Where do you see Ranma in 5 years?

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Postby WG_Writer » Wed May 17, 2006 9:25 am

hmm... five years from now...
I see Ranma left Nerima after learning all his parrents have to offer with him living dojo to dojo, taking odd jobs and ultimately running after his manly acts comeback to haunt him, or rather learning to run just before said acts come back to haunt him...
despite it being out of character right now I can easily see the preasure from both Nodoka and Genma pushing him down that road easily.
Storm trooper effect works against good guys as well.
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Postby Rei-chan » Wed May 17, 2006 10:33 am

Hm... Ranma in 5 years. I see him safely living his own section of land in China that he carved out of the factions present in that mountain range, most likely having nothing to do with any of the gang from Nerima except maybe Ryoga coming by once in awhile to chat. He may or may not have his name any more, but with his own minor one-person empire he doesn't really need to worry about that issue anymore. Ranma on the romance angle... still a very confused and frustrated indivdual I think. Therefore he probably still has never had a real significant other.
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Postby Eris » Wed May 17, 2006 12:15 pm

To be honest, I cannot see this ending well for Ranma. He's very much a victim of his circumstances, and beyond that he allows himself to be. He's stubborn and socially inept enough that he can't manage to extricate himself from the situation he's been thrown into. Given his mixed feelings about Akane and the influence from all the people closest to him (location-wise that is--so the Tendos and his parents) I'm guessing that eventually he'll marry her. Given the events of the late manga and extra-manga information from Takahashi et al, it's clear that by then they really do love each other, or at least think they do. They just don't like each other.
That, of course, is more than a slightly dangerous mix, especially with Akane's tendency to speak with her fists (or whatever's handy really). I'm definately that Ranma someday pulls a Genma and takes his heir off on an extended training trip. (Honestly, it makes me wonder what Genma's parents were like...)
I don't seem him fleeing before then though, not without something that seriously shakes his world at the very least. He's trapped in Nerima and doesn't possess the initiative to leave without something on the order of someone dying to get out.
I think the real tragedy of the Ranma series is that it's a vicious cycle. The status quo never really changes, and things keep on as they always have with no one really happy. It's not only Ranma either--everyone seems to be stuck in the dystopia of Nerima, trapped in Ranma's orbit, and by virtue of that trapping him in the centre of them.
That was perhaps a bit too poetic, but I think the essence of it is correct. Nerima is a large mesh of people each trapping everyone else there. It's going to keep gnawing at everyone until they start collapsing from a thousand small injuries--physical and otherwise--picked up along the way.
Although to be quite honest, it gives me something of a morbid pleasure. Dystopias amuse me--it's like 1984, but not quite as awesome.
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Postby Anchoku » Wed May 17, 2006 8:16 pm

Hahaha.. :D
This is a Takahashi character! Think comedy!
In five years I see Ranma taking care of at least one of his kids in the morning between the sparse advanced classes he teaches in the dojo while Akane teaches most of the others. Normal people, I suspect, would rather learn from Akane (who just got a small business certificate from a local college).
So Ranma minds the kid(s) avoiding advances by ex-fiancees and new students when not helping the few advanced students. But what else does Ranma do? How about the cooking and cleaning?
Because the domestic chores sound so tedious, let's think about what other qualifications Ranma has for the work force:
1. Night club host(ess)
2. Waitress/waiter
3. Take-out delivery person
4. Clerk at an ice-cream shop (my personal favorite)
I would expect both Nabiki and Kasumi would be gone from the Tendo home.
Genma would have moved to live with his wife, Nodoka.
Soun would invite the elder Saotome ouple over often to help look after the grandchild(ren).
BTW, most people don't consider this seriously but, in Japan, it's more common than in the west for a man to marry into a woman's family when her family needs an heir. I think there's at least an even chance Ranma would become a Tendo so he and Akane can inherit the properties without changing the surname. (I've used this in some of my fic outlines.) Unless the Saotome family is better off than the Tendo, I would guess Ranma would be moved to their register rather than Akane switching.
On the matter of inheritance, Soun would probably continue to hold most of the property himself while giving a substantial dowry to the two older girls when Ranma and Akane get married. As he gets older or, when he passes on, I would expect he split his assets evenly between his three daughters even if that meant taking a mortgage on the house in Akane's name and splitting the money between her sisters.
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Postby nuclear death frog » Wed May 17, 2006 8:44 pm

Anchoku wrote:BTW, most people don't consider this seriously but, in Japan, it's more common than in the west for a man to marry into a woman's family when her family needs an heir. I think there's at least an even chance Ranma would become a Tendo so he and Akane can inherit the properties without changing the surname. (I've used this in some of my fic outlines.) Unless the Saotome family is better off than the Tendo, I would guess Ranma would be moved to their register rather than Akane switching.

