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Re: Commonality of Magic in Ranma 1/2

not mail order no, but power armor like that does exist today So it is not beyond reason that something designed for persons with disabilities might be... overclocked... into something like what was in the Manga, not to mention that there ARE militar...
by WG_Writer
Mon Mar 05, 2018 4:03 pm
Forum: Specific Series: Ranma
Topic: Commonality of Magic in Ranma 1/2
Replies: 20
Views: 15119

Re: Silver Dawn: A New Day

First, I want to say that this is just my opinion, remember its your story. Interesting start/premises I felt it rambled a little and took a little long to get to where it needed to be. Here are my specific spots: I felt that the entire part where serenity failed was drawn out too much or too short....
by WG_Writer
Mon Mar 05, 2018 2:51 am
Forum: Ideas, Outlines and Scenes
Topic: Silver Dawn: A New Day
Replies: 3
Views: 4335

Re: Commonality of Magic in Ranma 1/2

I think in the Ranma 1/2 universe "magic" is common enough BUT the most encountered versions are usually passed off as a trick or something similar, slight of hand and such. Most only really take note when its something over the top. Like the curses, the magic mushrooms, and so on. The Koi...
by WG_Writer
Thu Feb 15, 2018 5:29 pm
Forum: Specific Series: Ranma
Topic: Commonality of Magic in Ranma 1/2
Replies: 20
Views: 15119

Re: Cringeworthy fic ideas (post here lest ye commit spamfic

"Not fair." "Come on Ranma it could be worse." "Not fair." "In a way its your own fault." "Not fair." "You were the one that wanted to show Shampoo that it would work for you." Ranma-chan looked at Akane then at the aging mushrooms that fai...
by WG_Writer
Mon Feb 22, 2016 7:12 pm
Forum: Miscellaneous, Polls, RPGs
Topic: Cringeworthy fic ideas (post here lest ye commit spamfic)
Replies: 11
Views: 11055

Re: Wild Charon C4

Alright I went back and took a sledge hammer to two of the three main scenes in the chapter. I plan to add in two more scenes one that is mentioned in the doc, and one that isn't. Once I get the transformation started the "Adults" will fall by the wayside. The scene where Ranma gets the pe...
by WG_Writer
Mon Feb 22, 2016 9:12 am
Forum: Ideas, Outlines and Scenes
Topic: Wild Charon C4
Replies: 9
Views: 12153

Re: Gundam Wing Rewrite

Just try not to do a Gundam Seed style back story To make the Ultimate co-ordinator (Kira) the Hibiki family (Husband and wife team) took an investment from Mu la Flaga's father in exchange of making a co-ordinator clone (Rau Ru Kurūze, Rey Za Burrel and Prayer Reverie) a...
by WG_Writer
Wed Feb 10, 2016 6:42 am
Forum: Ideas, Outlines and Scenes
Topic: Gundam Wing Rewrite
Replies: 7
Views: 8942

Re: Gundam Wing Rewrite

So, what I'm gleaning from your post is that the Gundams had their disadvantages but they weren't taken advantage of very often due to all the other MS being sub-par and their pilots having never been trained in real MS to MS battles. But wasn't the point of the Mercurius and Vayeate to close that ...
by WG_Writer
Mon Feb 08, 2016 5:19 am
Forum: Ideas, Outlines and Scenes
Topic: Gundam Wing Rewrite
Replies: 7
Views: 8942

Re: Gundam Wing Rewrite

First thing to note is that GW gundams are not OP, its that every other mobile suit in that universe is... well like pottery. The Mobile Suits were not really meant for Mobile Suit vs Mobile Suit combat. The Earth Forces used them for combat against rebels in the space colonies. Thus, quite honestly...
by WG_Writer
Sun Feb 07, 2016 6:19 pm
Forum: Ideas, Outlines and Scenes
Topic: Gundam Wing Rewrite
Replies: 7
Views: 8942

Re: Do they look related (Please critique)

Could work as appearances, although you should stick to brown eyes in either parent. Brown hair is not in the typical genome of someone of Japanese decent, but the same is true for blue eyes. As far as relation if you are going anime style he should match his father more closely (Its a genetic trait...
by WG_Writer
Mon Feb 01, 2016 11:54 am
Forum: Fan Art
Topic: Do they look related (Please critique)
Replies: 2
Views: 4771

Re: Wild Charon C4

Ugg I know. The problem I found was this had so much being done on Setsuna's side this chapter I couldn't help it. I am looking to fix it but... This is just the worst chapter for this.
by WG_Writer
Thu Jan 14, 2016 11:01 pm
Forum: Ideas, Outlines and Scenes
Topic: Wild Charon C4
Replies: 9
Views: 12153

Re: Wild Charon C4

I have made some corrections and have opted to follow Lawohki's idea of using google docs
by WG_Writer
Tue Jan 12, 2016 5:31 pm
Forum: Ideas, Outlines and Scenes
Topic: Wild Charon C4
Replies: 9
Views: 12153

Re: Wild Charon C4


With Ranma I did not want it to be a "toss this pen and it works" I have read way too much of it being that simple. I can only giggle at the thought of Setsuna trying so hard to get a 'proper' transformation for him only to give up.
by WG_Writer
Sun Dec 06, 2015 10:52 pm
Forum: Ideas, Outlines and Scenes
Topic: Wild Charon C4
Replies: 9
Views: 12153

Wild Charon C4

Despite the length this is only half done and is very open to massive scene by scene removal, and addition. Some of it I am happy with and some not. Please check the Nanoha notes as well since it could be usable. Just looking for over all opinions on the idea of the scenes here not Spelling and Gram...
by WG_Writer
Sun Dec 06, 2015 2:34 pm
Forum: Ideas, Outlines and Scenes
Topic: Wild Charon C4
Replies: 9
Views: 12153

Re: Minkei

If this is a GB cross then what layer is it crossing with? The real world, their world, or some simulation in IF? What does the name mean? Most government bodies have a habit (not sure about the east Asian area.) of making the name include some acronym or some underlying meaning. Largely you have a ...
by WG_Writer
Tue Dec 01, 2015 11:31 am
Forum: Ideas, Outlines and Scenes
Topic: Minkei
Replies: 2
Views: 5278

Re: Minkei

Two big things wrong with this and one minor problem. (the actual outline-ish thing is in need of clarifying what its about earlier.) First - the amount of forethought in the link makes this more an outline then an actual idea. An idea is more something a paragraph would cover. This would be about t...
by WG_Writer
Mon Nov 30, 2015 9:33 pm
Forum: Ideas, Outlines and Scenes
Topic: Minkei
Replies: 1
Views: 3443

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