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alternatives to hadouken

PostPosted: Fri Apr 08, 2011 11:45 pm
by toushin
Hadoken (波動拳, hadoken, "Surge Fist") – A technique in which a character's willpower is utilized to gather huge amounts of ambient energy around them and then focused into and through the palms creating a sphere of astounding destructive power. As the palms are thrust outwards towards the target, a surging energy (or ki) wave is expelled that results in a punching force traveling through the air. The entire area directly before user is engulfed in the fury of pure elemental life energy, power enough to melt an entire tank or reduce an army into rubble. The wave alone that this attack kicks up is enough to blow over signs from a hundred yards away.

However there’s a huge drawback to the hadou, you have you remain clear of any emotion when using this technique The Ha Do normally brings in any energy around you, and that is what makes it unfocused and difficult to control especially in the mist of battle. When a fighter becomes so consumed with the desire to win that they are willing to kill the control they have over the hadou begins to weaver and starts to affect them. the untrained mind can be driven to a temporary insanity becoming a creature of evil no more in control of themselves then a rapid beast in human form. This is the Satsui no hado an incredibly dark and deadly force.

Wade Tritschler stated that that if Satsui no hado was the natural evolution of hado they wouldn’t have named it so there must be something on the other side of the spectrum. I think he called it light hado however it is just as dangerous and deadly just the way it’s achieved as well as it’s outcome are different. Both are like drugs.

The actual evolved form of hado is called the "Power of Nothingness" and it is mastered similar to how the umisenken is mastered. Once achieved user gains unimaginable power allowing them to seal away the dark hado.

i was wondering are there less dangerous ways to gather external energy.

Re: alternatives to hadouken

PostPosted: Sat Apr 09, 2011 3:48 pm
by mondu_the_fat
.. this is a mixup of canon, random speculation, and just plain made-up stuff.

For example, part of the above post (emptying the mind prior to the technique) was from SF4 wiki. However, if you're going to use the SF wiki as a source, the hadoken is a ki technique and there is nothing about "gathering ambient energy" . What you posted was from doing the shun goku satsu, not the hadoken.

Power to melt a tank/armies to rubble reactors is simply pulled out of air.

Satsui no hadou is not an evolution of hadoken. The original style is ansatsuken, developed by Goutetsu, and the 4 techniques (hadouken, shoryuken, tasumaki, shungokusatsu) were descended from it. He taught Gouken and Gouki/Akuma these techniques. Gouken in turn, taught Ryu, minus the shun goku satsu.

"loss of control over hado" is complete an utter BS. Satsu no Hado simply means killing intent. "light hado" is what, vaguely, Ryu practices. Gouken simply never taught Ryu the shun goku satsu, and in canon Ryu doesn't use it (evil ryu doesn't exist in canon), nor is there any indication that he even learned it. Satsu no Hado is not some variant or move of the ansatsuken style. What he did do is lose control of himself during the Sagat battle, but this is akin to the Hulk losing his temper, not some weird technique. Ryu injured Sagat with a shoryuken, performed while Sagat was helping Ryu up -- that's what Satsu no Hado is, dick moves because you want to win so badly that you're no longer pulling punches and resorting to cheap shots.

"power of nothingness" is complete and utter fabrication.

If you want to see a summary of accepted canon, look up Tiamat's SF Plot Guide. It hasn't been updated to include SFIV, but most of the Evil ryu/satsu no hado/whatever is an SF Zero/Alpha plot point anyway. I mean, if you're going to make up stuff, might as well make your own technique for a "safe" hadoken.

Off the top of my head, DBZ's genki dama gathers ambient energy. Magic The Gathering gather mana from land.

Re: alternatives to hadouken

PostPosted: Mon Apr 11, 2011 1:18 pm
by Pale Wolf
... Excuse me.

I'm starting to wonder if you and Byak are the same person sockpuppeting one another. This looks remarkably similar to his previous 'speed' thread. Quoting random wikis mixed in with speculation, posted in Fic Research without context or explanation. For instance, you could have said: 'I have a question about Street Fighter'.

As for your question at the end... meh. Drawing in external energy is seen quite often in fiction. There are no inherent reasons for it to be dangerous, because the practice does not exist. Any given fictional universe establishes its own rules for things like that. If you want to write in Street Fighter verse, make something up.