The problem with that is that Akane has two siblings whereas Ranma is an only child. If Ranma becomes a Tendou the Saotome line ceases to exist.
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Postby Nekomata-sensei » Wed May 17, 2006 9:33 pm

I see Nodoka finally understanding the fiancee mess and getting real upset about it. Genma having to work multiple jobs to try to pay off stolen dowries, despite having little employable skills, and trying to find quick ways to make money.
Soun said at the end of the manga that until the other romantic entanglements were resolved, the wedding would wait. Thus there is great pressure on Ranma from Genma and Soun to get rid of other romantic entanglements. Unfortunately, the other romantic entanglements are extreamly stubborn, simply blindly so in Kodachi's case, and in Ukyo and Shampoo's case they are good at manipulating his feelings and tricking him and making him feel bad if he tries to turn him away, and want to kill him and whoever he marries if it's not them, for reasons of honor and jealousy. Thus they are still around, and still after Ranma. Ranma is probably doing all sorts of part time, low skill jobs like working at resturants to try and earn his keep and get rid of the debts of the Saotome clan, and having bad luck with that and all sorts of strange, crazy things still happening to him.
Kasumi has probably married Dr. Tofu, Nabiki probably is some kind of secretary or has another high paying job, or possibly a Yakuza member or works for the government. Akane's probably in college, with contined strained relations with Ranma, likely pursuing her wanted carrer in acting.
The Kuno's are probably still delusional and self centered, but Principal Kuno probably finally left for Hawaii again or got taken away to the loony bin, with Hinako-sensei taking over as principal of Furinkan.
Happosai and Cologne are probably starting to notice their old age and becoming more dedicated to training heirs. Happosai likely trying to force Ranma to be his heir, and Cologne trying to make Shampoo respectable. (a truly daunting task)
Mousee and Ryoga have probably increased their level of skills along with Ranma, and their battles are probably slowly growing more intense and epic as they refine their styles and accelerate to new levels of training.
And poor Ranma has likely accumalated more suitors and rivals, some with permanent/semi-permanent places in his life, and continues to face regular random challenges of varying oddness and strength of opponents. I also see Ranma as having attracted more attention from higher ups with his repeated involvement in the supernatural and epic martial arts battles, as well as his growing personal power, thus bringing more problems for him that scale with his growing skills.
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Postby Anchoku » Wed May 17, 2006 9:35 pm

nuclear death frog wrote:The problem with that is that Akane has two siblings whereas Ranma is an only child. If Ranma becomes a Tendou the Saotome line ceases to exist.

Let's just suppose the Tendo family was relatively wealty compared to the Saotome because the Tendos have some big property and the Saotome haven't shown much in the way of material or fianancial resources.
Now, do you feel Genma would mind if Ranma married into money?
Do you feel Soun would want to change his dojo's name to the Saotome School of Indescriminate Grappling when it's his dojo and his financial support?
And what about Nodoka? If she married into Genma's family as it seems, do you believe she'd have a problem with Ranma becoming a Tendo if it meant grandchildren?
I'd considered the very same point you made but it seems likely one of the two families would be the last generation. Nabiki would certainly marry into money given even the smallest chance and it seems improbable Kasumi would demand her husband take the Tendo family name.
That's why I feel there's an even chance Ranma could become a Tendo as Akane becomes a Saotome. Niether family name is rare (I think Saotome is actually more common) so it's not like a family name will become extinct.
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Postby antimatterenergy » Wed May 17, 2006 9:56 pm

