I'll give it some thought, but no promises on any form of changes... I do have an alternate format i can display stuff in that might work well... Quite frankly I do not use it much, because I just plain do not care for it. Using one of the updated entries form my latest post, it looks something like:
Thread Name: [High School DxD][Dragon of Domination] by [Xenal]
Series: High School DxD
Prefix-Crossover: HSDXD
Title-Name: 'Dragon of Domination'
Author Name: Xenal
Dld Date: 10/19/2016
Dld Size: 14kb
Dld Status: In Progress
MD Source: FF.NET
MD Rating: M
MD Word Cnt: 2494
MD Summary: Everyone knows that Devils are selfish creatures by nature So what happens when a reincarnated Devil is willing to do anything to protect his friends? How much carnage and destruction will be cause? Smart/OP Issei
Direct URL: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12197631/1/
Author1 URL: https://www.fanfiction.net/u/4426767/
Ignore the 'Thread Name' part, this alternate format was designed with making my auto generated lists coming as close as possible to meeting the old link posting standards seen on things like FFML, SpaceBattles, and the defunct Anifics site with minimal work on my part. I merely never removed the format. (my program outputs CSV spreadsheet format, 2 BBCode formats, TXT, HTML, OPML, and XML, and two different diagnostic formats I made for error correction purposes).