the listings to be quite sufficient to its purpose, I also frequently find myself utterly mystified by some of the mnemonic series abbreviations you employ. If this was a map or a complex graph, I would be wondering where the legend was.

I do not know the details of how your fic-scanning system is implemented, but it seems to me that unless you must manually specify the fandom of each and every new entry you add to it, it must necessarily consult some sort of lookup table between the full series name that most sites employ and your mnemonics. If there is in fact such a table buried in its guts somewhere, it would have to be utterly trivial to add a dump of the reverse translations to the end of the report. It should be only somewhat less trivial to omit those entries which are not referenced in the current issue.

One other thing I have been a touch curious about… What does the “MD” prefix that clutters up so many of the field names in each report entry signify, if anything?
The world’s only gsteemso
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Re: PCHeintz72's Filtered Full List Update-03/23/15

Postby PCHeintz72 » Sat Nov 12, 2016 8:28 am

gsteemso wrote:I personally am very grateful that you go to all the effort to periodically post these lists. I don’t have anything like the time to manually check as many sites as your system does, and I frequently discover new stories — even, rarely, entirely new-to-me fandoms — thanks to their presence in what you collate for our benefit.


One other thing I have been a touch curious about… What does the “MD” prefix that clutters up so many of the field names in each report entry signify, if anything?

This, is fairly easy to clear up. Under my system, every piece of information generally has one of two sources. It is either made by myself or my program, or it is pulled from a site when the story is downloaded.

Given that, within any individual entry... many of the info tags have one of two descriptions in front of them:

1. Some of my tags have DLD in front of them, that is short for Download. Meaning the information is calculated by myself or my program after I have the story and is regenerated on each run of my program. Those tags should in theory always be accurate for the copy I have.

2. Some of my tags have MD in front of them, that is short for Metadata. These only appear on stories that have come from FanFiction.NET or MediaMiner.ORG, or FicWad.COM, or Adult-FanFiction.ORG. Meaning the information is NOT calculated by myself or my program after I have the story, but is taken from that sites metadata or their tags. It may or may not be correct since I do not make the information in those tags, but I had so many requests for this information and grabbing it from those 4 sites was not hard with the methods I use, so included it to get the ones requesting it off my back. The MD Source tag tell you the site it came from.

The one limiting thing with any MD tag is it is only accurate as of when I last grabbed that particular story, meaning for example if the author changes the summary, I will not show that new summary or even know about it until I next download that story, likely at the next chapter release.

All the URL's in my links come from my Favorites/Bookmarks and are scanned and generated in the listing by my program each time it is run. The one each of story Preview, story Direct, and story Invalid links because I get them by story name, and the one author Invalid link and up to three author Direct links to author name.

Normally, you will not see invalid links on your end, they were added at request some time back. Or at least ones tagged as such. I have them on my end when I know they went bad and cannot find valid ones, but those normally are not new or updating stories, which is what gets reported here and on other forums in the partial listings I've been doing.

I do not know the details of how your fic-scanning system is implemented, but it seems to me that unless you must manually specify the fandom of each and every new entry you add to it, it must necessarily consult some sort of lookup table between the full series name that most sites employ and your mnemonics. If there is in fact such a table buried in its guts somewhere, it would have to be utterly trivial to add a dump of the reverse translations to the end of the report. It should be only somewhat less trivial to omit those entries which are not referenced in the current issue.

This is actually an understandable assumption on your part but not quite correct. I actually *could* do as you suggest, though it would not be quite as easy as you imply, but it could not be done how you suggest. You seem to be under the impression that a partial update is generated separately from a full update. That is where the misconception is. I actually do a full report update *every* run. Which regenerates the entire listing over again. No partial update is ever done. The partial posts I do are actually made by using a file comparison tool against current and prior full run and extracting the differences.

Thus, the only dumped translations on a partial update under such a method as you describe would be either the entire list (for the first run), or only the new unique entries adding a series (subsequent runs).

A better and more realistic alternative is to merely have a new tag with a full translated description against a master list for each entry. For non-crossovers this would be only the initial work to add the tag or field, and I would not even need a list as I have that name always. For crossovers is where it becomes problematic, I can see two approaches, and each would require minor upkeep to a translation list at the introduction of each new potential series name or each new unique crossover name (not to a story using a particular cross already in the system).


A Different method occurs to me... instead of a translation list, I could merely add another MD tag... for the 4 sites listed for getting MD tag information from, I can pull their series name... no lists on my part needed. That does not help with other sites, but the bulk of my stuff comes from those 4 sites anyway.

I'll have to give that some thought... there could be some downsides to doing that.
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Re: PCHeintz72's Filtered Full List Update-03/23/15

Postby gsteemso » Sat Nov 12, 2016 2:00 pm

Uh… I know that any use of the system would necessarily process all entries, else it would not be possible to tell which fics had changed. That the delta report omitting the unchanged items is generated by manual postprocessing rather than during the main run is an irrelevant implementation detail. If you add a quick blob of code to the end of the main program to dump or copy out a fresh, up-to-date summary of the abbreviation dictionary, a quick-and-dirty search and replace of the delta file could be done by a trivial filter script (I think it could be done in a few simple lines of Perl?). No clumsy "legend" addendum needed!
The world’s only gsteemso
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Re: PCHeintz72's Filtered Full List Update-03/23/15

Postby PCHeintz72 » Sat Nov 12, 2016 3:18 pm

gsteemso wrote:Uh… I know that any use of the system would necessarily process all entries, else it would not be possible to tell which fics had changed. That the delta report omitting the unchanged items is generated by manual postprocessing rather than during the main run is an irrelevant implementation detail. If you add a quick blob of code to the end of the main program to dump or copy out a fresh, up-to-date summary of the abbreviation dictionary, a quick-and-dirty search and replace of the delta file could be done by a trivial filter script (I think it could be done in a few simple lines of Perl?). No clumsy "legend" addendum needed!

The amount of work to add that sort of functionality post processing would be better spent just adding the field I suggested during processing... it also would be better for consistency, since most people across all the forums are used to the tags I currently use.

Besides, coding a post processing search and replace removal of my own tagging system seems counter productive for my own uses.

One downside I can think of to using the Metadata method is that some stories are not filed correctly on the archive sites. This is more an issue on older stories, but I've seen for example Ranma or Star Trek crossovers that are incorrectly in their respective non-crossover section, not the correct crossover one. Using the metadata on a archive site in such cases would give the correct section it is in on the site, but not the the correct or true crossover category for the story. Even if my own prefix tags in such cases do actually have the correct crossover in it.
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Re: PCHeintz72's Filtered Full List Update-03/23/15

Postby gsteemso » Sat Nov 12, 2016 8:44 pm

PCHeintz72 wrote:…coding a post processing search and replace removal of my own tagging system seems counter productive for my own uses.

Agreed. That was why I had suggested that as a separate and optional post-processing step rather than part of the actual program's report-generation function.

I know the main reason you run this thing is for your own uses, and the fact that you then share the results with us is a bonus. The thing is, because you do share them with us, there are effectively two target audiences (yourself, and the unwashed masses), with slightly differing requirements. Your method of handling those differences has hitherto been to try to find a presentational compromise. It works, but causes unnecessary work for you.

I had a vaguely similar problem, years ago, when I got fed up with manually editing my fanfic chapters to accommodate the various forms of crippled HTML accepted by the different fanfiction sites and tried to automate the process. I ended up with several irritatingly similar Perl scripts, each of which did pretty much the same processing of my master copy of each story and put the custom-mangled output into its own directory; it rapidly became clear that I should have separated the output portions, and run them ALL after only processing the input once.

I think it would save you some time and/or irritation if your postprocessing step spat out TWO copies of the delta report — one for you and one for everyone else. Since the latter would be produced automatically, you could even arrange for it to be already in BBCode format, assuming of course that such a feature would be any use. (I don't recall if your update posts use any extra formatting, but either way, you need not be precluded from choosing to do so in future.)
The world’s only gsteemso
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Re: PCHeintz72's Filtered Full List Update-03/23/15

Postby PCHeintz72 » Mon Dec 05, 2016 8:57 pm

PCHeintz72's Filtered Partial List Update-12/05/16

The following have had updates or are new to me that I've read in the last 27 days since I last ran the Lister program, though some of these updates may not be in the main story links provided, but on the forums the authors use for previews.

