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Kamen Canon

PostPosted: Sun Aug 08, 2010 2:03 pm
by Spokavriel
I know allot of this is probably clearly stated in allot of the other threads. But I was wondering where is a good place with References to get a clear picture of all the abilities Tuxedo Kamen and Endymion have shown in the Anime and Manga.

Abilities and places to see them first used or good examples of different results from their use would also be helpful.

This is really just to make it so there is one thread to answer the question of "Just how useful in battle is Mamoru?"

Original Language is preferred over localizations but both must be accepted because they are all technically cannon outside of fan translations.

Re: Kamen Canon

PostPosted: Sun Aug 08, 2010 3:24 pm
by claymade
Well, he's got his roses, of course. Usually used to distract enemies or dispel status effects or the like, but he can also use them flat-out offensively as well if he chooses to. Most notable example of that has to be mortally wounding Queen Beryl herself with a rose in the original season endgame. (In the process throwing said rose straight through an oncoming spike of rock to get to her. Lengthwise. That's some serious punch.)

He's also got his staff, which can do the "Nyoi-bo" stretch thing (happens first--that I can recall--in the episode with Nephrite's first appearance, against the tennis youma).

In terms of combat he's head and shoulders over Jupiter (they fight in the second Ryo Urawa episode) and about on par with Michiru (they go at it in the one S episode with the vacuum cleaner youma, with no clear advantage that I can recall) as well as Zoisite (several times over the course of the first season). Jadeite, however, wastes him utterly when they fight at the airport.

In terms of speed, the instance that's--technically--the most impressive is when he flat-out dodges a lighting bolt straight out of the sky in Venus's intro episode. Which (if one was anal about it) would means he's getting up toward reacting at significant fractions of the speed of light. (Personally speaking, I prefer to take that instance with a rather large grain of salt instead. But even interpreting the scene in much looser terms, it's not much of a stretch to put him down as "really freaking fast.")

Re: Kamen Canon

PostPosted: Sun Aug 08, 2010 3:52 pm
by Spokavriel
Don't forget the times when Mamoru would disappear seeming to have a headache. It was shown almost like a subconsciously triggered teleport so Kamen could be there for Sailor Moon when she was in danger.

Re: Kamen Canon

PostPosted: Sun Aug 08, 2010 8:30 pm
by Frog
He has a special attack in the manga that most people don't know about because of watching the anime or simply prefer to ignore. Tuxedo La Smoking Bomber. ... ing_Bomber

More from the Wiki article on Tuxedo Kamen:

In the manga he was said to have some psychic abilites, such as a form of touch-telepathy with Chibiusa, the ability to heal wounds in a manner similar to Hotaru Tomoe, and some psychometric ability. He also could sense the well-being of the planet, and when the surface of the North Pole was damaged in the final battle against Queen Metalia, he used his power to restore the land. In the anime he was never said outright to have these abilities like in the manga, however the touch-telepathy was shown on screen. In both of these continuities when the Earth was under attack by the Dead Moon, Mamoru was affected as he was linked to the planet, and therefore he became very ill as the attacks on the planet progressed.

Aside from that, again from the manga, he has a small gemstone for each of the Generals which he has consulted for advice on their current enemies multiple times.

Re: Kamen Canon

PostPosted: Mon Aug 09, 2010 7:05 pm
by Zwzn
Spokavriel wrote: I know allot of this is probably clearly stated in allot of the other threads. But I was wondering where is a good place with References to get a clear picture of all the abilities Tuxedo Kamen and Endymion have shown in the Anime and Manga.

Abilities and places to see them first used or good examples of different results from their use would also be helpful.

This is really just to make it so there is one thread to answer the question of "Just how useful in battle is Mamoru?"

Original Language is preferred over localizations but both must be accepted because they are all technically cannon outside of fan translations.

EPISODE 101 & 102

He is shown to be able to fight Kaolinite fairly evenly. The the senshi get their short skirted rears handed to them by her many times rather easily.

He cut Senishienta's sword with his cane.

He threw down a number of roses, and a column of light came up from the circle hurting the bady.

He was able to lead the bad girls on a marry chase while carrying Usagi.

He got captured because without her broach Usagi seems worse then useless, and i seem to remember he jumped in the way of an attack to protect her..

Re: Kamen Canon

PostPosted: Mon Aug 09, 2010 9:26 pm
by Crescent Pulsar R
Manga: when he, Moon, Venus and Chibi-moon were trapped in crystal, and couldn't move, he was able to will the crystal to break.

Re: Kamen Canon

PostPosted: Mon Aug 09, 2010 10:41 pm
by ckosacranoid
if you have access to the sailor moon rpg from guardion of order there is a very good write up on cape boy. if you want basic stats from stuff he can do i can dig it out for you if you dont have access to a copy of it.

