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Daimakaicho Ranma, chap 8.

PostPosted: Fri Feb 01, 2008 9:22 pm
by Tuisto
Second scene. Rude introductions.

In the early-noon time sunnily lit veranda room of the Nekomi Temple there was silence, absolute silence. The kind of silence that puts a person on edge, nervous as to what horror may soon befall them. The silence was especially worrisome given the occupants of the room. To one side of the long low-table sat the Three Norn Goddess’, to the other side sat the Grand Daimakaicho Hild and her lackey du-jour; Mara.

Urd sat with her arms crossed across her chest and a scowl marring her eternally good looks as she stared at the white haired woman that coincidentally was her mother, as Hild lounged, not a care in the world, her elbow propped-up on the table with her palm supporting her madly grinning face as she looked towards her wayward daughter and absently twiddled with her black ravens feather earring.

Belldandy sat primly in worry of her big sis’ occasionally looking up from her cooling cup of darjeeling tea at the spectacle of the two white-haired women fighting a silent battle of wills.

Skuld sat oblivious to most of her surroundings as she tried to cram a basketball sized knot of multi-colored wires and circuit chips into a blue and green baseball sized sphere… thing-a-ma-bob… of some sort that had a big red button on the top and an orange glass piece on the side.

Oh, and Keiichi was there too… he really didn’t have a clue, all that really registered was that he was surrounded on all sides by some of the most gorgeous specimens of female pulchritude to exist in three planes of existence.
So he did what came naturally: He sweated copiously awaiting some measure of doom to befall him. It always did; why would this time be any different?

Finally the eerie silence of the house was broken by the sound of a flush, and then the sink running followed by the process of gurgle, rinse, spit; repeat. Soon the seated parties were witness to a much refreshed looking onna-Ranma as she sauntered into the veranda room and unceremoniously plopped down next to Hild, opposite side of Mara.

Ranma, not caring about the built-up tension in the room, turned to Hild and asked with a frown, “So, Hild-mama, what are we doin’ here in this dump? You said that we’d be going back to Nerima.”

Hild, without taking her eyes off of Urd said casually, “Did I say that? No… I’m fairly certain I said we’d come back to Japan… and why would you want to go to Nerima anyway, daughter?”

For a moment Ranma shook and clenched her jaw, then relaxed and said, “You know why, I wanna’ get back at those… those…” she ended in a growl.

Hild leisurely sat up, spared a glance at Urd who looked like she was about to explode and nonchalantly answered Ranma, “Oh, they’re not in Nerima anymore.”

“What. Do. You. Mean. They’re. NOT. In. Nerima.” Ranma ground-out.

Hild’s smirk became absolutely devious as she said, “Oh, well that… Seems that your former family and friends are guests of the Emperor as tomorrow, He himself will be presiding over your funeral with full state honors. Just look for yourself; you’re quite the celebrity now.”
And with that the small television in the corner of the room snapped to life with snow that settled into a picture, and Ranma couldn’t help but have her jaw drop as she saw himself in the upper lefthand of the screen and a commentator in the rest of the screen.

Belldandy, finally broached Hild asking, “Excuse me, Hild-san, what exactly is this about? I mean, you with Mr… erm… ah… that is… Miss Ranma and all…”

Hild turned her gaze from Belldandy and looked more towards Urd and said, “Ranma-chan was murdered by her family, that you know from the human news networks, what I know is that Ranma’s mother bartered his soul for a wish from a shikima…” Belldandy gasped and Urd winced at that, “… and so, understandably Ranma wants just a little teeny bit of revenge.”

Keiichi butted-in, asking, “But what’s with the ‘Hild-mama’ and you calling her ‘daughter’ and you saying she’s Urd’s sister?”

Hild rolled her eyes and said, “Isn’t it obvious? I adopted dear Ranma-chan to help her.”

“Bullshit.” That epithet came from Urd, “…what are you planning, anyways? It’s just not like you to just take in strays like this.”

“What I can’t do something nice for a poor tortured soul, just out of the goodness of my heart?” Hild said derisively unabashed, as Urd rolled her eyes and as Belldandy choked on her tea.
Without missing a beat, Urd whipped over to Ranma who was still intently staring at the TV and asked the redhead, "And what about you, how can you just trust her like this?"

Ranma turned her attention away from the TV, looked at Urd and said, "What? Hild-mama is really pretty nice, a lot nicer than a lota’ people I could name, so why wouldn’t I trust her?" The three sisters and Keiichi simply boggled at this honest statement.

Then, before things could escalate further between Urd and her new ‘sister’ Ranma, the outside door to the room slid open, revealing an extremely short decrepit looking bald man in a purple martial artists Gi.
Mara was whipping her head back and forth looking between the new arrival and the stunned look on his face, and then to the hate filled visage of Ranma quaking in her seat.

