Session 3[17:00] * Yarrow stretches.
[17:00] <Dorin> hi
[17:00] <Yarrow> We should start in a few minutes.
[17:00] <Ataru> ahaha
[17:00] <Ataru> this guy's avatar is awesome
[17:00] <Ataru> ... wiggin.gif[17:01] <Yarrow> Btw, Majora's Mask is weird.
[17:01] <Ataru> yes, it is
[17:01] * McDice ( Quit (Ping timeout)
[17:01] <Yarrow> I knew that was coming.
[17:03] <Yarrow> Well, assuming people are here.
[17:03] <Yarrow> Who's here?
[17:03] <Pale_Wolf> Yo yo.
[17:03] <Dorin> Not I
[17:03] * Dorin steals Pale
[17:04] <Pale_Wolf> Don't worry, we knew you weren't around.
[17:04] <Alatwork> here
[17:04] * Alatwork is now known as Alathon
[17:04] <Pale_Wolf> Welcome home Ala.
[17:05] * Light02 is back
[17:06] <Dorin> yo
[17:06] <Ataru> we good to go/
[17:06] <Yarrow> Looks like it. So, who here has the most hated dicebot?
[17:07] <Dorin> Fate, easily
[17:07] <Pale_Wolf> Probably me./
[17:07] <Yarrow> Excellent. Be a dear and load up Fate, would you.
[17:08] <Pale_Wolf> ... Er... I'm gonna need to look at that. Did my bot DIE? The load command does nothing...
[17:08] <Yarrow> Ok, someone load a bot.
[17:09] <Yarrow> Anyone?
[17:09] <Dorin> Light?
[17:10] <Alathon> I don't have one anymore
[17:10] <Light02> my dice is in comming
[17:10] * Alathon is now known as Sailor_Nietzsche
[17:10] * Lightdice ( has joined #cte
[17:10] * Sailor_Nietzsche poses for the bukakke.
[17:10] <Ataru> The load command, it does nothing!
[17:10] * Ataru is now known as Toast
[17:10] <Yarrow> roll 2d6
[17:10] <Lightdice> Yarrow roll 2d6 --> [ 2d6=4 ]{4}
[17:11] * Toast cover Nietzsche in stoat semen
[17:11] <Toast> *covers
[17:11] * Light02 is now known as Xui-Fei
[17:11] * Pale_Wolf is now known as Valery
[17:11] <Yarrow> Ok. Get into the proper costumes, if you would.
[17:11] * Sailor_Nietzsche licks her lips.
[17:11] * Sailor_Nietzsche is now known as Alaric
[17:11] * Dorin is now known as Koizumi
[17:12] <Xui-Fei> (I still think I should be practicing my Kyonese)
[17:12] <Valery> (Wait, Dorin IS here? O_o )
[17:12] <Lightdice> (yeah)
[17:12] <Lightdice> (shocking ain't it)
[17:12] <Yarrow> All right. We left off with everyone getting up dark and early and having breakfast together.
[17:12] <Koizumi> (You're supposed to say that while electricity is jumping around)
[17:13] <Yarrow> It would have been light and early, but it seems to be pouring out.
[17:13] <Toast> (al, you've READ sailor nothing, right?)
[17:13] <Alaric> (yes)
[17:13] <Toast> (alright, word)
[17:13] * Valery looks out the window, nodding. "That'll be useful..."
[17:13] <Yarrow> Today's planned activities include getting into a building that has droids swarming around it to get an 'upgrade'. You might want to plan how to accopmlish the planned activity, however.
[17:14] <Yarrow> Take it away.
[17:14] * Lightdice comes back out of his room fully geared up, med pack on his back, computer on his left arm, hook shot on his right
[17:14] <Alaric> (previous discussion boiled down to 'land the chopper at a distance, have Toast blow something up as a distraction, and we go in on foot)
[17:15] <Toast> (hahah)
[17:15] <Toast> (wrong window there light)
[17:15] * Toast fidgets
[17:15] <Yarrow> When we want the dicebot to talk to us, we'll tell it what to say! :p
[17:15] <Toast> "Do we have a map of the area? I have an idea."
[17:16] <Alaric> (Xui-fei is the one with the arm-computer, right?)
[17:16] * Valery frowns. "Let me check... there should be some maps online, though they won't exactly be... updated."
[17:16] <Alaric> "I suppose we ought to have some sort of maps.."
[17:16] <Xui-Fei> (yup)
[17:16] <Xui-Fei> (gah I hate that when I speak as my dice)
[17:16] <Alaric> "I could try to draw one, I have a vague recollection of the area.. I've been there before, after all."
[17:17] <Alaric> "But a map would certainly be better.."
[17:17] <Yarrow> (Koizumi got to see another one, but it got destroyed.)
[17:17] <Xui-Fei> "there might be on when we get in side, this seems to update the features as enter a bulding
[17:17] <Koizumi> (studies setting for moment, thinking and waiting proper intro)
[17:18] * Valery snaps his fingers. "Metel's recorders... we didn't fly over everything, but we'd at least get a partial map of the area."
[17:18] <Yarrow> Chance: "Can you get it to show you a street map?"
[17:18] <Yarrow> (to Xui-Fei)
[17:20] * Lightdice looks at chance, "not sure I could check"
[17:20] <Xui-Fei> (gah)
[17:20] <Yarrow> ...
[17:20] <Xui-Fei> (Xui says that)
[17:20] * Xui-Fei looks at chance, "not sure I could check"
[17:20] <Yarrow> Xui-Fei taps at his ESC a bit and discovers that he can, indeed, get a street map.
[17:21] <Yarrow> (Wouldn't want those Emergency Services Workers getting lost on the way to an emergency, you know.)
[17:21] <Valery> (Indeed)
[17:21] * Toast will clamber onto xui-fei's arm and check out the area surrounding the building
[17:22] <Yarrow> The building's on the corner of its block. There are wide alleys on the other two sides separating it a bit from its neighbors.
[17:24] * Valery turns and takes a look at the map, memorizing but not getting in boomstoat's way.
[17:24] <Yarrow> If there's anything specific you want to know, tell me.
[17:24] * Toast points at one of the neighboring buildings "Ok, how does this sound? You drop me off, and I make my way here. I plant some charges and bring down the whole building. The ensuing cloud of debris should provide some pretty good cover."
[17:25] <Toast> "Hell, some of the droids on the ground might even get taken out by the shrapnel."
[17:25] <Alaric> " we have any way to determine that these buildings are unoccupied?"
[17:25] <Alaric> "I suppose it's almost certain, but.."
[17:25] * Alaric trails off.
[17:26] <Toast> "With a droid presence that heavy?"
[17:26] <Toast> "I'm open to ideas though."
[17:26] * Valery sighs. "The automated defence system helps, but..."
[17:26] <Yarrow> Jake: "You sure the building won't fall into the one we want?"
[17:27] <Toast> "Well, if I set the charges right, it should pancake."
[17:27] <Toast> "If I fuck up... Well, at least we keep them from getting their grubby mitts on it."
[17:27] <Alaric> "Wouldn't we want to pick a building at least a block away?"
[17:27] <Yarrow> If you roll poorly, it could get really ugly.
[17:27] <Alaric> "If they can see what's happening where they're standing, they won't have to move away, after all."
[17:28] <Toast> "I think you missed the bits about the huge cloud of debris and raining bits of glass and metal."
[17:28] <Toast> "They'll be plenty distracted as is, the dustcloud should reach several stories easy."
[17:28] <Alaric> "What dust cloud? It's pouring."
[17:28] <Toast> (it's raining? since when?)
[17:28] <Toast> (god damn it)
[17:29] <Alaric> (since we woke up ;p )
[17:29] * Valery frowns, nodding. "That'll suppress the dust very quickly... on the other hand, the rain will give us some cover on its own."
[17:29] <Yarrow> Jake: "And won't we have to go through that cloud of debris and raining metal if we try to move in right away?"
[17:29] <Koizumi> (Toast forget to check the weather report?)
[17:29] <Toast> "I figured we'd come in from the top with metel."
[17:29] <Yarrow> Jake: "Well, if Chance and I are even coming."
[17:30] * Valery shakes his head.. "No, no... bad idea. If debris gets into the rotors..."
[17:30] <Yarrow> Jake: "Or shells..."
[17:31] <Alaric> "Speaking of that.. Valery, Jake, Chance, are you willing to be part of this?"
[17:31] * Toast stands on his hind legs, "Well, if you have a better idea."
[17:31] <Alaric> "I'm pretty sure Senshi are somewhat obligated to do things like this.."
[17:32] <Yarrow> Chance and Jake look at each other, hostility forgotten for the moment. Chance says, "Well, we don't have special powers or anything, but if you think you could use our help, we'll come."
[17:33] <Yarrow> Chance: "If you want to take Metel partway and park it somewhere, we'll stay with her and man the guns."
[17:33] * Valery nods, drawing his shawl around him. "You're a little short on senshi, that's where the rest of us come in."
[17:33] <Alaric> "Oh, I want your help!"
[17:33] <Alaric> "But, I felt I should ask, nonetheless."
[17:33] <Xui-Fei> "I'm going reguardless, senshi or not"
[17:33] * Toast looks at Val "You're a senshi too?"
[17:34] <Yarrow> Chance: "I'm not sure we'll be that much help, compared to the rest of you, really."
[17:34] <Alaric> "Given that you will be risking crippling injuries, if not death, it's the least I can do."
[17:34] * Valery blinks. "Um... no... that's why I'm filling in."
[17:34] <Toast> "But you just said "That's where..." You know what, nevermind."
[17:34] * Alaric grins at Valery.
[17:34] <Yarrow> Chance cocks her head and looks at Val. "How do you know you're not a senshi. Have you tried turning into one?"
[17:34] <Alaric> teasingly, "Are you sure?"
[17:35] * Alaric looks over at Chance.
[17:35] <Yarrow> Jake smirks. "Have you been practicing in your room without telling us?"
[17:35] <Alaric> "How do you know YOU aren't?"
[17:35] <Yarrow> Chance shrugs. "Tried."
[17:35] * Alaric chuckles.
[17:35] <Alaric> "Fair enough."
[17:36] <Yarrow> Jake leans over Val. "So, tell us.. What words did you try?"
[17:36] * Valery blinks, shrugging. "I... don't think so... I don't really feel like a senshi or anything..."
[17:36] <Toast> "Hey, maybe I'm a senshi?"
[17:36] <Yarrow> Jake: "Yeah! Give it a try, Toasty!"
[17:36] * Alaric shrugs.
[17:36] <Toast> (we're all senshi trapped in purgatory)
[17:36] <Alaric> "Stoat Explosion Power, Make-up?"
[17:36] <Toast> "..."
[17:37] * Toast looks to Alaric... "What do I do?"
[17:37] <Yarrow> (Word spreads, and soon everyone in the building is trying. It turns out that EVERYONE is a senhsi.)
[17:37] <Alaric> "Um.."
[17:37] <Alaric> "Well... as soon as the attacks started yesterday, I became aware that something.. I wasn't sure what.. was at my fingertips>"
[17:37] <Yarrow> Keiko: "I think I swallowed my fork..."
[17:38] * Alaric looks over at Keiko, concerned.
[17:38] <Alaric> "Can dragons digest metal?"
[17:38] <Toast> (oh come on, don't kill off the kid)
[17:38] <Alaric> (do it do it DO IT!)
[17:38] <Yarrow> (Were dragons mentioned?)
[17:38] <Toast> (at least let her fade away into obscurity)
[17:38] <Alaric> (yes)
[17:38] <Alaric> (she talked about how she came from an egg, etc)
[17:38] <Alaric> (go for the kill, so RZ cries bitter tears)
[17:38] <Valery> (Yeah... obscurity, no point putting the rest of the characters down too :P )
[17:39] <Yarrow> I know an egg was mentioned, but I don't remember anything in-game about dragons.
[17:39] <Alaric> (I could have sworn it was discussed)
[17:39] <Yarrow> And it seems some of you have forgotten this game's genre. :p
[17:39] <Koizumi> (oops?)
[17:39] <Alaric> (she did her senshi transformation 'dragonforce power rockon or watever', had dragon wings in that form, etc..)
[17:40] <Toast> (yeah, in charachter it'd be kind of a buzz kill, and well, it'd be a pain in the ass tangent to deal with)
[17:40] <Alaric> (we give her to a butcher, they turn her into 'supplies', and we move on)
[17:40] <Yarrow> I just checked. Dragons were not mentioned in-character.
[17:40] <Toast> (if you're going to kill her, at least do it off screen so we don't really have to deal with it)
[17:40] <Alaric> (okay, whatever)
[17:40] <Alaric> "Do you normally do that, Keiko?"
[17:41] <Alaric> "Most people can't digest forks.."
[17:41] <Yarrow> Keiko: "Oh, wait! Here it is!"
[17:41] * Xui-Fei raises an eyebrow
[17:41] <Alaric> "..never mind."
[17:41] * Alaric looks back over at Toast, eyebrow twitching.
[17:41] <Yarrow> Keiko mumbles, "... I can't find my napkin, though."
[17:41] * Valery just kind of sweatdrops.
[17:42] <Yarrow> (Ah, twitching eyebrows and sweatdrops. That means I'm playing her faithfully.)
[17:42] <Toast> "Hmm.."
[17:42] <Alaric> "In any case, I was in a desperate battle, desperate for additional power to win that battle, and simply.. reached for it.. mentally.. and cried out words that came to my lips unbidden."
[17:42] * Valery leans over and stands up on tiptoes to whisper into Alaric's ear. "Um... I'm not sure it'd really be a good idea to bring her along..."
[17:42] * Toast concentrates on finding the feeling Alaric described
[17:42] <Alaric> "In point of fact, I still have no proper understanding of my origin or Senshi nature."
[17:42] * Alaric shrugs.
[17:43] * Alaric whispers to Valery.
[17:43] <Alaric> "I agree... hmm, Dizzy will need backup if there's trouble here, right?"
[17:43] * Alaric whispers suggestively.
[17:44] * Valery purses his lips, and nods. "Yeah... that'll probably be best."
[17:45] * Alaric nods a little.
[17:45] * Alaric then looks down at Toast.
[17:45] <Alaric> "Any luck?"
[17:46] * Toast ripples, then, in the blink of an eye, a naked pubescent boy is straddling Xui-Fei's arm
[17:46] <Toast> (for refrence
[17:47] * Xui-Fei blinks
[17:47] <Toast> (except with white hair, with black tips)
[17:47] * Toast looks down
[17:47] <Toast> "Not what I was expecting."
[17:47] * Valery blinks. "That's... a senshi form?"
[17:47] * Toast hops off Xui's arm
[17:47] <Xui-Fei> "might want to put some clothes Toast"
[17:48] <Toast> "Doesn't look like it... I'm pretty sure the senshi are all women."
[17:48] <Toast> "Why?"
[17:48] <Yarrow> Keiko points beween Toast's legs and laughs. "He's naked!"
[17:48] <Toast> "I wasn't wearing any before."
[17:48] <Koizumi> (Poor Toasty)
[17:48] <Xui-Fei> "yeah but fur kept your modesty
[17:48] <Toast> "Modesty?"
[17:48] * Toast sniffs the air tentativly
[17:48] * Toast sniffs harder
[17:48] <Toast> "What... what the hell?"
[17:48] <Alaric> "What's wrong?"
[17:49] <Toast> "What's wrong with my nose?"
[17:49] * Alaric is mostly amused.
[17:49] * Alaric peers at it.
[17:49] <Alaric> "I don't know.. what do you smell?"
[17:49] <Toast> "I can't... My sense of smell, it's... it's terrible."
[17:49] <Toast> "I can barely smell anything."
[17:49] * Alaric picks up something from the table that has a noticeable odor, and offers it to Toast.
[17:49] <Alaric> "Can you smell this?"
[17:49] * Valery cocks his head. "Well... that's humans for you?"
[17:50] <Yarrow> Jake: "The hands make up for it, though."
[17:50] <Alaric> (orange juice, sausage, I dunno what we had for breakfast)
[17:50] <Toast> "Yeah, I can smell it."
[17:50] <Yarrow> Jake: "Come on, you try, Val."
[17:50] <Toast> "But... my smell is so much weaker then normal.'
[17:50] <Toast> "This feels wrong."
