[color=darkred][If Stan is supposed to be an equivalence to Satan, Akuma has beaten the Satan equivalence in his world it's how he escaped hell and gained his hellfire abilities. It's not an adventure that was documented, it's was in his signature line at MSF. Akuma and Artimis had their own accoun...
Neko-, perhaps I should have said vision? Besides it shows you attacking DES. Lioconvoy: Okay. So it hit him harmlessly and had no effect on anything around him. Among other things Stan is the ruler of the place that Stratagemini and Himitsu et al would go to and play cards while waiting to respawn ...
HAPPY HALLOWEEN! King Tut and Frankenstein's creature waiting for a friend. "I saw werewolf with a Chinese menu in his hand Walking through the streets of SoHo in the rain He was looking for the place called Lee Ho Fooks For to get a big dish of beef chow mein" Werewolves of London by War...
If anybody cares, the fic is most likely " Chaos Factor " by Nemo Blank . Can't check if it's still on ff.net because right now the site is deader than a flat battery. ObResponse: "Looks like you're Ranmasexual after all, Akane." Thanks for the link. FF.net is back working now.
While I knew nearly every place in Japan has a mascot, I'd never really wondered if Nerima had a mascot, or what it was, until this morning when I saw this tweet(?) on X, showing Nerimaru, a horse crossed with a radish with an antenna on its head.
https://archive.org/details/High-fidelityTechniques by James R. Langham. To paraphrase the author: "High fidelity is whatever you decide is high fidelity." Sounds like the Monks of Cool: It's cool because I say it's cool. From 1957," A Song of Reproduction " by Flanders & Sw...
In time for Halloween, here's a movie poster for "The Bride of Kuno!" Synopsis: Tatewaki Kuno gets an idea as how to make Ranma his bride! Fortunately all he and his Ninja, Sarugakure Sasuke did was knock her out and dress her up like Elsa Lanchester in the movie "Bride of Frankenstei...