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Ellf wants to run a summer campaign

PostPosted: Mon May 28, 2007 11:34 pm
by Sailor Sedai (Ellf)
Brief synopsis of the world, ie, stuff your characters would know:

The northern part of the continent that your characters live on is Tainted, closed off to even the most reckless of adventurers. The few that get permission to travel into the Tainted Lands often return changed in some way, often for the worse, that is if they return at all. None know exactly when the Taint was formed, but all know how. Through the vilest of all energies, magic, was this Taint formed. Some say that the orcs that now live in various tribes throughout the seven countries were once Elves, but they were corrupted by the Taint. In an effort to prevent the taint from spreading, or from more Taint being created, a unanimous order was resounded throughout the Seven Countries. Destroy Magic, in all its forms. It was an arduous quest, but it eventually succeeded. Civilization now has no magic users; at least none that the general public know about. Magic has become such a dated idea that the fact that it exists has begun to be doubted. Eventually that doubt led to disbelief, and now in the world, magic is nothing more than a children's ghost story.

There are no more true clerics, for they are afraid of gaining power from their gods. There are no more wizards, and most sorcerous bloodlines were killed off. But like all things, magic finds a way to worm its way back into society.

The campaign will start in your characters' hometown of Anaira, a quiet village of mostly humanfolk. Nearby, in the forest is a colony of elves, and a little north of that lies a colony of dwarves. The three communities live in relative peace with each other in the region that is known as the River Delta. Every year a festival is held to honor the coming of spring and new crops being formed. Every year your characters meet each other and hang out and compete in the Spring Festival's events. Our story begins the year that your characters come of age.

Now for the actual technical stuff

Ruleset: D&D 3.5e
Statistics: 40 point buy. I say 40 because you'll neeed em.
Allowed races: Human, Elf, Half-Elf, Dwarf, Halfling. No Half-orcs, they don't exist.
Allowed classes: Base classes minus Barbarian, Wizard, Druid and monk. Basically anything that doesn't require years to train in.
Starting level: 0, you'll be starting with a level in commoner, but you'll quickly get your first level as your class to override that level in commoner. I'm also allowing you to keep the skills you got as the commoner in addition to your normal first level skills.

Free feats: Everyone gets proficiency in the longbow, regardless of race. of course, for halflings that means short bow. Dwarves technically get proficiency in throwing axes.

Play time: Thursdays, the actual time may vary. I'm in the Eastern Standard Time time zone. I also work at Target and may have to close on some Thursdays, thus on those days we'll be starting later.

Program required: OpenRPG, I like the system and find it useful. (I kinda don't have my own IRC room)
I need about 4-6 players before I decide to run this.

Just reply to this post if you have any questions, and if you want to play.

PostPosted: Tue May 29, 2007 12:11 am
by Light02
I'm game for this, the GM that was running the Epic game I was in has disappeared off the face of the earth so I'm lacking a game to keep my entertained till DCG's game on Thursday and my normal out of town gaming night on Friday.

PostPosted: Tue May 29, 2007 12:13 am
by Sailor Sedai (Ellf)
So, maybe I should change my day to Tuesday or Wednesday then.

PostPosted: Tue May 29, 2007 12:48 am
by Light02
would be a good idea.

PostPosted: Thu Sep 27, 2007 7:47 pm
by Sailor Sedai (Ellf)
As unfortunate as it is, due to current events, I will no longer be able to run my campaign. School needs to take priority. My apologies.