[17:50] <Alaric> jokingly, "Perhaps the change came with a bath?"
[17:50] <Toast> "You humans are crippled."
[17:51] <Toast> "How are you supposed to tell if a female is in heat if you can't smell it?"
[17:51] * Valery blushes, shaking his head. "I don't know... I don't really feel like a senshi."
[17:51] <Alaric> "Now, now.. decreased olfactory capability is not a --"
[17:51] * Alaric cuts off with a snerk at Toast's 'in heat' comment.
[17:51] <Valery> (Alaric: "... Dammit!")
[17:52] * Alaric bites his lip, then responds to Toast.
[17:52] <Alaric> "You just have to get a lot closer to tell."
[17:52] <Yarrow> Jake: "Usually she blushes when you get close and tell her not to call you 'doctor'."
[17:52] <Alaric> ".. though in point of fact, not all species have breeding cycles. Human women h ave cycles, but they are not entirely analagous to those of your species."
[17:52] * Valery blinks and looks at Jake. "Experience?"
[17:52] <Yarrow> Jake: "Just recent observation."
[17:53] <Valery> (Yeah, humans are ready ALL the time :P )
[17:53] <Toast> "So... How do you mark your things?"
[17:53] <Toast> "So you know, other people know to stay away/'
[17:53] <Alaric> "Um.. mark.. oh, ownership?"
[17:53] * Xui-Fei would comment but he would be in a pot calling kettel black moment
[17:53] <Yarrow> Keiko takes off her shirt and shows Toast the nametag sewn into the collar.
[17:53] <Alaric> "Well, mostly we do not. If for some reason it is imperative that we identify something as our own, nametags are a typical means."
[17:53] <Toast> "I mean, I guess you could rig booby traps, but then you risk your stuff.'
[17:53] <Alaric> "... boobytraps are considered antisocial."
[17:54] <Yarrow> Chance: "Are you fully grown as an ermine, Toast?"
[17:54] * Toast scratches the back of his head
[17:54] <Toast> "Uhh... no clue actually."
[17:55] <Yarrow> Chance: "Ah. Well, more practically, do you feel like you have any special powers in that form?"
[17:55] <Toast> "I mean, I think I am, but, I don't really know how old I am, you know?"
[17:56] * Valery ( Quit (Ping timeout)
[17:56] <Yarrow> Jake asks with a grin, "Ever get it on with a pretty little ermine?"
[17:56] * Toast shakes his head wistfully
[17:56] <Koizumi> (...)
[17:56] <Toast> "I think I was the only one in the park."
[17:56] <Toast> '
[17:56] <Toast> "Powers? Uhm, how would I know."
[17:57] <Yarrow> ("The only female animal in my park was a porcupine... and that seemed like a *really* bad idea.")
[17:57] * Koizumi ( Quit (Quit: )
[17:57] <Toast> "Any suggestions?"
[17:57] <Xui-Fei> (they are dropping like flies)
[17:57] <Alaric> "..."
[17:57] <Toast> ("Well, I did flirt with this ground squirrel... Then I killed her and stole her burrow.")
[17:57] <Yarrow> Chance: "No idea."
[17:57] <Alaric> "I just knew. I don't know."
[17:57] * Valery ( has joined #cte
[17:57] <Alaric> (wb)
[17:57] <Valery> (Sigh... just had to greet me, didn't it?)
[17:57] <Valery> (I missed everything since my last line.)
[17:58] <Valery> (Comp reset again)
[17:58] * Toast thinks a bit
[17:58] <Alaric> (we didn't necessarily see your last line)
[17:58] <Alaric> (what was the last line you saw)
[17:58] <Toast> "Now that you mention it, new information seems to be trickling in."
[17:58] <Toast> "Hang on one second..."
[17:58] * Toast holds out his hand and concentrates really hard.
[17:58] <Alaric> (we all explode and die)
[17:59] * Alaric steps back, alarmed.
[17:59] <Valery> (Something about 'we're ready all the time', I don't know exactly, my logs will take hours to load up)
[17:59] <Toast> *A few seconds later a grenade pops into existence in his hand
[17:59] <Toast> "Awwwweeeesooooooome"
[17:59] * Valery blinks. "Well, that's useful."
[17:59] * Alaric takes another step back.
[18:00] <Yarrow> Jake: "But how do you know if it actually works?"
[18:00] <Alaric> "Is that thing ready to blow up? Please be careful with it!"
[18:00] <Toast> "Relax, the pin is in."
[18:00] <Toast> "Though..."
[18:01] <Valery> "Test it outside, please."
[18:01] <Alaric> "Why wouldn't it work. Our senshi powers seem to have worked quite well... though.. are you Senshi?"
[18:02] <Alaric> "I have never heard of a male Senshi, and you lack the uniform.."
[18:02] * Alaric frowns.
[18:02] <Alaric> "For that matter, were not the Queen and her Senshi all human? It is quite odd that I, a Youma, am now Senshi."
[18:03] * Toast pulls the pin and drops the grenade "Whoops."
[18:03] <Alaric> (hmm.. game wolrd question, are there any sentient species in CT other than humans and Youma?)
[18:03] * Koizumi ( has joined #cte
[18:03] * Valery gasps and ducks back.
[18:03] <Xui-Fei> "well you could call the King Endimon a senshi but I'm not techinally sure on his status"
[18:04] * Toast starts counting backwards from 5
[18:04] <Yarrow> Mooncats. Other than that, you're not sure. Hard to tell if someone's a youma or something else.
[18:04] <Toast> "4...3...2..."
[18:04] * Xui-Fei grabs the now human toast and the doc and jumps away from the explosion
[18:05] * Valery continues backing away. "What... what are you doing?"
[18:05] * Toast laughs from his previous position, still holding the pinned grenade, as the Toast in Xui's arms vanishes
[18:06] <Toast> "You guys should see the look on your faces."
[18:06] <Yarrow> Actually, if you didn't move, Xui-Fei would have grabbed the real you.
[18:06] <Toast> "Hmm.. I probably could show you, come to think of it.'
[18:06] <Valery> "... That was... that wasn't funny."
[18:06] <Toast> (can I roll a retroactive dodge?)
[18:06] <Toast> "It was hilarious!"
[18:07] <Yarrow> Less risk of messing things up if you just let him grab you.
[18:07] * Alaric is still standing frozen, as he was when the pin came out of the grenade, horror on his face.
[18:07] <Toast> (fiiiine, retcon it so I'm standing with Xui)
[18:07] * Xui-Fei blinks, "exactly what did you do there?"
[18:08] <Yarrow> Ie - if you failed to dodge, you wouldn't be in the same position as your image, but he'd still contact you.
[18:08] <Toast> "I made you see, and hear, what I wanted you to see and hear.
[18:08] <Valery> "... Illusions. Useful."
[18:08] <Toast> "Isn't it awesome?"
[18:08] <Yarrow> Keiko: "I didn't see anything..."
[18:08] <Yarrow> Jake: "Hnh. I just figured the grenade was a dud."
[18:08] <Toast> "Yeah, I couldn't get everyone.'
[18:08] <Koizumi> (stupid shutdown button... -punishes laptop somehow-)
[18:09] <Yarrow> (Shut it down! That'll show it!)
[18:09] * Toast tosses the grenade to Jake "Care to try it yourself? Outside would probably be best.'
[18:09] * Alaric works his mouth a couple times, soundlessly, before clenching his eyes shut (and his fists tight, at his side).
[18:09] * Alaric takes a deeeeeeep breath.
[18:09] <Yarrow> Jake catches and pockets it. "Maybe later. When there's something worth blowing up."
[18:09] <Koizumi> (I'd rather not have it shut down again, thank you for your suggestion though :P)
[18:10] <Yarrow> (People say I'm the sort of person who'd offer a drowning man a glass of water.)
[18:10] * Valery pauses, and slips his headphones from the helicopter on.
[18:10] <Koizumi> (Cant see why they would say that)
[18:10] <Valery> (Sound-cancelling! :P )
[18:10] * Toast moves behind Xui
[18:11] * Xui-Fei looks at the ermie turned human...
[18:11] * Alaric lets the breath out, opens his eyes, and smiles.
[18:11] <Alaric> "Thank you for that demonstration."
[18:12] <Alaric> "Moving on, Valery, have you attempted to.."
[18:12] * Alaric notices that she's wearing her earmuffs.
[18:12] <Xui-Fei> "lets get going we got metal ass to kick and a buliding to capture"
[18:12] <Yarrow> He.
[18:12] * Valery blushes. "Er... I can hear you."
[18:12] <Alaric> (oh, right, like that's going to last)
[18:13] <Valery> (I'm rather surprised it's lasted so long, actually...)
[18:13] <Alaric> "Well, say something. Moon mashmallow Make-up, or whatever, just to decide it."
[18:14] <Yarrow> Keiko: "Ooh! Do we have marshmallows?"
[18:14] * Alaric looks over at Keiko.
[18:14] <Alaric> benevolently, "I'm sorry Keiko, but I don't think we have marshmallows."
[18:14] * Valery shrugs. "I don't know... Snowstorm Power, Make-Up?"
[18:14] * Valery just kind of stands there awkwardly.
[18:14] <Toast> (brb, need to clean real quick)
[18:15] <Alaric> (nothing happens?)
[18:16] <Valery> (Not at the moment, at least :P )
[18:16] <Yarrow> Jake comes up behind Valery and exclaims, "Val! They're destroying Metel! Do something quick!"
[18:16] <Valery> (How well-acted is it? Actually convincing, or... ya know? :P )
[18:16] <Alaric> "..the hell?"
[18:17] <Yarrow> roll 2d6+3
[18:17] <Lightdice> Yarrow roll 2d6+3 --> [ 2d6=7 ]{10}
[18:17] * Xui-Fei blinks
[18:17] <Yarrow> Pretty well-acted.
[18:17] * Valery gasps, turning. "What?! We... we've got to get up there!"
[18:17] * Valery dashes out of the room.
[18:18] * Xui-Fei follows on..."this can't be good
[18:18] <Yarrow> Jake shrugs. "Guess he's not a senshi."
[18:18] * Alaric hesitates a moment, then runs after.
[18:18] * Valery is already well on the way to the elevator, unsafetying his rifle.
[18:19] <Yarrow> Jake and Chance walk after.
[18:19] <Yarrow> Keiko skips along. Toast joins the parade as a naked boy.
[18:20] <Yarrow> And Val gets to the elevator and pushes the button.
[18:20] <Yarrow> While he's waiting the others catch up.
[18:20] <Xui-Fei> "hold up geeze talk about a guy and his car mentality"
[18:20] <Yarrow> Jake: "You know, I was just trying to shock you into a better attempt at senshifying, Val."
[18:20] * Valery is visibly antsy, obviously, twitching and waiting for the elevator.
[18:21] <Yarrow> Jake: "I mean, how the hell would I know if something was going on with Metel? I was in the same room with you! Duh!'
[18:21] * Valery blinks, pauses, and just looks at Jake.
[18:21] * Valery blushes.
[18:21] <Yarrow> There's a ding and the elevator door slides open.
[18:22] <Yarrow> Dizzy stops and just stares at the group that seems to have acquired a naked boy.
[18:22] <Yarrow> Dizzy: "Am I ... interrupting something?"
[18:22] <Koizumi> (Nothing important, join in!)
[18:23] * Valery blushes a little further, holding up a hand. "I... was going to say I have a good explanation for this, but I don't. Please carry on."
[18:23] * Alaric motions at the boy.
[18:24] <Alaric> "Where should we go to find Toast some clothes?"
[18:24] * Xui-Fei rubs his forehead, "some one fine this Ermie turned human some clothes"
[18:25] <Yarrow> Dizzy: "Oh, that's Toast? We found a room that has clothing and other necessities for all of you. I was just coming to tell you."
[18:25] <Yarrow> Dizzy: "Oh! And some very good news, doctor! We've discovered two other people that have healing powers!"
[18:26] * Valery blinks. "Ah... that sounds great!"
[18:26] <Yarrow> Dizzy nods happily.
[18:27] <Toast> (back)
[18:27] <Yarrow> Dizzy: "Do you want me to take you to get some clothes now? Or were you on the way to do something else?"
[18:28] <Alaric> "...I think we're free to do it now."
[18:28] * Alaric looks over at Jake.
[18:28] <Alaric> "Unless there's some other phantom menace in the wings?"
[18:29] <Yarrow> Jake: "Nothing I know of. We should probably head out for the Upgrade before the weather clears, though."
[18:29] <Toast> (Toast has midichlorians0
[18:29] * Valery nods, still red-faced.
[18:30] <Alaric> "agreed."
[18:30] * Xui-Fei pops his knuckles ready for action
[18:30] <Alaric> "Um.. Toast, do you know if you have to change back to retreive your explosives?"
[18:30] * Toast reaches into thin air and pulls out a jar bomb
[18:30] <Valery> "Um... mind if I head upstairs?"
[18:30] <Toast> "Doesn't look like it."
[18:31] <Yarrow> Jake sighs and shakes her head at Valery.
[18:32] * Toast puts the jar back in stuff space
[18:32] <Yarrow> Jake: "If you need to go and give Metel a hug before we go on, go ahead."
[18:33] <Alaric> "Just wanted to make sure."
[18:33] <Alaric> "I suppose you'd know best which form will be superior for your efforts."
[18:34] * Alaric chuckles a bit at Jake's gibe.
[18:34] * Valery blushes, slipping into the elevator and hitting the button... before gasping and turning the safety on his Beryl before he accidentally shoots something.
[18:34] <Toast> "Hmm, well, I am sneakier in my natural form."
[18:34] <Valery> (And then the doors close, I guess :P )
[18:34] <Yarrow> (Is there something you're not telling us about Valery and his thing for dead Dark Kingdom rulers?)
[18:34] <Toast> "But I think it might be a bit easier to set explosives like this.)
[18:35] <Toast> (I just realized)
[18:35] <Valery> (No, I'm pretty sure I told you 'having a Beryl rifle in a Sailor Moon game is worthy of lulz' :P )
[18:35] <Toast> (I think Toast can TP metel)
[18:35] <Valery> (Er... TP?)
[18:35] <Toast> (teleport)
[18:36] <Toast> (does it weigh more than 50 tons?)
[18:36] <Valery> (Hm... don't THINK so.)
[18:36] <Toast> (it doesn't)
[18:37] <Toast> (Max takeoff weight: 12,000 kg (26,500 lb))
[18:37] <Valery> (Your computer was more responsive than mine for checking it? :P )
[18:37] <Toast> (sweet, I can teleport it :D)
[18:37] <Valery> (Heh, funkay.)
[18:37] <Toast> (up to 100KM)
[18:38] <Yarrow> Sorry, the sheet I have says 1 tonne for your teleport limit, Toast.
[18:39] <Toast> (say what?)
[18:39] <Toast> (fuck, I missread anyway)
[18:39] <Toast> (it's 5 tons on mine)
[18:39] <Toast> (not 500
[18:39] <Toast> )
[18:39] <Toast> (50)
[18:39] <Toast> (damn T_T)
[18:40] <Koizumi> oops)
[18:40] <Toast> (still, that's weird yarrow... can you c/p me what you have on my sheet?)
[18:40] <Yarrow> (Sorry, 5 tonnes)
[18:40] <Toast> (lol)
[18:41] <Toast> (still, I can TP us to the top of the building, and we can work our way down >_>)
[18:41] * Valery ( Quit (Ping timeout)
[18:41] <Yarrow> Dizzy: "Well, let's go get you some clothes."
[18:41] <Alaric> (anyways..)
[18:42] <Yarrow> She pushes the button for the elevator and gets in when it opens.
[18:42] <Yarrow> You all follow, and she brings you to a large room filled with clothing and other necessities.
[18:42] * Valery ( has joined #cte
[18:42] <Valery> <Toast> (still, that's weird yarrow... can you c/p me what you have on my sheet?)
[18:42] <Valery> <Yarrow> (Sorry, 5 tonnes)
[18:42] <Valery> <Toast> (lol)
[18:42] <Valery> <Toast> (still, I can TP us to the top of the building, and we can work our way down >_>)
[18:42] <Valery> * Disconnected
[18:42] <Valery> (What'd I miss?)
[18:43] <Toast> "Do I really have to wear clothes?"
