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Yet another Ranma 1/2 Peggy Sue

PostPosted: Fri Nov 05, 2010 1:47 pm
by SpaceKnight of Chaos
This idea just popped into my head, and I don't particularly want to lose it, so I figured I may as well store it here.

The basic idea is that an entity I'm just calling "the mischief maker" secretly appears to Ukyo, Shampoo and Kodachi, each of which is under the impression that he appeared to her alone. Luring them into speaking with him, he makes commentary on how they have really messed up their pursuit of Ranma and offers to help them get him. Naturally, they accept, but there is an underlying element of skepticism - by this point in the series, they've seen magic screw people over more than once. So, while cheesed off when absolutely nothing seems to happen, they just shrug it off as yet another kick in the ass from life and move on with their typical antics.

And while that timeline grinds along the more or less canonical route, the mischief maker heads backwards and sideways in time, arriving at the time period when, say, Ranma and Ukyo are first getting to know each other? He then implants the memories of their "grown up selves" into each girl's mind, giving no clues as to how it happened, but making them subconsciously aware that these are glimpses of the future. His reason for doing so? Well, mischief; he wants to see how the girls will react to this, how they will try and crudely change the future to do what they want, and, most of all, how absolutely glorious it will be when their machinations collide and it all turns into chaos.

This does admittedly presume that the girls will react to their implants by prepping to try and get Ranma for themselves, rather than, say, seeing him as a Bad Thing and trying to ensure they don't have anything to do with him. Still, that doesn't mean their antics and how they impact on the future will be any less severe; Ukyo may very likely end up not being taken along, but this time she knows where Ranma will eventually end up and so heads off to Nerima to wait for him, not abandoning her feminity like she did in canon. Shampoo may see in her "future memories" just how powerful and prodigious a martial artist Ranma will be, perhaps even going so far as to talk to Cologne about him, and will certainly try and get a headstart on her own training to be a more worthy bride when he does arrive - meaning Ranma may actually lose the canonical duel, as this version of Shampoo will have the Kachu Tenshin Amaguriken and Bakusai Tenketsu training under her belt, and perhaps even some warnings about what Anything Goes fighters are capable of from great-grandmother.

To get this out of the way, no, I'm not seeing Ranma as escaping Jusenkyo's touch in this story. Perhaps the Saotomes will have different curses, especially if Ukyo somehow manages to tag along or chase them to Jusenkyo in a well-meaning effort to try and save Ranma from the curse, or if Shampoo has reacted to her memories by trying to arrange to be there at Jusenkyo to keep them away from its cursed waters, but Ranma has no future knowledge and Genma is a stubborn fool, so the dive is almost inevitable if they're in the area. Not getting cured despite not having to flee Nyuchiehzu at top speed is equally explainable: it's Genma's fault.