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PostPosted: Fri May 02, 2008 12:47 am
by Metroidvania
(Ranma smirked)

Be careful little one, your intellect is showing.

(He paused)

I have no desire to freeze, I will return shortly with firewood.

(he stepped away smoothly from the group, disappearing into the terrain)

PostPosted: Fri May 02, 2008 2:11 am
by Sailor Sedai (Ellf)
Rand slowly sat up and looked around. "Ugh... I've used a little too much Power today. Suggestions followed by a Gateway... I need some time to rest before I'll be able to do anything major."

PostPosted: Fri May 02, 2008 11:00 am
by Tovath
Auther was a bit confused by everyone elses reaction to the pig, "Um why would a pig have a grudge on us anyway?"

PostPosted: Fri May 02, 2008 6:02 pm
by Dorin
Koumei looked Rand over slowly, just to make sure he was alright before she swung her eyes over to the one they had called Ranma-9, she wasn't famliar with this name as any possible kind of enemy or entity of worry, but all the same her brow rose. Not in challenge, but she took full time to let anyone with the wits to see that there was more than just 'intelligence' burning in there, but almos sheer genius of a startling magnitude. Perhaps Ami was the only person in this group with the group who was on the same level.

With that, she gave Auther a quiet look, obviously the rules were not the same as she had expected, but this was not unanticipated. She sat instead and with grass, leaves, and twigs she could find started a small fire. It wasn't impressive really, just a few quick gestures and a snap of her fingers over the waiting debris, and with a quick pop, the beginnings of their warmth for the evening.

PostPosted: Wed May 07, 2008 8:13 pm
by Sailor Sedai (Ellf)
"A pig would have a grudge if it weren't really a pig," Rand replied, looking a bit better. "Koumei, what do you make of the situation." Intelligence finally shone in Rand's eyes, along with a bit of madness that was barely a glint.

PostPosted: Wed May 07, 2008 8:45 pm
by Dorin
Weaving a second spell, the girl crossed her fingers in an unusual pattern and exhaled into them. A hot flame shot out and stoked the fire further. She pulled back and let the energy in the spell continue on a trickle, feeding hair into the flames to make them rise higher than would normally occur.

The young girl turned to Rand quietly, studying him with a neutral expression, a blank slate which went unread. This girl was quite the actor, capable of switching modes with entirely too much ease.

Her voice was soft, lacking any deep inflection. "At the moment there isn't enough information to make a deep analysis of our situation. That so many alternate versions of ourself could be pulled into a realm on accident, however, does not strike me as very possible. With the fact we are all here, and a monster appearing right behind our arrival does not seem to be mere coincidence.

"If we were drawn here by purpose, though, I cannot say the motivations of our abductor. Whether or not we trust or respect one another, we must all be alert."

She looked back to the fire, continuing to study it and making sure the spell fueled it properly without an explosion.

PostPosted: Wed May 07, 2008 9:44 pm
by Tovath
Sailor Sedai (Ellf) wrote:"A pig would have a grudge if it weren't really a pig," Rand replied, looking a bit better.

"So it has a Jusenkyo curse, Huh. That bandanna looked kinda like Ryouga's but he didn't fall into spring of drowned pig and anyway he doesn't have a grudge on me he's one of my best friends."

PostPosted: Wed May 07, 2008 10:27 pm
by LiliandraNadiar
"A Jusenkyo-cursed victim as well? Hmm, fascinating, I wonder if it was the same case back home. We never saw him after the crystal carrier incidents." Ami idly wondered as she tapped her finger against her jaw before frowning. "Ryouga? That name's a bit familiar. Anyways, I've tapped the local internet and am scanning for any 'oddity' reports in the Tokyo region. Once we have a more secure location, I can make some light probes at the local Mercury's computer and see what they have been facing."

Smoothing her skirt as she sat on the ground, Ami removed her computer and began typing rapidly on the small keypad, seemingly absorbed in the tiny display, but a certain tension in her limbs told the other martial artists that the 'school nerd' was posed to leap into action at a moment's notice.

PostPosted: Thu May 08, 2008 7:43 am
by Metroidvania
(Ranma stepped out of the relative shadows at the far end of the little "camp", carrying a sizeable stack of wood with relative ease.)

(His eyes rose as he spotted the fire's size and power, and he turned to the group, studying them for a few moments, dropping the wood into a neatly stacked pile...and spoke, his words carrying towards Koumei)

".....Girl, about how much wood would be advisable with your supercharging it?"

(He had deduced that she was the one fueling it from her more than careful observation, proving, if anyone noticed, that he was no slouch in the observational department either)

PostPosted: Thu May 08, 2008 3:52 pm
by Dorin
She leaned back quietly and turned to the 'evil' Ranma which had set so many of them on edge. Rubbing her nose a little, she sat back quietly. "Just stack it normally, the spell will fade slowly on its own. It will not consume the wood with much greater speed." And she closed her eyes, relaxing quietly.

PostPosted: Thu May 08, 2008 7:57 pm
by Metroidvania
(With nary a word, Ranma lifted a few thick, yet dry pieces of lumber into the air....their arcs placing them in a direct, air-friendly teepee style formation without displacing the current fire any)

"What plans have been made, then?" He asked after a moment, leaning against a nearby tree. "I rather doubt it was any of the Death Busters who brought us here, though there may indeed be a higher evil at work...."

PostPosted: Tue May 20, 2008 9:58 pm
by Sailor Sedai (Ellf)
"True enough... that "monster" back at the Ice cream parlor..." Rand's eyes narrowed. "That wasn't your average youma, daimon, or cardian. It seemed like something from my home. And if I'm right, the lot of us being together pretty much guarantees another one sometime soon."

A howl could be heard in the distance, one that sounded like no wolf ever should. "Provided we make it through the night. They shouldn't be able to find the campsite, but I think we should sleep in shifts." Rand seemed to know a bit about what was going on.

PostPosted: Wed May 21, 2008 10:03 am
by Tovath
"I'll take first watch. That thing didn't look like anything I've seen before either."

PostPosted: Thu May 22, 2008 5:53 pm
by Dorin
When looked upon, Koumei was already well asleep. From somewhere, she had produced pillow and sleeping bag; a very gratifying, instant summons spell, pulling them from a special collapsable space kept in her tennis shoes. She looked every bit like the little girl she was, hair spilled out and blissfully unaware of the world.

PostPosted: Wed May 28, 2008 1:19 am
by Metroidvania
(Ranma smirked)

"Your screams will awaken me if necessary."

(he backed off back into the shadows, and disappeared into the surroundings....though those with aura sensing abilities could potentially sense that he hadn't gone all that far at all)