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A Quick Reply to topic box

PostPosted: Tue Jan 27, 2009 1:21 pm
by Spokavriel
On allot of forums there is a quick response to topic box that displays after the end of the thread page currently being viewed. It doesn't have all the options of the full edit window (like direct quoting)and is a trade off in bandwidth usage.

But it would also make it so that the Post a new _ window doesn't have to be opened for every response. I could see it helping with discussion threads if they start going quickly or making it possible for Spamville to go even quicker than before. Then again that also is a double edged sword. There are times already when Spamville goes too fast for some people.

So I leave this suggestion open and wonder what other people think of the idea.

PostPosted: Tue Jan 27, 2009 1:38 pm
by Crescent Pulsar
Either way works for me. It won't prevent the chance that hitting the submit button will make you wait a long time before the post goes through.

PostPosted: Mon Feb 16, 2009 7:52 am
by lwf58
You're making a somewhat unfounded assumption that Josh or I could add such a thing. ^_^;

Re: A Quick Reply to topic box

PostPosted: Mon Feb 16, 2009 12:13 pm
by Sky
It is my understanding that this is a feature of vBulletin (every forum I've seen that has one is vBulletin), not an add-on or a plugin.

I'm not sure that this is relatively straightforward to implement.

PostPosted: Mon Feb 16, 2009 12:17 pm
by Spokavriel
I was mostly just curious about it and I have seen it implemented on other forums. I also saw it listed on the options for PHPBB when reading over stuff on the developer site. I'm not really asking for it. Only saying I think it would be nice and know it isn't impossible. Even if it would be a PITA that would require most likely a coding mess that could risk the posting history to implement. No I don't want to risk that. Because I know what it's like to lose the information. In a way when G4 and TechTV merged I was responded to but ignored. I wanted the content of those great forums to survive but they only kept the post counts. A legacy of help and imagination that rivaled most other places all gone because G4 thought only how much you use to talk mattered. Not what was said.

Edit: It isn't that strait forward to implement and it would also lead to a necessity to redo the site themes. Which has already been a mess to try to bother with.