In Progress Stories wrote:Regular Stories

HSDXD-PERSONA 'A Flower Amongst Devils' by Wrathie Winsre - [Dld Date=11/11/2016] - [Dld Size=2454kb] - [Dld File Cnt=40] - [Dld Status=In Progress]
  • - [MD Source=FF.NET] - [MD Category=Persona Series + High School DxD/ハイスクールD×D Crossover] - [MD Rating=M] - [MD Word Cnt=452974]
  • - [MD Summary= Minako certainly didn't expect to be here in a new world and fending for herself amongst Devils Fallens Angels and Youkai and with only her Personas to guide her! She also never expected to play negotator either what happened to just flat out saving the world again? An AU Crossover Fic]
  • - [Direct URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/s/10589094/1/
  • - [Author1 URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/u/861242/
HSDK 'Kenichi Not Just Her Disciple' by Autobot Rewind - [Dld Date=11/15/2016] - [Dld Size=119kb] - [Dld File Cnt=7] - [Dld Status=In Progress]
  • - [MD Source=FF.NET] - [MD Category=Kenichi the Mightiest Disciple] - [MD Rating=M] - [MD Word Cnt=21677]
  • - [MD Summary= Where does Kenichi go when Miu won't return his affection? How far will Shigure go to bring him back when she barely realizes her own love? How will he react when the last person he would suspect to be in love with him finds him? What do his mother and a book have to do with this? Will Shigure get to teach him something? Will he finally get over his rule of not attacking girls?]
  • - [Direct URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12039645/1/
  • - [Author1 URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/u/7306298/
  • - [Author2 URL] http://members.adult-fanfiction.org/pro ... 1296977238
LH 'Take the Time' by MegaDarkly - [Dld Date=11/23/2016] - [Dld Size=58kb] - [Dld File Cnt=3] - [Dld Status=In Progress]
  • - [MD Source=FF.NET] - [MD Category=Love Hina] - [MD Rating=T] - [MD Word Cnt=11273]
  • - [MD Summary= History always repeats itself but Keitaro didn't think that it was meant literally. Waking up in the past and armed with the knowledge of the future he now has the choice to right the wrongs he's made. One of those wrongs was falling for Naru. Realizing the potential of another love he sets his eyes on someone new. Someone who wouldn't see it coming.]
  • - [Direct URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/s/11845459/1/
  • - [Author1 URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/u/2653897/
MULTI 'Favorite Company' by Ryu Gabriev - [Dld Date=12/04/2016] - [Dld Size=236kb] - [Dld File Cnt=5] - [Dld Status=In Progress - Preview]NGE 'Futures Freak Me Out' by hidinginplainsight - [Dld Date=11/23/2016] - [Dld Size=109kb] - [Dld File Cnt=8] - [Dld Status=Complete]
  • - [MD Source=FF.NET] - [MD Category=Evangelion] - [MD Rating=M] - [MD Word Cnt=21243]
  • - [MD Summary= Shinji and Asuka are college roommates but will their fear of the potential consequences of a relationship stop them from taking the one chance they both so desperately want to take? COMPLETE]
  • - [Direct URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/s/11232790/1/
  • - [Author1 URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/u/2644639/
RANMA 'Hand-Me-Down Ranma -- A Good Fit' by asayogure - [Dld Date=11/12/2016] - [Dld Size=1980kb] - [Dld File Cnt=60] - [Dld Status=Complete]
  • - [MD Source=FF.NET] - [MD Category=Ranma] - [MD Rating=T] - [MD Word Cnt=382598]
  • - [MD Summary= Why does Nabiki do what she does? What if Nabiki realized the guy she is in love with is engaged to her sister? What if Nabiki took a chance bit her lip and went for it? This is Nabiki's story and it's everyone's story. There isn't a person on this Earth who hasn't looked at someone across a crowded room wistfully and wished they had the nerve to go for it. Can Nabiki succeed?]
  • - [Direct URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/s/11600137/1/
  • - [Author1 URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/u/1264339/
RANMA-HSDXD 'Ranma's new Highschool DxD' by Aeoden - [Dld Date=11/11/2016] - [Dld Size=111kb] - [Dld File Cnt=4] - [Dld Status=In Progress]
  • - [MD Source=FF.NET] - [MD Category=Ranma + High School DxD/ハイスクールD×D Crossover] - [MD Rating=T] - [MD Word Cnt=21363]
  • - [MD Summary= After the failed wedding Ranma shows up to school only to find he has been expelled by the Hawaiian nut job while he was in China. His mother steps in and has him sent away to a new school away from Nerima with the hopes that things will cool down while her son is gone or at least buy her time to deal with her husband's mistakes.]
  • - [Direct URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/s/11833142/1/
  • - [Author1 URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/u/2754191/
RANMA-RWBY 'A Semblance of Hope' by Vimesenthusiast - [Dld Date=12/01/2016] - [Dld Size=834kb] - [Dld File Cnt=7] - [Dld Status=In Progress]
  • - [MD Source=FF.NET] - [MD Category=Ranma + RWBY Crossover] - [MD Rating=M] - [MD Word Cnt=157833]
  • - [MD Summary= After a unlucky moment with the gang back in time Ranma's forced to seek out the then-present day Happosai to steal his Namban Mirror to get home. When an explosion cracks the mirror and makes Ranma to forget his wish he's flung through time and space to land on Remnant but he isn't alone. And what are these weird white and black creatures? Pairing undecided]
  • - [Direct URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/s/11821223/1/
  • - [Author1 URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/u/4785338/
SM-DRESDEN 'The Senshi Files Silver Warden' by Irritus185 - [Dld Date=11/28/2016] - [Dld Size=640kb] - [Dld File Cnt=9] - [Dld Status=In Progress]
  • - [MD Source=FF.NET] - [MD Category=Sailor Moon + Dresden Files Crossover] - [MD Rating=T] - [MD Word Cnt=120795]
  • - [MD Summary= When Harry saved a young electromancer from some bloodthirsty monsters he never imagined the trouble that would await him. Now between all the faeries demons vampires and rogue sorcerers trying to kill him he has to deal with mini-skirt wearing soldiers of justice. In the name of magic Harry Blackstone Copperfield Dresden will punish you!]
  • - [Direct URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12252300/1/
  • - [Author1 URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/u/453089/
ST-B5 'A Thin Veneer Novel - Requiem for Regulus' by NorJC - [Dld Date=12/05/2010] - [Dld Size=252kb] - [Dld File Cnt=14] - [Dld Status=Complete]
  • - [MD Source=FF.NET] - [MD Category=TV X-overs] - [MD Rating=T] - [MD Word Cnt=45872]
  • - [MD Summary= ST/B5-After the Minbari attack on the Regulus colonies the dark past of the Valkyrie's captain could threaten both the love of his life and Starfleet. This story uses AlbertG's (Skeet's) A Thin Veneer Star Trek Movie era/Babylon 5 In the Beginning crossover universe with his permission.]
  • - [Direct URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/s/6361136/1/
  • - [Author1 URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/u/2234842/
ST-B5 'A Thin Veneer Novel - The Blood of Saints' by NorJC - [Dld Date=11/26/2016] - [Dld Size=513kb] - [Dld File Cnt=23] - [Dld Status=In Progress]
  • - [MD Source=FF.NET] - [MD Category=TV X-overs] - [MD Rating=K+] - [MD Word Cnt=90656]
  • - [MD Summary= ST/B5-The USS Valkyrie and her crew race at the head of a Klingon/Federation task force into Earth Alliance space to hold at the 'Battle of the Line' against the Minbari's genocidal war machine. This story uses AlbertG's (Skeet's) A Thin Veneer Star Trek Movie era/Babylon 5 In the Beginning crossover universe with his permission.]
  • - [Direct URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/s/6562246/1/
  • - [Author1 URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/u/2234842/
ST-B5 'Fifteen Decks, A Thin Veneer Novelette 1' by NorJC - [Dld Date=09/04/2010] - [Dld Size=38kb] - [Dld Status=Complete]
  • - [MD Source=FF.NET] - [MD Category=TV X-overs] - [MD Rating=K+] - [MD Word Cnt=6865]
  • - [MD Summary= STB5-Before the USS Valkyrie leaves on her first five year voyage a maintenance procedure might kill the captain and his first officer before the ship sets sail. This story uses AlbertG's A Thin Veneer Star Trek Movie era universe with his permission.]
  • - [Direct URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/s/6297851/1/
  • - [Author1 URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/u/2234842/
ST-B5 'Intrepid, A Thin Veneer Novelette 2' by NorJC - [Dld Date=09/06/2010] - [Dld Size=41kb] - [Dld Status=Complete]
  • - [MD Source=FF.NET] - [MD Category=TV X-overs] - [MD Rating=K+] - [MD Word Cnt=7243]
  • - [MD Summary= ST/B5-After the Enterprise's encounter with the Minbari the Valkyrie is given a diplomatic mission that may lead to an evolution in Tynen's relationship with V'Lar. This story uses AlbertG's (Skeet's) A Thin Veneer Star Trek Movie era/Babylon 5 In the Beginning crossover universe with his permission.]
  • - [Direct URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/s/6304000/1/
  • - [Author1 URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/u/2234842/
ST-B5 'Romeo and Arwen, A Thin Veneer Short Story 4' by NorJC - [Dld Date=10/07/2010] - [Dld Size=6kb] - [Dld Status=Complete]
  • - [MD Source=FF.NET] - [MD Category=TV X-overs] - [MD Rating=K+] - [MD Word Cnt=1089]
  • - [MD Summary= STB5- How does a poor PR officer sell an unpopular tax to support the Starfleet's efforts against the Minbari? Why find a compelling sentient interest story of course! This story uses AlbertG's A Thin Veneer Star Trek Movie era universe with his permission.]
  • - [Direct URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/s/6380886/1/
  • - [Author1 URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/u/2234842/
ST-BSG 'Hour of the Wolf' by Mountain King - [Dld Date=11/25/2016] - [Dld Size=712kb] - [Dld File Cnt=38] - [Dld Status=In Progress]
  • - [MD Source=FF.NET] - [MD Category=StarTrek: The Next Generation + Battlestar Galactica Crossover] - [MD Rating=T] - [MD Word Cnt=128503]
  • - [MD Summary= The Battle of Wolf 359 the Federation Fleet faces the monstrous Borg Cube in a desperate attempt to defend sector 001. All seems lost when an ancient warship the last defender of a dying people offers it's aid. Changing the destiny of the Alpha Quadrant forever.]
  • - [Direct URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/s/10412984/1/
  • - [Author1 URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/u/518733/
ST-ME 'Star Effect Deep Space 9' by NYKevin - [Dld Date=10/29/2016] - [Dld Size=430kb] - [Dld File Cnt=41] - [Dld Status=In Progress]
  • - [MD Source=FF.NET] - [MD Category=StarTrek: Deep Space Nine + Mass Effect Crossover] - [MD Rating=T] - [MD Word Cnt=73207]
  • - [MD Summary= The Defiant enters the wormhole and emerges from a mass relay orbiting the Citadel. Takes place during ME2 and ME3. The Star Trek half looks like season 5 or 6 but isn't specified. Also has Fem!Shep/Garrus but mostly off-screen and not really the focus of the fic. T for language. Updates have become irregular lately.]
  • - [Direct URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/s/9686218/1/
  • - [Author1 URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/u/3018644/
ST-ME 'Star Trek Imperator' by CAS2109 - [Dld Date=12/04/2016] - [Dld Size=185kb] - [Dld File Cnt=6] - [Dld Status=In Progress]
  • - [MD Source=FF.NET] - [MD Category=StarTrek: Other + Mass Effect Crossover] - [MD Rating=T] - [MD Word Cnt=32706]
  • - [MD Summary= While following the trail of a damaged Borg Cube the U.S.S. Imperator stumbles across a buried mystery and suddenly finds itself with seemingly no way to return to Federation space. The crew of the Imperator soon come to realise that far more than their own lives are in jeopardy as a new ageless foe skirts on the boundaries of the galaxy while a familiar enemy lurks within...]
  • - [Direct URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12157407/1/
  • - [Author1 URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/u/4098997/
TMOHS 'The Inexpressible' by Waffleness - [Dld Date=11/26/2016] - [Dld Size=82kb] - [Dld File Cnt=6] - [Dld Status=In Progress]TMNI 'A Certain Unknown Level 0' by MrQuestionMark - [Dld Date=12/03/2016] - [Dld Size=6553kb] - [Dld File Cnt=93] - [Dld Status=In Progress]
  • - [MD Source=FF.NET] - [MD Category=Toaru Majutsu no Index/とある魔術の禁書目録] - [MD Rating=T] - [MD Word Cnt=1230416]
  • - [MD Summary= Accelerator and the Railgun. Two level 5's that have been subjected to the same rumour: they have been defeated by a Level 0. But who is this mysterious esper? This is the numerous investigations made by characters in the ToAru universe into this Level 0. People who don't know him will learn the truth and those who do know him will catch a glimpse into his life. Will have action.]
  • - [Direct URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/s/8918264/1/
  • - [Author1 URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/u/4160672/
TMNI 'A New ROAD of Misfortune' by Itherael - [Dld Date=11/25/2016] - [Dld Size=1746kb] - [Dld File Cnt=12] - [Dld Status=In Progress]
  • - [MD Source=FF.NET] - [MD Category=Toaru Majutsu no Index/とある魔術の禁書目録] - [MD Rating=T] - [MD Word Cnt=314966]
  • - [MD Summary= A ruined world is all that is left. No worth saving yet hope will continue to shine in the heart of a certain Hero. It always will.]
  • - [Direct URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/s/10237976/1/
  • - [Author1 URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/u/5492371/
TMFSN 'Fate Route Alter' by Humida - [Dld Date=12/01/2016] - [Dld Size=337kb] - [Dld File Cnt=25] - [Dld Status=In Progress]
  • - [MD Source=FF.NET] - [MD Category=Fate/stay night] - [MD Rating=M] - [MD Word Cnt=63535]
  • - [MD Summary= an alternate route where shirou summons the dark saber alter. A woman who sets all shirou's preconceived notions on edge will he survive the grail war and more importantly will he survive his servant herself? shirouxalter pairing]
  • - [Direct URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/s/11988090/1/
  • - [Author1 URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/u/2059653/
TMFSN 'From Fake Dreams' by Third Fang - [Dld Date=11/18/2016] - [Dld Size=4826kb] - [Dld File Cnt=48] - [Dld Status=In Progress]
  • - [MD Source=FF.NET] - [MD Category=Fate/stay night] - [MD Rating=M] - [MD Word Cnt=884874]
  • - [MD Summary= Emiya Kiritsugu was happy living the rest of his short days. He had put his past behind him... until he began to dream of futures that had yet to be. Let it be known that the Magus Killer was not dangerous simply because he was dying and had no plans to fight.]
  • - [Direct URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/s/7207791/1/
  • - [Author1 URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/u/1983129/
TMFSN-CAMPIONE 'God Slaying Blade Works' by Marcus Galen Sands - [Dld Date=11/30/2016] - [Dld Size=4971kb] - [Dld File Cnt=38] - [Dld Status=In Progress]
  • - [MD Source=FF.NET] - [MD Category=Fate/stay night + Campione!/カンピオーネ! Crossover] - [MD Rating=T] - [MD Word Cnt=931548]
  • - [MD Summary= The first Fate/Stay Night-Campione! crossover. A Heavens Feel Shirou finds that himself and Illya have been pulled into another world by a corrupted Grail. There his actions lead to him becoming the Eighth god killing Devil King. Now he has to deal with becoming someone who rules where he walks even if he doesn't want to. That and trying to find a way back home.]
  • - [Direct URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/s/8560965/1/
  • - [Author1 URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/u/4274008/
TMFSN-HSDK 'How to Train a Sword of Life' by Quathis - [Dld Date=11/11/2016] - [Dld Size=65kb] - [Dld File Cnt=3] - [Dld Status=In Progress]TMFSN-HSDXD 'Dragonic Fate Works' by Kratos1989 - [Dld Date=11/24/2016] - [Dld Size=1247kb] - [Dld File Cnt=7] - [Dld Status=In Progress]
  • - [MD Source=FF.NET] - [MD Category=Fate/stay night + High School DxD/ハイスクールD×D Crossover] - [MD Rating=T] - [MD Word Cnt=235541]
  • - [MD Summary= Honestly I should have expected it. After all my line of work would always be screwing with me when I don't need to. What I did not expect was getting myself into a world where Gods are around Angels and Demons are real and the residents are really weird. I blame Zelretch for this. FSN and DxD Crossover.Rated T for the time being.]
  • - [Direct URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/s/10966996/1/
  • - [Author1 URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/u/4677842/
TMFSN-HSDXD 'Guardian of DxD' by Mr.X-ray99 - [Dld Date=11/12/2016] - [Dld Size=900kb] - [Dld File Cnt=18] - [Dld Status=In Progress]
  • - [MD Source=FF.NET] - [MD Category=Fate/stay night + High School DxD/ハイスクールD×D Crossover] - [MD Rating=T] - [MD Word Cnt=166367]
  • - [MD Summary= Emiya Shirou has learned what his future is and is given a offer that would not only give him a chance for a different life but also a chance to reunite with his lost love...Saber. Can Shirou live a new life at Kuoh academy together with his new friend Issei Hyoudou when both of them attract only trouble around them?]
  • - [Direct URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/s/11655566/1/
  • - [Author1 URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/u/6949004/
TMFSN-RWBY 'Remnant' by Fell The Tempest - [Dld Date=11/14/2016] - [Dld Size=423kb] - [Dld File Cnt=7] - [Dld Status=In Progress]
  • - [MD Source=FF.NET] - [MD Category=Fate/stay night + RWBY Crossover] - [MD Rating=T] - [MD Word Cnt=76478]
  • - [MD Summary= The Schnee family possesses a special trait: the ability to summon familiars into battle. Weiss was convinced she was the exception... that is until the Battle for Beacon. [One-shot turned full-length story. Beta-read by knightoblivion.]]
  • - [Direct URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/s/11995477/1/
TMFSN-SEKIREI 'Foolish Royale' by Nikon Asturias - [Dld Date=11/25/2016] - [Dld Size=107kb] - [Dld File Cnt=6] - [Dld Status=Complete]
  • - [MD Source=FF.NET] - [MD Category=Fate/stay night + Sekirei Crossover] - [MD Rating=M] - [MD Word Cnt=19927]
  • - [MD Summary= Tokyo also known as Shinto Teito has become the grounds for a twisted game. Fools are those who participate one more foolish than the rest. Emiya Shirou has found himself in a familiar situation except the rules and consequences are different. All he wanted to do was retire and live in peace. Now he will have to demonstrate the consequences of attacking the New Magus Killer.]
  • - [Direct URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/s/11563605/1/
  • - [Author1 URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/u/4269287/
ZNT 'Familiar Of Zero Saving Grace' by Autobot Rewind - [Dld Date=12/04/2016] - [Dld Size=830kb] - [Dld File Cnt=42] - [Dld Status=In Progress]
  • - [MD Source=FF.NET] - [MD Category=Familiar of Zero] - [MD Rating=M] - [MD Word Cnt=148820]
  • - [MD Summary= Saito gets saved from Louise but not without a fight. Agnes trains him but is it more than that? Who takes him on as a familiar and what is his new power? Tabitha and Henrietta both love Saito but is it possible to be with 2 queens? Where does this leave Siesta and Tiffania? Follow the Familiar Of Zero story but with some changes. SaitoTabithaSiestaHenriettaAgnesTiffania]
  • - [Direct URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/s/11794014/1/
  • - [Author1 URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/u/7306298/
  • - [Author2 URL] http://members.adult-fanfiction.org/pro ... 1296977238
ZNT 'Royal Companion' by kuroraikounokami - [Dld Date=11/20/2016] - [Dld Size=764kb] - [Dld File Cnt=11] - [Dld Status=In Progress]
  • - [MD Source=FF.NET] - [MD Category=Familiar of Zero] - [MD Rating=M] - [MD Word Cnt=144426]
  • - [MD Summary= She a princess from a small kingdom with the weight of her country on her shoulders wishes for more freedom. He a man who's life has gotten a bit boring wishes for a change to happen. She calls to the universe to deliver her someone to converse with. He answers the call for a new adventure. Will he be able to give her what she wants?]
  • - [Direct URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/s/10201552/1/
  • - [Author1 URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/u/3770430/
ZNT-TMFSN 'Sword of Origin Protector of Zero' by WhizkidHV - [Dld Date=11/19/2016] - [Dld Size=547kb] - [Dld File Cnt=16] - [Dld Status=In Progress]
  • - [MD Source=FF.NET] - [MD Category=Fate/stay night + Familiar of Zero Crossover] - [MD Rating=M] - [MD Word Cnt=99564]
  • - [MD Summary= He had protected them saved them. A Sword that ruthlessly cut down all who would dare harm them. But time passed as well as those he was to protect. He thought that his time had finally come but it seemed that Fate had other plans. With a girl whose heart was made of glass as a Master and a new War the Sword recalls his Origin. 'To Protect...']
  • - [Direct URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/s/10232904/1/
  • - [Author1 URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/u/1843757/

Graphic Stories

HSDK 'Kenichi Not Just Her Disciple - Lemon Scenes' by Autobot Rewind - [Dld Date=11/15/2016] - [Dld Size=12kb] - [Dld Status=Complete]
  • - [Notice=Graphic Content]
  • - [MD Source=AFF.ORG] - [MD Word Cnt=2035]
  • - Links withheld due to content
RANMA-MULTI 'The Problems With Getting Off' by DB Sommer - [Dld Date=10/06/2016] - [Dld Size=2484kb] - [Dld File Cnt=22] - [Dld Status=Complete]
  • - [Notice=Graphic Content]
  • - [MD Source=MM.ORG] - [MD Category=Ranma 1/2] - [MD Rating=X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence.] - [MD Word Cnt=450920]
  • - [MD Summary= Summary withheld due to content.]
  • - Links withheld due to content.

Note1: All the Star Trek stories with old dates were ones I only just now read, even if done for some time. they were side stories to 'A Thin Veneer' by a different author that I never knew about because they were not in the correct category on the site, thus never saw them.
Note2: 'The Problems With Getting Off' updated with apparently its final chapter in October and I had missed it until recently.

The following have gone at least one year since I last downloaded them with no update. As such, their status has switched from 'In Progress' to 'Inactive'.

Inactive Stories wrote:Regular Stories

HSDXD-PERSONA 'Persona DxD' by Xager-the-Chaos-King - [Dld Date=11/24/2015] - [Dld Size=80kb] - [Dld File Cnt=3] - [Dld Status=Inactive]
  • - [MD Source=FF.NET] - [MD Category=Persona Series + High School DxD/ハイスクールD×D Crossover] - [MD Rating=M] - [MD Word Cnt=15092]
  • - [MD Summary= A hero displaced. Igor had asked him to die for the world. She had brought him back. But now he faces a new challenge in a new world. This was going to be interesting...]
  • - [Direct URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/s/11574706/1/
  • - [Author1 URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/u/3601303/
RANMA-AA 'A Tale of Two Souls - Nabiki' by Errol Peregrinus - [Dld Date=11/20/2015] - [Dld Size=41kb] - [Dld File Cnt=2] - [Dld Status=Inactive]RANMA-GD 'Vicissitude' by Nysk - [Dld Date=11/26/2015] - [Dld Size=1785kb] - [Dld File Cnt=18] - [Dld Status=Inactive]
  • - [MD Source=FF.NET] - [MD Category=Ranma + Gold Digger Crossover] - [MD Rating=M] - [MD Word Cnt=331575]
  • - [MD Summary= AU Ranma/Gold Digger Crossover. Dramatic changes lead the characters of Ranma 1/2 down different paths entwining them into the world of The Gold Diggers and beyond. Warning some characters may be OOC.]
  • - [Direct URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/s/4968514/1/
  • - [Author1 URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/u/962277/
RANMA-MULTI 'Warp Realities' by Vahn - [Dld Date=11/10/2015] - [Dld Size=1654kb] - [Dld File Cnt=32] - [Dld Status=Inactive]
  • - [MD Source=FF.NET] - [MD Category=Ranma + Sailor Moon X-overs Crossover] - [MD Rating=M] - [MD Word Cnt=306383]
  • - [MD Summary= Ranma dies in battle against Saffron. Given another chance at life by Urd Ranma intent to take full advantaged of it. Peaceful days ahead for our pig tailed hero right? Right? Ranma/SM/Oh my goddess/Flames of Recca/Bastard cross over. Not as crazy as it sounds . M for language.]
  • - [Direct URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/s/51475/1/
  • - [Author1 URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/u/14950/
RANMA-XMEN 'Homo Superior' by Vahn - [Dld Date=11/10/2015] - [Dld Size=1054kb] - [Dld File Cnt=21] - [Dld Status=Inactive]
  • - [MD Source=FF.NET] - [MD Category=X-Men + Ranma Crossover] - [MD Rating=T] - [MD Word Cnt=194376]
  • - [MD Summary= Homo Superior: 1. Above or beyond the human; preternatural or supernatural. 2. Beyond ordinary or normal human ability power or experience. The three mutants the X-men finds at Jusendo will either change everything or help maintain the balance.]
  • - [Direct URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/s/10928558/1/
  • - [Author1 URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/u/14950/
RANMA-OMG 'Hell is a Martial Artist' by Ozzallos - [Dld Date=12/03/2015] - [Dld Size=1049kb] - [Dld File Cnt=15] - [Dld Status=Inactive]SEKIREI 'Eyes Wide Open' by The Phire Within - [Dld Date=11/27/2015] - [Dld Size=64kb] - [Dld File Cnt=4] - [Dld Status=Inactive]
Note: 'Eyes Wide Open' was abandoned and removed by the author, and the author has since changed their name to Wrathful Wraith.

Special Notice
Special wrote:For those that actually read these posts, you may notice the introduction of a new metadata tag, MD Category. This was introduced in an attempt to lessen confusion for those whom do not understand the abbreviated prefix codes I assign stories. This should contain, if it comes from one of a few sites, the exact category or series the story is located under as defined on that site. One downside to showing this is at least potentially, it may not be correct if a story is in the wrong category on the site it comes from, for example if it is a crossover, but in the non-crossover category because the author put it there. I'm still playing with the exact positioning and order but since now added it likely will remain.

EDIT: Well, that is annoying. On the nTFF forum, and only the nTFF Forum (not the old one), I believe I'm hitting a code page issue on the new tag. Because FF.NET has the Japanese characters next to some names, it is previewing correctly on that forum... but will not post, I get a very long database error returned and a note it cannot continue. I likely will have to set my program to strip that out on future posts... For this initial one, I did it by hand for just that forum.
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Prism Power Senshi
Posts: 2738

Re: PCHeintz72's Filtered Full List Update-03/23/15

Postby PCHeintz72 » Mon Jan 02, 2017 9:31 am

PCHeintz72's Filtered Partial List Update-01/02/17

The following have had updates or are new to me that I've read in the last 28 days since I last ran the Lister program, though some of these updates may not be in the main story links provided, but on the forums the authors use for previews.