[18:43] <Toast> "They look stuffy."
[18:44] <Yarrow> Jake: "You don't have any protective fur in that form."
[18:44] * Toast grumbles
[18:44] <Valery> (/me is still kinda curious what he missed)
[18:45] * Toast picks out jeans, a hooded gray sweatshirt, and some black aviators
[18:45] <Yarrow> Jake: "You'll need something for your feet, too."
[18:45] <Toast> "This will do, I suppose."
[18:45] * Toast grumbles and looks through the shoe selection (what's there to choose from shoewise?)
[18:45] * Toast pulls up his hood
[18:46] <Yarrow> Sneakers and boots.
[18:47] <Yarrow> If you have to use the things here, you have more important things to worry about than fashion.
[18:47] * Toast pulls on a pair of boots
[18:47] * Alaric takes a moment to switch out his more formal shoes for sneakers.
[18:49] * Alaric looks around.
[18:49] <Alaric> "Anyone need anything else?"
[18:50] <Yarrow> Jake and Chance get some changes of clothes.
[18:50] <Toast> "So do I get one of those ID thingies now that I'm a human?"
[18:50] <Yarrow> Dizzy forces Keiko to put her shirt back on.
[18:50] <Toast> (lol)
[18:50] <Koizumi> Aww)
[18:51] <Alaric> "I don't know.. you ought to, I suppose."
[18:51] <Alaric> "We'll have to look into that."
[18:51] <Yarrow> Dizzy: "I'll look into it today."
[18:51] * Xui-Fei looks around for something to replaced the ripped shirt he's currenlty still wearing
[18:52] <Yarrow> Everyone's basic clothing needs are met.
[18:52] <Toast> "I still don't see why I couldn't get one as a stoat."
[18:52] <Toast> "It's descrimination!"
[18:52] * Valery steps in, a little wet, shawl off and being squeezed dry in his hands.
[18:53] * Alaric putters around a bit with some other clothes, but leaves them behind.
[18:53] * Alaric faces Valery.
[18:54] <Alaric> "Everything okay up top?"
[18:54] * Valery nods. "Some kind of update came in... there are two allies on the map."
[18:54] <Toast> (what's with the shawl? just watching too much Valkyria Chronicles?)
[18:55] <Toast> (two? O_o)
[18:55] <Valery> (Hey, how'd ya guess Val's girl-form appearance?)
[18:55] <Toast> (lol, fucking figures)
[18:56] <Valery> (Heheheh)
[18:58] * Xui-Fei raises an eyebrow, "two more?"
[18:58] * Xui-Fei says that as he switches to a shirt that's in better state, not his usual silks but it'll do for now"
[18:59] <Yarrow> Chance: "We should probably go get them soon. There's no telling how badly they need an evac."
[18:59] <Alaric> "Agreed."
[18:59] * Valery shrugs. "Maybe they just came to the system's attention? And yes, we should probably move while we can."
[19:00] <Toast> 'So, ally first, then upgrade?"
[19:01] <Yarrow> Jake nods.
[19:01] * Valery nods.
[19:01] * Alaric nods.
[19:01] <Alaric> "Makes the most sense."
[19:02] <Yarrow> Jake: "So... should we go now?"
[19:02] <Toast> (Hhmm, probably should have mentioned he has stoat ears and a tail)
[19:02] <Toast> (slipped my mind)
[19:02] <Alaric> (oh well, we can riff on them next time)
[19:02] * Valery looks around. "Does anyone else have anything they want to do otherwise?"
[19:03] <Toast> "The sooner the better! I want to blow stuff up!"
[19:03] <Alaric> "..."
[19:03] <Alaric> "We should use the rain while we have it."
[19:03] <Toast> "You guys won't let me blow up anything here."
[19:03] <Yarrow> Jake and Chance shake their heads.
[19:04] <Alaric> "So.. which way is it to the chopper again?"
[19:04] * Alaric looks around, a little lost.
[19:04] <Yarrow> Chance: "Up."
[19:05] <Alaric> "I suppose we'd get there sooner or later.. oh!"
[19:05] * Alaric turns to Dizzy.
[19:05] <Alaric> "Is there anyone I should attend to before we leave?"
[19:05] <Yarrow> Dizzy: "Yes, doc--Alaric?"
[19:05] * Alaric smiles a little as Dizzy uses his name.
[19:05] <Yarrow> Dizzy: "No, everyone's fine right now."
[19:05] <Alaric> "Good.. thank you."
[19:06] * Alaric blinks.
[19:06] <Alaric> "Oh.. I know!'
[19:06] <Alaric> "Raincoat."
[19:06] * Alaric finds himself a raincoat, overcoat, trenchcoat, or SOMETHING.
[19:06] <Alaric> (that isn't bright yellow or red, etc)
[19:07] <Yarrow> There's a large rack of gray raincoats.
[19:07] * Alaric puts one on.
[19:07] <Alaric> "Let's roll."
[19:07] <Yarrow> Who's wearing light body armor?
[19:07] <Alaric> (Not I)
[19:07] * Valery shakes his head, nodding, and goes to grab one as well.
[19:08] <Toast> 'Oh wait."
[19:08] <Toast> "Can I run down to the armory and get some of that body armor?
[19:08] <Toast> "
[19:08] * Alaric turns and grabs a couple raincoats, and stashes them in his Inventory Device.
[19:08] <Alaric> "For our allies.. and, of course."
[19:08] <Toast> "I guess, if I have to wear clothes, they might as well be functional."
[19:08] <Alaric> "If you think you'd benefit from it."
[19:09] <Yarrow> Jake: "It'll be even more annoying than normal clothes, just so you know."
[19:09] <Xui-Fei> (decided aginst it for now)
[19:09] <Toast> "Hmm."
[19:09] <Toast> "Screw it then."
[19:09] <Toast> "Let's get this show on the road."
[19:10] <Yarrow> Barring any last minute tasks, you head up to Metel.
[19:10] <Yarrow> Keiko: "Yay!"
[19:11] * Xui-Fei cloeses his eyes in some sort of concentration trance as the elevator heads up towards the aircraft
[19:11] * Valery leans down, meeting Keiko at eye level. "Keiko, dear, do you think you could stay here? Miss Dizzy will need your help to protect everyone here."
[19:11] * Alaric nods.
[19:11] <Yarrow> Xui-Fei thus fails to notice Jake & Chance jostling for position next to him.
[19:11] <Alaric> "There are a lot of people here who aren't much good at fighting."
[19:12] <Alaric> "They need people to help out if something happens."
[19:12] <Yarrow> Keiko: "Unh uh! Dizzy said the building had big autonomic defenses!"
[19:12] * Alaric looks really serious for a moment.
[19:13] <Alaric> "And Queen Serenity was supposed to defend Crystal Tokyo.. except there wasn't supposed to be anything to defend against."
[19:13] <Alaric> "Not everything goes the way it's supposed to."
[19:13] <Valery> "Yes, but what if something gets around them?"
[19:14] <Yarrow> Keiko: "But I want to come with you and fight! I'm good at fighting! And I'm a senshi!"
[19:14] <Yarrow> Keiko: "THEY aren't senshi and they get to go!"
[19:14] <Yarrow> She indicates Val, Jake, & Chance.
[19:15] <Valery> "Fight? We're not going to fight if we can avoid it. But back here, if a fight comes, it can't be avoided - it's more important to be able to protect this place."
[19:16] <Yarrow> She pouts. "Ok, but someone else stays next time!"
[19:17] <Alaric> "I can't promise that, it depends."
[19:17] <Yarrow> Keiko: "Nuh-uh! You gotta promise!"
[19:17] <Alaric> "Or what?"
[19:17] <Toast> "Hey, no one resist, ok?"
[19:18] * Alaric keeps a stern but benevolent manner all through this.
[19:18] * Toast teleports the group, minus Keiko to the roof
[19:18] <Alaric> (haha)
[19:18] <Alaric> (good call)
[19:18] * Valery nods. "Like, we need this gr-" Teleport. He pauses and blinkblinks. "... That's one way to do it I guess."
[19:19] * Alaric closes his eyes and sighs in relief.
[19:19] <Alaric> "How irksome."
[19:19] <Alaric> "If only I had my lollipops."
[19:19] * Toast grumbles something about freakishly strong brats and their spinebreaking abilities
[19:19] * Alaric opens his eyes.
[19:19] <Alaric> "Let's get going."
[19:19] <Yarrow> Jake: "Drugged?"
[19:19] * Alaric walks toward Metel, and will board if able.
[19:19] <Yarrow> Chance: "Yeah. We want to be up in the air before she reaches the top."
[19:20] * Toast hops aboard, and stows some mason jar grenades in a cabinet, as was suggested earlier
[19:20] <Yarrow> Everyone piles in and Val proceeds to start Metel up with all haste.
[19:22] <Yarrow> The helicopter gets into the air and leaves the building behind just as Keiko gets outside.
[19:22] * DCG ( has joined #cte
[19:22] * ChanServ sets mode: +oa DCG DCG
[19:23] <Valery> (Welcome back DC)
[19:23] <DCG> (guh.. video card blew up)
[19:23] <Yarrow> So, where to? There are two 'Ally' markers on Metel's display. One is very close to where you picked up Xui-Fei and the other is about 5 kilometers west of that. Neither one is really closer to your current position.
[19:23] <Alaric> (sux0r)
[19:23] <Xui-Fei> (gah)
[19:23] <Alaric> (well, we sorta know the threats where Xui-Fei was.. we don't know what's at the other one..)
[19:23] <DCG> (so i whent out and bought a biger one.. ^^ had to plug this one into the power so.. thats good i think)
[19:24] <Yarrow> ("My beloved computer! What's wrong? Speak to me!" "Beeep. Beep-beep-beep-beep.")
[19:24] <Valery> (Which one's nearer to 'Upgrade'? Val'll go for that)
[19:24] <Valery> (And, sorry that took so long to type, my cat trod on the keyboard and fried it all :P )
[19:24] <Yarrow> Both of them are basically south, upgrade is north.
[19:25] <Valery> (I guess Xui-Fei then?)
[19:25] <Yarrow> You could--you know, talk it out?
[19:25] <Toast> "Well, let
[19:25] <Yarrow> Or just pick on your own, Val.
[19:26] <Toast> (nevermind)
[19:26] * Valery leans back into the compartment. "Which one do you want to go to first? One's near Xui-Fei, the other's a bit west."
[19:26] * Alaric shrugs.
[19:26] <Alaric> "Do they h ave any information, like priority?"
[19:26] <Yarrow> Valery chooses to confuse Xui-Fei. :)
[19:26] <Alaric> "if not.. well.. whichever."
[19:26] <Alaric> (how about we magically choose the one that gets Dorin in the game?)
[19:26] * Xui-Fei blinks, "where you picked me up you mean?"
[19:27] * Valery nods, and checks the information available - IS there much of anything?
[19:28] <Yarrow> (Mm, did it say more when you went to get Alaric?)
[19:28] <Valery> (I have NO idea.)
[19:28] <Valery> (I mean, I'd presume it would, but all of that happened offscreen so I have no clue)
[19:29] <Yarrow> No, no real additional info.
[19:30] <Yarrow> Since they're near each other, you're travelling toward the both of them while deciding, though.
[19:31] <Yarrow> Ok, which one are you going to, Val?
[19:31] <Yarrow> And how high are you flying?
[19:32] <DCG> (what a decivie group, i just can't keep up with there none stop action)
[19:32] <Yarrow> Or is it unscheduled reboot time?
[19:32] <Alaric> "Just go to one."
[19:32] <Alaric> (I thought I'd already sait that..)
[19:32] <Valery> (Flying low over the buildings, and, I'm going for Xui's one in absence of further orders)
[19:33] <Toast> (sounds fine)
[19:33] <Yarrow> Give me an approximate number in meters, please. And let me know whether that changes once you get to the Nostalgia Zone.
[19:35] <Yarrow> Val?
[19:35] <Xui-Fei> (hmm)
[19:35] <Valery> (Er... 'ten meters above the buildings, whatever their height is', I guess?)
[19:35] <Yarrow> You fly into a Nostalgia Zone and can see there's trouble as you approach your target.
[19:36] * Xui-Fei blinks looking out the window
[19:36] <Yarrow> There are droids in the streets and some on a rooftop or two firing at two people on another rooftop.
[19:36] <Xui-Fei> (10 meters?)
[19:37] * Alaric draws his handgun and grips it uncertainly.
[19:37] <Yarrow> The two people seem to be trying to get away from the droids.
[19:37] <Yarrow> Jake and Chance use their door guns with no uncertainty.
[19:37] * Xui-Fei looks at Val, "open the hanger over the droid I'm gonna drop down and take it out"
[19:38] <Yarrow> Hanger?
[19:38] <Xui-Fei> (sorry cargobay)
[19:38] * Valery frowns, and moves in towards them, aiming the main gun to strafe the droids in the streets. "It'll take time to get there, if you can shoot from the door, do it now."
[19:39] <Alaric> "I'll take my shots."
[19:39] * Alaric says this with a little uncertainty.
[19:39] <Yarrow> Feel free to take some surprise shots.
[19:39] * Alaric will, nonetheless, grip his pistol with both hands, after turning off the safety carefully.
[19:39] <Yarrow> roll 2#2d6+7
[19:39] <Lightdice> Yarrow roll 2#2d6+7 --> [ 2d6=7 ]{14}, [ 2d6=6 ]{13}
[19:39] <Valery> roll 2d6+9
[19:39] <Lightdice> Valery roll 2d6+9 --> [ 2d6=7 ]{16}
[19:39] <Alaric> (two shots a piece?)
[19:39] <Yarrow> Two droids go flying in pieces off a rooftop.
[19:39] <Valery> (I think that was one from each of 'em)
[19:40] <Yarrow> Those were Jake & Chance.
[19:40] <Alaric> roll 2d6+4 bla-blam!
[19:40] * Toast will teleport a grenade above one of the droids
[19:40] <Lightdice> Alaric roll 2d6+4 bla-blam! --> [ 2d6=9 ]{13}
[19:40] <Toast> (pin pulled, of course)
[19:40] * Valery slips Metel around to the rooftop that the two people are on, going low and trying to hold Metel stable enough for them to get on (obviously, opening the door on that side).
[19:40] * Koizumi quickly makes a snatch for Mai to duck behind the airconditioning, and any other protection to hide from pending attack, while hissing to her. "What's that loud noise? Not more trouble?"
[19:41] <Yarrow> Droids get shot and blown up. They've barely realized Metel's there before you're near the two people on the rooftop.
[19:42] <Yarrow> Mai: "A helicopter."
[19:42] * Valery taps a button, continuing to rake the streets with gunfire, and speaks over the speakers. "You two on the rooftop, this is an evacuation. Please get onboard, I can only hold this so still."
[19:42] * Xui-Fei blinks, "move it! Go Go Go!"
[19:42] <Yarrow> Shortly after that, Koizumi can tell for herself, as the helicopter hovers nearby, door gaping open.
[19:42] <Yarrow> Two soaked and cold young women get up and head into Metel.
[19:43] <Toast> ("Heey, how you ladies doin'?")
[19:43] <Yarrow> ("Oh, thank Serenity! A fur wrap!" *snatch!*
[19:44] * Koizumi doesn't argue, urging Mai into the lead.
[19:44] <Yarrow> roll 2d6+8
[19:44] <Toast> (that'd be weird, what with him being a person)
[19:44] <Lightdice> Yarrow roll 2d6+8 --> [ 2d6=8 ]{16}
[19:44] <Yarrow> Dodge, Metel.
[19:44] <Toast> (oh fuck)
[19:44] <Valery> roll 2d6+6
[19:44] <Lightdice> Valery roll 2d6+6 --> [ 2d6=10 ]{16}
[19:44] <Toast> (wooo!)
[19:45] <Alaric> "Ladies, are either of you wounded?"
[19:45] <Alaric> "I'm a doctor."
[19:45] <Toast> (lol)
[19:45] * Alaric puts away the handgun.
[19:45] <Toast> (I dunno why, it just sounds so sleazy to me)
[19:45] * Valery pulls back on the controls, sliding Metel around the attack, just avoiding it, and instantly reverses, moving forward and gaining speed to get away from their fire area.