Re: Kamen Canon

PostPosted: Mon Aug 09, 2010 10:45 pm
by Spokavriel
I'm not sure the RPG counts as canon seeing as they have to make modifications to make the character work with their campaign guidelines.

I don't have a copy but just saying that any information from it will be taken with healthy doses of salt unless each and every aspect is backed by canon.

Re: Kamen Canon

PostPosted: Mon Aug 09, 2010 11:50 pm
by PCHeintz72
There is a not bad write up on him on the normal wikipedia as well as the moon pedia link already given.

Tuxedo Mask

Some of the Mythology of Endymion of legend also is a interesting tie in to Mask.


Re: Kamen Canon

PostPosted: Tue Aug 10, 2010 9:48 am
by Spokavriel
Your mythology link lost a character. Always wonder how and why that happens when it does.

Edit: Take a look at the picture in this link. Its from the Wiki article. Is it just my imagination or is that Cherub trying to line up to crap on his head?

Re: Kamen Canon

PostPosted: Sun Aug 15, 2010 6:27 pm
by Wyrd
Tuxedo Kamen's powers from the Sailor Moon RPG, and whether I feel each is supported by canon:

First, like with the Senshi, there are supposed to be many Knights in the galaxy like Tuxedo Kamen. He is just the only one that shows up in canon, despite the plethora of Senshi.

His roses can:
1) Stop any physical attack. While he has never used this in close combat to stop a punch or other attack, he has used it to stop someone hitting Moon.
2) Stop and negate and energy attack. Again, he uses this ability often in both manga and anime. From this description, he could actually stop Nanoha's Starlight Breaker, even though the damage his rose can do as an attack is painful but negligible next to any Senshi attack.
3) Cut through any physical restraint and most magical ones. Again, seen repeatedly in both anime and manga.
4) Knock an object from the grasp of any individual. One of the least used aspects of his attacks, he still does so on several occasions.
5) Can prevent his opponent from acting for a brief period of time. He does this almost every episode of the first season, giving Moon enough time to kill her opponent, and often throughout the rest of the series.
6) Do all or any of the above to up to 6 targets. He only hits multiple targets a couple of times, but he does hit them.

According to the book, he can take on the Prince Endymion form any time he wants to, he just saves it for the big battles for the same reason he stuck to Tuxedo Kamen when brainwashed by Beryl: Usagi likes men in tuxes.

The RPG gives Senshi control over elements and Knights control over emotions. While the Senshi's elemental abilities are displayed in the anime and manga, they are very limited in how any of the main cast uses them, and emotional control is not something you can exactly see. Tuxedo Kamen has control over the emotion of Hope, which is why he can so readily and consistently inspire the Senshi whenever they are having difficulties. A fan author could do a lot more with this than is ever shown in canon. Imagine if instead of inspiring hope in the Senshi, he used it to suppress hope in their opponents, so that they are all convinced that attacking the Senshi is completely hopeless and they should really just surrender now.

He has the ability to teleport to near Usagi when she is in trouble. He never demonstrates this ability otherwise, though if he could master it he could go to school in America and teleport to visit his girlfriend whenever he wanted.

His character sheet gives him points in acrobatics(better than Minako's rating), improved appearance, art of distraction(up to a medium sized crowd), combat mastery, and enhanced speed(three times human). He also has the attribute Perfect Timing, allowing him to always get there just when he is needed. At some point in the book it talks about his psychic connection to Usagi and, to a lesser extent, the rest of the scouts that lets him know when they are in danger, but it wasn't on his character sheet.

My personal fanon interpretation of this is to treat the Knights and Senshi as being like Yin and Yang, or Ninja and Samurai. Kamen's powers are best used from stealth with surprise on his side; it costs him as much energy to throw one of those magical roses as it costs any of the senshi to do their attacks, meaning he can only act a few times(outside of a few specific events, such as the siege of Mugen Gakuen, the Senshi are usually shown as being exhausted after two or three attacks, in those situations where they use multiple blasts; give them the ability to recharge pretty quickly like in Sailor Ranko, and the amount of running around they do while only occasionally attacking makes a lot more sense). He is an asset in a battle, but not incredibly useful without one of the Senshi to throw the powerful attacks needed to seriously harm their opponents. If, magically speaking, males control the subtle powers and females control the gross* powers, then it actually makes sense why all of the Senshi's enemies are vaguely female in nature--they make better weapons, especially when you limit their intelligence like they display in canon.

*in this usage, this means large, palpable, physical, tangible. It is the best word for what I am trying to say, but is a relatively rare usage of the word, so I thought I would clarify.

Re: Kamen Canon

PostPosted: Tue Aug 17, 2010 12:27 pm
by Spokavriel
Thank you for taking the time to write out the list. I don't completely agree but it is another source and I hope others can point out cannon places to help show how well it fits.