In Progress Stories wrote:Regular Stories

GATE 'Finally Home' by Goodalwayswins98 - [Dld Date=12/08/2016] - [Dld Size=7kb] - [Dld Status=Complete]GATE 'Lelei's Feet Problems' by Frob - [Dld Date=10/19/2016] - [Dld Size=20kb] - [Dld File Cnt=3] - [Dld Status=In Progress]
  • - [MD Source=FF.NET] - [MD Category=Gate - Jietai Kare no Chi nite Kaku Tatakeri] - [MD Rating=T] - [MD Word Cnt=3769]
  • - [MD Summary= Itami learns that Lelei needs a foot massage and helps her out. It leads him down a slippery slope he did not expect to find himself in. Meanwhile Lelei is trying to keep it all a secret.]
  • - [Direct URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12109163/1/
  • - [Author1 URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/u/4011466/
GATE 'Many Goodbyes' by GearUnlocked - [Dld Date=09/25/2015] - [Dld Size=5kb] - [Dld Status=Inactive]
  • - [MD Source=FF.NET] - [MD Category=Gate - Jietai Kare no Chi nite Kaku Tatakeri] - [MD Rating=T] - [MD Word Cnt=898]
  • - [MD Summary= [-AU-] Who knew that this would ever happen? Being a demigod you thought that living for eternity wouldn't be bad at all. I've had many meetings with a lot of people…but I've also had just as many goodbyes… Who knew that meeting you would make me feel this way? And now you're gone and all I have left is one thing - the memories.]
  • - [Direct URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/s/11526961/1/
  • - [Author1 URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/u/4945269/
GATE 'The Next Day' by Rassilon001 - [Dld Date=10/31/2016] - [Dld Size=43kb] - [Dld File Cnt=3] - [Dld Status=Complete]GATE 'Third Recon Team' by Snake Squad - [Dld Date=12/27/2016] - [Dld Size=184kb] - [Dld File Cnt=6] - [Dld Status=In Progress]
  • - [MD Source=FF.NET] - [MD Category=Gate - Jietai Kare no Chi nite Kaku Tatakeri] - [MD Rating=T] - [MD Word Cnt=34361]
  • - [MD Summary= The experiences of the members of the Third Recon Team during their time in the Special Region were something that they would never imagine ever possible. Confronted with a situation different from anything any of them had to face before they struggled through each of them coming out with a story to be told...and also some that are best kept quiet. A retold story of Gate.]
  • - [Direct URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12184253/1/
  • - [Author1 URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/u/7877833/
GATE 'Thus, Every Day, We Fight' by Dienekes - [Dld Date=04/24/2016] - [Dld Size=29kb] - [Dld File Cnt=5] - [Dld Status=In Progress]
  • - [MD Source=FF.NET] - [MD Category=Gate - Jietai Kare no Chi nite Kaku Tatakeri] - [MD Rating=T] - [MD Word Cnt=5412]
  • - [MD Summary= Pina through sheer force of will overcame many obstacles. But the more she struggles the larger the obstacles loom over her. She knew that leading her people to the light was never meant to be easy. Who does the leader who everyone looks to for inspiration lean on when her strength keeps trying to abandon her?]
  • - [Direct URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/s/11903414/1/
  • - [Author1 URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/u/990690/
GATE-TMNI 'Gate So the JSDF and espers fought there' by JLee118 - [Dld Date=01/01/2017] - [Dld Size=135kb] - [Dld File Cnt=8] - [Dld Status=In Progress]
  • - [MD Source=FF.NET] - [MD Category=Toaru Majutsu no Index/とある魔術の禁書目録 + Gate - Jietai Kare no Chi nite Kaku Tatakeri Crossover] - [MD Rating=M] - [MD Word Cnt=24591]
  • - [MD Summary= Both the magical and scientific world want to know what's beyond the gate at Ginza. Aleister Crowley offers the JSDF esper support for their mission and sends a mixed group of espers and mages through the gate. No pairings at this time]
  • - [Direct URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12079634/1/
  • - [Author1 URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/u/2865359/
HSDXD 'I'm Only Human' by Plasnix112 - [Dld Date=12/10/2016] - [Dld Size=308kb] - [Dld File Cnt=12] - [Dld Status=In Progress]
  • - [MD Source=FF.NET] - [MD Category=High School DxD/ハイスクールD×D] - [MD Rating=M] - [MD Word Cnt=56924]
  • - [MD Summary= No one believed him. Who would? Talk of a demon killing your family was about as crazy as it got. Issei Hyoudou was convinced it was a demon but no one believed him. After ten years in Tokyo's psyche ward Issei is sent to Kuoh academy to try to live a normal life but finds more than he expected. Looks like he wasn't crazy after all.]
  • - [Direct URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/s/11169366/1/
  • - [Author1 URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/u/5441519/
HSDXD 'The Road to a Silver Queen's Heart' by aGoldenLion - [Dld Date=12/25/2016] - [Dld Size=301kb] - [Dld File Cnt=5] - [Dld Status=In Progress]
  • - [MD Source=FF.NET] - [MD Category=High School DxD/ハイスクールD×D] - [MD Rating=M] - [MD Word Cnt=53786]
  • - [MD Summary= Issei was saved from damage beyond belief by an unexpected person who went through a similar experience. How far will Issei rise to reach out to her and save her from a lonely fate. Will he be the one to melt her Heart of Ice? M-Rated. You know why..it's DxD]
  • - [Direct URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/s/11841348/1/
  • - [Author1 URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/u/5643675/
HSDXD-DRESDEN 'Beyond the Outer Gates Lies A high school library' by Xavon Wrentaile - [Dld Date=12/27/2016] - [Dld Size=1156kb] - [Dld File Cnt=45] - [Dld Status=In Progress]
  • - [MD Source=FF.NET] - [MD Category=Dresden Files + High School DxD/ハイスクールD×D Crossover] - [MD Rating=T] - [MD Word Cnt=215977]
  • - [MD Summary= An spinoff/alt version of Beyond the Outer Gates Lies... by gabriel blessing. Originally written to show how Reya might join Harry's harem though now has grown beyond that and further from the original (maybe? probably?)]
  • - [Direct URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/s/10752206/1/
  • - [Author1 URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/u/1430013/
HSDK 'Kenichi Not Just Her Disciple' by Autobot Rewind - [Dld Date=01/01/2017] - [Dld Size=135kb] - [Dld File Cnt=8] - [Dld Status=In Progress]
  • - [MD Source=FF.NET] - [MD Category=Kenichi the Mightiest Disciple] - [MD Rating=M] - [MD Word Cnt=24663]
  • - [MD Summary= Where does Kenichi go when Miu won't return his affection? How far will Shigure go to bring him back when she barely realizes her own love? How will he react when the last person he would suspect to be in love with him finds him? What do his mother and a book have to do with this? Will Shigure get to teach him something? Will he finally get over his rule of not attacking girls?]
  • - [Direct URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12039645/1/
  • - [Author1 URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/u/7306298/
  • - [Author2 URL] http://members.adult-fanfiction.org/pro ... 1296977238
LH 'Bath Time' by Wittmann the Tiger Ace - [Dld Date=12/27/2015] - [Dld Size=3kb] - [Dld Status=Complete]LH 'Bath Time Pt2' by Wittmann the Tiger Ace - [Dld Date=12/31/2016] - [Dld Size=4kb] - [Dld Status=In Progress]NGE 'Advice and Trust' by Panther2G - [Dld Date=12/13/2016] - [Dld Size=1317kb] - [Dld File Cnt=39] - [Dld Status=Complete]
  • - [MD Source=FF.NET] - [MD Category=Evangelion] - [MD Rating=T] - [MD Word Cnt=246828]
  • - [MD Summary= Shinji takes just the slightest different action when Asuka offers a kiss... and everything changes. Suddenly they're no longer alone and begin becoming stronger than they've ever been before. And from their new bond changes start to ripple out. The Angel War and the plans of SEELE and NERV will never be the same.]
  • - [Direct URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/s/10675474/1/
  • - [Author1 URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/u/4474090/
NGE-ALIENS 'Shin Seiki Joutei no Yokai Hoshi II Hakaisha' by GamerJay - [Dld Date=12/29/2016] - [Dld Size=1034kb] - [Dld File Cnt=20] - [Dld Status=Complete]
  • - [MD Source=FF.NET] - [MD Category=Aliens/Predator + Evangelion Crossover] - [MD Rating=M] - [MD Word Cnt=183035]
  • - [MD Summary= NGE/Aliens/Predator crossover. For Shinji Curved Blade it's survival of the fittest as his finds himself pushed to the limit fighting both inhuman and human horrors. With the stakes rising higher with each passing battle can Shinji protect both himself and the people he's grown to love? Shinji/Misato other pairings.]
  • - [Direct URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/s/9591510/1/
  • - [Author1 URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/u/812055/
RANMA 'Crippled Body and Souls' by khammel - [Dld Date=12/11/2016] - [Dld Size=150kb] - [Dld File Cnt=7] - [Dld Status=In Progress]RANMA 'Senpai' by The Sage of Toads - [Dld Date=12/31/2016] - [Dld Size=723kb] - [Dld File Cnt=44] - [Dld Status=In Progress - Preview]RANMA-FROZEN 'A Wild Winter' by LongliveRanma - [Dld Date=12/30/2016] - [Dld Size=267kb] - [Dld File Cnt=12] - [Dld Status=In Progress]
  • - [MD Source=FF.NET] - [MD Category=Ranma + Frozen Crossover] - [MD Rating=K] - [MD Word Cnt=49694]
  • - [MD Summary= Ha! First one to make a Frozen and Ranma crossover. Read and enjoy Ranma discovering the kingdom Arendelle where he meets the two girls we know and love Anna and Elsa. Who knows what will happen?]
  • - [Direct URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/s/11353566/1/
  • - [Author1 URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/u/6897228/
RANMA-GATE 'And Thus Chaos Ensued' by Dreamingfox - [Dld Date=04/16/2016] - [Dld Size=195kb] - [Dld File Cnt=6] - [Dld Status=In Progress]
  • - [MD Source=FF.NET] - [MD Category=Ranma + Gate - Jietai Kare no Chi nite Kaku Tatakeri Crossover] - [MD Rating=T] - [MD Word Cnt=36009]
  • - [MD Summary= Looking to make something of his life Ranma joins the JSDF. In another world on a special mission Ranma is trying to do what he can to get some answers.]
  • - [Direct URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/s/11831830/1/
  • - [Author1 URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/u/776218/
RANMA-MULTI 'Gods and Devils and Wild Horses, Oh My' by Vimesenthusiast - [Dld Date=12/30/2016] - [Dld Size=729kb] - [Dld File Cnt=6] - [Dld Status=In Progress]
  • - [MD Source=FF.NET] - [MD Category=Ranma + High School DxD/ハイスクールD×D Crossover] - [MD Rating=M] - [MD Word Cnt=138416]
  • - [MD Summary= Ranma leaves after the events with Saffron to find a cure. Thinking he might have he heads to Rome and instead winds up adopting Asia and getting introduced to the world of the Threeway War. Being his usual self Ranma befriends Asia and fights off the Fallen. Ranma and a few new friends will enter this conflict and make their mark. Paring: Ranma/Rias/Saeko-hotd/Gabriel]
  • - [Direct URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/s/10357405/1/
  • - [Author1 URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/u/4785338/
RANMA-SAO 'Saotome Art Online' by Ozzallos - [Dld Date=12/31/2016] - [Dld Size=228kb] - [Dld File Cnt=4] - [Dld Status=In Progress]RANMA-SW 'A Horse For the Force' by Vimesenthusiast - [Dld Date=12/24/2016] - [Dld Size=2094kb] - [Dld File Cnt=9] - [Dld Status=In Progress]
  • - [MD Source=FF.NET] - [MD Category=Star Wars + Ranma Crossover] - [MD Rating=M] - [MD Word Cnt=391932]
  • - [MD Summary= Ranma overhears some things that make him question his life in Nerima then goes to see Dr. Tofu for some answers. While fighting those that came after him Ranma makes a crazy decision using the Nanban Mirror to get away from everyone chasing him. Only to land on a random planet in a Galaxy Far Far away before the events of Phantom Menace. Chaos meet well laid plans... uhoh...]
  • - [Direct URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/s/11577216/1/
  • - [Author1 URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/u/4785338/
RANMA-SM 'No Chance for Fate' by Tribun - [Dld Date=12/25/2016] - [Dld Size=2129kb] - [Dld File Cnt=32] - [Dld Status=In Progress]
  • - [MD Source=FF.NET] - [MD Category=Sailor Moon + Ranma Crossover] - [MD Rating=T] - [MD Word Cnt=395632]
  • - [MD Summary= Ranma's fate is written in stone. Right? Right...? Actually not. And in the wake of a guardian finally freeing herself from her chains fate loses its hold on Ranma.]
  • - [Direct URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/s/4284134/1/
  • - [Author1 URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/u/626090/
SEKIREI-DRESDEN 'Soul's Wings' by KnightEstoc - [Dld Date=12/23/2016] - [Dld Size=337kb] - [Dld File Cnt=5] - [Dld Status=In Progress]
  • - [MD Source=FF.NET] - [MD Category=Dresden Files + Sekirei Crossover] - [MD Rating=T] - [MD Word Cnt=65062]
  • - [MD Summary= Y'know I probably should have seen this coming when the gypsy woman turned over the Lovers card took one look at me and then burst out laughing hysterically. But how was I supposed to know that there were aliens beyond the Outer Gates?]
  • - [Direct URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/s/11987850/1/
  • - [Author1 URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/u/5373945/
SEKIREI-SAO 'Swords and Birds' by reality deviant - [Dld Date=12/07/2016] - [Dld Size=249kb] - [Dld File Cnt=29] - [Dld Status=In Progress]
  • - [MD Source=FF.NET] - [MD Category=Sekirei + Sword Art Online/ソードアート・オンライン Crossover] - [MD Rating=T] - [MD Word Cnt=45454]
  • - [MD Summary= As Asuna and Kirito went to Shin-tokyo to regain some of what they lost as they lay unmoving while their minds where in a game-they find themselves in another tournament. I don't approve of Harems Kirito-kun.]
  • - [Direct URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/s/10268696/1/
  • - [Author1 URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/u/982925/
ST-BSG 'Hour of the Wolf' by Mountain King - [Dld Date=12/28/2016] - [Dld Size=731kb] - [Dld File Cnt=39] - [Dld Status=In Progress]
  • - [MD Source=FF.NET] - [MD Category=StarTrek: The Next Generation + Battlestar Galactica Crossover] - [MD Rating=T] - [MD Word Cnt=132053]
  • - [MD Summary= The Battle of Wolf 359 the Federation Fleet faces the monstrous Borg Cube in a desperate attempt to defend sector 001. All seems lost when an ancient warship the last defender of a dying people offers it's aid. Changing the destiny of the Alpha Quadrant forever.]
  • - [Direct URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/s/10412984/1/
  • - [Author1 URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/u/518733/
TMOHS 'The Inexpressible' by Waffleness - [Dld Date=12/23/2016] - [Dld Size=102kb] - [Dld File Cnt=7] - [Dld Status=In Progress]TMNI 'A Certain Unknown Level 0' by MrQuestionMark - [Dld Date=12/24/2016] - [Dld Size=6806kb] - [Dld File Cnt=96] - [Dld Status=In Progress]
  • - [MD Source=FF.NET] - [MD Category=Toaru Majutsu no Index/とある魔術の禁書目録] - [MD Rating=T] - [MD Word Cnt=1277918]
  • - [MD Summary= Accelerator and the Railgun. Two level 5's that have been subjected to the same rumour: they have been defeated by a Level 0. But who is this mysterious esper? This is the numerous investigations made by characters in the ToAru universe into this Level 0. People who don't know him will learn the truth and those who do know him will catch a glimpse into his life. Will have action.]
  • - [Direct URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/s/8918264/1/
  • - [Author1 URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/u/4160672/
TMNI 'Echo of a Lost World' by Kyle Castorena - [Dld Date=01/01/2017] - [Dld Size=977kb] - [Dld File Cnt=34] - [Dld Status=In Progress]
  • - [MD Source=FF.NET] - [MD Category=Toaru Majutsu no Index/とある魔術の禁書目録] - [MD Rating=T] - [MD Word Cnt=180493]
  • - [MD Summary= Following the events of Version Psi the world was destroyed by Othinus as well as the relationship between Saten Ruiko and Kamijou Touma. Except it wasn't. The world and Saten herself somehow survived. Now the world must continue without Kamijou Touma and the Imagine Breaker. Saten must continue in this abandoned world on her own. DIRECT SEQUEL TO NEVER THE TWAIN SHALL MEET]
  • - [Direct URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/s/11497910/1/
  • - [Author1 URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/u/1430669/
TMNI 'I Know I Knew You' by 61wisampa - [Dld Date=12/24/2016] - [Dld Size=117kb] - [Dld File Cnt=8] - [Dld Status=In Progress]TMNI 'Screwed Up' by GreatSnapper - [Dld Date=12/24/2016] - [Dld Size=377kb] - [Dld File Cnt=15] - [Dld Status=In Progress]
  • - [MD Source=FF.NET] - [MD Category=Toaru Majutsu no Index/とある魔術の禁書目録] - [MD Rating=M] - [MD Word Cnt=71072]
  • - [MD Summary= Kuroko never doubted that her Onee-sama would come to her rescue. She just never imagined that there would come a time when that knowledge frightened her. Sometimes knowing just how far someone is willing to go to help is worse than needing them in the first place and Kuroko is about to learn that Mikoto may not be as sane as everyone thinks.]
  • - [Direct URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/s/10280747/1/
  • - [Author1 URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/u/2810782/
TMFSN 'Chaos Theory' by Moczo - [Dld Date=12/29/2016] - [Dld Size=1252kb] - [Dld File Cnt=35] - [Dld Status=In Progress]
  • - [MD Source=FF.NET] - [MD Category=Fate/stay night] - [MD Rating=T] - [MD Word Cnt=232755]
  • - [MD Summary= Sometimes the tiniest of changes can have the greatest impact on the world. One chance encounter goes in a new direction and the course of the Holy Grail War is irrevocably changed...]
  • - [Direct URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/s/6372400/1/
  • - [Author1 URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/u/31351/
TMFSN 'Eye of the Sword' by Alfar - [Dld Date=12/25/2016] - [Dld Size=411kb] - [Dld File Cnt=9] - [Dld Status=In Progress]
  • - [MD Source=FF.NET] - [MD Category=Fate/stay night] - [MD Rating=M] - [MD Word Cnt=74678]
  • - [MD Summary= What if Shirou was distorted by the fire much more than in the original novel? What if he realised how similar he was to a blade and set out to find his purpose and wielder as one? This is a story of a man trying to become the best person he can while struggling with having had his personality wiped and replaced by a blade-filled inner world at the age of five.]
  • - [Direct URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/s/11664049/1/
  • - [Author1 URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/u/6667189/
TMFSN 'Fate indubitanter' by Lacks Gravitas - [Dld Date=12/09/2016] - [Dld Size=159kb] - [Dld File Cnt=3] - [Dld Status=In Progress]
  • - [MD Source=FF.NET] - [MD Category=Fate/stay night] - [MD Rating=T] - [MD Word Cnt=31028]
  • - [MD Summary= Sorcery is the forbidden magic so powerful it can be called a divine miracle. When Shirou and Rin dabble with this forbidden art they get far more than they bargained for. What are the chances of them surviving the Holy Grail War twice?]
  • - [Direct URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/s/6323061/1/
  • - [Author1 URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/u/952199/
TMFSN 'Fate Route Alter' by Humida - [Dld Date=12/11/2016] - [Dld Size=362kb] - [Dld File Cnt=27] - [Dld Status=Complete]
  • - [MD Source=FF.NET] - [MD Category=Fate/stay night] - [MD Rating=M] - [MD Word Cnt=68276]
  • - [MD Summary= an alternate route where shirou summons the dark saber alter. A woman who sets all shirou's preconceived notions on edge will he survive the grail war and more importantly will he survive his servant herself? shirouxalter pairing]
  • - [Direct URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/s/11988090/1/
  • - [Author1 URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/u/2059653/
TMFSN 'Shapeless Hope' by sske - [Dld Date=10/18/2016] - [Dld Size=95kb] - [Dld File Cnt=5] - [Dld Status=In Progress]
  • - [MD Source=FF.NET] - [MD Category=Fate/stay night] - [MD Rating=T] - [MD Word Cnt=17192]
  • - [MD Summary= During a blotched attempt to capture Saber in the 5th Holy Grail War Caster accidentally revel back into a 18 year old. Helpless before Saber is there any way she could escape her death? Perhaps through a certain justice-loving hero?]
  • - [Direct URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/s/11981197/1/
  • - [Author1 URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/u/6515227/
TMFSN-HSDK 'How to Train a Sword of Life' by Quathis - [Dld Date=12/05/2016] - [Dld Size=88kb] - [Dld File Cnt=4] - [Dld Status=In Progress]TMFSN-RWBY 'Remnant' by Fell The Tempest - [Dld Date=12/11/2016] - [Dld Size=518kb] - [Dld File Cnt=8] - [Dld Status=In Progress]
  • - [MD Source=FF.NET] - [MD Category=Fate/stay night + RWBY Crossover] - [MD Rating=T] - [MD Word Cnt=93977]
  • - [MD Summary= The Schnee family possesses a special trait: the ability to summon familiars into battle. Weiss was convinced she was the exception... that is until the Battle for Beacon. [One-shot turned full-length story. Beta-read by knightoblivion Cover Art by ArkT.]]
  • - [Direct URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/s/11995477/1/
ZNT 'Familiar Of Zero Saving Grace' by Autobot Rewind - [Dld Date=12/25/2016] - [Dld Size=887kb] - [Dld File Cnt=44] - [Dld Status=In Progress]
  • - [MD Source=FF.NET] - [MD Category=Familiar of Zero] - [MD Rating=M] - [MD Word Cnt=161342]
  • - [MD Summary= Saito gets saved from Louise but not without a fight. Agnes trains him but is it more than that? Who takes him on as a familiar and what is his new power? Tabitha and Henrietta both love Saito but is it possible to be with 2 queens? Where does this leave Siesta and Tiffania? Follow the Familiar Of Zero story but with some changes. SaitoTabithaSiestaHenriettaAgnesTiffania]
  • - [Direct URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/s/11794014/1/
  • - [Author1 URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/u/7306298/
  • - [Author2 URL] http://members.adult-fanfiction.org/pro ... 1296977238

