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The Jenna and Shari Show

<@Yarrow> Shari and Jenna find themselves standing in a desert by an outcropping of rock. There is a pyramid not too far away, with guards patrolling outside it. There is a large entrance visible on the side facing them. The outcropping conceals them from view of the guards. <Jenna> (How many guards...
by Yarrow
Sun Nov 02, 2014 6:03 pm
Forum: Miscellaneous, Polls, RPGs
Topic: CTE Crystal Tokyo BESM game v3
Replies: 3
Views: 6881

The Dan and Xui-Fei Show

<Yarrow> Dan and Xui-Fei find themselves in a small submarine zooming to an unknown location beneath the sea. <Yarrow> There seems to be an autopilot engaged. It's probably a real good idea not to mess with it. * Xui-Fei raises an eyebrow wondering where they are going <Yarrow> Dan: "I notice t...
by Yarrow
Sun Nov 02, 2014 6:02 pm
Forum: Miscellaneous, Polls, RPGs
Topic: CTE Crystal Tokyo BESM game v3
Replies: 3
Views: 6881

House Rules

Current Benchmarks: Normal form uses Superhuman, and Senshi form uses Superpowered, as described on page 9 of the game book. Total ACV and DCV cannot exceed the benchmarks, even when individual attacks add homing, accuracy, etc. or shield adds defense. If the ACV/DCV value does exceed the benchmark...
by Yarrow
Sat Nov 17, 2012 11:01 am
Forum: Miscellaneous, Polls, RPGs
Topic: CTE Crystal Tokyo BESM game v3
Replies: 3
Views: 6881

CTE Crystal Tokyo BESM game v3

The archive of the original topic can be found here.
by Yarrow
Sat Nov 17, 2012 10:48 am
Forum: Miscellaneous, Polls, RPGs
Topic: CTE Crystal Tokyo BESM game v3
Replies: 3
Views: 6881

Re: Once again! DCG- Crystal Tokyo BESM game. Survival-Horror

Session 20 (09/28/09 [19:33] <@Yarrow> Ok. You all materialize in the underground garage where you left Metel the other day. [19:34] * Xui-Fei blinks [19:34] <@Yarrow> Lilith: "Welcome back." [19:34] <Xui-Fei> "thanks for the welcome Lilith" [19:34] <Valery> "Hello, Lilith-...
by Yarrow
Sun Jul 11, 2010 7:16 pm
Forum: RPG's & Multiple Author Works
Topic: Once again! DCG- Crystal Tokyo BESM game. Survival-Horror
Replies: 38
Views: 91918

Re: Once again! DCG- Crystal Tokyo BESM game. Survival-Horror

Session 19 (09/21/09) [20:04] <@Yarrow> Ok. In our last episode, the party had gone home for some well-deserved rest when a message from Star prompted them to arrange a meeting (in the middle of the night for some reason) to find out more about the non-undead zombies. [20:06] <@Yarrow> At said meet...
by Yarrow
Sun Apr 18, 2010 10:27 pm
Forum: RPG's & Multiple Author Works
Topic: Once again! DCG- Crystal Tokyo BESM game. Survival-Horror
Replies: 38
Views: 91918

Re: Once again! DCG- Crystal Tokyo BESM game. Survival-Horror

Session 18 (09/14/09) <Yarrow> All right. When we left off, the party had just caused the destruction of a major landmark and been blown into a store during their escape. <Yarrow> When the store showed signs of collapsing, you went back outside. Let's pick up there. <Yarrow> Toast: "Whenever t...
by Yarrow
Fri Dec 25, 2009 7:54 pm
Forum: RPG's & Multiple Author Works
Topic: Once again! DCG- Crystal Tokyo BESM game. Survival-Horror
Replies: 38
Views: 91918

Re: Once again! DCG- Crystal Tokyo BESM game. Survival-Horror

Tetsu Solo (09/14/09) <Yarrow> You and Kaori are performing at the famous Skytop Lounge--a great venue, and your big break--it's amazing that they offered you the spot, even with your recent hit. <Yarrow> Of course, the spot *is* at 2 in the afternoon on a Tuesday, but, hey--it's the Skytop Lounge!...
by Yarrow
Fri Dec 25, 2009 7:31 pm
Forum: RPG's & Multiple Author Works
Topic: Once again! DCG- Crystal Tokyo BESM game. Survival-Horror
Replies: 38
Views: 91918

