IMO this idea has maret, well that and I've had the same Idea going through my head for quite awhile... Well the only question is if you have the inclination and skill to do so... That and whether the mods would allow that sort of thing on this forum... Well that's my 2 cents...
I can't believe you killed off Ukyou... either that or she has very funky power that I cannot think of right now... hmmm... oh well I guess I'll just have to wait for the next chapter.
I am rather partial to vengence and a half but I found Destiny's child was also a good read. The reason it was not the first on my list however was the heavy amounts of Akane worship in it, she may not be the devil incarnet but she is defenetly not an angle...
Considering what exactly this forum is based on why am I not suprised at the results? I myself like Ranma as a senshi , but I also enjoy a Romance between a Romance between Ranma 1/2 Cast member and Sailor Moon Cast Member. Well that's my 2 cents