Graphic Stories

GATE 'A Carnal Sacrifice' by WaddleBuff - [Dld Date=11/11/2015] - [Dld Size=59kb] - [Dld File Cnt=4] - [Dld Status=Complete]
  • - [Notice=Graphic Content]
  • - [MD Source=FF.NET] - [MD Category=Gate - Jietai Kare no Chi nite Kaku Tatakeri] - [MD Rating=M] - [MD Word Cnt=10537]
  • - [MD Summary= Summary withheld due to content. ]
  • - Links withheld due to content.
GATE 'A Casual Conversation' by WaddleBuff - [Dld Date=01/21/2016] - [Dld Size=64kb] - [Dld File Cnt=4] - [Dld Status=Complete]
  • - [Notice=Graphic Content]
  • - [MD Source=FF.NET] - [MD Category=Gate - Jietai Kare no Chi nite Kaku Tatakeri] - [MD Rating=M] - [MD Word Cnt=11495]
  • - [MD Summary= Summary withheld due to content. ]
  • - Links withheld due to content.
GATE 'Lelei's bunnies' by Rukia's Bunnies - [Dld Date=11/28/2016] - [Dld Size=8kb] - [Dld Status=Complete]
  • - [Notice=Graphic Content]
  • - [MD Source=FF.NET] - [MD Category=Gate - Jietai Kare no Chi nite Kaku Tatakeri] - [MD Rating=M] - [MD Word Cnt=1539]
  • - [MD Summary= Summary withheld due to content. ]
  • - Links withheld due to content.
GATE 'Paying the price' by WalkerofDarkness - [Dld Date=08/15/2016] - [Dld Size=27kb] - [Dld Status=Complete]
  • - [Notice=Graphic Content]
  • - [MD Source=FF.NET] - [MD Category=Gate - Jietai Kare no Chi nite Kaku Tatakeri] - [MD Rating=M] - [MD Word Cnt=4975]
  • - [MD Summary= Summary withheld due to content. ]
  • - Links withheld due to content.
GATE 'Rory's bunnies' by Rukia's Bunnies - [Dld Date=11/15/2016] - [Dld Size=8kb] - [Dld Status=Complete]
  • - [Notice=Graphic Content]
  • - [MD Source=FF.NET] - [MD Category=Gate - Jietai Kare no Chi nite Kaku Tatakeri] - [MD Rating=M] - [MD Word Cnt=1365]
  • - [MD Summary= Summary withheld due to content. ]
  • - Links withheld due to content.
LH 'Oneshot Theatre' by Saiga - [Dld Date=12/31/2016] - [Dld Size=316kb] - [Dld File Cnt=8] - [Dld Status=In Progress]
  • - [Notice=Graphic Content]
  • - [MD Source=AFF.ORG] - [MD Word Cnt=54479]
  • - Links withheld due to content.
NGE 'The Trick is to Keep Breathing' by AngelNo13Bardiel - [Dld Date=10/20/2016] - [Dld Size=68kb] - [Dld Status=Complete]
  • - [Notice=Graphic Content]
  • - [MD Source=FF.NET] - [MD Category=Evangelion] - [MD Rating=M] - [MD Word Cnt=12839]
  • - [MD Summary= Summary withheld due to content. ]
  • - Links withheld due to content.
NGE-QB 'Wandering Pilot' by Mercaba - [Dld Date=12/09/2016] - [Dld Size=2993kb] - [Dld File Cnt=41] - [Dld Status=In Progress]
  • - [Notice=Graphic Content]
  • - [MD Source=FF.NET] - [MD Category=Evangelion + Queen's Blade/クイーンズブレイド Crossover] - [MD Rating=M] - [MD Word Cnt=558209]
  • - [MD Summary= Summary withheld due to content. ]
  • - Links withheld due to content.

Note: Many of te GATE stories are because I only just started reading/watching that series,so the influx is not normal. Only a couple updated in the last month.
Note: 'Shapeless Hope' had updated back in October, but I had missed it.

The following have gone at least one year since I last downloaded them with no update. As such, their status has switched from 'In Progress' to 'Inactive'.

Inactive Stories wrote:Regular Stories

BL 'White Collar and the BloodHound' by Black Collar - [Dld Date=12/18/2015] - [Dld Size=507kb] - [Dld File Cnt=13] - [Dld Status=Inactive]
  • - [MD Source=FF.NET] - [MD Category=Black Lagoon] - [MD Rating=M] - [MD Word Cnt=94301]
  • - [MD Summary= Love is in the air...or somewhat as Rock finds love with some terminator maid and vice versa. What will happen when these two finally meet face to face? All I can say is be prepared. There will be Lemons.]
  • - [Direct URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/s/10345962/1/
  • - [Author1 URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/u/5723068/
HSDXD-DRESDEN 'Devil You Know' by Surarrin - [Dld Date=12/25/2015] - [Dld Size=1094kb] - [Dld File Cnt=18] - [Dld Status=Inactive]
  • - [MD Source=FF.NET] - [MD Category=Dresden Files + High School DxD/ハイスクールD×D Crossover] - [MD Rating=M] - [MD Word Cnt=209173]
  • - [MD Summary= My day had started on a down note. First Elaine had been sick then I found out my mentor wanted to shove me in a straitjacket. It shouldn't have been a surprise when I died. But nothing could have prepared me for my life being saved by a devil—or becoming one myself. Still the magical girl was the biggest surprise.]
  • - [Direct URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/s/10080850/1/
  • - [Author1 URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/u/461601/
LH 'Type K' by Lord Raa - [Dld Date=12/06/2015] - [Dld Size=127kb] - [Dld File Cnt=7] - [Dld Status=Inactive - Preview]ME-DRESDEN 'Of Citadels And Castles' by C. Mage - [Dld Date=12/22/2015] - [Dld Size=337kb] - [Dld File Cnt=9] - [Dld Status=Inactive]
  • - [MD Source=FF.NET] - [MD Category=Dresden Files + Mass Effect Crossover] - [MD Rating=M] - [MD Word Cnt=60447]
  • - [MD Summary= Mankind has reached a new Golden Age. They've reached the stars become part of a galactic community and shed all the problems and failings of their history to rise anew all thanks to the mass relays and the technology they discovered. Problem is...sometimes history catches up.]
  • - [Direct URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/s/10730935/1/
  • - [Author1 URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/u/42836/
RANMA-GD 'Vicissitude' by Nysk - [Dld Date=11/26/2015] - [Dld Size=1785kb] - [Dld File Cnt=18] - [Dld Status=Inactive]
  • - [MD Category=Ranma + Gold Digger Crossover] - [MD Rating=M] - [MD Word Cnt=331575]
  • - [MD Summary= AU Ranma/Gold Digger Crossover. Dramatic changes lead the characters of Ranma 1/2 down different paths entwining them into the world of The Gold Diggers and beyond. Warning some characters may be OOC.]
  • - [Author1 URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/u/962277/
RANMA-ROBOTECH 'A Herd in Space' by Vimesenthusiast - [Dld Date=12/23/2015] - [Dld Size=211kb] - [Dld File Cnt=2] - [Dld Status=Inactive]
  • - [MD Source=FF.NET] - [MD Category=Ranma + Robotech/Macross Crossover] - [MD Rating=M] - [MD Word Cnt=38643]
  • - [MD Summary= Book 2 of Chaotic Space: It's been Five Years since the end of the war and no one involved in that war has been idle. The humans and their allies have tooled up and are ready now to go on the offensive. Ranma and his family (he spawned!) are heading out to space with the First Fleet and the new Macross. The question is is the rest of space ready for them or vice versa?]
  • - [Direct URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/s/11316025/1/
  • - [Author1 URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/u/4785338/
RANMA-ST 'Got Change' by Lord Raa - [Dld Date=12/29/2015] - [Dld Size=86kb] - [Dld File Cnt=7] - [Dld Status=Inactive - Preview]RANMA-SM 'Wild Charon' by WG-Writer - [Dld Date=12/06/2015] - [Dld Size=87kb] - [Dld File Cnt=4] - [Dld Status=Inactive - Preview]SEKIREI 'Sekirei Ashikabi of Fate' by Godric Kharg - [Dld Date=12/27/2015] - [Dld Size=638kb] - [Dld File Cnt=16] - [Dld Status=Inactive]
  • - [MD Source=FF.NET] - [MD Category=Sekirei] - [MD Rating=M] - [MD Word Cnt=118856]
  • - [MD Summary= This will be my try at a complete retelling. Minor changes to start some backstory to fill in Minato's history and small small changes as we move foreward. Yes Minato x harem. Minato will have actual goals other then getting into University. Nothing fancy. Watch for lesser used characters. ** I DO NOT OWN SEKIREI ITS OWNED BY OTHERS - I just enjoy the Sekirei 'sandbox' **]
  • - [Direct URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/s/10710495/1/
  • - [Author1 URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/u/5943546/
TMFSN 'Ephemeral Love' by elessargreystone - [Dld Date=12/24/2015] - [Dld Size=105kb] - [Dld File Cnt=8] - [Dld Status=Inactive]
  • - [MD Source=FF.NET] - [MD Category=Fate/stay night] - [MD Rating=M] - [MD Word Cnt=19504]
  • - [MD Summary= He is someone who will forgive anyone and She seeks nothing but forgiveness. When he saves her from her doom the string of their Fate becomes tangled forever. This is the tale of the boy named Emyia Shirou and the woman called Medea and the bond they shared for one ephemeral winter.]
  • - [Direct URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/s/11367595/1/
  • - [Author1 URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/u/6700061/

Graphic Stories

LH-MULTI 'Contract Labor - Lemons!' by GreydonCreed - [Dld Date=12/27/2015] - [Dld Size=115kb] - [Dld File Cnt=2] - [Dld Status=Inactive]
  • - [Notice=Graphic Content]
  • - [MD Source=AFF.ORG] - [MD Category=G to L] - [MD Rating=Adult+] - [MD Word Cnt=20805]
  • - [MD Summary= Summary withheld due to content. ]
  • - Links withheld due to content.
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Prism Power Senshi
Posts: 2738

Re: PCHeintz72's Filtered Full List Update-03/23/15

Postby PCHeintz72 » Sun Feb 12, 2017 9:16 am

PCHeintz72's Filtered Partial List Update-02/12/17

The following have had updates or are new to me that I've read in the last 41 days since I last ran the Lister program, though some of these updates may not be in the main story links provided, but on the forums the authors use for previews.