Finally the tableau was broken to Ranma’s inarticulate cry of, "HAPPOSAI! I’ll Kill you!" as she then proceeded to leap from her seat, handspringing from the table, vaulting over Skuld, to land a surprised kick to the abdomen of Happosai with enough force that he rocketed back through the doorway and out into the open courtyard, where he landed softly in a low crouch.

He looked up to see Ranma slowly stalking forward towards him, her eyes hidden by her bangs of red hair as she said, "You let them… you sat there and let them kill me, cause of that, I’m gonna’ enjoy takin’ ya’ apart, ya’ old freak."

Lizasa in the form of Happosai said hastily, "Ranma my boy, this isn't what it seems. Now, I'm sure we could talk this out if you'll just…"
He was cut off by Ranma's shout of, "Happosai, because of you I’ve seen and felt true Hell!" Ranma then leapt towards Happosai with her fists clenched together raised overhead and intending to bash them over his head, when suddenly her foreword momentum was halted jarringly.

Belldandy, then stepped forward her right hand held high directing the bubble of soft blue light that now surrounded Ranma floating in the air. She then said to Ranma, "I cannot condone this… this… violence in this temple when you don't have all the facts." She then turned away from Ranma and faced the faux-Happosai and commanded him, "Show her. Now."

Lizasa breathed a slight sigh of relief as he looked up to Ranma suspended in the light blue sphere of light as she glared murderous intent at him. He then relaxed and in a puff of gray smoke the short, bald purple clad form of Happosai was replaced by a tall bishonen man, with gray hair wearing a hakama in various shades of gray and white.

"He’s a spirit…” Mara said in soft surprise as she leaned out of the veranda room into the courtyard to see, with Hild just quietly watching behind her shoulder with one delicate white eyebrow raised.

From inside the soft blue bubble of light Ranma asked, "I don't get it, what are ya’ playing at ya’ old freak?!"

The revealed Lizasa was about to speak, when Belldandy spoke for him saying soothingly, “Ranma, this man is actually Lizasa Lenaoko, a spirit sent to grant a dying wish. As he explained, the original Happosai died in the cave your father and Soun Tendo buried him in. So… you’ve never really met the original Happosai, instead you only know him… this spirit Lizasa, who rather foolishly sought the best way to fulfill the last wish of Happosai was to… um… ‘become’… Happosai…”

Belldandy was suddenly cut-off by Ranma interjecting harshly, “Okay then, so why can’t I kill him if he was the one all along just sittin’ in a different skin?”

Lizasa paled at those words, as did the goddess’.
For a moment he just stared ahead, then he closed his eyes took a calming breath and then approached the capturing sphere, and on bowed knee spoke, “Ranma-sama, the event of your death, was a moment of several fates coming together, in such an event I could not have interfered without dire consequences. To say ‘I’m Sorry’ is too light an excuse, I do feel as though I failed you in that time of pain. I had already decided that you were the Best possible Martial Artist to inherit the School of Anything Goes; In penance, and in fulfilling the original wish of Happosai, I grant you the entirety of the Anything Goes Arts and will abide by what fate you might see fit for me for my transgression.”

Ranma, looked down at the bowed figure of Lizasa and felt her hate of this man deflate down to a semi-rational level at his selfless adherence to Bushido and his giving unto her the Art she loved so much she lived and breathed it.

Belldandy, seeing and feeling the dark feelings and hostile intent slacken and fade-off of Ranma, lowered her and dispelled the sphere. Ranma glanced back to the goddess and gave a polite, but curt nod.
She then said to the bowed Lizasa, “I ‘preciate ya’ givin’ me the Art… I earned it anyway ‘cause I’m, like ya said, The Best, but I still ‘preciate it. But I certainly ain’t ever gonna’ go and forgive ya…”

Lizasa closed his eyes and nodded his head expecting as much.

“… but I’m thinkin’ that I also ain’t gonna kill ya’…”

Lizasa’s head snapped up looking at Ranma with wide-eyed surprise.

“…Though by the time I’m through with ya, ya might’a wished I had…” Ranma gave the man a malicious smirk that Hild approved of, and continued, “…Instead I’m gonna’ have ya’ train me and anyone else I choose, till I say stop. Capiche?”
He just nodded his acceptance in defeat, knowing there was no point in trying to argue, especially not since the Daimakaicho herself was staring him down with a manic grin.
‘Well, Lizasa you old dummy, you’re fucked now…’ he thought sourly.