[19:45] <Yarrow> A shell fired by a zerker on the street seems to go right through the plane of the rotors without any contact.
[19:45] * Xui-Fei looks over to val, "they are on lets get moving
[19:45] <Toast> (perhaps because I'm twisted)
[19:45] <Alaric> (hah)
[19:46] <Valery> (Ataru, introducing yourself by NAME sounds sleazy to you.)
[19:46] <Alaric> ("I'm a doctor".. their eyes go "cha-ching!")
[19:46] * Koizumi frowns, saying nothing as she slides into a comfortable position.
[19:46] <Yarrow> One of the girls is pale and shivering. The other is pale--a bit blue, even--and not shivering.
[19:46] <Toast> (except blindy0
[19:46] <Toast> (because she's blind)
[19:46] <Alaric> "...are you both human? If so, that skin tone indicates potential hypothermia."
[19:47] * Alaric waits to see if that gets some sort of response from either.
[19:47] <Yarrow> The one who isn't shivering just looks at Xui-Fei and smiles broadly. She says a bit flatly, "Xui-Fei... I've found you."
[19:47] * Koizumi blows a raspberry at Alaric. Then looks to Mai, "Hmm? Lucky us, eh?"
[19:47] <Yarrow> roll 1d2
[19:47] <Lightdice> Yarrow roll 1d2 --> [ 1d2=2 ]{2}
[19:47] * Valery is a little too distracted to join the conversation at the moment.
[19:48] <Toast> (uh oh...)
[19:48] * Xui-Fei blinks
[19:48] <Xui-Fei> "uh do I know you?"
[19:48] <Alaric> "..."
[19:48] * Alaric looks over at Xui-Fei.
[19:48] <Alaric> "You don't?"
[19:48] <Yarrow> Metel swoops up and forward.
[19:49] <Alaric> (pretend it's not happening.. pretend we're not getting shot at.. c'mon Alaric you can do it, stay cool!)
[19:49] <Yarrow> It takes a second, what with the paleness and all the water, but Xui-Fei realizes he does know her. She's one of his closer friends, Mai, in fact.
[19:49] * Xui-Fei blinks then does a double take, "Mai?"
[19:49] * Valery is first just speeding, ducking around to get them away from the droids, before hooking right and making his way to the second location.
[19:50] * Koizumi plants her walking cane, a fairly fancy thing at that, to try and keep her balance in the rattling flying. "Whoever's flying...this flight path sucks...but please, keep it up as long as we live!"
[19:50] <Yarrow> Alaric is being ignored by his prospective patients, though the one whose name you don't know is shivering violently.
[19:50] <Yarrow> roll 2#2d6+4
[19:50] <Lightdice> Yarrow roll 2#2d6+4 --> [ 2d6=2 ]{6}, [ 2d6=7 ]{11}
[19:50] <Yarrow> roll 2#2d6+8
[19:50] <Xui-Fei> (waits for the impending fist to the face or glomp)
[19:50] <Lightdice> Yarrow roll 2#2d6+8 --> [ 2d6=3 ]{11}, [ 2d6=4 ]{12}
[19:51] <Valery> "Don't worry miss, it'll stay up as long as we live."
[19:51] <Yarrow> Some shots come at Metel but they aren't that close.
[19:51] <Valery> ("Mostly because we won't be living once it goes down.")
[19:51] <Yarrow> And then you're out of range.
[19:51] <Yarrow> Mai: "You're looking good, Xui-Fei."
[19:52] <Alaric> "Ma'am.. you're shivering, would you at least like something else to wear?"
[19:52] <Koizumi> ("If the engine far can we make it?! .... ~All the way to the scene of the crash...~)
[19:52] * Alaric says this to not-Mai.
[19:52] * Alaric proffers a grey raincoat.
[19:52] <Yarrow> Jake and Chance take a moment to shoot Mai a glare before going back to scan the ground for droids.
[19:52] <Xui-Fei> "I've seen better days, was that you that nearly ran me over yesterday?"
[19:52] <Xui-Fei> (ignore that oog stuff)
[19:53] <Yarrow> Mai: "Ran you over? No! If I'd seen you, I would have stopped!"
[19:53] * Xui-Fei blinks, "ok then probably wasn't you"
[19:53] <Yarrow> (Yeah, actually, cut both those lines. You don't know she was driving a car.)
[19:53] * Koizumi takes it quietly, wrapping it around her shoulders. Taking a soft breath. Despite her eyes being closed.
[19:53] * Toast looks at Xui "Were you a woman at the time?"
[19:53] <Xui-Fei> "no.."
[19:53] <Toast> (never mind then0
[19:54] <Xui-Fei> (yeah let me say something else)
[19:54] <Xui-Fei> "eh not counting yesterday I've seen better how about you?"
[19:54] <Yarrow> Alaric: You really should be checking these people out. They look like they're suffering from exposure.
[19:54] <Alaric> (yes, I know)
[19:54] <Yarrow> Mai: "I've ... been better."
[19:55] <Alaric> (though.. does Mai's skin coloration look like it could be natural?)
[19:55] * Xui-Fei nods, "yeah...I hear you too well on that"
[19:56] <Yarrow> It could be... but it also matches someone with severe hypothermia.
[19:56] <Alaric> "Xui-Fei.. is this Mai's natural skin tone?"
[19:57] <Xui-Fei> (is it?)
[19:57] <Alaric> "Because if not, she is extremely ill."
[19:57] <Yarrow> Nope.
[19:57] <Toast> (can we just heal her?)
[19:57] <Yarrow> Mai: "I'm all right. You should take care of Koi."
[19:57] <Alaric> (that'd fix any damage that's been done, but we'll still need to warm them up.)
[19:57] * Xui-Fei shakes his head, "no it's not," the looks at Mai, "Doc here will take care of you"
[19:57] <Alaric> firmly, "Ma'am.. Mai, that is. Give me your hand."
[19:58] * Alaric holds his hand out, claws retracted of course.
[19:58] <Toast> (does that mean we get a naked group cuddle?)
[19:58] <Yarrow> Mai sighs softly and gives Alaric her hand.
[19:58] <Alaric> (no, this is not a lemon)
[19:58] * Alaric concentrates for a moment. (healing)
[19:58] * Koizumi rubs her arms quietly.
[19:58] * Xui-Fei grabs a blanket handing it to Alaric, "Doc take care of her she's the only friend I got left around here"
[19:58] <Alaric> "And yours, miss..?"
[19:58] * Alaric faces not-Mai as he says this.
[19:59] * Koizumi obeys quietly, "Koi...Koizumi"
[19:59] <Toast> (it actually is a good way to raise someone's core temp though)
[19:59] <Yarrow> Healing will restore lost hp, but it won't warm someone up.
[19:59] * Alaric holds Koizumi's hand carefully with his other hand. (healing)
[19:59] <Alaric> (which is what I'm aiming for, prevents them from dropping dead right here.)
[20:00] <Xui-Fei> (should I be picturing this as the Fatal Fury/KoF Mai)
[20:01] <Yarrow> No, no you should not.
[20:01] <Alaric> "You both need to get out of those clothes, get something dry on, and get warmed up."
[20:01] <Alaric> "First.."
[20:01] <Toast> (I like where this is going, giggidy)
[20:01] * Alaric turns over each woman's hand, and checks their pulses.
[20:02] <Koizumi> ("I just said that so you'd gihigity my gismogin")
[20:03] <Alaric> "Koizumi.. um..."
[20:03] <Alaric> "One sec."
[20:03] <Yarrow> Mai watches Alaric as he checks on them.
[20:03] * Alaric lets the ladies hands go, and turns to look around.
[20:04] <Alaric> "Is there anything we can do to get these ladies some privacy?"
[20:04] * Alaric says this as he shucks off his shirt and pants.
[20:04] * Toast blinks
[20:04] <Toast> "Wait, why are you getting naked?"
[20:04] * Koizumi huffs quietly, blowing some stray hair from her face. Not bothering to look away from the same spot on the wall she's been looking at since sitting.
[20:05] <Alaric> (Toast: "Damn man, you move FAST!")
[20:05] * Xui-Fei blinks before heading to the front where Val is,
[20:05] <Yarrow> Mai gives Alaric a long, level look and says to him, "I'm not going to get any worse than I already am."
[20:05] <Valery> "Um... you probably don't want to hide them in the fridge."
[20:05] * Toast perks up "Are they in heat?"
[20:05] * Alaric finishes pulling one foot out of an uncoopertive pants-leg, and faces them.
[20:05] <Valery> "I'm sorry, it's not really built for private rooms."
[20:05] <Alaric> "I was about to get to that."
[20:06] <Alaric> "... and no, Toast, I am reasonably certain they are not in heat."
[20:06] * Alaric balls up his shirt and pants and throws hte ball (not too hard) at Koizumi.
[20:07] <Yarrow> And at this moment, you reach the other Ally spot.
[20:07] * Koizumi quickly intercepts with her cane. "You don't have to go that far..."
[20:07] <Alaric> "Given your current state, I most certainly do."
[20:07] <Alaric> "Get those clothes off, wipe yourself down with the jacket, and put those on. I'll look the other way."
[20:07] * Valery looks to see what's there.
[20:07] <Yarrow> You don't see anyone down below in plain sight.
[20:07] * Alaric moves so he's looking away from Koizumi, and at Mai.
[20:07] <Valery> (Any droids around?)
[20:08] <Yarrow> No droids.
[20:08] * Valery frowns, circling, and taps the speakers. "Hello? Is anyone down there?"
[20:08] <Yarrow> roll 2d6+4
[20:08] <Alaric> quietly, "If you don't mind me asking, what species are you? Those I'm familiar with have pulmonary systems.."
[20:08] <Lightdice> Yarrow roll 2d6+4 --> [ 2d6=7 ]{11}
[20:08] * Koizumi shrugs, without bothering to wait simply sheds the soaked, clumsy ballgown and slips into the shirt and pants, far too baggy for her frame.
[20:08] <Toast> (she's a droid! burn her!)
[20:11] <Alaric> (btw, ttotally meant Circulatory system there)
[20:12] <Yarrow> Mai: "I'm human. But I had the *worst* day of my life yesterday."
[20:12] <Alaric> "I believe many of us can say the same."
[20:12] <Valery> "I... think most of us did."
[20:12] <Yarrow> Someone in a rain slicker walks out of an alley below and waves up at Metel.
[20:13] * Xui-Fei echos from the front, "try waking up in a bathroom after a roof collaspes on you"
[20:13] * Valery smiles, lowering. "I see them."
[20:13] <Yarrow> Mai shrugs slightly and says, "Try waking up dead."
[20:13] <Alaric> "Do you happen to know by what means it is that you remain ambulatory and conscious?"
[20:13] <Valery> (My RPGer instincts are screaming at me right now, but the party doesn't really have the background to be suspicious :P )
[20:14] <Alaric> "Er.. yes, that is the issue I've been skirting around."
[20:14] <Toast> (mai is a zombie? XD)
[20:14] <Yarrow> Metel lands and the person in the slicker enters. She pauses for a moment, frowning, and then pushes back her hood.
[20:15] <Alaric> (it's Galaxia.)
[20:15] * Valery looks back. "Welcome aboard, ma'am."
[20:15] * Koizumi curls up again in the coat, rubbing her arms and chest.
[20:15] <Alaric> (Galaxia: "What a gyp. All I wanted was a rematch..")
[20:16] <Yarrow> The second Koizumi: "Thank you."
[20:16] * Koizumi frowns, looking around suddenly. "What the...?!"
[20:16] <Alaric> "If you don't mind, I should probably see to.. the.. living?"
[20:16] * Valery blinks. "Um... do you have a twin, miss?"
[20:16] * Alaric is rather startled when he turns around and notes the twin.
[20:16] * Koizumi rubs her ear in irritation.
[20:17] <Toast> "..."
[20:17] <Koizumi> "Twin? Pardon?"
[20:17] <Alaric> ("It's my evil twin from an alternate universe. I keep killing her but she has reincarnation.")
[20:17] <Yarrow> Koizumi2 looks around. "Is something here making a strange noise?"
[20:17] * Xui-Fei blinks
[20:17] <Xui-Fei> "am I seeing double?"
[20:17] <Alaric> (is this Koizumi at all effected by the rain/cold?)
[20:18] <Yarrow> Koi2: "I certainly wouldn't know."
[20:18] <Valery> "Er... the woman next to you looks just like you."
[20:18] <Yarrow> As she's wearing a rain slicker, no.
[20:18] <Toast> "I vote we make them both fend for themselves. Screw figuring out which is the good and which is the evil."
[20:18] * Koizumi frowns and turns her head slightly. "That nurse-droid...thing..."
[20:18] <Yarrow> Koi2 turns her head from side to side slightly.
[20:18] <Alaric> alarmed, "What?"
[20:19] * Xui-Fei pales, "oh hell"
[20:19] <Koizumi> "I was attacked in the subway tunnels outside the museum. One of the droids took some blood...she seemed very pleased with it..."
[20:19] <Alaric> (btw, is Koizumi's 'cane' one of those iconic, immediately recognizeable sticks that blind people use? or is it something different that's been repurposed?)
[20:20] <Koizumi> (It's just a very fancy walking stick)
[20:20] <Alaric> (*nod*)
[20:20] * Alaric hesitates for a moment.
[20:20] <Yarrow> Koi2: "I remember that! Wait--she looks like me?"
[20:20] <Yarrow> Koi2: "I'll prove I'm the real one!"
[20:21] * Xui-Fei glups
[20:21] <Yarrow> Koi2 shouts "PHOBOS MAKEUP!" A sudden halo of energy exploding around her body, deep crimson with specks of violet swirling inside. Consuming her body, melting away the cumbersom dress in the flash and pouring over her form, coating it with a new effect.
[20:21] <Yarrow> A flowing Chinese robe of black silk, the thigh on the left exposed. Feet girded in matching slippers, and hair billowing out like a midnight cloak
[20:21] * Valery blinks, holding up a hand. "Wait, wait... another one?"
[20:21] * Xui-Fei raises an eyebrow
[20:21] <Alaric> "...."
[20:22] <Xui-Fei> "yet another comes out the wood work"
[20:22] <Yarrow> Koi2: "SHE's the cheap copy."
[20:22] <Toast> "Again, I say we let them both fend for themselves.'
[20:22] <Alaric> "Wait a moment.. please, calm down!"
[20:22] <Koizumi> "I am not!"
[20:22] <Toast> 'It's the only fair thing to do."
[20:23] <Valery> "Um... wait, wait, why does either have to be a cheap copy? Please calm down, maybe you just look similar."
[20:23] * Koizumi frowns deeper. "A perfect copy...Sweet Serenity..."
[20:23] * Alaric moves to stand between the two Koizumai.
[20:23] * Xui-Fei checks his scanners
[20:23] <Xui-Fei> (thank god for the computer on his arm)
[20:23] * Alaric tries to keep one to each side, neither behind his back.
[20:23] <Yarrow> One registers as Sailor Phobos. The other as Koizumi Michiyo.
[20:24] <Xui-Fei> "both registure as human."
[20:24] <Alaric> ("Okay, how about this.. flip a coin, and one of you goes into cryo-sleep as backup until the other dies.")
[20:24] <Yarrow> ("No fair! I already have a 2 after my name!")
[20:25] <Alaric> "Xui-Fei, look up some stuff about her if you can, and ask them questions. See if they both know answers."
[20:25] <Alaric> "Place of residence, age, parents names.. stuff like that."
[20:25] * Xui-Fei nods brining up data on the subject
[20:26] <Yarrow> The ESC does not have personal information about people. It just checks their ID.
[20:26] * Xui-Fei blinks, "ok so I can't do that"
[20:26] <Alaric> "Oh hell."
[20:26] * Alaric looks from one Koizumi to the other.
[20:26] <Alaric> "and sitting right here, well, this kinda seems like one of those traps."
[20:27] * Koizumi shivers and growls, pulling up her shirt. "Are there any wounds or markings? .. Not that might be too simply, they might've even copied those somehow..."
[20:27] <Alaric> "Valery, Jake, Chance.. you guys seen anyone coming?"
[20:27] * Alaric raises his voice a little.
[20:27] <Yarrow> Phobos frows at Koi. "It seems pretty obvious what the trap is from here."
[20:27] <Koizumi> "You'd say that."