In Progress Stories wrote:Regular Stories

BL 'Hearts Aflame' by AddictedFangirl101 - [Dld Date=02/10/2017] - [Dld Size=10kb] - [Dld Status=Complete]
  • - [MD Source=FF.NET] - [MD Category=Black Lagoon] - [MD Rating=M] - [MD Word Cnt=1838]
  • - [MD Summary= "What would you of done with me?" The gunman asked defeated. Her warm brown eyes picked up on the sorrow swimming in Balalaika's melting gaze. "Fuck Sis I'm sorry." She wandered away that was that.]
  • - [Direct URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12359380/1/
  • - [Author1 URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/u/6425511/
GATE 'An Immortals Hope' by demon-hell-fire - [Dld Date=02/10/2017] - [Dld Size=9kb] - [Dld Status=In Progress]
  • - [MD Source=FF.NET] - [MD Category=Gate - Jietai Kare no Chi nite Kaku Tatakeri] - [MD Rating=M] - [MD Word Cnt=1640]
  • - [MD Summary= In which Rory teases Itami but she is entirely serious. She will be around forever. He will not. So she will tempt him now and for as long as possible until gives in. One-shot for now.]
  • - [Direct URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12360165/1/
  • - [Author1 URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/u/2321366/
GATE 'Third Recon Team' by Snake Squad - [Dld Date=01/30/2017] - [Dld Size=263kb] - [Dld File Cnt=8] - [Dld Status=In Progress]
  • - [MD Source=FF.NET] - [MD Category=Gate - Jietai Kare no Chi nite Kaku Tatakeri] - [MD Rating=T] - [MD Word Cnt=48946]
  • - [MD Summary= The experiences of the members of the Third Recon Team during their time in the Special Region were something that they would never imagine ever possible. Confronted with a situation different from anything any of them had to face before they struggled through each of them coming out with a story to be told...and also some that are best kept quiet. A retold story of Gate.]
  • - [Direct URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12184253/1/
  • - [Author1 URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/u/7877833/
GATE-TMNI 'Gate So the JSDF and espers fought there' by JLee118 - [Dld Date=01/23/2017] - [Dld Size=159kb] - [Dld File Cnt=9] - [Dld Status=In Progress]
  • - [MD Source=FF.NET] - [MD Category=Toaru Majutsu no Index/とある魔術の禁書目録 + Gate - Jietai Kare no Chi nite Kaku Tatakeri Crossover] - [MD Rating=M] - [MD Word Cnt=28995]
  • - [MD Summary= Both the magical and scientific world want to know what's beyond the gate at Ginza. Aleister Crowley offers the JSDF esper support for their mission and sends a mixed group of espers and mages through the gate. Slight Durarara! crossover. No pairings at this time.]
  • - [Direct URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12079634/1/
  • - [Author1 URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/u/2865359/
HSDXD-DRESDEN 'Beyond the Outer Gates Lies A high school library' by Xavon Wrentaile - [Dld Date=02/06/2017] - [Dld Size=1179kb] - [Dld File Cnt=46] - [Dld Status=In Progress]
  • - [MD Source=FF.NET] - [MD Category=Dresden Files + High School DxD/ハイスクールD×D Crossover] - [MD Rating=T] - [MD Word Cnt=220335]
  • - [MD Summary= An spinoff/alt version of Beyond the Outer Gates Lies... by gabriel blessing. Originally written to show how Reya might join Harry's harem though now has grown beyond that and further from the original (maybe? probably?)]
  • - [Direct URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/s/10752206/1/
  • - [Author1 URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/u/1430013/
LH 'Art Pamphlet' by Lord Raa - [Dld Date=01/22/2017] - [Dld Size=104kb] - [Dld File Cnt=6] - [Dld Status=In Progress - Preview]LH 'True Freedom The Melancholy of Keitaro Urashima' by AlexCephon - [Dld Date=02/04/2017] - [Dld Size=6kb] - [Dld Status=Complete]LH-MULTI 'Contract Labor' by Greydon Creed - [Dld Date=01/30/2017] - [Dld Size=1958kb] - [Dld File Cnt=60] - [Dld Status=In Progress]
  • - [MD Source=FF.NET] - [MD Category=Love Hina] - [MD Rating=M] - [MD Word Cnt=366871]
  • - [MD Summary= What if Keitaro Urashima had some steel in his spine when he first arrived at the Hinata Inn? What put it there? And how will the tenants react especially when his past comes back to haunt him? -Now with it's own TVTropes page.-]
  • - [Direct URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/s/7180762/1/
  • - [Author1 URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/u/9647/
MULTI 'Favorite Company' by Ryu Gabriev - [Dld Date=01/19/2017] - [Dld Size=244kb] - [Dld File Cnt=5] - [Dld Status=In Progress - Preview]NGE 'Advice and Trust' by Panther2G - [Dld Date=01/14/2017] - [Dld Size=1349kb] - [Dld File Cnt=40] - [Dld Status=Complete]
  • - [MD Source=FF.NET] - [MD Category=Evangelion] - [MD Rating=T] - [MD Word Cnt=252889]
  • - [MD Summary= Shinji takes just the slightest different action when Asuka offers a kiss... and everything changes. Suddenly they're no longer alone and begin becoming stronger than they've ever been before. And from their new bond changes start to ripple out. The Angel War and the plans of SEELE and NERV will never be the same.]
  • - [Direct URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/s/10675474/1/
  • - [Author1 URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/u/4474090/
RANMA 'Anything Goes Laundry Service' by balthanon - [Dld Date=01/16/2017] - [Dld Size=365kb] - [Dld File Cnt=5] - [Dld Status=In Progress - Preview]
  • - [MD Source=FF.NET] - [MD Category=Ranma] - [MD Rating=K+] - [MD Word Cnt=67624]
  • - [MD Summary= Intending to get Nabiki off his back and her fingers out of his wallet Ranma takes on the not too heavy burden of helping Kasumi with her chores around the house. Of course as with anything in the Tendo household this simple objective is complicated by the past other people and a painful batch of misunderstandings. Still how much trouble can a load of laundry really cause?]
  • - [Preview URL] http://thefanfictionforum.net/showthread.php?tid=21102
  • - [Direct URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/s/11736891/1/
RANMA 'Imperial Servant' by TheWorldsTallestLeprechaun - [Dld Date=01/17/2017] - [Dld Size=99kb] - [Dld File Cnt=4] - [Dld Status=In Progress]
  • - [MD Source=FF.NET] - [MD Category=Ranma] - [MD Rating=T] - [MD Word Cnt=17981]
  • - [MD Summary= What exactly is wrong with Ranma Saotome's love life-BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Oh God I wasn't gonna finish that with a straight face! But seriously why are things so FUBAR regarding his romantic interests? Well...here's an idea...]
  • - [Direct URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12295645/1/
  • - [Author1 URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/u/6378518/
RANMA 'Ranma Saotome, Chi Master' by SeerKing - [Dld Date=01/18/2017] - [Dld Size=545kb] - [Dld File Cnt=21] - [Dld Status=In Progress]
  • - [MD Source=FF.NET] - [MD Category=Ranma] - [MD Rating=M] - [MD Word Cnt=95690]
  • - [MD Summary= When Ranma shows up at the Tendo Dojo he shocks the Tendo's by defeating a Panda with a bolt of blue light. Chi? What's that? Believably stronger Ranma who isn't a jerk. Ranma x harem.]
  • - [Direct URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/s/10092339/1/
  • - [Author1 URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/u/4583733/
RANMA 'Senpai' by The Sage of Toads - [Dld Date=01/20/2017] - [Dld Size=910kb] - [Dld File Cnt=52] - [Dld Status=In Progress - Preview]RANMA 'What Do You Want' by polenicus - [Dld Date=02/10/2017] - [Dld Size=187kb] - [Dld File Cnt=3] - [Dld Status=In Progress]
  • - [MD Source=FF.NET] - [MD Category=Ranma] - [MD Rating=T] - [MD Word Cnt=34672]
  • - [MD Summary= After the failed wedding attempt Akane calls it quits. Now Nabiki is saddled with a morose Ranma. Rather than get caught in the crossfire between his other fiancees she decides to try and help the pig-tailed martial artist figure out what HE wants (Purely to forestall mounting repair bills of course). Maybe a weekend or 'normalcy' away from the craziness will help?]
  • - [Direct URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12327719/1/
  • - [Author1 URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/u/6510963/
RANMA-GATE 'Thus, the Stallion Escaped Here' by Lord Raa - [Dld Date=02/12/2017] - [Dld Size=59kb] - [Dld File Cnt=3] - [Dld Status=In Progress]RANMA-MULTI 'Impacted Souls' by ZRO4825 - [Dld Date=01/29/2017] - [Dld Size=610kb] - [Dld File Cnt=10] - [Dld Status=In Progress]RANMA-MULTI 'Pigtailed Time Loops' by Multiple - [Dld Date=02/03/2017] - [Dld Size=2763kb] - [Dld File Cnt=737] - [Dld Status=In Progress - Preview]RANMA-RWBY 'A Semblance of Hope' by Vimesenthusiast - [Dld Date=01/27/2017] - [Dld Size=944kb] - [Dld File Cnt=8] - [Dld Status=In Progress]
  • - [MD Source=FF.NET] - [MD Category=Ranma + RWBY Crossover] - [MD Rating=M] - [MD Word Cnt=178586]
  • - [MD Summary= After a unlucky moment with the gang back in time Ranma's forced to seek out the then-present day Happosai to steal his Namban Mirror to get home. When an explosion cracks the mirror and makes Ranma to forget his wish he's flung through time and space to land on Remnant but he isn't alone. And what are these weird white and black creatures? Pairing undecided]
  • - [Direct URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/s/11821223/1/
  • - [Author1 URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/u/4785338/
RANMA-TMFSN 'Mirrored Lives' by sakurademonalchemist - [Dld Date=01/03/2017] - [Dld Size=195kb] - [Dld File Cnt=14] - [Dld Status=In Progress]
  • - [MD Source=FF.NET] - [MD Category=Ranma + Fate/stay night Crossover] - [MD Rating=T] - [MD Word Cnt=35874]
  • - [MD Summary= Some might say that the Fuyuki Fire was more than a tragedy it was a second chance. Iris Emiya is the adopted daughter of Kiritsugu...except she isn't. The reality is that she's the trapped form of Ranma Saotome once again stuck in his cursed form. Given a second chance to grow up she decides to enjoy the childhood she lost. One that comes with it's own challenges!]
  • - [Direct URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/s/11880557/1/
  • - [Author1 URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/u/912889/
ST-BSG 'Hour of the Wolf' by Mountain King - [Dld Date=01/07/2017] - [Dld Size=754kb] - [Dld File Cnt=40] - [Dld Status=In Progress]
  • - [MD Source=FF.NET] - [MD Category=StarTrek: The Next Generation + Battlestar Galactica Crossover] - [MD Rating=T] - [MD Word Cnt=136208]
  • - [MD Summary= The Battle of Wolf 359 the Federation Fleet faces the monstrous Borg Cube in a desperate attempt to defend sector 001. All seems lost when an ancient warship the last defender of a dying people offers it's aid. Changing the destiny of the Alpha Quadrant forever.]
  • - [Direct URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/s/10412984/1/
  • - [Author1 URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/u/518733/
TMNI 'A Certain Unknown Level 0' by MrQuestionMark - [Dld Date=02/08/2017] - [Dld Size=7008kb] - [Dld File Cnt=98] - [Dld Status=In Progress]
  • - [MD Source=FF.NET] - [MD Category=Toaru Majutsu no Index/とある魔術の禁書目録] - [MD Rating=T] - [MD Word Cnt=1316223]
  • - [MD Summary= Accelerator and the Railgun. Two level 5's that have been subjected to the same rumour: they have been defeated by a Level 0. But who is this mysterious esper? This is the numerous investigations made by characters in the ToAru universe into this Level 0. People who don't know him will learn the truth and those who do know him will catch a glimpse into his life. Will have action.]
  • - [Direct URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/s/8918264/1/
  • - [Author1 URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/u/4160672/
TMNI 'Catastrophic' by PythianPickles - [Dld Date=01/02/2017] - [Dld Size=15kb] - [Dld Status=Complete]
  • - [MD Source=FF.NET] - [MD Category=Toaru Majutsu no Index/とある魔術の禁書目録] - [MD Rating=K+] - [MD Word Cnt=2806]
  • - [MD Summary= Everyone knows that Academy City's #3 Level 5 has never been good with cats. But maybe even that can be remedied with the help of a certain boy...]
  • - [Direct URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12304018/1/
  • - [Author1 URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/u/5490558/
TMNI 'Echo of a Lost World' by Kyle Castorena - [Dld Date=01/06/2017] - [Dld Size=1016kb] - [Dld File Cnt=35] - [Dld Status=In Progress]
  • - [MD Source=FF.NET] - [MD Category=Toaru Majutsu no Index/とある魔術の禁書目録] - [MD Rating=T] - [MD Word Cnt=187770]
  • - [MD Summary= Following the events of Version Psi the world was destroyed by Othinus as well as the relationship between Saten Ruiko and Kamijou Touma. Except it wasn't. The world and Saten herself somehow survived. Now the world must continue without Kamijou Touma and the Imagine Breaker. Saten must continue in this abandoned world on her own. DIRECT SEQUEL TO NEVER THE TWAIN SHALL MEET]
  • - [Direct URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/s/11497910/1/
  • - [Author1 URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/u/1430669/
TMNI 'Screwed Up' by GreatSnapper - [Dld Date=01/20/2017] - [Dld Size=403kb] - [Dld File Cnt=18] - [Dld Status=In Progress]
  • - [MD Source=FF.NET] - [MD Category=Toaru Majutsu no Index/とある魔術の禁書目録] - [MD Rating=M] - [MD Word Cnt=75915]
  • - [MD Summary= Kuroko never doubted that her Onee-sama would come to her rescue. She just never imagined that there would come a time when that knowledge frightened her. Sometimes knowing just how far someone is willing to go to help is worse than needing them in the first place and Kuroko is about to learn that Mikoto may not be as sane as everyone thinks.]
  • - [Direct URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/s/10280747/1/
  • - [Author1 URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/u/2810782/
TMFSN 'Eye of the Sword' by Alfar - [Dld Date=01/21/2017] - [Dld Size=465kb] - [Dld File Cnt=10] - [Dld Status=In Progress]
  • - [MD Source=FF.NET] - [MD Category=Fate/stay night] - [MD Rating=M] - [MD Word Cnt=84778]
  • - [MD Summary= What if Shirou was distorted by the fire much more than in the original novel? What if he realised how similar he was to a blade and set out to find his purpose and wielder as one? This is a story of a man trying to become the best person he can while struggling with having had his personality wiped and replaced by a blade-filled inner world at the age of five.]
  • - [Direct URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/s/11664049/1/
  • - [Author1 URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/u/6667189/
TMFSN 'Fate Servant and Cook' by Serenarey Chiba - [Dld Date=02/07/2017] - [Dld Size=1206kb] - [Dld File Cnt=15] - [Dld Status=In Progress]
  • - [MD Source=FF.NET] - [MD Category=Fate/stay night] - [MD Rating=M] - [MD Word Cnt=226033]
  • - [MD Summary= Shirou is forced back in time to save Arturia from her downfall though he doesn't know how or what to do about it. He's not a fighter but an idealist. Is he supposed to use his ideals to oppose or supplement Arturia's? Saber/Shirou]
  • - [Direct URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/s/10781787/1/
  • - [Author1 URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/u/75249/
TMFSN 'Shapeless Hope' by sske - [Dld Date=01/29/2017] - [Dld Size=117kb] - [Dld File Cnt=6] - [Dld Status=In Progress]
  • - [MD Source=FF.NET] - [MD Category=Fate/stay night] - [MD Rating=T] - [MD Word Cnt=21001]
  • - [MD Summary= During a blotched attempt to capture Saber in the 5th Holy Grail War Caster accidentally revel back into a 18 year old. Helpless before Saber is there any way she could escape her death? Perhaps through a certain justice-loving hero?]
  • - [Direct URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/s/11981197/1/
  • - [Author1 URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/u/6515227/
TMFSN-CAMPIONE 'Hero's Path' by Le Mighty Nooby - [Dld Date=02/11/2017] - [Dld Size=450kb] - [Dld File Cnt=7] - [Dld Status=In Progress]
  • - [MD Source=FF.NET] - [MD Category=Fate/stay night + Campione!/カンピオーネ! Crossover] - [MD Rating=M] - [MD Word Cnt=84692]
  • - [MD Summary= In his quest to find a way to save 'himself' Shirou is reincarnated into another world. A world where the gods still walk the earth a world where Devil Kings rule a world that is about to descend into chaos with his arrival.]
  • - [Direct URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12292953/1/
  • - [Author1 URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/u/7149818/
TMFSN-HSDK 'Hero's Choice' by Pseudonym Of A Shit Writer - [Dld Date=02/04/2017] - [Dld Size=98kb] - [Dld File Cnt=3] - [Dld Status=In Progress]ZNT 'Familiar Of Zero Saving Grace' by Autobot Rewind - [Dld Date=02/06/2017] - [Dld Size=1058kb] - [Dld File Cnt=50] - [Dld Status=In Progress]
  • - [MD Source=FF.NET] - [MD Category=Familiar of Zero] - [MD Rating=M] - [MD Word Cnt=192164]
  • - [MD Summary= Saito gets saved from Louise but not without a fight. Agnes trains him but is it more than that? Who takes him on as a familiar and what is his new power? Tabitha and Henrietta both love Saito but is it possible to be with 2 queens? Where does this leave Siesta and Tiffania? Follow the Familiar Of Zero story but with some changes. SaitoTabithaSiestaHenriettaAgnesTiffania]
  • - [Direct URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/s/11794014/1/
  • - [Author1 URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/u/7306298/
  • - [Author2 URL] http://members.adult-fanfiction.org/pro ... 1296977238
ZNT 'The King of Commoners' by Xyrule - [Dld Date=02/09/2017] - [Dld Size=283kb] - [Dld File Cnt=36] - [Dld Status=In Progress]
  • - [MD Source=FF.NET] - [MD Category=Familiar of Zero] - [MD Rating=T] - [MD Word Cnt=50276]
  • - [MD Summary= David Wilson had a normal life normal interests and a little bit of an unhealthy obsession with anime. When he finds himself summoned by Louise he immediately knows what's going on - but that doesn't guarantee that he can fill Saito's role easily. Now he has to hope he can use his knowledge of the series to keep himself alive...and maybe get some other benefits. Harem x OC.]
  • - [Direct URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12275643/1/
  • - [Author1 URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/u/4207437/

Graphic Stories

GATE 'A Casual Conversation' by WaddleBuff - [Dld Date=02/06/2017] - [Dld Size=73kb] - [Dld File Cnt=5] - [Dld Status=Complete]
  • - [Notice=Graphic Content]
  • - [MD Source=FF.NET] - [MD Category=Gate - Jietai Kare no Chi nite Kaku Tatakeri] - [MD Rating=M] - [MD Word Cnt=13199]
  • - [MD Summary= Summary withheld due to content.]
  • - Links withheld due to content.
NGE 'If Only Tonight We Could Sleep' by AngelNo13Bardiel - [Dld Date=01/15/2017] - [Dld Size=25kb] - [Dld Status=Complete]
  • - [Notice=Graphic Content]
  • - [MD Source=FF.NET] - [MD Category=Evangelion] - [MD Rating=M] - [MD Word Cnt=4582]
  • - [MD Summary= Summary withheld due to content.]
  • - Links withheld due to content.
NGE-QB 'Wandering Pilot' by Mercaba - [Dld Date=01/30/2017] - [Dld Size=3083kb] - [Dld File Cnt=42] - [Dld Status=In Progress]
  • - [Notice=Graphic Content]
  • - [MD Source=FF.NET] - [MD Category=Evangelion + Queen's Blade/クイーンズブレイド Crossover] - [MD Rating=M] - [MD Word Cnt=574674]
  • - [MD Summary= Summary withheld due to content.]
  • - Links withheld due to content.
RANMA 'Beneath A Crimson Sky 2' by Michael The-Zorch Haney - [Dld Date=01/11/2017] - [Dld Size=45kb] - [Dld File Cnt=2] - [Dld Status=In Progress]
  • - [Notice=Graphic Content]
  • - [MD Source=FF.NET] - [MD Category=Ranma] - [MD Rating=M] - [MD Word Cnt=8309]
  • - [MD Summary= Summary withheld due to content.]
  • - Links withheld due to content.
ZNT 'Familiar Of Zero Saving Grace - Harem night(day)s' by Autobot Rewind - [Dld Date=02/02/2017] - [Dld Size=11kb] - [Dld Status=In Progress]
  • - [Notice=Graphic Content]
  • - [MD Source=AFF.ORG] - [MD Word Cnt=1854]
  • - Links withheld due to content.

The following have gone at least one year since I last downloaded them with no update. As such, their status has switched from 'In Progress' to 'Inactive'.