I wasn't planning on posting in this thread since I've already gave my opinion but when I saw Anchoku's post I desired to.
Anchoku: I don't see Ranma ever being a (for lack of a better term) housewife to Akane while Akane does most of the work. There are a few reasons for this. First Ranma is pretty chauvinistic and he'd consider it wrong for Akane to do most the work that brings in the money. Second Ranma isn't likely to clean the house and take care of the kids most of the time because those are generally considered women's work and Ranma has masculinity problems. Third Ranma is an adrenaline junky and if his life ever got boring he'd take steps to make it more interesting. Fourth if Akane is a better teacher than Ranma (no idea which would be but I'd guess Ranma simply because he's been to more martial arts teachers) Ranma's competitive nature would kick in and he'd do everything he could to be better at it than Akane (especially since it involves martial arts.)
As for job prospects for Ranma you really are limiting what he could be.
Besides what you already mentioned here are some more:
1. Handyman - it is shown that Ranma is very good at repair work in the manga
2. Thief - pretty obvious considering his dad and that he could sneak up on Cologne before he learned the umisenken
3. Housekeeper - Ranma is shown cleaning in the manga.
4. Demolition work - wouldn't even need equipment
5. Athlete - With a little training Ranma would excel in any sport that he wanted to
6. Model - Ranma's female form at least is shown to be very attractive and Ranma is proud enough in his looks and shameless enough to make a good model.
7. Assassin - If Ranma ever decided that it's OK to kill there is no one on the planet who could stop him from killing someone. Even people like cologne and happosai would have a lot of trouble stopping him if they even could.
8. Many types of construction work like painting or carpentry. (could probably paint a whole house within minutes and it's shown that he can split wood perfectly without a saw)
9. Lifeguard - Swam sea of Japan
10. Chef - Has demonstrated ability to cook very well more than once (likes eating so not surprising) just needs a little training
11. Many high risk high pay jobs like a stunt performer
12. circus performer - high wire no problem, throwing knives no problem, juggling no problem
and there are a lot more if you just spend a few minutes thinking about the abilities that he has shown.
Anyways Ive said it before and I'll say it again there are just to many possibilities especially since damn near anything can happen around Ranma and most of the characters are teenagers who haven't decided what they want to do with their lives yet.
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Postby Cinnamon » Tue May 23, 2006 12:51 am

Ranma in five years, eh?
Possibly dead...
Possibly halfway to Alpha Centauri with Ucchan.
Could go either way, IMHO. ^_-
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Postby Togashi Gaijin » Tue May 23, 2006 1:54 am

Cinnamon wrote:Ranma in five years, eh?
Possibly dead...
Possibly halfway to Alpha Centauri with Ucchan.

Man, wouldn't that be a long and winding road ...
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Postby GenocideHeart » Tue May 23, 2006 7:04 pm

bissek wrote:As for his fiancees, I think Ukyo would be the best match for him. I'm not saying that she's a good match, just that she's the best option out of the three he has. For a good match, he'd have to find an extra fiancee (provided by fanon created engagement) or renounce Genma's idiocy and find his own girlfriend.

Ukyou would actually be the worst match, IMHO. Basically, she wants to get Ranma stuck running a restaurant with him. I don't thing she realizes that forcing him to put the Art aside is tantamount to killing him.
Ukyou doesn't love Ranma. She loves the idea of having Ranma. Just like all other fiancees. And yes, that includes Akane.
I actually think he'd have been better off if the engagement with Nabiki stuck. Yes, Nabiki uses him, but she makes no mystery of that, and I get the feeling that as long as there's money to be made, she doesn't mind him continuing his training or generally being a oddball.
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Postby DBHay » Tue May 23, 2006 8:50 pm

Uyko does have a powerful weapon though, a signed marriage agreement from Genma.
All she has to do is tell Ranma if he marries anyone but her then the Saotome name is dishonored.
Genma did sign it and took the dowry sealing the deal.
I've often thought one way out for Ranma is for him to tell Genma he can't marry until Genma cleanses the family name by committing seppuku.
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Postby Light02 » Tue May 23, 2006 9:33 pm

DBHay wrote:Uyko does have a powerful weapon though, a signed marriage agreement from Genma.
All she has to do is tell Ranma if he marries anyone but her then the Saotome name is dishonored.
Genma did sign it and took the dowry sealing the deal.
I've often thought one way out for Ranma is for him to tell Genma he can't marry until Genma cleanses the family name by committing seppuku.

but one major problem with that, she gambled it off to the gambler king 2 days before it was offered as Dowery. plus the fact that she tried to kill him when she first showed up said she didn't want the engagement. so it's her family whos dishonered not the Saotomes
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Postby antimatterenergy » Tue May 23, 2006 10:39 pm

GenocideHeart - Ukyo does not want Ranma to give up his art. During one of the story arcs in the manga it was shown that Uyko was willing to give up her resturaunt/art for Ranma but was unable to stop practicing her art. Also why would Ranma have to give up his art since hers is a martial art style as well just cooking related?
DBHay - Where is it shown that Ukyo has a signed agreement from Genma? I thought that it was an oral agreement same as the Tendos. As for the validity of her claim see the thread how valid is Ukyo's engagement.
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Postby DBHay » Wed May 24, 2006 8:09 pm

Regardless of who actually owned the Yatti, Genma still accepted it for Uyko and took off with it.
If it's only a verbal agreement so is the one with the Tendo's.
Genma has admitted he made the marriage arrangement with Uykos father which means if Ranma marries either Akane or Uyko the Saotome honor is toast.
He made contradicting honor agreements, Ranma cannot marry and keep his honor, Ranma's own catch 22.
Ranma realising this and having to come up with a solution is one of the things I was wondering about, trying to guess what he'd do and what would change in 5 years?
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