[20:27] <Valery> "No... nothing on radar, and I can't see anything..."
[20:28] <Yarrow> Jake: "No, but it's pretty hard to see in this rain. And there are those glass droids... Be lucky to see one of those as it's climbing in with us..."
[20:28] * Alaric gives a quick look-around for any sign of water pooling or dripping where it oughtn't be.
[20:28] <Xui-Fei> (you know there'd be one way to lure out a trap
[20:29] <Yarrow> Mai whispers to Toast: "And I thought people would think *I* was too weird."
[20:29] <Yarrow> No water pooling or dripping. No blade protruding from Xui-Fei's chest.
[20:29] * Alaric takes a moment and concentrates.
[20:29] * Toast whispers back "I still say we ditch them both."
[20:29] <Toast> "Well, shouldn't we at least bring the chopper up a bit? No sense sitting down here.'
[20:30] * Valery is moving it off the ground and over the city for a while. "I don't want to take it too high, everything can see me there."
[20:31] <Alaric> "We might as well. If one turns out to be an evil twin, clone, or body snatcher, we can throw them out the window I suppose."
[20:31] <Toast> "Or we could throw them both, just to be sure."
[20:31] <Alaric> "...they both smell perfectly normal. I would have expected something if one of them was really a droid."
[20:31] <Toast> (I'm getting the weirdest sense of deja vu)
[20:31] * Xui-Fei mutters to himself, "only way to know if it's a trap if someone thrust a blade up my back"
[20:32] <Toast> (this whole scenario seems really familiar)
[20:32] <Alaric> "Toast, that would be simple, but entirely unfair to at least one Koizumi."
[20:32] <Xui-Fei> (T-1000?)
[20:32] * Koizumi frowns and sighs. "Can she play an instrument?"
[20:32] * Alaric sniffles a couple times, then sneezes.
[20:32] <Alaric> "Oh!"
[20:33] <Yarrow> Phobos: "Give me a violin and you'll see how well I can play."
[20:33] <Toast> "Oh?"
[20:33] <Alaric> "That's where I knew that name from."
[20:33] * Koizumi sighs. "Damnit all..."
[20:33] * Valery snaps his fingers. "I know!"
[20:33] <Valery> "Everyone, turn away from them."
[20:34] <Alaric> "... are you serious, Valery?"
[20:34] <Toast> "We strap them both with explosives, and who ever survives is the droid?"
[20:34] <Alaric> "I should rather prefer to see my death coming, should it approach."
[20:34] <Yarrow> Phobos: "I know how to prove she's a fake. What color are Mai's eyes, imposter?"
[20:34] * Toast blinks
[20:34] <Valery> "Well... just for a second. We may as well get this second-guessing over with."
[20:34] <Toast> "That makes no sense."
[20:35] * Koizumi frowns. "How the hell should I know? I can't SEE!"
[20:35] <Toast> "Even if she wasn't blind, all she'd have to do is pretend she didn't know, right?"
[20:35] <Yarrow> Phobos: "Damn. They copied that too?"
[20:35] <Valery> ('Whichever one stabs Xui is obviously the traitor.' :P )
[20:35] <Xui-Fei> (that's my theory too)
[20:35] <Toast> "I vote we toss her out for being stupid, droid or not."
[20:35] * Alaric sighs heavily.
[20:35] <Alaric> "This is both rediculous and terrifying... and that said."
[20:36] * Alaric walks towards Phobos.
[20:36] * Xui-Fei turns abck towards Val
[20:36] <Alaric> "You've both been out in the rain, and may have suffered from the temperature."
[20:36] * Alaric offers a hand to Phobos.
[20:36] <Toast> ("well, clearly the NPC is the droid, duh."0
[20:37] <Alaric> "Give me your hand, please."
[20:37] <Yarrow> (Of course. How could it possibly be otherwise.)
[20:37] <Alaric> (it turns into a spike and shooes right up the inside of his arm, then explodes into a daikatana splitting it apart)
[20:37] <Yarrow> Phobos gives Alaric her hand.
[20:38] <Alaric> "Okay, at least that's taken care of."
[20:38] <Alaric> "If you don't mind.."
[20:38] <Yarrow> Phobos: "Pleased to meet you?"
[20:38] * Alaric extends one claw.
[20:38] <Yarrow> She shakes his hand.
[20:39] * Alaric shakes it, careful not to prick her.
[20:39] <Alaric> "Alaric."
[20:39] <Yarrow> Phobos: "Uh... mind what?"
[20:39] <Alaric> "Well, to resolve this mess, I'd like to give each of you a tiny prick. Make sure it's blood in there, not some ghastly ichor or somesuch."
[20:39] * Alaric tries to make this sound humorous.
[20:40] <Toast> (hahahahaaahahahahaha)
[20:40] <Yarrow> Phobos: "Oh, ok. No ichor in me!"
[20:40] <Koizumi> "I doubt it would be that simple"
[20:40] * Koizumi holds up a hand.
[20:40] <Toast> (you wanna give 'em a tiny prick, huh?)
[20:40] <Yarrow> Where are you heading, btw, Valery?
[20:40] <Toast> (are we gonna have to try to burn the blood?)
[20:40] <Yarrow> (Lucky would have been perfect for that!)
[20:40] <Toast> (this is turning into the thing)
[20:40] * Alaric will give each a poke, and heal the wound. Anything wierd happen?
[20:41] <Yarrow> Nope. They both seem normal.
[20:41] <Alaric> "Okay..."
[20:41] <Toast> (the blood turns into a shreiking creature)
[20:41] <Alaric> "I don't suppose you can transform into your Senshi form, miss?"
[20:41] * Alaric addresses this to Koizumi1.
[20:41] <Alaric> (Alaric has wiped the blood off on his boxer briefs.)
[20:41] * Koizumi sighs and nods. "Yes...and becareful, she can probably scan minds in her normal form too."
[20:42] * Alaric hrks, looking at Koizumi like she's got a third eye.
[20:42] <Valery> (Sorry, right now I'm not heading anywhere specific - if we DO have an agent onboard, Val doesn't want to tip them off on plans. Pretty much flying in circles for a while)
[20:42] * Koizumi stands and growls out "Phobos Makeup!" With all the brilliant lights and expectations, duplicating the transformation flawlessly.
[20:43] * Koizumi is now known as Sailor_Phobos
[20:43] * Alaric facepalms.
[20:43] <Yarrow> (Not helping your cause by describing it that way. ;) )
[20:43] * Alaric mutters through his hand.
[20:43] * Xui-Fei blinks
[20:43] <Sailor_Phobos> (well, since someone copy pasted mine :P)
[20:43] <Alaric> "... professor told me.. days like this."
[20:43] <Yarrow> Phobos: "Incredible..."
[20:43] <Xui-Fei> "....and I wonder if Sensei had days like this"
[20:44] <Sailor_Phobos> (And I'm too tired to do a whole lot of thinking)
[20:44] * Alaric looks up, his expression a little.. irked.
[20:44] <Yarrow> (All of sensei's days were like this)
[20:44] <Toast> "Now can we eject them both?"
[20:44] <Alaric> "No, we can't."
[20:44] * Sailor_Phobos leands on her cane, sighing. "Maybe you should just toss us both out..I don't want to be a burden...not like this"
[20:44] <Yarrow> Phobos: "You know what... if you can't tell which of us is the fake, maybe you should."
[20:44] <Alaric> "Because if one of them can read minds, and is hostile, they know many things they cannot be allowed to go free with."
[20:45] <Alaric> "..I'm afraid simply letting both go is not an option."
[20:45] <Toast> "Can we kill them both then?"
[20:45] <Alaric> "Not yet."
[20:46] * Alaric looks over at Xui-Fei.
[20:46] * Sailor_Phobos nods with a sigh, sitting back down. Dismissing her transformation. Leaning on her cane with a sigh. "Damnit all..."
[20:46] * Sailor_Phobos is now known as Koizumi
[20:46] <Alaric> "Can you do one of those martial arts things.. you know, ki senses and stuff, to tell which is which?"
[20:46] <Alaric> "Wait a sec."
[20:46] * Alaric looks at Koizumi.
[20:46] <Yarrow> Phobos sighs.
[20:47] <Alaric> "Read her friggin' mind and tell us what she knows will prove she isn't you!"
[20:47] <Yarrow> Phobos: "I think I know how to solve this..."
[20:47] * Koizumi smiles in Alaric's direction sadly. "I can't when in that form, the power is put into other things. And as I am now, I can't read at all."
[20:48] <Alaric> "aaaagh!"
[20:48] * Alaric growls in frustration.
[20:48] <Yarrow> Phobos shrugs, palms up.
[20:48] <Alaric> quickly, "Don't blow up the chopper!"
[20:49] <Toast> "Awww."
[20:49] <Yarrow> Phobos says conversationally, "Light Wave," and a beam of light shoots up from a hand into Metel's roof.
[20:49] * Xui-Fei examins the beam
[20:49] <Koizumi> "Crap! Stop her!"
[20:49] <Alaric> "What the hell!?"
[20:49] <Yarrow> roll 2d6+8
[20:49] <Lightdice> Yarrow roll 2d6+8 --> [ 2d6=10 ]{18}
[20:50] * Xui-Fei readies his wand
[20:50] * Toast tackles Phobos out of Metel
[20:50] <Valery> (Oh joy...)
[20:50] <Yarrow> The beam cuts through the roof effortlessly and Metel shudders, sputtering.
[20:51] <Toast> roll 2d6+4
[20:51] <Lightdice> Toast roll 2d6+4 --> [ 2d6=2 ]{6}
[20:51] <Koizumi> "Watch out! She might summon Kusunagi!"
[20:51] <Toast> (loool0
[20:51] <Yarrow> Val: Pilot check to bring her down safely.
[20:51] <Alaric> "What's a kusanagi!"
[20:51] <Koizumi> "My sword!"
[20:51] <Yarrow> Toast abandons ship, sailing out the door.
[20:51] <Alaric> "Well then, summon it back!"
[20:51] <Valery> (Mind?)
[20:51] * Alaric sounds a little panicky.
[20:52] <Xui-Fei> "Shit, Mjollnir Star Power Make Up!" and transforms
[20:52] <Valery> (Or Body
[20:52] <Yarrow> Avg body & mind
[20:52] <Valery> ? Which stat?)
[20:52] * Xui-Fei is now known as Sailor_Mjollnir
[20:52] <Valery> roll 2d6+7
[20:52] <Lightdice> Valery roll 2d6+7 --> [ 2d6=6 ]{13}
[20:52] * Sailor_Mjollnir is now known as Salior_Mjollnir
[20:52] * Valery grits his teeth, carefully nursing the controls.
[20:52] * Alaric looks around wildly -- where's Mai in all this?
[20:53] <Koizumi> "She's a perfect copy, if she can replicate the Light Wave, he can replicate Kusunagi"
[20:53] <Alaric> "And what's a light wave?"
[20:53] <Koizumi> "The blast she just used"
[20:53] <Valery> "That!"
[20:53] <Yarrow> Mai's just sitting there watching with all the calm of someone already dead.
[20:53] <Salior_Mjollnir> "cowardly attack," she says pointing her hammer at the one who did attack the ship, "fear the wrath of asguard"
[20:54] <Alaric> (do it! lightning storm in the middle of the chopper! it'll be classic!)
[20:54] <Yarrow> Phobos shrugs. "I only have a three day lifespan anyway."
[20:54] <Alaric> (is she just standing there, or are we in combat time?)
[20:55] <Yarrow> Val manages to bring Metel into a controlled descent.
[20:55] * Alaric draws his gun and takes a shot if he's got time.
[20:55] * Salior_Mjollnir stalks forward to the duplicate
[20:55] <Yarrow> She's just standing there for the moment. If someone attacks, you'll go into combat time.
[20:55] <Koizumi> "She can probably also summon the Light Shield. It's a powerful defense mechanism"
[20:55] <Valery> (Tell me when we're landed, 'kay?)
[20:56] <Alaric> (I attack)
[20:56] <Yarrow> Everyone roll init.
[20:57] <Koizumi> 2d8+3
[20:57] <Koizumi> roll 2d8+3
[20:57] <Lightdice> Koizumi roll 2d8+3 --> [ 2d8=9 ]{12}
[20:57] <Salior_Mjollnir> roll 2d8+5
[20:57] <Lightdice> Salior_Mjollnir roll 2d8+5 --> [ 2d8=12 ]{17}
[20:57] <Salior_Mjollnir> (....)
[20:57] <Alaric> roll 2d6+10 init
[20:57] <Lightdice> Alaric roll 2d6+10 init --> [ 2d6=9 ]{19}
[20:57] <Valery> (Koi, Mjoll... d6es)
[20:57] <Salior_Mjollnir> (brb)
[20:58] <Valery> roll 2d6+4
[20:58] <Lightdice> Valery roll 2d6+4 --> [ 2d6=7 ]{11}
[20:58] <Yarrow> roll 2d6+5 Phobos
[20:58] <Lightdice> Yarrow roll 2d6+5 Phobos --> [ 2d6=7 ]{12}
[20:59] <Salior_Mjollnir> roll 2d6+5
[20:59] <Lightdice> Salior_Mjollnir roll 2d6+5 --> [ 2d6=3 ]{8}
[20:59] <Salior_Mjollnir> (woop)
[20:59] * Yarrow changes topic to 'Alaric, Koi/Phobos, Val, Mjoll'
[21:00] <Yarrow> Kinda cute that Phobos & Koi tied.
[21:00] <Yarrow> Alaric's up.
[21:00] <Valery> (Koi rolled d8s, though.)
[21:00] <Koizumi> oh? oops, lol
[21:00] <Koizumi> roll 2d6+3
[21:00] <Valery> (Ah well, the twins going simultaneously is cooler anyway :P )
[21:00] <Lightdice> Koizumi roll 2d6+3 --> [ 2d6=7 ]{10}
[21:00] <Yarrow> She can keep the simul roll.
[21:00] <Koizumi> ok)
[21:01] * Alaric fires his handgun at Phobos.
[21:01] <Alaric> roll 2d6+4
[21:01] <Lightdice> Alaric roll 2d6+4 --> [ 2d6=8 ]{12}
[21:01] <Yarrow> roll 2d6+8
[21:01] <Alaric> (btw where's toast, hasn't he teleported back in yet?)
[21:01] <Lightdice> Yarrow roll 2d6+8 --> [ 2d6=10 ]{18}
[21:01] <Alaric> (we were sitting around talking for a good while)
[21:02] <Toast> (Toast is dead)
[21:02] <Toast> (ish)
[21:02] <Alaric> (lol)
[21:02] <Toast> (40 damage for falling out of the helicopter, which is my max HP)
[21:02] <Toast> (and yarrow made fun of me for not taking the body armor, which is kind of pissing me off)
[21:02] <Koizumi> ("Throw them out...throw them out!" ~brrrrrrrwwwrrrrr~ Eww, he got cut up by the chopper blades while bailing out)
[21:03] <Yarrow> Ok, Toast. You can take a tumble roll, TN 18 to reduce the damage sligtly.
[21:04] <Toast> (... no point, I'd need to roll an 11)
[21:04] <Yarrow> Better than nothing.
[21:04] <Toast> roll 2d6+7
[21:04] <Lightdice> Toast roll 2d6+7 --> [ 2d6=6 ]{13}
[21:04] <Toast> (right)
[21:04] * Toast is now known as Ataru
[21:04] <Ataru> (later guys)
[21:04] <Yarrow> And character death is at -max, isn't it?
[21:05] <Yarrow> And you do have a healer in the party.
[21:05] <Yarrow> So, you might not want to leave just yet.
[21:05] <Ataru> (hence the ish, but combat takes forever)
[21:05] <Valery> (/me pats Ataru)
[21:05] <Yarrow> It could, but he doesn't have to wait for it to be over to heal you.
[21:05] <Yarrow> Anyway. Phobos summons her sword and shield.
[21:05] <Ataru> (and he'll probably get coup de grace'd by a passing droid, with my luck)
[21:06] <Yarrow> Koi's up, simul.
[21:07] <Koizumi> "Phobos Makeup!" And once again summons up her transformation, blarring with the violent and black light swirling around her form, bringing up the robe and slippers. Hair billowing "I won't let you get away with cheap...agh, cliche as this is, cheap copycat!"