Inactive Stories wrote:Regular Stories

HSDXD-KWZDK 'Kore wa Akuma desu ka R' by KurobaraIto - [Dld Date=02/09/2016] - [Dld Size=349kb] - [Dld File Cnt=13] - [Dld Status=Inactive]
  • - [MD Source=FF.NET] - [MD Category=Kore wa Zombie Desu ka?/これはゾンビですか? + High School DxD/ハイスクールD×D Crossover] - [MD Rating=M] - [MD Word Cnt=63526]
  • - [MD Summary= Hyoudou Issei had lived for many years in fact he already forgot how old he was. One day a cute girl asked him out. On their first date she tried to kill him. Too bad he didn't die. Oh well what was this? 'Your life will belong to me? It seems that his life would turn out to be more interesting. Angel Fallen Angel Devil finally his life won't be boring anymore!]
  • - [Direct URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/s/10097848/1/
  • - [Author1 URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/u/4365529/
HSDXD-PERSONA 'A Demon Among Devils' by The Crimson Lord - [Dld Date=02/01/2016] - [Dld Size=1576kb] - [Dld File Cnt=22] - [Dld Status=Inactive]
  • - [MD Source=FF.NET] - [MD Category=Persona Series + High School DxD/ハイスクールD×D Crossover] - [MD Rating=T] - [MD Word Cnt=285578]
  • - [MD Summary= Igor had asked him to die for the world. She would ask him to die for her. Problem was he didn't really like dying not for a second time at least.]
  • - [Direct URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/s/10225608/1/
  • - [Author1 URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/u/3269586/
LH 'May-December' by thewriterwhocameinfromthecold - [Dld Date=01/11/2016] - [Dld Size=339kb] - [Dld File Cnt=17] - [Dld Status=Inactive]NGE-MGLN 'Apotheosis' by Gundam Kaiser - [Dld Date=01/17/2016] - [Dld Size=89kb] - [Dld File Cnt=9] - [Dld Status=Inactive]RANMA-MULTI 'Heavens Judgement Error Ranma May Cry sequel' by Shai 'Halud - [Dld Date=01/04/2016] - [Dld Size=41kb] - [Dld File Cnt=4] - [Dld Status=Inactive]
  • - [MD Source=FF.NET] - [MD Category=Ranma] - [MD Rating=M] - [MD Word Cnt=8264]
  • - [MD Summary= Having lost AKane Ranma unleashes his fury on NERV and all of NEO Tokyo. NEO Tokyo now no more then a memory and a crater Ranma is visited by some old friends friends he doesn't like.]
  • - [Direct URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/s/2064704/1/
  • - [Author1 URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/u/101312/
RANMA-SW 'Star Crossed An Awakening' by dirtyShoes - [Dld Date=02/02/2016] - [Dld Size=123kb] - [Dld File Cnt=4] - [Dld Status=Inactive]
  • - [MD Source=FF.NET] - [MD Category=Star Wars + Ranma Crossover] - [MD Rating=T] - [MD Word Cnt=22422]
  • - [MD Summary= Not so long ago in the suburbs of modern Tokyo... A homely girl with low aspirations (Kasumi Tendo) is united with her destiny as two old souls find new life. None can claim to fully understand the will of the Force but surely things like this don't happen without good reason.]
  • - [Direct URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/s/11712105/1/
  • - [Author1 URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/u/976601/
RANMA-SM 'All for One' by Mordae Durgul - [Dld Date=01/11/2016] - [Dld Size=54kb] - [Dld File Cnt=6] - [Dld Status=Inactive]
  • - [MD Category=Sailor Moon + Ranma Crossover] - [MD Rating=M] - [MD Word Cnt=9537]
  • - [MD Summary= The Senshi must over come a threat to Crystal Tokyo by doing what? Chapter 5 up. 6 in the wings. If you're all good I'll have the final chapter (and a possible epilogue) up for the New Year.]
  • - [Author1 URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/u/207841/
RANMA-TM 'Falling for a Princess' by Lerris - [Dld Date=02/08/2016] - [Dld Size=173kb] - [Dld File Cnt=4] - [Dld Status=Inactive]SEKIREI 'Sekirei Regrets' by Godric Kharg - [Dld Date=01/31/2016] - [Dld Size=660kb] - [Dld File Cnt=34] - [Dld Status=Inactive]
  • - [MD Source=FF.NET] - [MD Category=Sekirei] - [MD Rating=M] - [MD Word Cnt=121159]
  • - [MD Summary= An Alternative Universe story following Benitsubasa and Minato's Sekirei. What happens when Benitsubasa begins to have nightmares after constantly loosing to the 'Team Minato' harem. Includes Yukari Shiina and more. ** I DO NOT OWN SEKIREI ITS OWNED BY OTHERS - I just enjoy the Sekirei 'sandbox' **. This story is not on hiatus with the primary arc done more will come slow]
  • - [Direct URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/s/10606920/1/
  • - [Author1 URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/u/5943546/
ST-B5 'Task Force 43 v4x Revised Reborn' by Zcenicx - [Dld Date=02/04/2016] - [Dld Size=3015kb] - [Dld File Cnt=34] - [Dld Status=Inactive - Preview]
  • - [MD Category=Babylon 5 and StarTrek: Other Crossovers ] - [MD Rating=T] - [MD Word Cnt=536404]
  • - [MD Summary= TF43 is a larger-than-usual-scale crossover between post-Nemesis Star Trek and Babylon 5. There is also direct theft of ideas from other Sci-Fi universes among others Andromeda Stargate nBSG Gundam Mass Effect and Starship Troopers.]
  • - [Preview URL] https://forums.spacebattles.com/threads ... ly.288874/
TMFSN-HSDXD 'A Second Chance' by Kronos89 - [Dld Date=02/07/2016] - [Dld Size=452kb] - [Dld File Cnt=11] - [Dld Status=Inactive]
  • - [MD Source=FF.NET] - [MD Category=Fate/stay night + High School DxD/ハイスクールD×D Crossover] - [MD Rating=M] - [MD Word Cnt=83696]
  • - [MD Summary= Counter Guardian EMIYA gets a second chance at life after winning the 5th Grail War with an untainted Grail and accepts Caster Merlin's proposal to reincarnate him. Watch as he lives his life as a devil. Rated M for safety.]
  • - [Direct URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/s/10239849/1/
  • - [Author1 URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/u/5633601/

Graphic Stories

LH 'Tug-of-War' by thewriterwhocameinfromthecold - [Dld Date=01/07/2016] - [Dld Size=655kb] - [Dld File Cnt=29] - [Dld Status=Inactive]
  • - [Notice=Graphic Content]
  • - [MD Source=AFF.ORG] - [MD Category=G to L] - [MD Rating=Adult+] - [MD Word Cnt=113602]
  • - [MD Summary= Summary withheld due to content.]
  • - Links withheld due to content.
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Prism Power Senshi
Posts: 2738

Re: PCHeintz72's Filtered Full List Update-03/23/15

Postby PCHeintz72 » Sun Apr 30, 2017 7:51 pm

This update is longer than normal, been putting it off due to a mix of RL and laziness.

PCHeintz72's Filtered Partial List Update-04/30/17

The following have had updates or are new to me that I've read in the last 77 days since I last ran the Lister program, though some of these updates may not be in the main story links provided, but on the forums the authors use for previews.

