Mondu's random fanart v 2013

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Re: Mondu's random fanart v 2013

Postby mondu_the_fat » Wed Nov 25, 2015 5:35 pm

Spica75 wrote:Very nice looking.

I just have one "objection", and that´s the stance.

The sword held like that is a retreat or sidestep then counterattack either swing/turn or turn/swing, or if you´re really fancy, turn and thrust, yet her balance says she´s rearing backwards and trying to block something from high. Which at the moment would likely get her knocked out by either or both of her weapons.
The swordhold is essentially a nonblocking defensive one that is intentionally weak to draw an opponent forward into a slow overextended position to allow a slow but nasty counterattack.
( oh and btw, i really hope she´s lefthanded or doublehanded )

Second, a dagger is nearly always held with the blade going out the direction of the thumb, having it out the way of the pinkie means you remove the extra reach from it as well as make it harder to control, especially if used to parry with, not to mention make it difficult to stab with.
Oh and the dagger also obscures her vision, even if not hugely so.

Third, you can get away with both, but together they´re basically an invitation for me to dash in and stomp her toes or knees, or legsweep her, because her sword takes far too long to swing to hit me with(and her own head is in the way of thrusting with it), while her dagger can´t reach me at all as long as i kick at kneeheight or lower while her balance is, well, unbalanced.

Anyway, i don´t like being critical here(hope you excuse me), because the pic still LOOKS pretty darn good.

Pose is based on this: ... knecht.htm

Granted, the dagger is just there for show. In the fic, she doesn't dual wield.
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Re: Mondu's random fanart v 2013

Postby Spica75 » Thu Nov 26, 2015 6:01 am

Granted, the dagger is just there for show. In the fic, she doesn't dual wield.

Then it makes a bit more sense at least. And with a sword like that you probably need two hands for a lot of moves.

Pose is based on this:

Always be wary of anatomically impossible woodcuts... :mrgreen:
(try the stance of the one on the right, just not too hard, because you will twist your neck to hell)

Anyway, the main difference in the woodcut(except no dagger in the way) is that he´s in balance and can instantly move in almost any direction.
I´m fairly sure the woodcut was selected for weapon used rather than realism though. :wink:
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Re: Mondu's random fanart v 2013

Postby mondu_the_fat » Sat Dec 05, 2015 12:43 am


A remake of one my my earliest pieces of fanart, Mistress V from Mark Mckinnon's On a Clear Day
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Re: Mondu's random fanart v 2013

Postby Sunshine Temple » Sat Dec 05, 2015 3:01 pm

Neat start. That's a very... abbreviated getup too.
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Re: Mondu's random fanart v 2013

Postby mondu_the_fat » Tue Aug 16, 2016 8:40 pm

Fooling around with a new program, DesignDoll.

It's rather basic and limited. However, it can do various body types in a cinch.



Wakfu Evangeline, WIP. Probably should make the legs and feet thicker/larger.
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Re: Mondu's random fanart v 2013

Postby Sunshine Temple » Tue Aug 16, 2016 9:03 pm


When you say limited, you mean that there's not lots and lots of controls on each body dimension?
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Re: Mondu's random fanart v 2013

Postby mondu_the_fat » Tue Aug 16, 2016 11:50 pm

Actually it has a TON of controls for each body dimension. Like, around10x more, and does it far more organically than anything else. For example, making the torso longer or the shoulders narrower doesn't suddenly turn the model into an escher painting.

However, that's ALL it can do. Doesn't have clothes or hair. Can't add textures or color. Can't animate. Just one light. Can import some objects from other 3d programs, but only up to 5mb worth (which is just worth a single simple prop). Can't make anything new in it other than a cube or a new body. The face above had to be done in another program.

Basically, it's just for making a blank body. But it does blank bodies VERY well.
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Re: Mondu's random fanart v 2013

Postby Spica75 » Wed Aug 17, 2016 8:19 am

doesn't suddenly turn the model into an escher painting


However, that's ALL it can do. Doesn't have clothes or hair. Can't add textures or color. Can't animate. Just one light. Can import some objects from other 3d programs, but only up to 5mb worth (which is just worth a single simple prop). Can't make anything new in it other than a cube or a new body. The face above had to be done in another program.

Basically, it's just for making a blank body. But it does blank bodies VERY well.

Well, if it can export those nicely, then it should be quite useful?

If you want to import more, remember you can always make "dumbed down"(less polygons/etc) versions to reduce their filesize.
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Re: Mondu's random fanart v 2013

Postby Sunshine Temple » Wed Aug 17, 2016 3:57 pm

Ahhh, I see.

That /is/ handy capability if one uses it to get some basic "figures" of various heights and body shapes and the like.
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Re: Mondu's random fanart v 2013

Postby mondu_the_fat » Mon Aug 22, 2016 7:21 am

"So Igor wasn't kidding. Most people just ensure they won't die cold and alone by making friends...I gain superpowers and have mysterious voices tell me I did a good job. My life is a goddamn mess."
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Re: Mondu's random fanart v 2013

Postby mondu_the_fat » Thu Aug 25, 2016 8:41 pm

"So Igor wasn't kidding. Most people just ensure they won't die cold and alone by making friends...I gain superpowers and have mysterious voices tell me I did a good job. My life is a goddamn mess."
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Re: Mondu's random fanart v 2013

Postby Sunshine Temple » Fri Aug 26, 2016 5:30 pm


More of a halfling bodytype?
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Re: Mondu's random fanart v 2013

Postby mondu_the_fat » Sun Sep 04, 2016 4:49 pm

Sunshine wrote:Cute.

More of a halfling bodytype?

Wakfu's artstyle (especially the artwork for the MMO) tends to have tiny torsos compared to the limbs.

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Re: Mondu's random fanart v 2013

Postby Sunshine Temple » Sun Sep 04, 2016 5:59 pm


My that style does put more emphasis on the limbs. Just look at her torso compared to her legs.
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Re: Mondu's random fanart v 2013

Postby Ellen Kuhfeld » Sun Sep 04, 2016 8:49 pm

Sunshine wrote:My that style does put more emphasis on the limbs. Just look at her torso compared to her legs.

Makes me think of Robert Crumb's art, it does.
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