Ranma accidentally seduces one of Nabiki's henchgirls

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Ranma accidentally seduces one of Nabiki's henchgirls

Postby SpaceKnight of Chaos » Tue Apr 12, 2011 12:33 pm

Okay, the title isn't really accurate, but it was the best quick summary I could cook up. I'm looking for a fanfic featuring a scene in which Nabiki is talking to her "goon squad", the girls who help her set up bets and things, and the topic turns to how things involving Ranma have gotten rather slow recently. One of the girls suggests Nabiki getting engaged to Ranma again, and Nabiki dismisses it, with either her or one of the girls declaring thatt while Ranma's good-looking enough she'd "try the merchandise", she really has no interest in marrying him. One of the girls then gets abashed at this statement, before meekly asking if it wouldn't be even better to wake up beside Ranma every day for the rest of your life, then starts blushing. At this, Nabiki marvels to herself that Ranma is even able to infatuate the school math's geek/maths nerd.

Can anyone suggest the fanfic I might be thinking of? I thought it might be Dreams of the Earthbound, by Aondehafka, but if that is the fanfic then I haven't found the right chapter.
Water, water, everywhere, and all was cursed and black!
Drowned ones cast bad spell and out come pig, girl, duck, panda!
Swirl, swirl, slithery pond, and join with magic spring!
Swirl, swirl, dirty pond, and rid the cursed sting!
Here my prayer, I beg you please!
Now turn these curses BACK!

SpaceKnight of Chaos
Prism Power Senshi
Posts: 2561

Re: Ranma accidentally seduces one of Nabiki's henchgirls

Postby TerraEpon » Tue Apr 12, 2011 2:57 pm

I've read Dreams.... and don't remember this. Would LOVE to read it, whatever it is, though.
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