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Storylines of Rurouni Kenshin: Tales of the Meiiji

PostPosted: Sat Jul 17, 2010 11:17 pm
by SpaceKnight of Chaos
I recently acquired season/collection 2 of the Rurouni Kenshin anime, Tales of Kyoto, after having purchased part 1 (Wandering Samurai) and I've been giving some thought to picking up the third and final part of the anime, Tales of the Meijii... however, I've heard that this season is almost entirely filler. Now, filler in and of itself does not bother me - I not only do not mind the considerable amounts of filler in Ranma 1/2, for example, but actually rather like them (it helps that I understand that there isn't really an overarching storyline to Ranma 1/2 in the anime OR the manga; except in the sense of "Ranma and Akane and the rest keep dancing around their feelings") - but I have heard the filler stories of Tales of the Meijii are of exceptionally low quality.

I would rather not end up spending my money on something I'm not going to enjoy, and so I thought I would come here and ask: can anyone give me a detailed rundown of the storylines, both multi-episode and single-episode if possible, present in this series so I can judge for myself whether or not I should purchase Tales of the Meiiji?

Re: Storylines of Rurouni Kenshin: Tales of the Meiiji

PostPosted: Sun Jul 18, 2010 2:47 am
by Comartemis
I haven't seen the RK anime so I can't comment on the quality of the third season, but I do have the complete manga collection and I give the Jinchuu arc my highest recommendation. You interested in the manga at all or just the anime?

Re: Storylines of Rurouni Kenshin: Tales of the Meiiji

PostPosted: Sun Jul 18, 2010 2:53 am
by SpaceKnight of Chaos
Just the anime; I know the anime overtook the manga and actually got cancelled because Tales of the Meiiji was basically all filler (and apparently rather substandard filler), so I just need to find out what I can about Tales of the Meiiji so I can make a decision on whether or not it's worth the idea of shelling out money to take a look at it - I know the manga is of high quality already.

Re: Storylines of Rurouni Kenshin: Tales of the Meiiji

PostPosted: Sun Jul 18, 2010 10:39 am
by Comartemis
Well from what I've heard there is an actual plot to the season, it's not just Bad Guy of the Day stuff; something about a group of European knights and a Christian missionary with a god complex or something if memory serves.

Re: Storylines of Rurouni Kenshin: Tales of the Meiiji

PostPosted: Sun Jul 18, 2010 4:27 pm
by spooky316
I own all seasons, and Comartemis was basically right about the plot. I think they just called it filler because it wasn't a manga arc. Anyway, while not as good as the Kyoto arc, I liked it better than the first season.

Re: Storylines of Rurouni Kenshin: Tales of the Meiiji

PostPosted: Sun Jul 18, 2010 6:14 pm
by SpaceKnight of Chaos
Thank you; can you go into detail, please? I'd like to hear just what sort of stuff happens in Tales of the Meiiji so I can figure out whether or not I would be interested.

Re: Storylines of Rurouni Kenshin: Tales of the Meiiji

PostPosted: Sun Jul 18, 2010 7:12 pm
by spooky316
Damn, now I actually have to remember things... :lol:

Well, from what I remember one of the badguys is another Hiten-Mitsurugi user (the guy with the god complex). I think the knights were part of a different mini-arc, something about a secret society and medicine, I think. There were also ninjas, IIRC.

Lol, not a lot of help, sorry. Here's the list of episode descriptions from wikipedia.

Re: Storylines of Rurouni Kenshin: Tales of the Meiiji

PostPosted: Sun Jul 18, 2010 8:01 pm
by SpaceKnight of Chaos
Thank you for that link. Hmm... it's hard to say whether or not I should look into buying it; the stories don't sound especially bad, and save for the "Samurai X OAV Collection" and "Samurai X: The Movie", it is the last part of the Rurouni Kenshin anime...

Re: Storylines of Rurouni Kenshin: Tales of the Meiiji

PostPosted: Mon Jul 19, 2010 12:26 am
by Comartemis
Well whatever you do I really don't recommend buying the second OAV. Samurai X is alright I guess but Seisohen does no justice to the source material; the first half is essentially a glorified clip-show with a few scenes from the Jinchuu arc added on at the end, and the second is an angsty downer ending that takes place after the series and has Kenshin and Kaoru dying of some weird disease (Most of the angst, by the way, comes from Kenshin struggling with his guilt again, never mind that going by the canon timeline he'd found his "answer" by the end of the Jinchuu arc). Watsuki hated it and said it's nothing like the ending he wanted for his series.

Re: Storylines of Rurouni Kenshin: Tales of the Meiiji

PostPosted: Mon Jul 19, 2010 1:10 am
by SpaceKnight of Chaos
Oh, believe me, I know that "Samurai X: Reflections" is an OAV that is canonically discontinuity. The problem is I have only been able to find the "Samurai X" OAVs in the form of the Collection Pack, which is the two "prequel" OAVs and Reflections all in one. So, if I want the prequels, I'm going to have to get Reflections as part of the process.

Wait, does the Jinchuu arc even have an animated equivalent?

Re: Storylines of Rurouni Kenshin: Tales of the Meiiji

PostPosted: Mon Jul 19, 2010 12:56 pm
by Comartemis
Nope, aside from a few brief shots in Reflections the Jinchuu arc was never animated. Which makes me want to RAAAAAAAAAAAGE because Yahiko was awesome in Jinchuu and it's a travesty that his fight with Kujiranami was never animated.