“There’s still just one more thing still, so stand up.” she said to the still kneeling Lizasa. He did so facing Ranma, she then held out her right hand with a grin on her face. Lizasa thinking the obvious began to reach out to shake it, when her hand blurred upwards, the flat back of her hand smacking the soft underside of his chin thus snapping his head back and causing a tooth to fly out of his mouth when her other hand shot forwards right into his belly, sinking deeply into the pliant flesh, causing Lizasa to fall to his knees and heave blood, bile and breathe, as she removed her fist.

“Consider –That- the first installment of pain, for ya’ pretendin’ to be a perverted asshole to me an’ the Tendo’s for the last couple o’ years ya’ freak… and practice starts tomorrow mornin’. Sharp.” Ranma spat at the crumpled gasping form of Lizasa.

She then spun-around on her heels, mock dusting her hands, and came face to face with Urd, a very unhappy looking Urd. In fact, Urd looked pissed. The pulsing vein visible on her forehead was a good indicator of this fact.

“What in all of Father’s creation is wrong with you! He submitted to you and you still beat him up with such low blows! I can’t believe you… you… Spore!”

As Belldandy, Skuld and Keiichi looked on pensively, and Hild and Mara looked on the scene approvingly, Ranma raised a single red-eyebrow and asked curiously, “-Spore-?”

Urd snorted superiorly and said, “Why of course! We goddess’ measure age in Era’s and epochs! Skuld is our youngest and she’s still a ‘Squirt’. But if you’re going to be my ‘sister’ as mother says… why that makes you just barely alive by our standards… a veritable –Spore- of a fledgling, you Spore!”

“So what yer’ saying’ is that yer’ really really old, right?” Ranma drawled out slowly, and Skuld had to clap her hands over her mouth to keep from laughing out loud as Urd went purple in rage.

Belldandy sighed softly to herself, seeing as how –someone- had to act like a responsible adult and stop this, and seeing as how Hild seemed perfectly content to sit back and watch, she took the initiative and reached out and softly grasped Urd’s shoulder from behind just as Urd was saying, “You little insignificant piece of…”

“Urd, let it go, she’s just trying to make you madder, please…” Belldandy implored. Urd just looked over her shoulder at her sister and sighed a calming sigh and began to walk away.

Belldandy then turned a tentative smile towards a Ranma scowling at the retreating backside of Urd, she then asked cheerily, “It’s almost lunchtime, are you and… um… Hild-san and Mara-san be staying?”

Ranma just shrugged her shoulders and said,” I ‘spose so, would haft’a ask Hild-mama to be sure though, but lunch sounds good.” Ranma began walking to the temple house and paused almost brushing against Belldandy and asked with a grin, “Anyone ever tell ya', that yer' really cute when ya' smile?”

Blushing, Belldandy cupped her cheek with her hand in fond memory of Keiichi-san telling her of her cute smile, she then said dreamily, “Why yes, yes I have been told so...”

“Good thing that…” Ranma said lazily as she walked on, but not before Belldandy felt a hand graze and lightly lift her right butt cheek under her dress.

With shocked-wide eyes, Belldandy whipped around… to face nothing, no sight of Ranma anywhere, only Keiichi and Skuld who seemed to of missed the exchange, softly she said to herself with both hands on her face cheeks. “Oh my…”

From inside the house, sat Hild with her lips pressed in thin a tight and tight line at an unforeseen development, then ever-so slowly her grin split her face as she thought, ‘Why Belldandy, you naughty girl…’ her thoughts were then interrupted by a poking at her side and an annoying beeping sound, turning her head she saw two little red eyes of a little robotic man wearing a black hat, poking her side with a stick. ‘But first things first for being so rude…’ she thought to herself staring down at Banpei with a devilish smirk causing Banpei to try to step away…

- - - - - -

an: Yes, I'm going to have Urd call Ranma "Spore". It's great for antagonizing.

PostPosted: Fri Feb 01, 2008 11:46 pm
by Tuisto
Scene four, final scene. Scene three in an amazonian interlude

Back in Nekomi at a certain temple, the noon-time repast had past quietly tense as the goddess’, demoness’, spirit and mortal man had enjoyed simple, hastily prepared sandwiches.

As Belldandy was sipping at some tea, she couldn’t help but to gaze fondly at Keiichi, she then noticed he was looking at something across the table… she tracked his line of sight, and her eyes met the profound bosoms of Ranma.
Without being noticeable she looked down at her own bosom and felt… a twinge of something… she then looked back to Ranma’s… endowments, then to how Keiichi’s gaze was locked to the still obliviously eating Ranma.
Belldandy then felt another twinge of emotion, she was sure it was an emotion, just not sure which one, and suddenly a flower vase behind her exploded violently.

“What was that!?” Ranma exclaimed in surprise at seeing a vase just go Boom!