[21:07] <Yarrow> Ok, we'll come back to her. Val's busy landing Metel this round. Mjollnir, you're up.
[21:08] <Yarrow> Mjollnir?
[21:08] * Koizumi is now known as Sailor_Phobos
[21:08] <Valery> (Transformation takes a round, I guess?)
[21:08] <Sailor_Phobos> (I dunno)
[21:09] <Yarrow> I was thinking it'd be an action if it wasn't an auto-transform.
[21:09] <Valery> (Ah, gotcha)
[21:09] <Alaric> "Mai, if you have any vampire powers or something, now would be a great time to show 'em off!"
[21:09] <Yarrow> Mai: "Sorry, I don't have any powers at all."
[21:10] <Ataru> (are we sure she's not a spy for the droids?)
[21:10] <Alaric> (no)
[21:10] <Yarrow> She shrugs apologetically.
[21:10] <Alaric> (but we've already got one of those back at the base anyway)
[21:10] <Alaric> (remember the traumatized woman?)
[21:10] <Ataru> (ah)
[21:10] <Yarrow> Mjollnir? Action this round?
[21:11] <Salior_Mjollnir> (just a sec)
[21:11] <Ataru> (anyway, I think I'm going to bed, I'm really tired)
[21:11] <Ataru> (that nap earlier didn't seem to help half as much as I thought it would)
[21:11] * Salior_Mjollnir balls up her fist, "the thundering fist raiken!"
[21:11] <Salior_Mjollnir> roll 2d6+8
[21:11] <Lightdice> Salior_Mjollnir roll 2d6+8 --> [ 2d6=7 ]{15}
[21:12] <Yarrow> roll 2d6+13-1
[21:12] <Lightdice> Yarrow roll 2d6+13-1 --> [ 2d6=8 ]{20}
[21:12] <Alaric> (if you're sure you don't wanna stay up, g'night)
[21:12] <Yarrow> Phobos deflects it with her shield of light.
[21:13] <Yarrow> Val manages to get Metel landed safely.
[21:13] <Yarrow> Top of the order.
[21:13] <Yarrow> Alaric's up.
[21:13] * Alaric tries shooting through the light shield.
[21:13] <Alaric> (i.e. not trying to get around the shield, so acts as armor instead of +defense)
[21:13] <Alaric> roll 2d6+4 blam!
[21:13] <Yarrow> Right.
[21:13] <Lightdice> Alaric roll 2d6+4 blam! --> [ 2d6=9 ]{13}
[21:14] <Yarrow> roll 2d6+8
[21:14] <Lightdice> Yarrow roll 2d6+8 --> [ 2d6=7 ]{15}
[21:14] <Alaric> (only way in hell I'm gonna land a hit)
[21:14] <Alaric> "Damn, I suck with this thing!"
[21:14] <Yarrow> Phobos: "Yep! Anyway, it's been fun!"
[21:14] <Yarrow> She dives out the door.
[21:14] <Valery> (Of course... we're on the GROUND...)
[21:14] * Sailor_Phobos frowns as she goes. "Damn..."
[21:15] <Alaric> "Don't let her get away, she likely knows everything!"
[21:15] <Yarrow> The Real Phobos gets to go at the same time.
[21:15] <Sailor_Phobos> "Kusuangi!"
[21:15] * Sailor_Phobos tries a quick slice for her as she goes.
[21:15] <Sailor_Phobos> rol 2d6+8
[21:15] <Sailor_Phobos> roll 2d6+8
[21:15] <Lightdice> Sailor_Phobos roll 2d6+8 --> [ 2d6=8 ]{16}
[21:16] <Yarrow> You can summon or you can attack. Pick one.
[21:16] <Sailor_Phobos> ...okay, then change of plans, retract that)
[21:16] * Sailor_Phobos tosses her hand out, a beam of light exploding off. "Light Wave
[21:17] <Yarrow> roll 2d6+13-1
[21:17] <Lightdice> Yarrow roll 2d6+13-1 --> [ 2d6=11 ]{23}
[21:17] <Yarrow> Clean miss.
[21:17] <Yarrow> However, Jake now has a shot with the door gun.
[21:17] <Yarrow> roll 2d6+7
[21:17] <Lightdice> Yarrow roll 2d6+7 --> [ 2d6=7 ]{14}
[21:18] <Yarrow> roll 2d6+13-3
[21:18] <Lightdice> Yarrow roll 2d6+13-3 --> [ 2d6=8 ]{18}
[21:18] <Yarrow> Val's up.
[21:20] * Valery quietly stands up from his seat, walking calmly into the cabin, and turns to face the door. "Don't worry, I know how to get rid of her."
[21:21] <Salior_Mjollnir> (so now we got T-1000 modles...geeze what did the Dark Moon Family do watch Termiator for ideas)
[21:21] <Alaric> (when they went back in time)
[21:21] <Valery> (Er, no, this is a clone)
[21:21] <Alaric> (maybe it'sb oth)
[21:22] <Alaric> (it's a T1004, cloned off a human being, constructed with a core of liquid metal surrounded by a discardable shell of flesh)
[21:22] <Alaric> (the real question is how you clone a star seed)
[21:23] * Valery raises a hand, and a slim wand appears for an instant. "Tell me how, Sophia!" Lines of light weave around him, as his body slims, hair growing a little longer, into a feminine form. Blueish circuit paths trace their way up her body, vanishing her normal clothing, and new things appear as she twirls, still looking at the fake Phobos. The shawl appears to stay, though.
[21:23] * Valery is now known as Sophia
[21:24] <Yarrow> And Mjollnir.
[21:24] <Salior_Mjollnir> (how far is she from me?)
[21:24] <Sophia> Sophia's fuku is... a little nonstandard. It looks more like, heaven forbid, an actual military uniform. No tiara. Sensible and rather comfortable brown boots, no high heel. Heavier-than-senshi-standard gloves, that actually look like they could serve a purpose other than decorative. You can't usually see much of the uniform itself, though, since Valery's shawl is usually on and covering everything.
[21:24] <Sophia> You can see a short blue skirt and blue stockings, both with a thick red stripe running down each leg. Under and around the shawl you can also see some of Val's tools and supplies in little packets. If the shawl is removed, you'll see that the top part of the uniform is also pretty much along the same theme - a blue long-sleeved jacket with a pair of thick red stripes running down the front.
[21:24] <Sophia> ... f631dc.jpg[21:24] <Salior_Mjollnir> (lucky you your more modesly dressed than me)
[21:25] <Sophia> (Indeed I am)
[21:25] <Salior_Mjollnir> (can I attack again with the raiken or do I have to throw the hammer)
[21:25] <Yarrow> About 5 meters. You can go with raiken.
[21:25] <Ataru> (fucking Darcsen scum)
[21:25] <Yarrow> If you go after her, that is.
[21:25] <Sophia> (Heh)
[21:26] <Sailor_Phobos> ("Time to drop the hammer!" You roll a 2, and indeed, you 'drop' the hammer, right on your toe)
[21:26] * Salior_Mjollnir readies her fist "Raiken!"
[21:26] <Salior_Mjollnir> roll 2d6+8 come on 12
[21:26] <Lightdice> Salior_Mjollnir roll 2d6+8 come on 12 --> [ 2d6=7 ]{15}
[21:26] <Yarrow> roll 2d6+13-6
[21:26] <Lightdice> Yarrow roll 2d6+13-6 --> [ 2d6=2 ]{9}
[21:26] <Salior_Mjollnir> 43 damage before armor)
[21:26] <Sailor_Phobos> ("Lower shields! ... Wait, wait, I mean FIRE PHASERS!")
[21:27] * Sophia appears to be looking around a little oddly.
[21:27] <Yarrow> Her outfit seems to absorb some of the force, but you hurt her pretty bad.
[21:27] * Sailor_Phobos winces at the impact.
[21:28] <Yarrow> Top of the order. Alaric's up.
[21:28] <Alaric> "Dammit!"
[21:28] <Salior_Mjollnir> (oh hell no way your not connected to the droid are you)
[21:28] * Alaric sets down the gun angrily.
[21:28] <Sailor_Phobos> (no, I'm not :P)
[21:28] <Sophia> (Just sympathy pains)
[21:28] <Salior_Mjollnir> (wasn't sure)
[21:28] <Alaric> "Nietzsche.. Nihilist Power.. Make-up!"
[21:28] <Sailor_Phobos> "That had to hurt..."
[21:29] * Alaric twirls amidst black winds that turn golden, changing him to her.
[21:29] <Sophia> (Ya know, the way all guys across the planet cross their legs when you kick someone in the nads? It ain't exactly appealing to see your own face getting bitchslapped :P )
[21:29] * Alaric is now known as Sailor_Nietzsche
[21:29] <Sailor_Phobos> (And when we do Star Wars, Al will insist on being Darth Nilhis)
[21:29] * Sailor_Nietzsche promptly runs out towards Phobos (and a bit to the side), and is done.
[21:29] <Yarrow> Ok.
[21:30] <Sailor_Nietzsche> (heh)
[21:30] <Salior_Mjollnir> (the group is senshified)
[21:30] <Sailor_Phobos> (Even the villainess)
[21:30] <Yarrow> roll 1d4 1=convenient alleyway
[21:30] <Lightdice> Yarrow roll 1d4 1=convenient alleyway --> [ 1d4=2 ]{2}
[21:31] <Yarrow> Phobos takes a swing at Mjollnir before running further, taking what cover she can.
[21:31] <Salior_Mjollnir> (roll it)
[21:31] <Yarrow> roll 2d6+8-3
[21:31] <Lightdice> Yarrow roll 2d6+8-3 --> [ 2d6=2 ]{7}
[21:31] <Yarrow> DR
[21:31] <Yarrow> roll 2d6+8-3
[21:31] <Lightdice> Yarrow roll 2d6+8-3 --> [ 2d6=6 ]{11}
[21:31] <Salior_Mjollnir> (melee?)
[21:31] <Yarrow> Yes.
[21:31] <Salior_Mjollnir> roll 2d6+8
[21:31] <Lightdice> Salior_Mjollnir roll 2d6+8 --> [ 2d6=11 ]{19}
[21:32] <Sailor_Phobos> (Note to self, never pick a fight with Mjoll, as she has a strong anti-Phobos field)
[21:32] <Yarrow> Mjollnir flows out of the way.
[21:32] <Yarrow> The other Phobos is up.
[21:32] * Sailor_Phobos lets off another blast of the blazing light.
[21:32] <Sailor_Phobos> roll 2d6+8
[21:32] <Lightdice> Sailor_Phobos roll 2d6+8 --> [ 2d6=6 ]{14}
[21:33] <Yarrow> roll 2d6+13
[21:33] <Lightdice> Yarrow roll 2d6+13 --> [ 2d6=4 ]{17}
[21:33] <Yarrow> Sailor_Phobos gets to discover just how annoying her shield is.
[21:33] * Ataru is now known as Toast
[21:33] * Sailor_Phobos doesn't seem to do more than frown about it. "Keep her under fire!"
[21:33] <Yarrow> (We may have to talk about that shield before the next session)
[21:34] <Sailor_Phobos> (We may)
[21:34] <Yarrow> Val's up.
[21:35] * Sophia calmly walks towards (evil) Phobos, flicking her hand through a short arc. "Terror News." Blue arcs slash off her fingers, reaching for Phobos.
[21:35] <Salior_Mjollnir> (/me blinks)
[21:35] <Sophia> roll 2d6+7 attacking straight into the shield, so the shield provides an armour bonus instead of a to-dodge
[21:35] <Lightdice> Sophia roll 2d6+7 attacking straight into the shield, so the shield provides an armour bonus instead of a to-dodge --> [ 2d6=2 ]{9}
[21:35] <Sophia> (Dammit.)
[21:36] <Yarrow> Mjollnir, roll dodge.
[21:36] <Sailor_Phobos> (not yet realising how much damage that shield can soak up...)
[21:37] <Sailor_Phobos> (And 'fear' must not be to impresed with 'terror')
[21:38] <Yarrow> Mjollnir?
[21:38] <Sailor_Phobos> (Thor must've needed his hammer back)
[21:39] <Yarrow> Guess I'll roll for him.
[21:39] <Salior_Mjollnir> range or melee
[21:39] <Yarrow> Ranged.
[21:39] <Salior_Mjollnir> roll 2d6+7
[21:39] <Lightdice> Salior_Mjollnir roll 2d6+7 --> [ 2d6=4 ]{11}
[21:40] <Yarrow> roll 2d6+7
[21:40] <Lightdice> Yarrow roll 2d6+7 --> [ 2d6=6 ]{13}
[21:40] <Yarrow> Make a soul save, TN 10.
[21:40] <Salior_Mjollnir> (me)
[21:40] <Yarrow> Yep.
[21:40] <Salior_Mjollnir> roll 2d6+5 5 or better please
[21:40] <Lightdice> Salior_Mjollnir roll 2d6+5 5 or better please --> [ 2d6=4 ]{9}
[21:40] <Salior_Mjollnir> dr
[21:40] <Sailor_Nietzsche> (oy vey)
[21:40] <Salior_Mjollnir> roll 2d6+5 5 or better please
[21:40] <Lightdice> Salior_Mjollnir roll 2d6+5 5 or better please --> [ 2d6=9 ]{14}
[21:41] <Salior_Mjollnir> (and my lone dr for this form blown)
[21:41] <Toast> (at least you have DR)
[21:41] <Toast> (poor stoat ;_;)
[21:41] <Sophia> (Wow... Xui really is the Backstab King)
[21:41] <Sailor_Phobos> (DR, don't leave home without it)
[21:42] <Sophia> (I obviously shouldn't have...)
[21:42] <Salior_Mjollnir> (hey I made the check)
[21:43] <Sophia> (It's one round anyway :P )
[21:43] <Yarrow> A cloud of ghostly text and whispering voices surround Mjollnir in a foul cloud. "Buy H3RB4L V14GR4 NOW! Low rate mortgages! The REAL penis pill! Re: Invoice #1331545 Re: Last night. Bank of America Security Notice!"
[21:43] <Sophia> (See why I said 'terror news'?)
[21:43] <Yarrow> She dances around shrieking for a second, trying to shake the damned things off of her.
[21:43] <Salior_Mjollnir> (....)
[21:43] <Sailor_Phobos> (Sophia causes people to receive junk mail?)
[21:43] <Sophia> (Though, only Xui can see it :P )
[21:43] * Salior_Mjollnir blinks
[21:43] <Yarrow> Fortunately, she manages to do so, though it looked iffy for a second.
[21:44] <Sailor_Nietzsche> (er, do you mean Mjollnir?)
[21:44] <Sailor_Nietzsche> (describing someone's actions for them is very bogus)
[21:44] <Yarrow> Mjollnir, you're up. You can attack at -3 if you keep pace with Phobos.
[21:44] <Yarrow> Or you can use a ranged attack.
[21:44] <Sophia> (... Xui/Mjoll, whichever name the person has.)
[21:44] * Salior_Mjollnir throws her hammer
[21:45] <Salior_Mjollnir> roll 2d6+7 Thor's Hammer
[21:45] <Lightdice> Salior_Mjollnir roll 2d6+7 Thor's Hammer --> [ 2d6=4 ]{11}
[21:46] <Yarrow> roll 2d6+13-3
[21:46] <Lightdice> Yarrow roll 2d6+13-3 --> [ 2d6=6 ]{16}
[21:46] <Sailor_Phobos> (Performs a wonderful imitation of Xena's chackram, bouncing off three walls, a mailbox, and a street lmamp before returning to your hand. Sadly you threw it own the wrong side of the road)
[21:46] <Yarrow> roll 2d6+7
[21:46] <Lightdice> Yarrow roll 2d6+7 --> [ 2d6=6 ]{13}
[21:46] <Yarrow> roll 2d6+13-6
[21:46] <Lightdice> Yarrow roll 2d6+13-6 --> [ 2d6=5 ]{12}
[21:47] <Salior_Mjollnir> (I got a question for rulling techinally I did make the def roll and the soul I still take the damage
[21:47] <Yarrow> DR
[21:47] <Yarrow> roll 2d6+13-6
[21:47] <Lightdice> Yarrow roll 2d6+13-6 --> [ 2d6=6 ]{13}
[21:47] <Sailor_Nietzsche> (extra actions?)
