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Reflections Lost on a Dark Road Sequel

PostPosted: Mon Nov 30, 2015 10:41 pm
by toushin
Set after the war this is a story that follows a young man named Ryo Saotome. As the story progresses, it is revealed that his mother was actually a test subject for experiments involving genetics and an "ARMS" Meld implant, along with the mothers of 3 other youths: Spring Saotome, (unknown at the time), and Godai Hibiki. They all meet under strange circumstances and after many battles they set off on a journey to rescue Ryo's girlfriend Belldandy who is kidnapped by X-COM. X-COM are the creators of the ARMS technology.

This fanfic is set during the Interlude Timeline between 2013 and 2038 during the worldwide upheaval 10 to 12 years before The Second Alien War. Not only did Raleth provide a significant advantage but the interdimenional adventures of Juliet, India and Yankee provided ample research material. So in 2012 instead of officially disbanded the X-COM organization under the leadership of Samuel Tillinghast who rose up during the Elerium excursions decided to operate in the Shadows. A number of members including those in Juliet and India opposed this extremis approach. Thus during the creation of the ARMS they managed to smuggle out the prototype machines (implanting them in Ukyou, Shampoo, Nabiki,) where they formed their own group known as EXALT.

The mechanics haven’t been fully hashed out, but for the most part everything is done. This fanfic is a continuation of The Road to Cydonia years after the war is won after the characters have had kids which the story will focus on. It is a crossover/fusion with Project Arm as well as elements from other series added in. The technology will be a mix of XCOM, what they learned from the Titan’s and what they extracted from the Bleed. Basically what I can get away with using the limitations of the XCOM Universe.

i need help coming up with a name