Still chewing, Mara said casually, “Keiichi and Belldandy were staring at your tits. So Belldandy got jealous, I’d say.”

“Yeah, I guess they’re pretty impressive, ne?” Ranma said striking a pose for Keiichi that just happened to put strain in the cloth of her shirt… the results of such being Keiichi passing out with a nose-bleed as the rest of his blood left his head…

Urd chose this same moment to laugh and say, “Those? Ha! Now me, on the other hand am beyond compare, nothing like you’re little…” Urd didn’t have to finish her sentence.

For a moment Ranma appraised Urd’s physique and then said, “Yeah, I guess yer’ alright… especially since you were flat as a board as a kid…”

“What did you say?” Urd growled out slowly.

“In Hild-mama’ palace I had to raid yer closet for somethin’ to wear, and with all the black and pink lace, it was all too small for me, if you know what I mean…” Ranma wagged her eyebrows in meaning.

“You were in my room!!” Urd shrieked, she then rounded on Hild, “You let her in my room and touch MY things!” she shrieked again with enough force to blow the Daimakaicho’s hair back slightly.

“What? You’ve not used your room for millennia… I should have cleaned it out eons ago really…” Hild said calmly.

“But… but… it’s my room…” Urd muttered softly to herself sadly with a little cloud of her depression over her head.

“feh… boobs…” Skuld remarked to herself, disgustedly.

“Heh, don’t worry kiddo, they’re kinda’ something you gotta’ have first to be able to really ‘preciate. But you still got time to fill out some I guess.” Ranma mockingly, causing Mara to fall backwards howling with laugher at the antics, and cause Skuld to go beet-red with embarrassment, as Lizasa choked as tea went down the wrong pipe.

“Belldandy…” Hild spoke gain the goddess’s attention as she was watching over Keiichi, “… there’s no need to get jealous, Keiichi isn’t Ranma’s ‘type’. Isn’t that right Ranma?”

“Keiichi? The twerp? Ew, heck no…” Ranma said. Belldandy internally was relieved.

“Naw, Belldandy is more my speed…” the red-head continued causing Belldandy’s head to snap-up and look on in surprise, “… I mean she’s got that whole ‘innocent girl next door’ thing going for her, and all. Not that I’m lookin’ or nothin’.”

Hild chuckled slightly and Mara’s laughing was renewed at the blush that painted Belldandy’s face.

Suddenly there was the sound of a throat being cleared, it was Hild, once she was sure she had everyone’s attention, even the partially revived Keiichi, she asked in a disgustingly cute voice, “Belldandy, could I ask you for one, teeny, weey, itty bitty, eency-weency little favour?” she emphasized this by pinching her forefinger and thumb only a paper thickness apart.

Belldandy looked at Hild, then at Urd who was standing behind Hild, waving her hands, mouthing the word “NO!” over and over, and pantomiming strangling herself.

Unsure of exactly what to do, Belldandy took the easy out and asked, “Why, what kind of favour Hild-san?”

“Oh, it’s nothing really, it’s just such a chore to go back to Niffelheim to have to then come back here tomorrow to attend Ranma’s funeral, that I was thinking we, that is Ma-chan, Ranma-chan and I could spend the night here.” Hild said with a broad smile at Belldandy.

Promptly there was the sound of Urd facevaulting behind Hild.

Slowly Belldandy asked, “You, want to spend the night here…”

Hild grinned and nodded enthusiastically.

“… in a temple…”

Again Hild nodded while grinning.

“… with Mara-san and Ranma-san…”

Hild’s grin split her face as her head kept bobbing.

“… with us goddess’, Keiichi-san and Lizasa-san.”

Hild, still grinning said, “Why, yes that’s just about it.”

Belldandy was understandably nervous, The Daimakaicho wasn’t someone that even a One-One Unlimited goddess said ‘No’ to lightly… but then again right behind Hild there was Urd pantomiming being stabbed in the heart repeatedly and next to her Skuld pantomiming being hung, along with Mara and Ranma just staring stupefied at the two goddess’s stupidity.

After several seconds, Belldandly just smiled lightly and said, I suppose ONE night wouldn’t hurt…”

The next thing Belldandy knew was Hild’s squeal of delight and then being held in a crushing embrace as Hild said, “Oh! You’re just like That Person! Bell-chan you’re much too kind! It’ll be just like a girls sleep over! Isn’t that great!?”

Belldandy, seeing over Hild’s shoulder at her two sisters faces firmly planted into the floor, and then Ranma, ‘Is she my one/third step-sister now too?’ was an absent thought, who was winking at her in a highly inappropriate way, Belldandy’s smile became strained as her cheek wanted to twitch, but still in the Daimakaicho’s embrace she mumbled “Just great…” as she wondered what could possibly happen next…