[21:47] <Sailor_Nietzsche> (oh nm)
[21:47] <Sailor_Nietzsche> (still dodging mjoll)
[21:47] <Yarrow> Jake fires but Phobos barely evades it.
[21:47] <Sailor_Nietzsche> (er not him but others)
[21:49] <Yarrow> Mm, you missed the def roll (I didn't use the 2 for the attack--that just determined that you were targetted). Mm, Sophia, does that attack do damage?
[21:49] <Yarrow> In the meantime, top of the order. Alaric is up.
[21:50] <Sailor_Nietzsche> (er, extra actions at the end of the round?)
[21:50] <Yarrow> Oops, sorry, take your extra action first.
[21:50] <Salior_Mjollnir> (who's action)
[21:51] <Sophia> (Yeah, I sent it to Xui)
[21:51] <Yarrow> Alaric
[21:51] * Sailor_Nietzsche hurls one golden-silver energy discus at evil-Phobos.
[21:51] <Sailor_Nietzsche> roll 2d6+12
[21:51] <Lightdice> Sailor_Nietzsche roll 2d6+12 --> [ 2d6=9 ]{21}
[21:51] * Toast is now known as Ataru
[21:51] <Yarrow> roll 2d6+13-6
[21:51] <Lightdice> Yarrow roll 2d6+13-6 --> [ 2d6=5 ]{12}
[21:51] <Ataru> (g'night guys, i don't think I can hold out)
[21:51] <Sailor_Nietzsche> (g'night)
[21:52] <Yarrow> The discus hits and Phobos goes down.
[21:52] * Sailor_Nietzsche looks arounds.. anything amiss? appropaching droid armies, perhaps?
[21:52] <Sophia> (Night, Ataru)
[21:52] <Sailor_Nietzsche> (btw you're probably about to be healed if that's what you're waiting for)(
[21:52] <Sailor_Nietzsche> (but if you're done fort he night, np)
[21:53] * Sophia growls, walking up to Phobos and just glaring at her.
[21:53] <Yarrow> Nothing seems to be coming at the moment.
[21:53] <Sailor_Phobos> (which one, me one?)
[21:53] <Sophia> (Other one)
[21:53] <Sophia> (The downed one)
[21:53] * Sailor_Nietzsche promptly detransforms.
[21:54] * Sailor_Nietzsche is now known as Alaric
[21:54] <Yarrow> Phobos detransforms.
[21:54] * Alaric walks over to Mjollnir.
[21:54] <Alaric> "Are you allright?"
[21:54] * Alaric is now known as Alaric-chan
[21:54] * Sailor_Phobos let's out a sigh of relief, frowning some at the copy. "At least that's taken care."
[21:55] <Yarrow> Koizumi smiles up at Sophia. "Don't bother checking out evac site #12. Everyone in it had a horrible accident."
[21:55] <Sophia> (Which one?)
[21:55] * Salior_Mjollnir winces in pain..."something I don't want to experience again" she says as she detransforms
[21:55] * Salior_Mjollnir is now known as Xui-Fei-chan
[21:55] <Yarrow> Which one what?
[21:56] <Sophia> (Which Koizumi's talking to me?)
[21:56] <Yarrow> ... guess.
[21:56] <Yarrow> (The fake one...)
[21:56] * Xui-Fei-chan blinks, "wow I sound really funky when in senshi
[21:56] <Sophia> (Well, I'd guess it's evil-one since Dorin-one has a player, but I thought evil-one was unconscious...)
[21:56] <Sophia> (Heh, gotcha)
[21:57] <Yarrow> roll 2d6+4
[21:57] <Lightdice> Yarrow roll 2d6+4 --> [ 2d6=3 ]{7}
[21:57] <Yarrow> Get knocked out in senshi form and you revert to normal form but are stunned.
[21:57] <Sophia> (Ah, gotcha, doh)
[21:57] <Sophia> roll 2d6+8 Mind touch
[21:57] <Lightdice> Sophia roll 2d6+8 Mind touch --> [ 2d6=7 ]{15}
[21:57] <Yarrow> Can move but not take any other actions. Apparently, this applies to clones too.
[21:58] <Sophia> "I'm sure it was very accidental."
[21:59] <Yarrow> Koizumi2: "Well... maybe not very..."
[21:59] <Yarrow> She giggles.
[22:00] * Sailor_Phobos turns away with a chilled expression
[22:00] * Sophia nods. "I understand." She brings her carbine up to her shoulder.
[22:00] <Alaric-chan> "Could someone please saw her in half with gunfire, or something similar but less messy?"
[22:00] <Sophia> roll 2d6+7
[22:00] <Lightdice> Sophia roll 2d6+7 --> [ 2d6=3 ]{10}
[22:01] <Sophia> "Already done."
[22:01] * Xui-Fei-chan blinks, "ok not quite used to this...." she says as she tried a kata and not being able to
[22:01] <Yarrow> Sophia guns Koizumi down.
[22:02] * Sailor_Phobos winces again, before dispelling her own transformation. Leaning on her cane once returned to normal, and all the horrors of her condition crashing back down on her.
[22:03] * Sophia grimaces, replacing the magazine with a fresh one and refilling the used one with some spare bullets from a pocket.
[22:04] <Yarrow> Toast comes crawling over in stoat form. "I ... hate... human ... form..."
[22:05] * Alaric-chan is immediately alarmed, and fast-walks over to Toast.
[22:05] * Xui-Fei-chan picks up the stoat cradeling the little ermie between her ample cleavage
[22:05] <Alaric-chan> "What happened to --.. oh."
[22:05] * Sailor_Phobos turns in the direction of voices of the others and bows, having to hold up the pants loaned to her. "Please forgive me for all the trouble...that thing caused."
[22:05] <Yarrow> Toast seems ok, but a bit dazed.
[22:05] <Yarrow> (Knocked out of senshi-equivalent form)
[22:06] * Sophia shakes her head. "Not your fault."
[22:06] <Yarrow> Toast squirms a bit in Xui-Fei-chan's cleavage. "Why do humans have so much fat?"
[22:06] * Sailor_Phobos nods and sighs. "No...but still...I just hope they don't have an army of them waiting somewhere." Shudders.
[22:06] <Xui-Fei-chan> "though who is making these droids....first metal, then glass then rubber now dopplegangers?"
[22:06] * Sophia sighs, walking up to stroke Metel's hull. "... Sorry girl..."
[22:07] * Alaric-chan waits.. waits.. concentrates..
[22:07] <Yarrow> (Koizumi3 emerges from the cloning chamber. ;) )
[22:07] * Alaric-chan is now known as Alaric
[22:07] <Yarrow> (Or should that be K-O-izumi-3?)
[22:07] <Alaric> angrily, "Finally."
[22:08] * Sailor_Phobos begins to make use of her cane in the common style associated with the blind, using the brass-coated butt to feel for obstructions. "Now...who are you people?"
[22:08] * Xui-Fei-chan blinks, "that was fast
[22:08] <Yarrow> Nick change, Dorin?
[22:08] * Xui-Fei-chan tries concentrating back to normal
[22:08] * Sailor_Phobos is now known as Koizumi
[22:08] <Koizumi> Need to program a command for that)
[22:08] <Yarrow> Everyone can change back in a very short time.
[22:08] * Alaric quickly heals the Stoat, and then Mjollnir.
[22:08] <Sophia> "Survivors."
[22:09] * Xui-Fei-chan is now known as Xui-Fei
[22:09] <Yarrow> Chance is looking up through the hole in Metel's roof. "Mmm. Not good, Val."
[22:09] * Sophia frowns, and drops her transformation, turning into a more normal-looking girl.
[22:09] * Sophia is now known as Valery
[22:09] * Xui-Fei looks at Koizumi, "Xui-Fei Chuan student of Musabetsu Kakuto Saotome-Ryu"
[22:09] * Koizumi nods giving a long sigh. "So, we're all in the same boat then...but why...I just heard two women that weren't here...but now...there's that Doctor fellow's voice again"
[22:09] * Valery peers up. "Dammit... get me some... eh?"
[22:09] <Koizumi> "And...his..Xui's voice"
[22:10] <Koizumi> (Change that two to a three)
[22:10] <Xui-Fei> "well me and doc unfrotunally change genders when in senshi form
[22:10] <Yarrow> Chance: "It looks like it can be fixed. But we'll need parts and tools."
[22:11] * Koizumi blinks, "Eh?" Walks her way to the direction of Xui's voice, and blindly fumbles out her hand for a chest grope.
[22:11] * Valery shakes her head vigorously. "Why isn't it...? I can DO this, but... I can't think of how..."
[22:11] * Xui-Fei blinks you feel a very manly chest
[22:11] * Alaric is rather quiet.. having healed, he's now observing Koizumi2, or whatever's left of her.
[22:12] * Koizumi runs her hands along, looking off to the side, frowning. "Gender switching? And I thought I had problems..."
[22:12] <Yarrow> Mai hops out of Metel and walks over to Xui-Fei.
[22:12] * Xui-Fei looks at Mai
[22:12] * Valery rubs her temples, and suddenly blinks. "... Okay. I guess I was just distracted... that was a rush. I can kludge it, if you can get some metal... my toolkit will cover the rest."
[22:12] <Yarrow> She says in a slightly flat voice that you figure comes with being dead, "Doesn't waste any time, does she?"
[22:12] <Yarrow> She removes Koizumi's hand from Xui-Fei's chest.
[22:13] <Xui-Fei> "well if I was blind I'd have to have proof too you know" he says non chalaulnetly
[22:13] * Koizumi rubs her fingers along Mai's wrist a moment. "Oh..sorry Mai...but..he turns into a girl? Isn't that a little..compliocated?"
[22:14] <Xui-Fei> "seems it's only temperary" he says,
[22:14] <Koizumi> "Oh, well, that's good...I guess."
[22:14] <Yarrow> Mai's wrist is cold.
[22:15] * Koizumi shrugs, resuming standing quietly. Her eyes remain closed the entire time.
[22:15] <Xui-Fei> "though I am used to it my sensei in martial arts, the Saotome's have a family curse that any male changes genders when in contact with cold or hot water"
[22:15] <Yarrow> Chance: "Mm... yeah. How's a car door sound?"
[22:16] * Xui-Fei blinks at Mai, "granted I hadn't seen you in a while why the dead body feel"
[22:16] * Koizumi blinks, looking in Xui's direction without looking completely convinced. "I...right...'
[22:16] <Yarrow> Mai just looks at Xui-Fei for a long moment. "Because I'm dead."
[22:17] <Alaric> "Oh, right, dead."
[22:17] <Yarrow> When you look for it, you notice that Mai isn't breathing. And she doesn't shift around like normal people do to keep comfortable.
[22:18] * Alaric quits staring at the corpse, and walks over to where everyone else has gathered.
[22:18] * Valery purses her lips, and nods. "That'll be great, it'll have some wiring I can use in case she got any circuits, the aluminum paneling will be pretty good for hull..."
[22:19] * Xui-Fei blinks, "damn...." he says,
[22:19] <Yarrow> Chance: "Great. Open the driver's side of that car over there and I'll shoot off the door."
[22:19] * Xui-Fei looks at Mai, "I'm sorry I wasn't able to save you"
[22:20] * Alaric hesitates a bit, seeing xui-Fei apparently getting into a serious conversation, and moseys over to where Valery is at.
[22:20] <Alaric> to Valery, "Want a hand?"
[22:20] <Yarrow> Mai smiles slightly and shakes her head. "Do you know, I was planning to tell you yesterday how I felt about you and ask you out..."
[22:21] <Yarrow> Mai: "But I guess we missed each other."
[22:21] <Alaric> (But... but.. it doesn't have to end here! You've seen World of Warcraft porn, haven't you?)
[22:21] <Koizumi> (I gotta crash soon, I'm worn out)
[22:21] <Yarrow> Ok, Dorin.
[22:21] * Xui-Fei blinks, "oh...."
[22:21] * Valery nods. "Yeah... if you could hold things for me, that'd probably speed it up a bit... help me sorting?"
[22:22] <Koizumi> G'night)
[22:22] <Alaric> "Sure.. that sounds good. I can probably help pull stuff apart too, if need be."
[22:22] <Xui-Fei> "Beth tried the same thing when I saw her yesterday....then tried to drag me on of these droids ships"
[22:22] * Valery walks over to the door of the nearby car, opens it, and skedaddles to let Chance shoot.
[22:22] <Alaric> (g'night)
[22:22] <Yarrow> Mai inhales and sighs. "Oh, well. I guess that's just how life is. Well, at least I can still watch out for you this way."
[22:22] <Valery> (And, night Dorin)
[22:22] <Yarrow> Chance fires and shoots the door off.
[22:22] * Alaric startles badly at the gunfire.
[22:22] * Koizumi ( Quit (Quit: )
[22:23] <Alaric> "Oh well, I suppose we already made plenty of noise one way or another.."
[22:23] * Valery nods. "Could you help me... no, never mind, we'll disassemble it here."
[22:23] * Xui-Fei nods with a smirk, "I can live with that"
[22:23] <Yarrow> Mai: "Beth? Blond hair? Seth's friend?"
[22:24] * Xui-Fei nods
[22:24] <Alaric> "Just tell me what to do, I'm not much with mechanics."
[22:24] <Xui-Fei> "yeah that's her"
[22:24] <Yarrow> Mai's lips curl into a smile. "I bet this whole invasion is because the queen of the droids fell in love with you and sent her army to get you."
[22:25] * Xui-Fei blinks
[22:25] <Valery> "Okay... I'll be passing you sheets of metal, circuits, and scrap. I'll call out as I hand it to you, so if you could just put them in appropriate piles?"
[22:26] <Xui-Fei> "I don't remember meeting any queen of droids....though that red headed comander might pass for it..."
[22:26] <Yarrow> Mai: "She probably gazed upon you from afar, through her magic telescope..."
[22:27] <Alaric> "Sounds good, I can handle that."
[22:27] <Yarrow> Koizumi goes to sit in Metel. It's still raining, after all.
[22:27] <Alaric> "Um.. one thing first, though."
[22:27] * Xui-Fei blinks, "oh please that only happens to the queen I'm just a simple martial artist"
[22:27] <Yarrow> Toast: "Wait up. I want to get out of this rain, too!"
[22:27] <Yarrow> Toast rides her into the helicopter.
[22:27] * Alaric concentrates for a moment.. and suddently sprouts fur all across his largely-naked body.
[22:27] <Xui-Fei> (oh joy...wet cat)
[22:27] * Alaric then breaks out his other raincoat, and puts it on.
[22:28] * Valery pulls out a few tools - wrench, pliers, cutters - and her hands suddenly start moving very very fast. It's not beyond human capability, but it's still kind of freaky since she never actually slows down or pauses.
[22:28] <Valery> Cutting down the plastic/cloth bits on the inside, passing them to Alaric - "Scrap" - carefully sneaking her fingers in and pulling out wires - "Circuits" - pulling out mechanical gizmos - "Scrap" - and generally peeling the door down to the outer shell.
[22:28] <Yarrow> Mai: "You were never a simple martial artist to me."
[22:28] <Valery> The whole affair is done in about two minutes.
[22:28] * Xui-Fei blushes
[22:29] * Alaric fidgets a little, trying to get the jacket to sit right on his newfound fur, but doesn't bitch about it verbally, and helps move the stuff around and sorts it as requested.
[22:29] <Yarrow> Mai: "Too bad my love life ended with the regular one."
[22:29] <Yarrow> Mai: "But don't worry. I'll make sure you find someone good enough for you."
[22:29] * Valery stands up, holding the door's shell (or rather, propping it up). "Could you help me carry this up to the top?"
[22:29] <Yarrow> Mai smiles at Xui-Fei.
[22:30] * Xui-Fei smiles, before looking up, "come on lets get out of this rain...I'm getting soaked here"
[22:31] <Alaric> "of course."
[22:31] <Yarrow> Mai: "Sure."
[22:31] * Alaric picks it up easily.. surprisingly easily, given it's weight.
[22:31] <Alaric> "Let me handle the heavy stuff."
[22:32] <Yarrow> Mai gets into Metel, and almost perversely, stands under the hole in the roof, getting rained on.
[22:32] * Valery blinks, nodding. "I guess I will... Hm. No ladder, so I'm gonna need you to give me a boost onto the wing."
