[R.5/SM] The Return: Ranma and Usagi Bad End

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[R.5/SM] The Return: Ranma and Usagi Bad End

Postby Sunshine Temple » Sun Aug 02, 2015 2:47 pm

Here's the start of a 4 part sequence.


A collaboration with John St Patrick. This has a potential "bad end" with Ranma and Usagi corrupting each other.

The latter segments get pretty out there.
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Re: [R.5/SM] The Return: Ranma and Usagi Bad End

Postby Ellen Kuhfeld » Sun Aug 02, 2015 3:22 pm

The beginning is very nice. As to the end, and the steps getting there -- make it not so.
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Re: [R.5/SM] The Return: Ranma and Usagi Bad End

Postby Sunshine Temple » Sun Aug 02, 2015 3:54 pm

Ellen Kuhfeld
The beginning is very nice. As to the end, and the steps getting there -- make it not so.

[Yeah, in terms of style I rather like the "Sailor Drow" getup.

[And bikini Ranma with her little sandals is also very cute.

[But that was the intention, have the very first stages not be so bad.
[To show why they'd even start, before the slippery slope went bad.

[Even the first "bliss" Usagi has a nice dress with some Sailor Moon accents
[(If you ignore the pool starting to grow at her feet....)

[Thanks for commenting!
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Re: [R.5/SM] The Return: Ranma and Usagi Bad End

Postby LawOhki » Sun Aug 02, 2015 5:13 pm

Ellen Kuhfeld wrote:The beginning is very nice. As to the end, and the steps getting there -- make it not so.

It's kind of like a puzzle from the Saw movies. How much can you witness before you go insane and gnaw your own fingers off from the awful?
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Re: [R.5/SM] The Return: Ranma and Usagi Bad End

Postby talonhunter » Sun Aug 02, 2015 9:43 pm

Following the string of pics on your DA left a chill going up my spine.
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Re: [R.5/SM] The Return: Ranma and Usagi Bad End

Postby Sunshine Temple » Sun Aug 02, 2015 10:03 pm


Following the string of pics on your DA left a chill going up my spine.

[Good. Good...
[That's as indented. I wasn't kidding when I said this was a "bad end".
[This type of corruption, should be scary. ^^;
[Thanks for commenting!
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Re: [R.5/SM] The Return: Ranma and Usagi Bad End

Postby KonokoHasano » Wed Aug 05, 2015 2:53 pm

'Bad Ends' of this nature are things that intrigue me. The very idea of transformations going incredibly weird and leading to... problematic endings. I do like the very concept of the idea, which is incredibly neat and impressive as a whole.
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Re: [R.5/SM] The Return: Ranma and Usagi Bad End

Postby Sunshine Temple » Wed Aug 05, 2015 4:24 pm


'Bad Ends' of this nature are things that intrigue me. The very idea of transformations going incredibly weird and leading to... problematic endings. I do like the very concept of the idea, which is incredibly neat and impressive as a whole.

[Indeed. And the Return has such a potential for things to go very, very wrong that things like this are a possibility.

[Though really anything with Sailor Moon and even a hint of Lovecraft can go pretty horrific.

[Glad you like the idea! I had it rolling around for a while and (in addition to the pun on Ranma's name) it did seem like the way to have "Bliss" show how petty and possessive she had become.

[Thanks for commenting!
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Re: [R.5/SM] The Return: Ranma and Usagi Bad End

Postby ckosacranoid » Thu Aug 06, 2015 11:38 pm

the end centarn form looks a little off with how short ranmas torso is though. talk about huge tracks of land though. not a bad set of pic though and kinda of amusing though.
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Re: [R.5/SM] The Return: Ranma and Usagi Bad End

Postby Sunshine Temple » Fri Aug 07, 2015 6:34 am

the end centarn form looks a little off with how short ranmas torso is though. talk about huge tracks of land though. not a bad set of pic though and kinda of amusing though.

[Yeah, centaur torsos are a bit weird. I mean if you go with the actual length of a torso (hip bones going to equine shoulders) then the torso rises up really high from the horizontal back. But as you say having it shorter looks off too.

[Heh. Well that kind of growth is expected with "bad end corruptions".
[Even Bliss/Usagi got in on it. Which is probably why Ranma's got so large.

[Thanks for commenting, glad you found it amusing.

[I had the base pictures from Pat for a while, and had been trying to do some of the end parts of the sequence a couple years ago. It was only earlier this summer that I realized I had both halves and could actually build the whole "Bad End" sequence.
[Amusingly, the first few steps were the ones I did last.
[And I kind of think the "Sailor Drow" one is the more interesting Usagi presentation.
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