Re: Once again! DCG- Crystal Tokyo BESM game. Survival-Horror

Session 17 <Yarrow> Last time on CTE, you visited the other senshi's HQ, examined your magic items, and Shari tried to murder Valery. <Shari> (Slander! ) <Yarrow> In retaliation, Valery told Lilith to spy on Shari in the bathroom. <Shari> (Courts rulled it sucide by proxie( <Yarrow> It's still earl...
by Yarrow
Wed Dec 02, 2009 8:13 pm
Forum: RPG's & Multiple Author Works
Topic: Once again! DCG- Crystal Tokyo BESM game. Survival-Horror
Replies: 38
Views: 91918

Re: Once again! DCG- Crystal Tokyo BESM game. Survival-Horror

Session 16 [19:15] <@Yarrow> All right. When we left off, Xui-Fei had just gotten beaten up by a girl. [19:17] <@Yarrow> The girl being a senshi from HQ West who came over to visit with a couple of teammates--Raphael, who's a car fanatic, & Fujiko, who's their teleporter and seems rather down t...
by Yarrow
Wed Sep 02, 2009 12:00 am
Forum: RPG's & Multiple Author Works
Topic: Once again! DCG- Crystal Tokyo BESM game. Survival-Horror
Replies: 38
Views: 91918

Re: Once again! DCG- Crystal Tokyo BESM game. Survival-Horror

Session 15 <Yarrow> Ok. When we last left off, the party had just finished talking with Kei, a boy from the recently discovered HQ West, who had to leave abruptly because they were being attacked by fucking zombies, of all things. <Yarrow> After making sure that your building was secure, you decide...
by Yarrow
Tue Sep 01, 2009 11:25 pm
Forum: RPG's & Multiple Author Works
Topic: Once again! DCG- Crystal Tokyo BESM game. Survival-Horror
Replies: 38
Views: 91918

Re: Once again! DCG- Crystal Tokyo BESM game. Survival-Horror

Session 14 <Yarrow> Xui-Fei was meditating and practicing. Valery was poking around in the computer system. Koizumi was resting. Alaric was checking on his patient before resting. Toast was doing ... something. * WolfNap is now known as Valery <Yarrow> At this point, you can set your hp & ep in...
by Yarrow
Tue Sep 01, 2009 10:34 pm
Forum: RPG's & Multiple Author Works
Topic: Once again! DCG- Crystal Tokyo BESM game. Survival-Horror
Replies: 38
Views: 91918

Re: Once again! DCG- Crystal Tokyo BESM game. Survival-Horror

Session 13 <Yarrow> Ok, previously in CTE, the party had visited a few museums with mixed results and encountered a Nemesian fighter, resulting in you leaving Metel in an underground parking garage. <Yarrow> Also an ancient project called Operation Intern is due to activate in around 4 hours. <Yarr...
by Yarrow
Tue Sep 01, 2009 10:20 pm
Forum: RPG's & Multiple Author Works
Topic: Once again! DCG- Crystal Tokyo BESM game. Survival-Horror
Replies: 38
Views: 91918

Re: Once again! DCG- Crystal Tokyo BESM game. Survival-Horror

Session 12 <Yarrow> When we left off, the party had just returned to Metel after leaving the The Sanjoiun Masato Museum of Astrology with a jar of bloody water. * Xui-Fei is still put off he mis interpeted the test's meaning * Valery is just a little resigned, and hoping it doesn't cause any proble...
by Yarrow
Sun Aug 16, 2009 11:23 am
Forum: RPG's & Multiple Author Works
Topic: Once again! DCG- Crystal Tokyo BESM game. Survival-Horror
Replies: 38
Views: 91918

Re: Once again! DCG- Crystal Tokyo BESM game. Survival-Horror

Session 11 <Yarrow> When we left off, the party had been going over their visit to the palace and the implications of what occurred. * Light02 is now known as Xui-Fei <Yarrow> There were a couple of interruptions, though, when Lilith was granted access to a database of civilian IDs by an AI who see...
by Yarrow
Sun Aug 16, 2009 11:14 am
Forum: RPG's & Multiple Author Works
Topic: Once again! DCG- Crystal Tokyo BESM game. Survival-Horror
Replies: 38
Views: 91918

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