[22:32] * Alaric will procede to do so.
[22:32] <Alaric> "Here, use this as a step-up."
[22:33] * Alaric holds the salvage flat, so Valery can use it as a stepping-stone to the top.
[22:33] * Valery smiles, and hauls herself up there. "Thank you."
[22:33] <Alaric> "No problem."
[22:34] * Valery ducks down and extends her hands to help Alaric up.
[22:34] * Alaric accepts the hand-up and makes his way up-top.
[22:34] <Yarrow> Mai: "So, what's been happening with you?"
[22:35] <Valery> (Is the rotor damaged, Yarrow? Or just the roof?)
[22:35] <Xui-Fei> "not much, woke up with a roof on top of me found my other friends dead, nearly got aducted, got stabbed in the back several times"
[22:35] <Yarrow> The rotor itself isn't damaged, but the mechanism that turns it is trashed.
[22:36] <Alaric> "now, that doesn't look good at all."
[22:38] <Yarrow> Mai: "You're just too attractive for your own good, Xui-Fei."
[22:38] * Valery smiles, and lays down under the rotor, peeling back the mechanism's armour shell and peering in. "It looks worse than it is. It was autorotating enough to bring us down safely, so the structure is okay."
[22:38] * Xui-Fei blinks
[22:40] <Xui-Fei> "I don't know why being stabbed in the back would consider me fact it's kinda painfull"
[22:40] <Yarrow> Mai: "Well, you attracted the ones that stabbed you in the back."
[22:41] <Alaric> "I'll take your word for it."
[22:41] <Yarrow> Mai shrugs.
[22:41] * Xui-Fei raises an eyebrow at that
[22:41] <Valery> "This mechanism is mostly wires, and there are plenty of those in the car. Now... if the engines are damaged, we're going to need to go back and cannibalize some engine parts too, otherwise this'll be structural repair and replacing wires."
[22:42] <Alaric> "...allright."
[22:42] <Alaric> "What do you need me to do, ferry stuff up here?"
[22:42] <Yarrow> Mai: "Sorry. Just trying to be positive where I can."
[22:43] <Valery> "Mm... no, don't worry, I'll go back down if we need engine parts. Right now I'll just see what we need..."
[22:43] <Yarrow> Mai: "So, any special living and breathing women in your life right now?"
[22:43] <Valery> (What DO we need, Yarrow? Engine fried, or no? :P )
[22:43] <Yarrow> Jake and Chance's ears perk up. Literally.
[22:44] * Xui-Fei blinks, "not sure at the moment"
[22:44] <Xui-Fei> "I'm more focused on saving what surivors I can before that"
[22:45] <Yarrow> You'll need 20 minutes and 2 mechanics checks, TN 12. 20 minutes, assuming you succeed on those rolls.
[22:46] <Yarrow> Mai: "Of course. I wouldn't expect any less from you."
[22:46] <Yarrow> Let's see those rolls, Valery. :)
[22:47] <Valery> roll 2#2d6+7
[22:47] <Lightdice> Valery roll 2#2d6+7 --> [ 2d6=5 ]{12}, [ 2d6=11 ]{18}
[22:47] <Valery> (Da-da-da-daaaaa!)
[22:47] <Xui-Fei> (did you just pull a Zelda tresure find music)
[22:47] <Valery> (Er... no, that was more a 'triumphant chorus')
[22:48] <Yarrow> Ok, you work on Metel and things are going well. You think you'll be able to get her into the air and bring her someplace better for repairs in a few more minutes.
[22:50] <Yarrow> Chance: "We going to be able to do real repairs at HQ or do we need to go back to the yard, Val?"
[22:52] <Valery> "Mm... We don't really have any supplies at HQ, do we?"
[22:52] <Yarrow> Chance: "Not for this sort of thing, not really... Don't have to worry about being overrun by droids while we work, though."
[22:53] <Yarrow> Jake: "Maybe we can make a quick trip to the yard and pick up some stuff?"
[22:54] * Valery sighs. "... I think that might be the best option..."
[22:54] <Yarrow> Valery finishes up.
[22:54] <Alaric> "Given that we have no other options for mobility.. I suppose almost any risk would be acceptable."
[22:55] <Yarrow> Jake: "Well, there are plenty of cars lying around, but they wouldn't be nearly as safe..."
[22:55] <Xui-Fei> "how about grabbing what we need taking it back to hq? or do you want to just get the stuff needed from the Junk Yard?"
[22:55] <Valery> "Metel-chan can handle a few tons... once the real repairs are made at HQ, we can head back to the junkyard and pick up a load of supplies to stock up."
[22:56] <Alaric> "Car's can't carry any survivors we find, though.."
[22:56] * Valery shakes her head. "No, I don't want to strain the axle with this hasty job."
[22:56] <Yarrow> Chance: "Will we need to get some stuff from the yard before we can make those real repairs?"
[22:58] <Valery> "Some, yes, but I want to keep the load as light as I can to keep the strain off the rush job. If it breaks we'll be in trouble."
[22:58] <Yarrow> Chance nods.
[22:59] <Alaric> "In any case.. we should probably get moving as soon as it's safe to do so."
[22:59] <Yarrow> Metel is goodish to go.
[22:59] <Alaric> "Remaining still increases the odds that any notice of our activity could result in conflict.."
[23:00] * Valery nods, slapping the coverings back into place and sliding down the hull to land on the ground. "Metel's as ready as we can get her right now."
[23:01] <Xui-Fei> "right then we better get out of here then"
[23:02] <Yarrow> Val starts up Metel and takes her up into the air. It doesn't quite sound or feel right, but it works.
[23:03] <Yarrow> You fly off to Jake & Chance's yard and discover, much to your relief, that junkyards are apparently very low on the droids' list of places to occupy.
[23:03] <Yarrow> You quickly load up what you need and return to HQ without incident.
[23:04] * Alaric will writing his hair out along the way, leaving a bit of a puddle behind him.
[23:05] <Yarrow> As you land, the rain even lets up a bit.
[23:05] * Valery shakes her head on landing, and quickly climbs out, starting to offload the repair items. "This will take a while, but..."
[23:06] * Xui-Fei nods, "need any help I may not be good with tools but I can lift stuff up if needed
[23:07] <Valery> "Yeah... and if anyone could get a few ladders and scaffolding, that would be lovely."
[23:07] * Alaric looks up, and curses softly.
[23:07] <Yarrow> Jake: "Why don't you come with me and get some, Xui-Fei."
[23:07] <Alaric> "We may have missed a window of opportunity, thanks to that fiasco.."
[23:08] <Yarrow> Chance: "Oh, I'll come along too."
[23:08] * Valery nods. "Yes... on the other hand, Toast's 'debris' plan might work now."
[23:09] * Xui-Fei blinks being led off by the cat girls
[23:09] <Yarrow> Mai: "Actually, if you both go, Xui-Fei can stay here and get equipment unloaded."
[23:09] <Alaric> dubiously, "I suppose."
[23:10] <Yarrow> Mai: "I'll give you a hand, Xui-Fei. I may not be incredibly strong, but I don't get tired any more."
[23:10] * Alaric opens his mouth to say something, then closes it.
[23:10] * Alaric looks over at Valery.
[23:11] <Alaric> "I suppose we'd better all help out, it'll go the fastest."
[23:11] <Alaric> "... though I'd best have a look at Koizumi."
[23:11] * Valery nods, smiling. "Thank you all for the help."
[23:11] <Yarrow> Jake & Chance, unethusiastically: "Sure..."
[23:12] <Yarrow> Mai: "Come on, Xui, help me with this ... whatever it is."
[23:12] * Xui-Fei shrugs and helps Mai, "sure"
[23:12] <Yarrow> Koizumi seems all right but a bit withdrawn.
[23:13] * Alaric will check her health, and make sure she's at least somewhat recovered from her earlier hypothermia, before coming back to help with the heavy lifting.
[23:13] <Yarrow> You send her inside to take a hot shower, get some clothes, and get some hot food inside her.
[23:14] <Yarrow> Dizzy comes up shortly after. "You're back soon! Did everything go... oh. I guess not."
[23:15] <Alaric> "Well, there's good news.. we picked up another Senshi."
[23:15] <Alaric> "Everything else.. not so good."
[23:15] <Alaric> "Er.."
[23:15] <Alaric> "Sorry, Mai, I didn't mean it that way."
[23:15] * Alaric looks appologetically at the deader.
[23:15] * Valery waves slightly. "It seems I was one too..."
[23:16] <Valery> (Dizzy: "Er, who's she?")
[23:16] <Alaric> "We have.. a surfeit of senshi."
[23:16] <Yarrow> Mai: "It's ok."
[23:16] * Alaric sounds proud of this horrible phrase.
[23:16] <Yarrow> Jake (who returned with Chance and some ladders/scaffolding a while ago): "Yeah. Picked up one too many today."
[23:17] <Alaric> "Oh, and who knows how many enemy clones that look exactly like people we knew may be running around?"
[23:17] <Alaric> "We haven't quite figured out a way to identify them, either."
[23:18] <Alaric> ", really, I'm not kidding in the slightest."
[23:18] <Valery> "Actually..."
[23:19] <Yarrow> Dizzy: "...clones?"
[23:19] <Xui-Fei> "yeah now we can add Doppleganers to the list of droid types
[23:19] * Valery holds up a hand. "I'm a... telepath? Something. In senshi form."
[23:20] <Yarrow> Dizzy: "So, these dopplegangers can look like other people?"
[23:21] <Alaric> "Yes, even us. They can power up in Senshi form too, if they've taken one of our forms.. from our blood, apparently."
[23:21] <Yarrow> Dizzy stares. "That's ... not good!"
[23:21] <Xui-Fei> "no it's not" he agrees
[23:22] <Alaric> "Nope, not in the least."
[23:22] <Alaric> "Er.. sorry."
[23:22] <Alaric> "Getting a little punchy here.."
[23:22] <Yarrow> Dizzy looks in Xui-Fei's direction and sees Mai. "Oh! You don't look good at all!"
[23:22] <Yarrow> She quickly goes over to check Mai's health.
[23:23] <Alaric> "She's very dead, I'm afraid. No logical explaination for her continued mobility or consciousness, either."
[23:23] <Yarrow> Mai: "Actually, we prefer the term 'living impaired'."
[23:23] <Alaric> smiling, "So noted."
[23:24] <Yarrow> Dizzy stops, looking confused. "Living ... impaired?"
[23:24] <Yarrow> Mai smiles. "Just joking. If you can't laugh at being dead, what can you laugh at."
[23:24] * Xui-Fei shuts up with that
[23:25] <Yarrow> Dizzy: "Of course... By the way, where's Keiko? Did she come in already?"
[23:25] <Alaric> "Wait.. what?"
[23:25] * Alaric is a little alarmed.
[23:25] <Alaric> "We left without her."
[23:25] <Alaric> "Told her to stay behind and help you if anything came up."
[23:26] <Alaric> "She wasn't too thrilled about it, but......damn!"
[23:26] <Yarrow> Dizzy: "You what? I haven't seen her since you left! I'll go in and ask around."
[23:26] <Alaric> "Valery! Is she on that scanner anywhere?"
[23:26] <Yarrow> She quickly goes back inside.
[23:27] <Yarrow> The scanner doesn't show her, but then again, it hasn't shown any of you since you've joined the group.
[23:28] <Alaric> "Too much to hope, I suppose.. damnation!"
[23:28] * Valery blinks. "Oh... no..."
[23:28] * Alaric looks from side to side, looking for something to do.. before abruptly stopping, closing his eyes, and taking a deep breath.
[23:30] * Alaric opens his eyes.
[23:30] <Alaric> "We can't do anything productive about this until we've fixed Metel. Let's get to that."
[23:31] <Alaric> "Assuming Keiko followed us from HQ."
[23:31] <Alaric> (...and didn't try jumping off the top and splat at the bottom, haha)
[23:31] <Yarrow> About 10 minutes after she left, Dizzy returns with a cart loaded with food and drink and an unfamiliar man.
[23:32] <Yarrow> Dizzy: "Jake here saw Keiko. And eat."
[23:32] <Yarrow> Jake: "Yeah... Little girl about this big?" He describes Keiko.
[23:33] * Valery takes a glass of water, and nods. "Yes..."
[23:33] <Yarrow> Jake M: "I saw her downstairs. She was heading for the door. She said she was going out to patrol. I tried to stop her, but when she picked me up with one hand, I figured she could handle herself."
[23:33] * Alaric grabs something sandwichy and scarfs it down.
[23:34] <Yarrow> Jake M: "She said she was a senshi."
[23:35] <Yarrow> The others (minus Mai) eat and drink, too.
[23:35] <Alaric> "...not much y ou could have done, she was strong enough to get her way.. and too young to know better."
[23:35] <Alaric> "We'll try to find her."
[23:35] * Alaric doesn't sound terribly hopeful.
[23:35] <Alaric> "Did you see which way she headed?"
[23:36] * Valery winces, nodding. "At least on foot she can't have gotten too far... if we look from overhead we might have a chance of finding her..."
[23:36] <Yarrow> Jake M: "No. I figured she was just going to go around the building and check things out. You know, patrol."
[23:36] * Xui-Fei shakes his head, "well at least we'll be able to follow here trail"
[23:36] <Valery> "How long ago...?"
[23:37] <Yarrow> Jake M, unahppily: "Hours..."
[23:37] <Valery> (... We were GONE for hours? O_o )
[23:38] <Yarrow> Over an hour, certainly. Let's say 45 minutes travel time, 20 minutes repair time, 5 minutes combat & talk time, plus however long you took to load up equipment. And then however long you've been back.
[23:38] <Alaric> (woulda called that 40-50 minutes tops.. wehre'd all the time go?)
[23:39] <Alaric> (CT is that big?)
[23:39] <Alaric> (that makes it like.. well.. at least 20-30 miles in some direction)
[23:39] <Yarrow> Well, you headed to the two Ally points, then to the yard, and then back.
[23:39] <Valery> (Gotcha)
[23:39] <Yarrow> So, it wasn't a straight line out and back.
[23:40] * Valery frowns. "I see..."
[23:40] <Yarrow> More like a triangle.
[23:40] <Yarrow> And you were not going at full speed after the spot repairs.
[23:41] <Alaric> (fair 'nuff)
[23:42] <Yarrow> Jake M, hopefully: "Maybe she's just going in circles around the building?"
[23:43] <Yarrow> Chance shakes her head. "She would have seen us get back."
[23:43] <Valery> "If you could look out the windows and see if you can spot her..."
[23:44] <Yarrow> Jake M: "Sure."
[23:44] <Yarrow> Jake M: "I'll go look right now."
[23:45] <Yarrow> He heads back inside.
[23:45] <Yarrow> Dizzy: "Is there anything you want me to do?"
[23:45] <Alaric> "I.. don't know."
[23:45] * Alaric sighs.
[23:46] <Alaric> "If we weren't in such a rush, I'd ask you to watch a sitcom with me.. do SOMETHING to decompress a little."
[23:46] * Alaric frowns.
[23:46] <Alaric> "Are there even any working TV stations?"
[23:47] <Yarrow> She frowns. "I don't think you're needed for repairs on this machine. You need to take some time off and decompress, as you say."
[23:47] <Alaric> "Well.."
[23:47] <Alaric> "You're probably right, I've little enough skill with crafts and mechanics and such."
[23:48] <Yarrow> Dizzy: "No, there are no tv stations. No net access, either. Here, come with me. I know a way you can decompress."
[23:48] * Alaric hesitates, looking back.
[23:48] <Yarrow> Dizzy takes Alaric's hand.
[23:48] <Alaric> "I.. okay."
[23:48] <Alaric> over his shoulder, "Come get me if you need anything..."
[23:48] <Yarrow> She pulls him into the elevator and the doors close behind them.
[23:48] * Valery nods, and waves. "Have fun..."
[23:51] <Yarrow> Ok, that's pretty much it unless the remaining PCs want to roleplay a bit.
[23:51] <Alaric> (Alaric will be offscreen for some time, the vintage Mario Kart game they're playing is quite addictive)
[23:52] <Yarrow> 3 cp for the session, and I may have to end early next week. I have jury duty the following Tuesday, unless I'm told to stay home the day before.