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Things you don't care for in Ranma 1/2 fan-fiction: Part 5

PostPosted: Sat Feb 25, 2012 10:19 pm
by Crescent Pulsar R
It seems I had enough options for another poll, so I figured I wouldn't waste them. Interest in this seems to have plummeted, so (thankfully) this will be the last poll of this type. I need to get back to my writing, anyway. ;/

Re: Things you don't care for in Ranma 1/2 fan-fiction: Part 5

PostPosted: Sat Feb 25, 2012 10:41 pm
by PCHeintz72
The Joketsuzoku/Amazons don't consider males to be equals, looking down on them as second-class citizens at best and treating them as slaves and/or breeding stock at worst.

We really only have Mousse as an example

Cologne is willing to use lethal means or make someone suffer, in order to get Ranma back to their village, as only a villain would.

Cologne could be considered a villan, or even a bully, under the right conditions.

Happosai's behavior was all just a means to test someone's (Soun's and Genma's, and later Ranma's) character, or was something that he faked for another reason.

Happosai has shown to be whimsical... this is not beyond the realm of possibility.

One of the girls (especially Akane) either starts out as a lesbian/bisexual at the beginning of the series, or it's discovered later that they have been that way the whole time.

It does explain things... but at the same time it does not... Akane is shown to be nice to just about everyone except Happosai, Kuno, and Ranma... she is shown being nicer to her enemies and to her kidnappers than Ranma...

Personally, while not overly caring for this method of separating Ranma and Akane (or an author push for a same sex relationship using it), as I feel it a bit of a easy cop out for some authors. I am not entirely against it either.

When an author makes Akane treat Ranma as if she actually loathes him (when she doesn't), and she doesn't realize until it's too late what kind of effect her behavior would have on him.

I fail to see the distinction from canon, except perhaps degree... seriously, how she does treat him in canon is pretty deplorable (see above for note she treats enemies and kidnappers better)... even forgetting the hitting, there is no real trust, there is plenty of insults... all it would take is for a session of insults to go a little too far to blow the whole story into a new direction.

Certain martial artists in Nerima are actually referred to as the "Nerima Wrecking Crew" without any real basis or plot development to explain why.

That we as readers know this is somewhat to be expected as fandom knowledge. I fully admit it gets annoying when it is either already known by that name inside a story by characters that should not be aware of it even outside their group... like a sailor moon crossover that uses the term before even having met any of them.

Mousse isn't the only one to know the Hidden Weapons technique, just because various characters pull things (usually gags) out of nowhere. (But characters who the author doesn't deem to be skilled enough to use it may just get a reference to using "stuff space," which serves the same purpose. *Eyeroll*)

That females in general can use stuff space is not *Ranma* fanon convention, but *fan fiction* fanon convention from many fighting series or those dealing with hyper and or angry females displaying wrath. A magical equivelent is pretty much a no brainer in shows like Sailor Moon as well, otherwise where do the Henshin, the wepons, and the non-transformed outfits go when they transform, detransform, and pull or hide weapons...

That Ranma could learn it is not so bad, considering his learning curve and fact he is female part of time... I even remember a fanfiction that made fun of fact he could pull a mallet out of pocket space, but only while mad and female.

Saffron is referred to as being a (demi) god/kami, especially if it's used to illustrate Ranma's power and/or accomplishment.

This has never really bothered me.

Re: Things you don't care for in Ranma 1/2 fan-fiction: Part 5

PostPosted: Sat Feb 25, 2012 11:19 pm
by Crescent Pulsar R
PCHeintz72 wrote:We really only have Mousse as an example

But do you recall Cologne or Shampoo saying "male" in a derogatory way in canon?

Cologne could be considered a villan, or even a bully, under the right conditions.

Yet she has shown enough honor and respect by not pushing things beyond a certain point, and even offers unconditional help in other situations. She may be antagonistic at times, especially in the beginning, but she isn't a villain. Though she does seem to leave Shampoo to her own devices, and how much of it she knows of and allows is uncertain.

Happosai has shown to be whimsical... this is not beyond the realm of possibility.

I don't know about that. I find it easier to believe that he's a real pervert who likes to steal underwear, peep on and grope girls rather than someone who does something morally wrong for some "greater good" (if there is one).

I fail to see the distinction from canon, except perhaps degree... seriously, how she does treat him in canon is pretty deplorable (see above for note she treats enemies and kidnappers better)... even forgetting the hitting, there is no real trust, there is plenty of insults... all it would take is for a session of insults to go a little too far to blow the whole story into a new direction.

The distinction is the degree, of course, but there's a disconnect between what she does (which is usually exaggerated until she's acting like a monstrous bitch) and how she feels until she loses Ranma. And then she's all like, "boo-hoo," wondering how she hadn't noticed what her actions were doing, how Ranma couldn't tell that she loved him, and other such nonsense that makes me wonder if the author truly believed that it would make sense to any readers who had half a brain. It just seems like a badly-written excuse to break them up.

That females in general can use stuff space is not *Ranma* fanon convention, but *fan fiction* fanon convention from many fighting series or those dealing with hyper and or angry females displaying wrath. A magical equivelent is pretty much a no brainer in shows like Sailor Moon as well, otherwise where do the Henshin, the wepons, and the non-transformed outfits go when they transform, detransform, and pull or hide weapons...

That Ranma could learn it is not so bad, considering his learning curve and fact he is female part of time... I even remember a fanfiction that made fun of fact he could pull a mallet out of pocket space, but only while mad and female.

Well, it wasn't about females in particular, anyway. It's not so much the fact that people want to explain gags as if they were meant to make sense in the first place, but then that they pick and choose who knows the technique that explains it and who doesn't (even though they've displayed the exact same "skill," whether they're male or female).

Re: Things you don't care for in Ranma 1/2 fan-fiction: Part 5

PostPosted: Sun Feb 26, 2012 12:17 am
by frice2000
Certain martial artists in Nerima are actually referred to as the "Nerima Wrecking Crew" without any real basis or plot development to explain why.

This...not just an author saying that since there are RARELY instances when it doesn't bother me, but because most authors who do write out exactly that proceed to prove that their story and writing chops totally suck. It's usually one of my harbingers of doom for a fic.

Happosai's behavior was all just a means to test someone's (Soun's and Genma's, and later Ranma's) character, or was something that he faked for another reason.

Seen this done well about as often as done horribly. So I didn't vote for it.

Re: Things you don't care for in Ranma 1/2 fan-fiction: Part 5

PostPosted: Sun Feb 26, 2012 7:19 am
by Crescent Pulsar R
Along with "Nerima Wrecking Crew," names like "Gusher Guy" and "Waterworks" (for Soun, of course) also tends to clue me in on with what kind of author I'm dealing with. Especially if it's done from a character's perspective, because the reasoning for this stuff is almost always from the writer's perspective and not from within the story. And the nicknames are often used when an author doesn't care about what or who they're referring to, usually when they want to spend as little time and effort on them as possible so they can get Ranma to where they want him to go.

I honestly can't say that I recall a story where Happosai pulled it off to my satisfaction. I think the only one (which I can't recall the specifics of) that did had Happosai cursed or shiatsu'ed (or something along those lines), so he had to do it or he'd die.