In Progress Stories wrote:Regular Stories

BL 'What we do on Valentine's' by ravenwing136 - [Dld Date=02/13/2017] - [Dld Size=28kb] - [Dld Status=Complete]
  • - [MD Source=FF.NET] - [MD Category=Black Lagoon] - [MD Rating=M] - [MD Word Cnt=5059]
  • - [MD Summary= What's a proper Valentine's without cross-cultural differences? Also what kind of gift says I love you to a mafia boss? Rock frantically looks for the answers while Balalaika does the same.]
  • - [Direct URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12364346/1/
  • - [Author1 URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/u/3357683/
GATE 'A Sky Full of Fire' by 8andahalfby11 - [Dld Date=04/22/2017] - [Dld Size=361kb] - [Dld File Cnt=17] - [Dld Status=In Progress]
  • - [MD Source=FF.NET] - [MD Category=Gate - Jietai Kare no Chi nite Kaku Tatakeri] - [MD Rating=T] - [MD Word Cnt=65372]
  • - [MD Summary= Dr. Carol Dawson a NASA Engineering and Public Relations consultant is offered the chance to support an American-Japanese joint space program on the far side of the Gate. During her mission Dawson must contend with superstitious natives secretive officers and a risky international plot with the fate of two worlds hanging in the balance.]
  • - [Direct URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12368372/1/
  • - [Author1 URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/u/8758474/
GATE 'Exodus' by Brandon Payne - [Dld Date=04/29/2017] - [Dld Size=222kb] - [Dld File Cnt=17] - [Dld Status=In Progress]
  • - [MD Source=FF.NET] - [MD Category=Gate - Jietai Kare no Chi nite Kaku Tatakeri] - [MD Rating=T] - [MD Word Cnt=40308]
  • - [MD Summary= Due to an inevitable apocalypse and a streamlining of Earth's population the Special Area is to become the new world for the rest of the Human species. Though there is a moment when Youji and his Special Area friends need to go on a bit of a journey when one of their own screws something up.]
  • - [Direct URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12441661/1/
  • - [Author1 URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/u/1362463/
GATE 'I Didn't Sign Up For This' by Konstantinsen - [Dld Date=03/11/2017] - [Dld Size=20kb] - [Dld File Cnt=3] - [Dld Status=In Progress]
  • - [MD Source=FF.NET] - [MD Category=Gate - Jietai Kare no Chi nite Kaku Tatakeri] - [MD Rating=T] - [MD Word Cnt=3526]
  • - [MD Summary= Itami knows it's part of the job. It's part of his job as a member of the JSDF. But even he has to admit that being in a war zone against medieval forces can be just as damaging as getting shot by a bullet. He's no longer aware of it but the consequences of his actions are felt by everyone around him.]
  • - [Direct URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12390706/1/
  • - [Author1 URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/u/2704543/
GATE 'Third Recon Team' by Snake Squad - [Dld Date=03/01/2017] - [Dld Size=306kb] - [Dld File Cnt=9] - [Dld Status=In Progress]
  • - [MD Source=FF.NET] - [MD Category=Gate - Jietai Kare no Chi nite Kaku Tatakeri] - [MD Rating=T] - [MD Word Cnt=56957]
  • - [MD Summary= The experiences of the members of the Third Recon Team during their time in the Special Region were something that they would never imagine ever possible. Confronted with a situation different from anything any of them had to face before they struggled through each of them coming out with a story to be told...and also some that are best kept quiet. A retold story of Gate.]
  • - [Direct URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12184253/1/
  • - [Author1 URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/u/7877833/
GATE-SOTTE 'Tanya vs The Empire' by Jokun - [Dld Date=04/18/2017] - [Dld Size=60kb] - [Dld File Cnt=2] - [Dld Status=In Progress]
  • - [MD Source=FF.NET] - [MD Category=Gate - Jietai Kare no Chi nite Kaku Tatakeri + Youjo Senki: Saga of Tanya the Evil Crossover] - [MD Rating=M] - [MD Word Cnt=10573]
  • - [MD Summary= Takes place after Episode 11. Amidst the victory celebrations and revelry by the Empire over its enemies a mysterious gate-like structure appears in Empire's capital of Berun. Swarms of creatures of legend and roman-like soldiers emerge and wreak havoc in their wake. It is up to Maj. Tanya Degurechaff and her battalion to face these new foes that threaten the Fatherland.]
  • - [Direct URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12429219/1/
  • - [Author1 URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/u/391089/
GATE-TMNI 'Gate So the JSDF and espers fought there' by JLee118 - [Dld Date=04/19/2017] - [Dld Size=183kb] - [Dld File Cnt=10] - [Dld Status=In Progress]
  • - [MD Source=FF.NET] - [MD Category=Toaru Majutsu no Index/とある魔術の禁書目録 + Gate - Jietai Kare no Chi nite Kaku Tatakeri Crossover] - [MD Rating=M] - [MD Word Cnt=33568]
  • - [MD Summary= Both the magical and scientific world want to know what's beyond the gate at Ginza. Aleister Crowley offers the JSDF esper support for their mission and sends a mixed group of espers and mages through the gate. Slight Durarara! crossover. No pairings at this time.]
  • - [Direct URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12079634/1/
  • - [Author1 URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/u/2865359/
HSDXD 'I'm Only Human' by Plasnix112 - [Dld Date=03/23/2017] - [Dld Size=333kb] - [Dld File Cnt=13] - [Dld Status=In Progress]
  • - [MD Source=FF.NET] - [MD Category=High School DxD/ハイスクールD×D] - [MD Rating=M] - [MD Word Cnt=61595]
  • - [MD Summary= No one believed him. Who would? Talk of a demon killing your family was about as crazy as it got. Issei Hyoudou was convinced it was a demon but no one believed him. After ten years in Tokyo's psyche ward Issei is sent to Kuoh academy to try to live a normal life but finds more than he expected. Looks like he wasn't crazy after all.]
  • - [Direct URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/s/11169366/1/
  • - [Author1 URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/u/5441519/
HSDXD-DRESDEN 'Beyond the Outer Gates Lies A high school library' by Xavon Wrentaile - [Dld Date=04/02/2017] - [Dld Size=1273kb] - [Dld File Cnt=49] - [Dld Status=In Progress]
  • - [MD Source=FF.NET] - [MD Category=Dresden Files + High School DxD/ハイスクールD×D Crossover] - [MD Rating=T] - [MD Word Cnt=237714]
  • - [MD Summary= An spinoff/alt version of Beyond the Outer Gates Lies... by gabriel blessing. Originally written to show how Reya might join Harry's harem though now has grown beyond that and further from the original (maybe? probably?)]
  • - [Direct URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/s/10752206/1/
  • - [Author1 URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/u/1430013/
HSDXD-PERSONA 'A Flower Amongst Devils' by Wrathie Winsre - [Dld Date=03/14/2017] - [Dld Size=2575kb] - [Dld File Cnt=41] - [Dld Status=In Progress]
  • - [MD Source=FF.NET] - [MD Category=Persona Series + High School DxD/ハイスクールD×D Crossover] - [MD Rating=M] - [MD Word Cnt=474970]
  • - [MD Summary= Minako certainly didn't expect to be here in a new world and fending for herself amongst Devils Fallens Angels and Youkai and with only her Personas to guide her! She also never expected to play negotator either what happened to just flat out saving the world again? An AU Crossover Fic]
  • - [Direct URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/s/10589094/1/
  • - [Author1 URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/u/861242/
HSDK 'Kenichi x Shigure' by crobosky - [Dld Date=03/15/2017] - [Dld Size=129kb] - [Dld File Cnt=16] - [Dld Status=In Progress]LH 'Reforged' by MakKeiUra - [Dld Date=04/15/2017] - [Dld Size=287kb] - [Dld File Cnt=3] - [Dld Status=In Progress]
  • - [MD Source=FF.NET] - [MD Category=Love Hina] - [MD Rating=T] - [MD Word Cnt=51369]
  • - [MD Summary= A collaboration by Y-PenDraig and MakKeiUra. Happily Ever After was all that Tsuruko ever wanted but in the battle of good versus evil you do not get what you want unless you grab it. An old and tremendous evil has other ideas; an old artifact may be the key; is Tsuruko capable of balancing the battle and a new love?]
  • - [Direct URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12066222/1/
  • - [Author1 URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/u/7521761/
LH-MULTI 'Contract Labor' by Greydon Creed - [Dld Date=04/10/2017] - [Dld Size=2028kb] - [Dld File Cnt=62] - [Dld Status=In Progress]
  • - [MD Source=FF.NET] - [MD Category=Love Hina] - [MD Rating=M] - [MD Word Cnt=380114]
  • - [MD Summary= What if Keitaro Urashima had some steel in his spine when he first arrived at the Hinata Inn? What put it there? And how will the tenants react especially when his past comes back to haunt him? -Now with it's own TVTropes page.-]
  • - [Direct URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/s/7180762/1/
  • - [Author1 URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/u/9647/
MULTI 'Favorite Company' by Ryu Gabriev - [Dld Date=03/30/2017] - [Dld Size=278kb] - [Dld File Cnt=6] - [Dld Status=In Progress - Preview]NGE 'Advice and Trust' by Panther2G - [Dld Date=03/30/2017] - [Dld Size=1406kb] - [Dld File Cnt=41] - [Dld Status=Complete]
  • - [MD Source=FF.NET] - [MD Category=Evangelion] - [MD Rating=T] - [MD Word Cnt=263561]
  • - [MD Summary= Shinji takes just the slightest different action when Asuka offers a kiss... and everything changes. Suddenly they're no longer alone and begin becoming stronger than they've ever been before. And from their new bond changes start to ripple out. The Angel War and the plans of SEELE and NERV will never be the same.]
  • - [Direct URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/s/10675474/1/
  • - [Author1 URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/u/4474090/
NGE-MULTI 'Evangelion Time Loops' by Multiple - [Dld Date=03/11/2017] - [Dld Size=304kb] - [Dld File Cnt=124] - [Dld Status=In Progress - Preview]RANMA 'Imperial Servant' by TheWorldsTallestLeprechaun - [Dld Date=02/25/2017] - [Dld Size=137kb] - [Dld File Cnt=5] - [Dld Status=In Progress]
  • - [MD Source=FF.NET] - [MD Category=Ranma] - [MD Rating=T] - [MD Word Cnt=24854]
  • - [MD Summary= What exactly is wrong with Ranma Saotome's love life-BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Oh God I wasn't gonna finish that with a straight face! But seriously why are things so FUBAR regarding his romantic interests? Well...here's an idea...]
  • - [Direct URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12295645/1/
  • - [Author1 URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/u/6378518/
RANMA 'Mater Draconis' by Baron Zed - [Dld Date=02/18/2017] - [Dld Size=92kb] - [Dld File Cnt=5] - [Dld Status=In Progress]
  • - [MD Source=FF.NET] - [MD Category=Ranma] - [MD Rating=T] - [MD Word Cnt=16916]
  • - [MD Summary= Not long after getting cursed at Jusenkyo Ranma helps a dying mother dragon fight off some Musk. The dragon entrusts her baby to Ranma's care to raise as his/her own. Ranma follows the dragon's advice to seek out the Amazons for help. Not a Ranma/Shampoo pairing.]
  • - [Direct URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12231008/1/
  • - [Author1 URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/u/7233214/
RANMA 'Ranma Saotome, Chi Master' by SeerKing - [Dld Date=04/19/2017] - [Dld Size=575kb] - [Dld File Cnt=22] - [Dld Status=In Progress]
  • - [MD Source=FF.NET] - [MD Category=Ranma] - [MD Rating=M] - [MD Word Cnt=101024]
  • - [MD Summary= When Ranma shows up at the Tendo Dojo he shocks the Tendo's by defeating a Panda with a bolt of blue light. Chi? What's that? Believably stronger Ranma who isn't a jerk. Ranma x harem.]
  • - [Direct URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/s/10092339/1/
  • - [Author1 URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/u/4583733/
RANMA 'Senpai' by The Sage of Toads - [Dld Date=04/29/2017] - [Dld Size=1094kb] - [Dld File Cnt=60] - [Dld Status=In Progress - Preview]RANMA 'The Simple Things' by weebee - [Dld Date=02/15/2017] - [Dld Size=111kb] - [Dld File Cnt=3] - [Dld Status=In Progress]
  • - [MD Source=FF.NET] - [MD Category=Ranma] - [MD Rating=T] - [MD Word Cnt=20204]
  • - [MD Summary= Kuno slips Ranma a chemical that is supposed to remove all inhibitions in order to get the pigtailed girl to profess her love for him. This makes all involved rather uncomfortable but surprisingly there are no fatalities.]
  • - [Direct URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/s/9313355/1/
  • - [Author1 URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/u/702658/
RANMA 'What Do You Want' by polenicus - [Dld Date=03/19/2017] - [Dld Size=252kb] - [Dld File Cnt=4] - [Dld Status=In Progress]
  • - [MD Source=FF.NET] - [MD Category=Ranma] - [MD Rating=T] - [MD Word Cnt=46763]
  • - [MD Summary= After the failed wedding attempt Akane calls it quits. Now Nabiki is saddled with a morose Ranma. Rather than get caught in the crossfire between his other fiancees she decides to try and help the pig-tailed martial artist figure out what HE wants (Purely to forestall mounting repair bills of course). Maybe a weekend or 'normalcy' away from the craziness will help?]
  • - [Direct URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12327719/1/
  • - [Author1 URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/u/6510963/
RANMA-AD 'Jonabee Fanfic' by JonaBee - [Dld Date=04/07/2017] - [Dld Size=370kb] - [Dld File Cnt=15] - [Dld Status=In Progress]
  • - [MD Source=FF.NET] - [MD Category=Ranma + Azumanga Daioh Crossover] - [MD Rating=T] - [MD Word Cnt=67616]
  • - [MD Summary= Osaka: Y'know clouds? They just… float up there but then Sakaki walked under one and it rained…. I never knew clouds could do that before…. Sakaki doesn't seem to mind though.]
  • - [Direct URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/s/6319204/1/
  • - [Author1 URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/u/2239960/
RANMA-FMP 'MITHRIL Report Female Ops Booklet' by JonaBee - [Dld Date=02/23/2017] - [Dld Size=401kb] - [Dld File Cnt=15] - [Dld Status=In Progress]
  • - [MD Source=FF.NET] - [MD Category=Ranma + Full Metal Panic Crossover] - [MD Rating=T] - [MD Word Cnt=73205]
  • - [MD Summary= Rapid physical metamorphosis has caused undue alteration of mission parameters. Will continue mission after re-assessing priorities. Urzu 7 out.]
  • - [Direct URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/s/6319617/1/
  • - [Author1 URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/u/2239960/
RANMA-GATE 'Thus, the Stallion Escaped Here' by Lord Raa - [Dld Date=02/24/2017] - [Dld Size=96kb] - [Dld File Cnt=5] - [Dld Status=In Progress - Preview]RANMA-RLW 'Legend of the Crimson Knight' by bradw316 - [Dld Date=03/30/2017] - [Dld Size=171kb] - [Dld File Cnt=12] - [Dld Status=In Progress]
  • - [MD Source=FF.NET] - [MD Category=Ranma + Record of Lodoss War Crossover] - [MD Rating=M] - [MD Word Cnt=31492]
  • - [MD Summary= This is my oldest and most beloved story previously named The Wild Horse and the Dark Elf it's been given a small edits here and there mostly this will be to tide people over until I can update current stories.]
  • - [Direct URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12416811/1/
  • - [Author1 URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/u/352836/
RANMA-SEKIREI 'Anything Goes Game Changer' by Vimesenthusiast - [Dld Date=03/25/2017] - [Dld Size=545kb] - [Dld File Cnt=5] - [Dld Status=In Progress]
  • - [MD Source=FF.NET] - [MD Category=Ranma + Sekirei Crossover] - [MD Rating=M] - [MD Word Cnt=103601]
  • - [MD Summary= Using a sensor technique Ranma finds Miya recently married woman who has more ki than anyone he has ever seen. After a Ranma style meeting the two become sparring partners in return for Ranma's help in repairing Izumo house. Years later Ranma seeks her out after arriving at the Tendo dojo soon realizing that there is something big going on in Tokyo and decides to get involved]
  • - [Direct URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/s/11701126/1/
  • - [Author1 URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/u/4785338/
RANMA-SW 'A Horse For the Force' by Vimesenthusiast - [Dld Date=04/28/2017] - [Dld Size=2659kb] - [Dld File Cnt=11] - [Dld Status=In Progress]
  • - [MD Source=FF.NET] - [MD Category=Star Wars + Ranma Crossover] - [MD Rating=M] - [MD Word Cnt=497183]
  • - [MD Summary= Ranma overhears some things that make him question his life in Nerima then goes to see Dr. Tofu for some answers. While fighting those that came after him Ranma makes a crazy decision using the Nanban Mirror to get away from everyone chasing him. Only to land on a random planet in a Galaxy Far Far away before the events of Phantom Menace. Chaos meet well laid plans... uhoh...]
  • - [Direct URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/s/11577216/1/
  • - [Author1 URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/u/4785338/
RANMA-SM 'No Chance for Fate' by Tribun - [Dld Date=03/19/2017] - [Dld Size=2218kb] - [Dld File Cnt=33] - [Dld Status=In Progress]
  • - [MD Source=FF.NET] - [MD Category=Sailor Moon + Ranma Crossover] - [MD Rating=T] - [MD Word Cnt=411726]
  • - [MD Summary= Ranma's fate is written in stone. Right? Right...? Actually not. And in the wake of a guardian finally freeing herself from her chains fate loses its hold on Ranma.]
  • - [Direct URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/s/4284134/1/
  • - [Author1 URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/u/626090/
SEKIREI 'A Veil of Passion' by Phen0m20 - [Dld Date=02/20/2017] - [Dld Size=548kb] - [Dld File Cnt=12] - [Dld Status=In Progress]
  • - [MD Source=FF.NET] - [MD Category=Sekirei] - [MD Rating=M] - [MD Word Cnt=101729]
  • - [MD Summary= AU. Despite having an Ashikabi and loving her dearly Uzume feels somehow emotionally drawn to Minato. Unable to suppress her feelings she offers Minato the chance to become more than just friends...which he eventually accepts much to the chagrin of his own Sekirei; Tsukiumi in particular. Rated M for suggestive themes sexual/erotic content and crude/raunchy humor.]
  • - [Direct URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/s/8812180/1/
  • - [Author1 URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/u/3196752/
SEKIREI 'Cage of Birds' by grayfox11738 - [Dld Date=04/09/2017] - [Dld Size=381kb] - [Dld File Cnt=6] - [Dld Status=In Progress]
  • - [MD Source=FF.NET] - [MD Category=Sekirei] - [MD Rating=M] - [MD Word Cnt=76624]
  • - [MD Summary= Its never easy letting a person in. First you get to know them and see if anything can come out of it. In his situation he never cared about anyone enough to do this. Not since she died. Now in the middle of a game can this shattered man play his role and allow others to save his soul? Only one way to find out. OC x Harem. Progressively dark. Grey Protagonist.]
  • - [Direct URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12389410/1/
  • - [Author1 URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/u/4588852/
SEKIREI 'Sekirei Tale of the Crow Feather' by Terrence Noran - [Dld Date=02/28/2017] - [Dld Size=31kb] - [Dld File Cnt=5] - [Dld Status=In Progress]
  • - [MD Source=FF.NET] - [MD Category=Sekirei] - [MD Rating=M] - [MD Word Cnt=5747]
  • - [MD Summary= Karasuba the Black Sekirei was feared for her rather violent nature. But what if...there was more to her? That she isn't just a one-dimensional character? That she can find the right one for her? Well read more...to find out. There may be a harem involved...]
  • - [Direct URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12343660/1/
  • - [Author1 URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/u/5414151/
SEKIREI 'The Nature of an Ashikabi' by KyokaZangetsu - [Dld Date=03/20/2017] - [Dld Size=41kb] - [Dld Status=In Progress]
  • - [MD Source=FF.NET] - [MD Category=Sekirei] - [MD Rating=M] - [MD Word Cnt=7339]
  • - [MD Summary= Minato Sahashi. A 19 year old ronin who failed his college entrance exam twice! As he laments his second failure he meets a beautiful woman with silver hair. It turns out that said woman is a powerful being known as a Sekirei! Next thing Minato know's she's living with him and using him.]
  • - [Direct URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12412541/1/
  • - [Author1 URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/u/8273964/
SEKIREI-DRESDEN 'Soul's Wings' by KnightEstoc - [Dld Date=02/23/2017] - [Dld Size=395kb] - [Dld File Cnt=6] - [Dld Status=In Progress]
  • - [MD Source=FF.NET] - [MD Category=Dresden Files + Sekirei Crossover] - [MD Rating=T] - [MD Word Cnt=76066]
  • - [MD Summary= Y'know I probably should have seen this coming when the gypsy woman turned over the Lovers card took one look at me and then burst out laughing hysterically. But how was I supposed to know that there were aliens beyond the Outer Gates?]
  • - [Direct URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/s/11987850/1/
  • - [Author1 URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/u/5373945/
ST 'Star Trek Pioneer' by Draft - [Dld Date=04/03/2017] - [Dld Size=919kb] - [Dld File Cnt=13] - [Dld Status=In Progress]ST-ME 'Star Effect Deep Space 9' by NYKevin - [Dld Date=02/25/2017] - [Dld Size=451kb] - [Dld File Cnt=42] - [Dld Status=In Progress]
  • - [MD Source=FF.NET] - [MD Category=StarTrek: Deep Space Nine + Mass Effect Crossover] - [MD Rating=T] - [MD Word Cnt=76959]
  • - [MD Summary= The Defiant enters the wormhole and emerges from a mass relay orbiting the Citadel. Takes place during ME2 and ME3. The Star Trek half looks like season 5 or 6 but isn't specified. Also has Fem!Shep/Garrus but mostly off-screen and not really the focus of the fic. T for language. Updates have become irregular lately.]
  • - [Direct URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/s/9686218/1/
  • - [Author1 URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/u/3018644/
ST-ME 'Star Trek Imperator' by CAS2109 - [Dld Date=02/17/2017] - [Dld Size=226kb] - [Dld File Cnt=7] - [Dld Status=In Progress]
  • - [MD Source=FF.NET] - [MD Category=StarTrek: Other + Mass Effect Crossover] - [MD Rating=T] - [MD Word Cnt=39888]
  • - [MD Summary= While following the trail of a damaged Borg Cube the U.S.S. Imperator stumbles across a buried mystery and suddenly finds itself with seemingly no way to return to Federation space. The crew of the Imperator soon come to realise that far more than their own lives are in jeopardy as a new ageless foe skirts on the boundaries of the galaxy while a familiar enemy lurks within...]
  • - [Direct URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12157407/1/
  • - [Author1 URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/u/4098997/
TMNI 'A Certain Unknown Level 0' by MrQuestionMark - [Dld Date=04/10/2017] - [Dld Size=7852kb] - [Dld File Cnt=105] - [Dld Status=In Progress]
  • - [MD Source=FF.NET] - [MD Category=Toaru Majutsu no Index/とある魔術の禁書目録] - [MD Rating=T] - [MD Word Cnt=1474611]
  • - [MD Summary= Accelerator and the Railgun. Two level 5's that have been subjected to the same rumour: they have been defeated by a Level 0. But who is this mysterious esper? This is the numerous investigations made by characters in the ToAru universe into this Level 0. People who don't know him will learn the truth and those who do know him will catch a glimpse into his life. Will have action.]
  • - [Direct URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/s/8918264/1/
  • - [Author1 URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/u/4160672/
TMNI 'A New ROAD of Misfortune' by Itherael - [Dld Date=03/24/2017] - [Dld Size=2146kb] - [Dld File Cnt=14] - [Dld Status=In Progress]
  • - [MD Source=FF.NET] - [MD Category=Toaru Majutsu no Index/とある魔術の禁書目録] - [MD Rating=T] - [MD Word Cnt=387265]
  • - [MD Summary= Someone needs to stand someone needs to fight someone needs to inspire someone needs to be a hero. Some times one just need a little push to realize that. Sometimes you can't become a Hero unless face one. And so he will become a HERO in the new ROAD before him. Kamijou Touma is back.]
  • - [Direct URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/s/10237976/1/
  • - [Author1 URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/u/5492371/
TMNI 'I Know I Knew You' by 61wisampa - [Dld Date=03/18/2017] - [Dld Size=132kb] - [Dld File Cnt=9] - [Dld Status=In Progress]TMNI 'Screwed Up' by GreatSnapper - [Dld Date=04/25/2017] - [Dld Size=448kb] - [Dld File Cnt=20] - [Dld Status=In Progress]
  • - [MD Source=FF.NET] - [MD Category=Toaru Majutsu no Index/とある魔術の禁書目録] - [MD Rating=M] - [MD Word Cnt=84692]
  • - [MD Summary= Kuroko never doubted that her Onee-sama would come to her rescue. She just never imagined that there would come a time when that knowledge frightened her. Sometimes knowing just how far someone is willing to go to help is worse than needing them in the first place and Kuroko is about to learn that Mikoto may not be as sane as everyone thinks.]
  • - [Direct URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/s/10280747/1/
  • - [Author1 URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/u/2810782/
TMFSN 'Chaos Theory' by Moczo - [Dld Date=03/12/2017] - [Dld Size=1296kb] - [Dld File Cnt=36] - [Dld Status=In Progress]
  • - [MD Source=FF.NET] - [MD Category=Fate/stay night] - [MD Rating=T] - [MD Word Cnt=241080]
  • - [MD Summary= Sometimes the tiniest of changes can have the greatest impact on the world. One chance encounter goes in a new direction and the course of the Holy Grail War is irrevocably changed...]
  • - [Direct URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/s/6372400/1/
  • - [Author1 URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/u/31351/
TMFSN 'Eye of the Sword' by AlexKirko - [Dld Date=03/04/2017] - [Dld Size=468kb] - [Dld File Cnt=11] - [Dld Status=Complete]
  • - [MD Source=FF.NET] - [MD Category=Fate/stay night] - [MD Rating=M] - [MD Word Cnt=83968]
  • - [MD Summary= What if Shirou was distorted by the fire much more than in the original novel? What if he realised how similar he was to a blade and set out to find his purpose and wielder as one? This is a story of a man trying to become the best person he can while struggling with having had his personality wiped and replaced by a blade-filled inner world at the age of five. COMPLETE.]
  • - [Direct URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/s/11664049/1/
  • - [Author1 URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/u/6667189/
TMFSN-CAMPIONE 'God Slaying Blade Works' by Marcus Galen Sands - [Dld Date=03/05/2017] - [Dld Size=5216kb] - [Dld File Cnt=39] - [Dld Status=In Progress]
  • - [MD Source=FF.NET] - [MD Category=Fate/stay night + Campione!/カンピオーネ! Crossover] - [MD Rating=T] - [MD Word Cnt=978144]
  • - [MD Summary= The first Fate/Stay Night-Campione! crossover. A Heavens Feel Shirou finds that himself and Illya have been pulled into another world by a corrupted Grail. There his actions lead to him becoming the Eighth god killing Devil King. Now he has to deal with becoming someone who rules where he walks even if he doesn't want to. That and trying to find a way back home.]
  • - [Direct URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/s/8560965/1/
  • - [Author1 URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/u/4274008/
TMFSN-CAMPIONE 'Hero's Path' by Le Mighty Nooby - [Dld Date=03/15/2017] - [Dld Size=515kb] - [Dld File Cnt=8] - [Dld Status=In Progress]
  • - [MD Source=FF.NET] - [MD Category=Fate/stay night + Campione!/カンピオーネ! Crossover] - [MD Rating=M] - [MD Word Cnt=96897]
  • - [MD Summary= In his quest to find a way to save 'himself' Shirou is reincarnated into another world. A world where the gods still walk the earth a world where Devil Kings rule a world that is about to descend into chaos with his arrival.]
  • - [Direct URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12292953/1/
  • - [Author1 URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/u/7149818/
TMFSN-HSDK 'How to Train a Sword of Life' by Quathis - [Dld Date=04/11/2017] - [Dld Size=113kb] - [Dld File Cnt=5] - [Dld Status=In Progress]TMFSN-HSDXD 'Dragonic Fate Works' by Kratos1989 - [Dld Date=04/21/2017] - [Dld Size=1434kb] - [Dld File Cnt=8] - [Dld Status=In Progress]
  • - [MD Source=FF.NET] - [MD Category=Fate/stay night + High School DxD/ハイスクールD×D Crossover] - [MD Rating=T] - [MD Word Cnt=270640]
  • - [MD Summary= Honestly I should have expected it. After all my line of work would always be screwing with me when I don't need to. What I did not expect was getting myself into a world where Gods are around Angels and Demons are real and the residents are really weird. I blame Zelretch for this. FSN and DxD Crossover.Rated T for the time being.]
  • - [Direct URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/s/10966996/1/
  • - [Author1 URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/u/4677842/
TMFSN-HSDXD 'The Holy Man of The Church Creek' by Parcasious - [Dld Date=03/26/2017] - [Dld Size=80kb] - [Dld File Cnt=3] - [Dld Status=In Progress]
  • - [MD Source=FF.NET] - [MD Category=Fate/stay night + High School DxD/ハイスクールD×D Crossover] - [MD Rating=T] - [MD Word Cnt=14484]
  • - [MD Summary= He was an anomaly not meant to be in this world yet fate would deem otherwise. After all the fate of the world just may hang in the balance.]
  • - [Direct URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/s/11845255/1/
  • - [Author1 URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/u/6039390/
TMFSN-PL 'A Sword's Tale' by Dante Crailman - [Dld Date=04/07/2017] - [Dld Size=123kb] - [Dld File Cnt=3] - [Dld Status=In Progress]
  • - [MD Source=FF.NET] - [MD Category=Fate/stay night + Princess Lover!/プリンセスラバー! Crossover] - [MD Rating=T] - [MD Word Cnt=23397]
  • - [MD Summary= Not all farewell's stay buried in one's memory. Sometimes an ending will be the start of something new.]
  • - [Direct URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12388097/1/
  • - [Author1 URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/u/7643253/
ZNT 'Familiar Of Zero Saving Grace' by Autobot Rewind - [Dld Date=04/17/2017] - [Dld Size=1193kb] - [Dld File Cnt=57] - [Dld Status=In Progress]
  • - [MD Source=FF.NET] - [MD Category=Familiar of Zero] - [MD Rating=M] - [MD Word Cnt=216506]
  • - [MD Summary= Saito gets saved from Louise but not without a fight. Agnes trains him but is it more than that? Who takes him on as a familiar and what is his new power? Tabitha and Henrietta both love Saito but is it possible to be with 2 queens? Where does this leave Siesta and Tiffania? Follow the Familiar Of Zero story but with some changes. SaitoTabithaSiestaHenriettaAgnesTiffania]
  • - [Direct URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/s/11794014/1/
  • - [Author1 URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/u/7306298/
  • - [Author2 URL] http://members.adult-fanfiction.org/pro ... 1296977238
ZNT 'The King of Commoners' by Xyrule - [Dld Date=04/29/2017] - [Dld Size=387kb] - [Dld File Cnt=51] - [Dld Status=In Progress]
  • - [MD Source=FF.NET] - [MD Category=Familiar of Zero] - [MD Rating=T] - [MD Word Cnt=69058]
  • - [MD Summary= David Wilson had a normal life normal interests and a little bit of an unhealthy obsession with anime. When he finds himself summoned by Louise he immediately knows what's going on - but that doesn't guarantee that he can fill Saito's role easily. Now he has to hope he can use his knowledge of the series to keep himself alive...and maybe get some other benefits. Harem x OC.]
  • - [Direct URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12275643/1/
  • - [Author1 URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/u/4207437/
ZNT-TMFSN 'Miracle of Zero Kingdom of the Forsaken' by James D. Fawkes - [Dld Date=03/28/2017] - [Dld Size=1410kb] - [Dld File Cnt=18] - [Dld Status=In Progress]
  • - [MD Source=FF.NET] - [MD Category=Fate/stay night + Familiar of Zero Crossover] - [MD Rating=M] - [MD Word Cnt=255751]
  • - [MD Summary= "A girl cries out for Salvation - and receives a Miracle." Like all things it begins with a wish. One wish for a powerful strong familiar. One wish to be a hero that saves everyone. One wish to finally live free. One wish to meet again after so long apart. One wish to be forgiven for the sin of betrayal. One wish with the power to change the world.]
  • - [Direct URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/s/9342459/1/
  • - [Author1 URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/u/744575/

