Need suggestions for Ranma character haircuts

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Re: Need suggestions for Ranma character haircuts

Postby Konsaki » Sun Jan 10, 2010 2:51 pm

Personally, I think Ranma might be able to survive some time in space, less than a minute, without a suit but would incur damage from it. Full body hicky from the power of absolute vaccume?
In reality, if you're going to give Ranma a 'Dead Space' like suit, just have him and his companion find something similar to what Issac wore in the first game; the maintenance suit. The helmet looks big enough to hold some hair, plus they could always just tuck the longer hair under the neckline of the suit if need be.
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Re: Need suggestions for Ranma character haircuts

Postby Cheb » Thu Jan 14, 2010 3:34 pm

get your body placed into a vacuum that is at the same temperature

Vacuum doesn't have a temperature. :roll: Any heating/cooling is via the thermal radiation exchange. If you are in a warm compartment that suddenly decompresses, you won't feel any cold, as the walls would radiate heat at the room temperature while you radiate it at the body temperature. If you have a computer with you, it'll start to overheat. You'll start to overheat too, but I bet you won't notice that, with all the pain in your ears and stuff.

P.S. They don't need haircuts, just new hairdos. With enough motivation, they could think of the way to fit their impressive manes in a helmet.
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Moon Senshi
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Re: Need suggestions for Ranma character haircuts

Postby Quickshot0 » Thu Jan 21, 2010 3:29 pm

The reason you typically lose consciousness quickly in space, is because a normal human can't keep the air in their lungs with a 1 atmosphere pressure gradient, so you basically lose everything in your lungs and thus quickly run out of oxygen etc. I'm not so sure this would apply to Ranma as well though, after all, we are talking about some one who can punch through stone and survive stone cracking landings etc.

Of course this is an internal one atmosphere pressure instead of what you might typically encounter like positive pressure when diving under water, but I would not be surprised if Ranma could keep his breath in such a circumstance. If so, he might be able to stay active for several minutes, say as long as underwater. Though you'd suffer from other potential problems as well due to freezing and moisture loss in the tear ducts etc. I also wonder if he'd have bursting capillary in the skin type of problems like normal humans have either... well most likely I think, considering his tough skin... right? :?
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