Graphic Stories

NGE-QB 'Wandering Pilot' by Mercaba - [Dld Date=04/14/2017] - [Dld Size=3152kb] - [Dld File Cnt=43] - [Dld Status=In Progress]
  • - [Notice=Graphic Content]
  • - [MD Source=FF.NET] - [MD Category=Evangelion + Queen's Blade/クイーンズブレイド Crossover] - [MD Rating=M] - [MD Word Cnt=587422]
  • - [MD Summary= Summary withheld due to content]
  • - Links withheld due to content
POKEGIRLS 'Loose Threads' by KelvinsChoice - [Dld Date=04/20/2017] - [Dld Size=845kb] - [Dld File Cnt=13] - [Dld Status=In Progress]
  • - [Notice=Graphic Content]
  • - Links withheld due to content
RANMA-TOTALLYSPIES 'How I Learned to Love the Wild Horse' by Romulus_Firewine - [Dld Date=03/07/2017] - [Dld Size=762kb] - [Dld File Cnt=4] - [Dld Status=In Progress]
  • - [Notice=Graphic Content]
  • - [MD Source=AFF.ORG] - [MD Word Cnt=153960]
  • - Links withheld due to content
ZNT 'Familiar Of Zero Saving Grace - Harem night(day)s' by Autobot Rewind - [Dld Date=04/04/2017] - [Dld Size=53kb] - [Dld File Cnt=5] - [Dld Status=In Progress]
  • - [Notice=Graphic Content]
  • - [MD Source=AFF.ORG] - [MD Word Cnt=8866]
  • - Links withheld due to content

Note: 'Legend of the Crimson Knight' is not technically new, but an edited version of an earlier story by the same author.
Note: 'The Holy Man of The Church Creek' depending on next chapter, may stop following this one, it is losing my interest.

The following have gone at least one year since I last downloaded them with no update. As such, their status has switched from 'In Progress' to 'Inactive'.

Inactive Stories wrote:Regular Stories

GATE 'Thus, Every Day, We Fight' by Dienekes - [Dld Date=04/24/2016] - [Dld Size=29kb] - [Dld File Cnt=5] - [Dld Status=Inactive]
  • - [MD Source=FF.NET] - [MD Category=Gate - Jietai Kare no Chi nite Kaku Tatakeri] - [MD Rating=T] - [MD Word Cnt=5412]
  • - [MD Summary= Pina through sheer force of will overcame many obstacles. But the more she struggles the larger the obstacles loom over her. She knew that leading her people to the light was never meant to be easy. Who does the leader who everyone looks to for inspiration lean on when her strength keeps trying to abandon her?]
  • - [Direct URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/s/11903414/1/
  • - [Author1 URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/u/990690/
LH 'For His Own Sake' by karndragon - [Dld Date=04/16/2016] - [Dld Size=830kb] - [Dld File Cnt=26] - [Dld Status=Inactive]
  • - [MD Source=FF.NET] - [MD Category=Love Hina] - [MD Rating=T] - [MD Word Cnt=154318]
  • - [MD Summary= Keitaro has had enough of the grief he's been going through at the Hinata Inn by the girls and he makes the decision to leave and doing so sets the wheels of fate in motion not only for Keitaro but for everyone else as well and things will never be the same.]
  • - [Direct URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/s/7106346/1/
  • - [Author1 URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/u/1522021/
LH 'Shipwrecked' by Quis Custodiet - [Dld Date=04/13/2016] - [Dld Size=37kb] - [Dld Status=Inactive]LH 'The Merry Killers' by The Sage of Toads - [Dld Date=03/31/2016] - [Dld Size=367kb] - [Dld File Cnt=12] - [Dld Status=Inactive]
  • - [MD Source=FF.NET] - [MD Category=Love Hina] - [MD Rating=M] - [MD Word Cnt=64259]
  • - [MD Summary= The Hinata-sou is a dangerous place to be even if you're Keitaro Urashima. But when it's the base for Japan's greatest assassins danger comes in more forms than accidents...]
  • - [Direct URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/s/9305815/1/
  • - [Author1 URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/u/1854667/
ME-SEKIREI 'The Lion And The Crow' by Piper Squeaks - [Dld Date=03/02/2016] - [Dld Size=299kb] - [Dld File Cnt=7] - [Dld Status=Inactive]
  • - [MD Source=FF.NET] - [MD Category=Mass Effect + Sekirei Crossover] - [MD Rating=M] - [MD Word Cnt=54658]
  • - [MD Summary= When the Normandy escaped the Collector Ship Shepard never dreamed he'd stumble upon the find of a century. He never imagined he'd discover a creature unlike any other. He never knew the greatest weapon against the Reapers would be a Crow Feather. This ME/Sekirei crossover will feature Karasuba prominently. Chapter 7 is up!]
  • - [Direct URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/s/10524492/1/
  • - [Author1 URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/u/2750948/
RANMA 'Catch me if you can' by Jebe - [Dld Date=02/20/2016] - [Dld Size=422kb] - [Dld File Cnt=21] - [Dld Status=Inactive - Preview]RANMA 'Legend of the Crimson Bridge' by Jollywolfe - [Dld Date=02/12/2016] - [Dld Size=33kb] - [Dld File Cnt=5] - [Dld Status=Complete]RANMA 'Ranma Baby' by JeremyGU - [Dld Date=03/14/2016] - [Dld Size=280kb] - [Dld File Cnt=10] - [Dld Status=Inactive]
  • - [MD Source=FF.NET] - [MD Category=Ranma] - [MD Rating=M] - [MD Word Cnt=52424]
  • - [MD Summary= It's been a year since Jusendo. Things between Ranma and Akane went from bad to worse and he decided that things needed to change. Nabiki wanting a decent guy was there to pounce. Ranma x Nabiki]
  • - [Direct URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/s/7559234/1/
  • - [Author1 URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/u/2436102/
RANMA 'The Other Tendo Girl' by Kist - [Dld Date=04/18/2016] - [Dld Size=147kb] - [Dld File Cnt=5] - [Dld Status=Inactive]
  • - [MD Source=FF.NET] - [MD Category=Ranma] - [MD Rating=T] - [MD Word Cnt=26597]
  • - [MD Summary= When it was discovered that one of Soun's daughters was living a double life no one would have been surprised if it had been Akane who was perpetually asking for trouble or even Nabiki who stuck her nose in places it didn't belong but no it was the third daughter the quiet one the too too nice girl who left the world spinning on its heel.]
  • - [Direct URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/s/9946607/1/
  • - [Author1 URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/u/652279/
RANMA-GATE 'And Thus Chaos Ensued' by Dreamingfox - [Dld Date=04/16/2016] - [Dld Size=195kb] - [Dld File Cnt=6] - [Dld Status=Inactive]
  • - [MD Source=FF.NET] - [MD Category=Ranma + Gate - Jietai Kare no Chi nite Kaku Tatakeri Crossover] - [MD Rating=T] - [MD Word Cnt=36009]
  • - [MD Summary= Looking to make something of his life Ranma joins the JSDF. In another world on a special mission Ranma is trying to do what he can to get some answers.]
  • - [Direct URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/s/11831830/1/
  • - [Author1 URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/u/776218/
RANMA-MGLN 'Cloud Knight Ranma' by weebee - [Dld Date=04/16/2016] - [Dld Size=113kb] - [Dld File Cnt=4] - [Dld Status=Inactive]
  • - [MD Source=FF.NET] - [MD Category=Ranma + Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha Crossover] - [MD Rating=T] - [MD Word Cnt=20717]
  • - [MD Summary= It was a very small wish to have a way to put my skills and abilities to use to have something to fight for. What I got were friends... a family that I would give anything to protect. What happened... I don't think I can ever forget.]
  • - [Direct URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/s/9637910/1/
  • - [Author1 URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/u/702658/
RANMA-XMEN 'Broken Future Hope' by Vahn - [Dld Date=04/02/2016] - [Dld Size=113kb] - [Dld File Cnt=2] - [Dld Status=Inactive]
  • - [MD Source=FF.NET] - [MD Category=X-Men + Ranma Crossover] - [MD Rating=T] - [MD Word Cnt=20819]
  • - [MD Summary= Due to popular request this story elaborate more on the Broken Future Arc from my Homo Superior Fanfic. In particular it gives a glimpse in key moments of Broken Future Ranma life and how it shaped him to become the High General. It's going to be a couple of shot but this is the main one shot of that particular story. If you read this by itself you'll probably be lost.]
  • - [Direct URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/s/11731841/1/
  • - [Author1 URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/u/14950/
SEKIREI 'Abandoned' by LordCanine - [Dld Date=03/28/2016] - [Dld Size=52kb] - [Dld File Cnt=3] - [Dld Status=Inactive]
  • - [MD Source=FF.NET] - [MD Category=Sekirei] - [MD Rating=M] - [MD Word Cnt=9635]
  • - [MD Summary= Abandoned. That's waht happened to Benitsubasa. Her ashikabi abanded her all because she hadn't killed the ashikabi and their sekirei and because she can't satisfy him. In a fight with her fellow discpline squad memebers she's injured greatly. She runs the first chance she gets but she' dieing. Who will save her? Minato went out shopping and got chance by Haihane. Rest Inside.]
  • - [Direct URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/s/9790895/1/
  • - [Author1 URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/u/4554079/
SEKIREI 'Birds of a Feather' by breakthrough - [Dld Date=03/24/2016] - [Dld Size=488kb] - [Dld File Cnt=9] - [Dld Status=Inactive]
  • - [MD Source=FF.NET] - [MD Category=Sekirei] - [MD Rating=M] - [MD Word Cnt=90236]
  • - [MD Summary= No. 04 Karasuba was someone who greatly respected the strong. After all it was her life's goal to see all of them lie dead at her feet. So how exactly was it that she came to wing Sahashi Minato of all people at all?]
  • - [Direct URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/s/11121640/1/
  • - [Author1 URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/u/1395217/
ST-MULTI 'A Universe of Change by Candlelight Defiance' by AlbertG - [Dld Date=03/16/2016] - [Dld Size=397kb] - [Dld File Cnt=10] - [Dld Status=Inactive]
  • - [MD Source=FF.NET] - [MD Category=TV X-overs] - [MD Rating=K+] - [MD Word Cnt=69619]
  • - [MD Summary= Book IV. The Enterprise-D and the Enterprise-C started a chain of events that would propel both ships into a universe they never imagined. Now three years later Earth Alliance the Minbari the Centauri and everyone else are embroiled in a war they never imagined fighting against insane First Ones from some Thirdspace!]
  • - [Direct URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/s/9394267/1/
  • - [Author1 URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/u/115547/
TM-MULTI 'Tenchi Muyo Son of Earth and Jurai' by Tscorpio1701 - [Dld Date=03/12/2016] - [Dld Size=193kb] - [Dld File Cnt=8] - [Dld Status=Inactive]TMFSN-HSDXD 'RoH A Hero's PeaceInterupted' by kujikiri21 - [Dld Date=02/27/2016] - [Dld Size=47kb] - [Dld Status=Inactive]
  • - [MD Source=FF.NET] - [MD Category=Fate/stay night + High School DxD/ハイスクールD×D Crossover] - [MD Rating=M] - [MD Word Cnt=8476]
  • - [MD Summary= The Earth was a barren wasteland due to the actions of Trihexa. Not even the smallest leaf or insect remains. And it all could have been prevented if She had not held her grudge. But there is still a chance to make things right but she would have to rely on the one things she hated. A Hero of Humanity. And so Issei Hyoudou Hero and King answers the call just as a Hero should.]
  • - [Direct URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/s/11812754/1/
  • - [Author1 URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/u/2287675/
ZNT-TMFSN 'Witness to a Miracle' by James D. Fawkes - [Dld Date=02/22/2016] - [Dld Size=49kb] - [Dld File Cnt=2] - [Dld Status=Inactive]
Graphic Stories

LH 'Grotesque Puppetry Epilogue' by Lord Raa - [Dld Date=03/06/2016] - [Dld Size=50kb] - [Dld File Cnt=3] - [Dld Status=Inactive - Preview]
  • - [Notice=Graphic Content]
  • - Links withheld due to content
NGE-AA 'Maho Hentai Shinji' by Multiple - [Dld Date=04/19/2016] - [Dld Size=871kb] - [Dld File Cnt=160] - [Dld Status=Inactive]
  • - [Notice=Graphic Content]
  • - Links withheld due to content
RANMA 'The Freakishly Unquenchable Tendo Akane' by The Ero-Sennin - [Dld Date=04/04/2016] - [Dld Size=151kb] - [Dld File Cnt=2] - [Dld Status=Inactive - Preview]
  • - [Notice=Graphic Content]
  • - Links withheld due to content

Special Note: The month of May is once again upon us... While not as important as it used to be since most of the forums I post on are quiet at the moment, I still, as in prior years, in order to not have to deal with the generally accepted attitude displayed and allowed to and by many forum goers during this time of year I very much doubt you will see anything in the way of posts from me during that month. I may make an exception on the Space Battles forum should Task Force 43 update, but that is the only one to come immediately to mind. I expect to return to my normal posting pattern in June.
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Prism Power Senshi
Posts: 2738

Re: PCHeintz72's Filtered Full List Update-03/23/15

Postby Spokavriel » Thu Apr 11, 2019 2:58 am

ouch... nearly 2 full years since the last update. Hope you are still alive well and enjoying fanfiction.
Spamville Character ProfileArchived Current Senshi of Ophelia (Uranus VII).
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Eternal Power Senshi
Posts: 47773

Re: PCHeintz72's Filtered Full List Update-03/23/15

Postby PCHeintz72 » Thu Apr 11, 2019 6:47 am

I still run the lists, more for myself than anyone else... The interest did not seem to be there, so I kind of just shelved it...
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Prism Power Senshi
Posts: 2738

Re: PCHeintz72's Filtered Full List Update-03/23/15

Postby Spokavriel » Thu Apr 11, 2019 10:58 am

I kinda have to claim guilt there, I sort of assumed you would always post them. in past times when I vanished I would read the lists to help keep up with fics. I stopped when I perty much stopped going online all together for a bit. and it seems in that time you ended.
Spamville Character ProfileArchived Current Senshi of Ophelia (Uranus VII).
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Eternal Power Senshi
Posts: 47773

Re: PCHeintz72's Filtered Full List Update-03/23/15

Postby PCHeintz72 » Thu Apr 11, 2019 3:31 pm

No one person can be blamed for the decision. And were I to blame forums, back when I was doing them I got far more hassles on TFF than I ever did here.
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Prism Power Senshi
Posts: 2738


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